07-11Resolution of Saint Paul, Minnesota Presented By: Refened to: COUNCIL FILE #: (� � —�� GREEN SHEET #: 3035253 ,� Committee Date: 1 VJHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Parks and Recreation in conjunction with SoccerSpaces, a non-profit whose mission is to 2 encourage and promote the development, accessibiliry and maintenance of qualiry soccer facilides for Saint Paul, have 3 submitted a STAR grant application for $800,000 to be used towards the McMurray Artificial Turf Field project; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the McMurray ArtificiaL Turf Field project is a proposal to conslruct ffiree (3) new permanent artificial turf soccer 6 field in place of natural turf fields at Como Park's McMurray Fields; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the City Council, by its resolution CF-06-568 authocized a$1,800,00� project budget for the McMunay Fields project; 9$800,000 of which is supported by a county grant, with the balance being supported by City funds; and 10 11 WHEREAS, said STAR grant has been unanimously approved by the STAR board and funding in the amount $800,000 will be, 12 upon approval by the Saint Paul Ciry Council, used to supplement the existing budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, at $2.6 million this projecYs budget will be in line with Packs and Recreation's most recent and detailed project 15 estima[es; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the aforementioned counTy grant will be used to pxovide the one to one match for the STAR funds; and 18 19 NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, by the Counci] of the CiTy of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 20 Mayor, and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Sudget Committee, that $800,000 is available for 21 appropriation in the Capital Improvement Budget, and that the 2006 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by Council, is 22 hereby further amended as follows: 23 24 CURRENT AMENDED 2> FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 26 C06 - Paxks Capital Projects 27 35160 - McMurray Artificial TurfFields 28 3507 - Ramsey County Soccer Par[ners 800,000.00 0.00 80Q000.00 29 7306 - Transfer from Capital Project Fund 0 800,000.00 800,000 30 7317 - Transfer from 1997 CIB 678.12 0.00 67312 31 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 19,208.34 0.00 19,208.34 32 7322 - Transfer from 2002 CIB 48.06 0.00 48.06 33 7324 - Transfer from 2004 CIB 745,283.14 0.00 745,283.14 34 7325 - Transfer from 2005 CIB 227,130.81 0.00 227,130.81 35 7999 - Intrafund Transfer 7,651.53 0.00 7,651.53 36 1,800,000.00 800,000.00 2,600,000.00 37 SPENDING PLAN: 38 C06 - Parks Capital Projects 39 3S 160 - McMurray Artificia] Turf Fields 40 0882 -LandImprovements 1,600,000.00 80Q000.00 2,400,000.00 41 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 20QOD0.00 0.00 ZOQ000.00 42 1,800,000.00 800,000.00 2,600,000.00 GIFM1471WirkalResolu5ons, AOs, Green SheetslResoluGOnslMCMur�ay STAR Funtls Resolution.xls Pager 7 of2 COUNCIL FILE #: Q � — f � GREEN SHEET #: 3035253 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation BY' /��� ci�'-��� � � 6 �`� Approval Rec fnmend d by Finan ' 1 Services Director: B �. Adoption CeRified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attomey / ) By: By: /� Approved by Mayyrj ,� Date: � �O/D 2 Approved ay for Submission to Council � �. �an4 Y.e�4•��Y �� Budg�t Committee received tflis request on =date) l 2� r/ �Ob �. aad t ��`� - ..,.�..�_--�_�-� : _ ^"_ ,.,-... �. .. GIFMIQ71WidcalResolutiorrs, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslMCMUrray STAR Funds ResoluLOn xls Page' 2 of 2 Adopted by Council: Date: / 3 D� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet � pR — Parks and Reaeation ConWctPerson S Phone: .Iason Widca 26G6417 Must Be on Council Agenda by Doc. Type: RESOLUiION W/$ iRANSAC7 E-DocumentRequired: Y DocumentContact: Jason Wirka Contact Phone: Dafe Initiated: OS-DEC-06 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _� (C��p All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval�of a[tached resolution amending the McMurray Artificial Turf Field project budget [o recognize the addition of STAR grant funding. or DEC 2 0 �006 Planning Commission 1, Has this personlfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes Na CialService Commissioa 2. Has this personlfirtn eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any currenl city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes a�swers on 5eparete sheet and attach to gree� sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, WNen, Where, Why): AdvanWAes If Approved: Project will proceed Disadva�tages If Approved: None. Di�advan W qes If Not Apprbved: Project witi not be completed. TronsacCwn: Funding Souroe: F inancial Information: (Explain) ' fi "�_"" � � � w �� ��`��'` �`�-~�`���! CosURevenue Budgeted: N Green Sheet NO: 3035253 U at a d 'n 1 ar a [ion De aiLmerttDir t 2 in nci I Setvices fC¢e F1' nc' I Se ' 3 ' Attorn 4 a or' Oflfce or(A istawt 5 on ci! o nN 6 k Cti Clerk PewnnalService Cnntracts MustMSwerthe Foilowing QuesGons: Activitv Number: 35160 "; :��.,'_ ,� . _ � � f;i December 8, 2006 79:44 AM Page 7