211526IO•RAGINAL TO CITY CLERK P'tJ1B1ISir s 211526 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE_ OF THE CITY CLERK . UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM File No. 211526 — By Milton _ —eas, The Housing and Redevel PRESENTED BY t Authority of the City of Sal COMMISSIONE DATE ?Minnesota, has adopted a Rol •1' •v nent Plan for the Wester '1 I:....s..4 A...... a....�e..4 Tit 8x West of;,ne Minnesota 1,1e — .a revise: y lit ... WHEREAS, The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of�aint�aul, Minnesota, has adopted a Redevelopment Plan for the Western Redevelopment Area, Project U.R. Minn. 1 -2, West of the Minnesota State Capitol, as revised February, 1957, and modified February 24, 1960, May 1, 1961, July 6, 1961 and July 26, 1961; and WHEREAS, The aforesaid Redevelopment Plan provides that the City of Saint Paul would construct a new street -in the vicinity of Rondo Avenue as a service road to the Western Redevelopment Area and as a frontage road to the proposed Interstate Highway T.H. 94 -392 and to pay for the same out of funds received from the Second United Improvement Bond Issue; and WHEREAS, Under the Federal Highway Program adopted subsequent to the adop- tion of the Redevelopment Plan for the Western Redevelopment Area, the Department of Highways, State of Minnesota, with financial assistance of the United States of America, has undertaken the construction of Interstate Highway T.H. 94 -392, the plans for which provide that the Department of Highways will - construct a frontage road in the vicinity of existing Rondo Avenue, which frontage road as designed would service the Project; and ` I WHEREAS, By its Resolution No. 62- 10/31 -5, the-Author.ity'd.id.,, subject to the approval of the Urban Renewal Adminis,tration,.:consent to'the'tr.ansfer by the City of Saint�Paul, Minnesota, of unexpended funds.derived from'the Second United Improvement Bond Issue allocated to the Rondo Parkway Project in the amount of One Hundred Seventy Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Seven and 99 /100 Dollars ($170,237.99) to a reserve fund allocated to the financing•of another public streef'improvement project with mutual acceptance by the City and the'Authority in an urban renewal project; and i WHEREAS,= It is necessary and desirable to modify the Redevelopment Plan to ' reflect the,hereinbefore cited actions; and WHEREAS, The Authority by and through its Resolution No. 63-2/20 -3, dated February 20, 1963, has accordingly adopted MODIFICATION NO. 5, DATED AND ADOPTED ON FEBRUARY 20, 1963, OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE WESTERN REDEVELOPMENT AREA, PROJECT U.R.`MINN. 1 -2, WEST OF THE MINNESOTA STATE CAPITOL, AS REVISED FEBRUARY, 1957, and modified,February 24, 1960, May 1, 1961, July 6, 1961, and July 26, 1961; and ; COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss "I, Mortinson_, r Peterson ' Rosen Y Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6.62 Tn Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. 1526 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ WHEREAS, Said Modification No. 5 changes the obligation of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota to construct at its own expense a roadway on present right - of -way of Rondo Avenue to serve the Project Area and give access to the Inter- state Highway,in the event the Department of Highways, State of Minnesota, does not construct the same as a part of Interstate Highway 94 -392, 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby approves said Modification No. 5 for submission to the Urban Renewal Administration. t J ! COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish 44eHaP- Loss Mortinson Peterson dri. President, 10D1 6-82 I MAR 7 1963 Adopted by the Council 19— MAR 7 1953 Approv 19— In Favor 40ting Mayor Against QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE COUNCIL 211526 FILE NO• W1090, The ilousing and AWevelopont Authority of the City of Saint Paul, iilnrw ta* has aftted a Rodwelopont Plan for the liestern IEedavelopment Army, Project U.R. Minn. 1 -2, West of the liltstesote State Capitol. as revised Fabru . 195 mW iwodlf led f'ebruary 24, 19W, May 1* 1961. July 6* 961 and July 26, � ', 11 and WHOUSO TM eforesald Redavetoparant Plan provides that the City of Saint Paul would comtruct a new I street In the vicinity of Ronda► Av~ as a service road tO the Western Rodevelopmt Area WA as a frontage road to the prg x*W Interstate Hiomray T.H. 94392 and to pay for the sawn out of funds received fr+or the $econd United loprovowt Rand Issuei and 1iHSRSAS* Under the federal i#1 ShNrRy frogroa ofttod subsrpuant to the adop- tion of the Rodaveloposnt Plan for the llestern Redaveiopomt Area, the D"rtwt of 11411~8 state of "I wanota, with ffnsnclol as*lstence of the United States of Amrlcs, has undertakan the construotlon of Intersta t Hlgi& y T.H. 943920 the plans for which provide that the 9spartment of Hlghways wl1i construct a front road in tare vicinity of existing Rondo AvOMS which frontage road as designed would servlce the Project; and URRAiiASs ®y its Resolution No* W10/31 *5, the Authority did• subject to the approval of the Urban Renal. Administration, consent to the transfer by the . City of Saint out, Mirdmotai, of unexpended funds derived fr m the Second United loproveasnt WW issue allocated to tiro Rondo Airkway Project In the mount of One Hundred Seventy Thousand Two hundred Thirty Seven and 99/100 Dollars ($150,937.99) to a reserver fund allocated to the flowing of another public street loprovwarnt project with mutual acceptance by the City and the Authority to an urban renewal Projects and WHIM.4AS, It Is necessary oW dn1rable to wodlfy the Redevelopment Plan to r6fiact the harelnbefore cited octiorol and UNIMBAS*' The Awthori.ty by and thronh Its Resolution lion. 6342/W3* dated February 2O* 1963, has accordingly adopted WIFICATIMI NO. 5, OATU ANO ADM ID ON F 98RWIRY 20* 19650 OF THI6 41011VILOPNI MT FILM FOR TNS t OUN A909VILOl ti'1' Am* FRROJSCT O.R. MINN. 1 -2, WIEST Of "S HINNU A STATE CAPITK& A$ RSUISSQ f ffiWV* 1957* and modified February 24, 190, May 1, 19619 July 6, 1961,0 ear July 26* 1961; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10Di 8-82 In Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19_ Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT Ji• '� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO // . _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHOR90 Sold llpolflcatlon INO. $ +atoms the obilgitlour Of the City of ' UInt W& Minnesota to construct at Its wn expense a roodoey on pment right- of-way 6f Itondo Avavir to seme the PrOject Aran and 91vo om" to the Intern stato Highway in the event the o"artoant Of Highwayss 9teto of !!lmmootes dm not Construct the sans " a part at late Mato Hloway 94*392o Nwo MUM 8; #1r RM�V�„ 'That the City �n�s! 1 hereby aorah►+ws sold Obdlfloatlon No: 5 for subols- sloe to the Urban Rowel el tnlotratiao. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalghsh —Hulk rd— Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr— President; Vavoulis ---_, 10AI 8-82 � 1963 Adopted by the Council MAR 19 MAR 71963 In Favor d_ Approvel9— _ Mayor gainst s.: �y — Y 0 9 1 NE V. AVERY Jr .GEORGE M. SHEPARD T ' � � � 0 ' STREET AND HIGHWAY C I l Y C', ,1'�f�;i S A- I N T ENGINEERING COORDINATOR 16 52, 11 ' �' 1 ENGINEER - +t Q of 41nnesot c07TER �.,. c �., 0.R L p ls- DENT U ERINTEN" SANITATION t� I DEPART � iQF �PUBLK_W ILf :111 17 . iii 111 234:ttii .H&11`9"CourtaHouse �(4p • • • - • " 11 a FY.... Ya •u :L`�" -.r zt 1 .. yr! t 9. ?9 1f MILTON R0ISEN=. it py rJR � UH o L�'. Ali► "ommissionei_i 1l—li 11 tl� i'1 , C1 - "^[*�#af =tmi�t •"�i' �T�TAM P. BEHRENS r r kr r_ '• s , ,p r _ 'e �-L De u Commissioner - -- March 4, 1963 RECEIVED MAR 6 1963 Mr. Donald L. Lais Corporation Counsel CORPORATION LOONSEL 316 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Lais: The attach file pertains to the February 25th request of William R. Carter, Jr-. to the effect that the City Council pass a resolution approving Modification No. 5 to the Western Redevelopment Area plan for submission to the Urban,Renewal Administration. This matter was referred to me by the City Council with the request that if it met with our approval, we transmit the matter to your office for further action. The file includes a certified resolution No. 63-2/20 -3 and a copy of said Modification No. 5. Ash outlined in the Housing Authority's resolution, the transfer of l funds from the Rondo project is made necessary and feasible by the pending Interstate Highway construction which will include the construction of a frontage road along the present Rondo Avenue thus superseding the City's Second United Improvement project authorized in 1953. The proposed trans- fers and changes outlined were initiated by this department as being in the best interest of the City-and the transfer of the bond funds has been approved by the City's Technical Committee and the Bond Advisory Committee. The effect of Modification No. 5 is to reduce the obligation of the City to definitely construct the roadway at its own expense to a requirement to construct the roadway at its own expense only in the event that the Depart- ment of Highways does not construct the same. This change is agreeable to this department and is consistent with the previous actions initiated here. We, therefore, recommend approval of the Modification No. 5 and to that end we have made a draft of a possible council resolution whereby this might be accomplished. The draft is made only in an effort to assist your office and any changes that you would wish to make are perfectly agreeable to us. You s very ly, \ j ilton Rosen MR /jv Commissioner of Public Works Attachments cc: E. V. Avery j OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House i St. Paul 2, Minnesota MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder February 26, 1963 Of P,z Hon. Milton Rosen Comsr. of Public Works Building Dear Sir : The City Council referred to you for consideration and recommendation the attached letter of W. R. Carter, Jr., asking the Council to adopt a resolution approving Mdification No. 5 - Western Redevelopment Area, Project U. R. Minn. 1-2, and further requested that if the request meets with your approval, that you transmit the file to the Corporation Counsel for the prepara- tion of a resolution approving the modification. Very truly` yours, City Clerk I CITY `OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 L- M U G ev1io ^4 J, a GG OR a a Z 7 iA UL. M1 �d 0 v E 1 WILLIAM R. CARTER JR. Executive Director T HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Honorable Mayor and City Council c/o City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul,;Minnesota Gentlemen: February 25, 1963 Re: Modification No. 5 Redevelopment Area, U.R. Minn. 1 -2 55 EAST FIFTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. CApital 7 -7523 HAROLD J. MORIARTY Chairman CARL CUMMINS, JR. Vice Chairman PATRICK J. TOWLE Secretary JOHN W. GREENMAN Assistant Secretary FRANK H. DELANEY Treasurer Western Project The Authority heretofore, by its Resolution No. 62- 10/31 -5, did consent to the transfer by the City of Saint Paul of unexpended funds derived from the Second United Improvements Bond Issue allocated to the Rondo Parkway Project abutting the Western Redevelopment Area in the amount of $140,237.99 to a reserve fund allocated to the financing of another public street improvement in another urban renewal project as might be mutually acceptable to the City and the Authority. This consent was given subject to the approval of the Urban Renewal Administration.' In the Redevelopment Plan approved by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, the City would undertake to construct the -Rondo Park- way Project abutting the Western Redevelopment Area without expense to the Auth- ority. Accordingly, the Modification of -the Plan to permit the Highway Department to constructithis roadway and permit the City of Saint Paul to otherwise make use of these funds, must be made. At its meeting on February 20, 1963, the Board of Commissioners of the Authority adopted Modification No. 5 to the Western Redevelopment Plan modifying the Plan to provide that the City of Saint Paul would construct the aforesaid roadway in the event that the Depart- ment of Highways did not construct it as a part of the Interstate Project. This Modification together with a revised financial plan and budget reflect- ing transferiof these funds must be submitted to the Urban Renewal Administra- tion as a condition precedent to their approval of the transaction. The Authority accordingly requests that the City Council pass a resolution approv- ing Modification No. 5 for submission to the Urban Renewal Administration. Respect su mi. -ted, r W. R. arter, Jr. Executive Directo Th E En wa i��_n ..- .' -.��' � n• 1 `.. -` Lip :d2.i 'J�V Vii L• I it I ' Go7 10/20/60 CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY The undersigned hereby certifies, as follows: (1) That he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, herein called the "Local Public Agency" and the keeper of the records of the Local Public Agency; (2) That the atta;hed Resolution ,ILo_._. 63- 2/20 -3 is a true and correct copy of the Resolution No. 63-2/20-3 as executed on the 20th day of February , 19 6 �, ; (3) The seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under such official seal; 1 (4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Certificates IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand this 25th day of February SECRETIRY (SEAL') 20 -3 - ' r��� , :F t - �•..MM�����' �.+•1 r -� ..- .� ~ + «�••� �� e � ,, 5 _; ter` - ; .Y Allb*' 7jA't**of #AW *"No Avo OW ot lod tw OWN ly -wom, 4" 4-101100000410 - _ _ � a. - .. • - ' _ 'III _ ^ - `1[ Jt?R'R�7f70.5��'7"�• 7S1` }� •� • - a .. v .' •_ S_a - h _ ,. �A.R �r �• V •,_ }fi � . .c ,t _- i `c .- .. - •� + r �1.. .mss r_- - .. 6. _ ' _ __ -� iy, °a �*• _ - �- { -r � '- � .• + _ - - fit- �• '_ '�` � �'.�,. a .4�. _ 1r 1r_. 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T.- _ c• - -� a •'� - ` -�- i -Yt C" •. � - k -_- • � y .r A _ 1•R • s ' •• -.;- '_'.- IL - ^.. wi _ ' s,D� �- 'r .t; __ i4' T- _ -ti 'E,_ - , •, ,� 3 r #` -. •_ =_r - 5•`� +.. , A L •ice- � _. ^ -�- �a : `.r '• ) '' � -' • � i� -. r r _ „ - _^ -' °1 _ •• r Jv - Housing Redevelopment Authority r : and _-' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, - = MINNESOTA - - ,,: _ ♦ � = � , 'February 25;. 196 -` • � �LCLi1 Q''*yoV MY 1/it� Coupe.�� _ t /ai City .Clerk - • - Uity �l� .atad GaurG �iause ¢ . - • - _ .. _ , _ = - - ' • - - -_ - skint P.ilriizinesota Rei Mocl«,ficeti:att Wa. .5 - Western : b - Rede olopmftt. Area,, Project _ n Nd,Q6/31 -$, coP ent• to tha The Autho ty l ecetofore,' ;by its 'Resolution from 'trAUBfe�x by ' e .City''nf Saint Paul. of �Ubbxpeaided' funds erivcsi from ±hay Second -- S�rovemant.a ,Boni uasu . i.1,1 icated'' to the opda Par .y i'tc�ject abutting = _United tie Westexii- edosreiopm ib Ash Vii% tl 0 `$mount -bf $140,237'.9% 't4 4_ 're 6 Ve' futnd _ allocated. to kY�e..iinati ipS -.of' a' Aother �u%l c'itree# imptoveme-nt iti amot h' renewal rtaject .as Inj&'be f_uituraily acceptiablet to the City and the - - urban- AuChor ty: ' !,'hi cAneeat was given sub ect ..to' the approval of the rirb_an Adimimist `ration. the P ovelopment P1� approved try the Git Cciirto l� Renew • -• of th® City .of,aln Paul,.•.thu .Ci'tY You, undertake+ to Gotcstr(1Ct .the tondo Ferk� Pro,, utt3ng the �le�teza Re�tic relopmebt Area without; .eRpen a to'the. Aunt= - ority� Accordingly'; the $64l ficatlot bf the Plan - to permit >Che high aay ilepas tmeht coastrucC ,ti#�fs.roedwag as�d erbit� the City of gaipt Paul to otherwise Zak* P� use of ,thee fads; must be vade. At its meet�.ng as i+bruaty 2Q,. x.963;. the 5 to Board of Copm�iesioners -of tha: AuthDxLty :adopti Modificat3:on Io. .the `. W ste is ledevelopmimt P1a�n TbOd y ng. _thy `Plan to provide that Iie Cixy of Saint &ui� would coast uctjthe aforeaa� d - roadway in the e'vd0v that the 1Dipart� u ` meat t►£ iigka'34ya A d trot constracts it as a serf of .the inters €at® Project. ; This Modification $ogetl�er with a- revised fina�tic al plan aXid bud -get reflect= ins tre fex "+�£, these funds must.:be. $ubitd.tted to the #)rhea 8enataal Adi- "W.. , ' - tit`ecodent -to` their ,appraVa of the txapsactian. filio r' as u -tiou _ccmditioa Authority, - Agcordimgly: requegts that the City.. Counc A. pass a eeolutio�n A- rov=