213594r I Coil File;t v,Tn ......................`..--------- By ...................... V - - - -- ------------------ - - - - -- f CITY OF ST. PAUL "ION RATIFYING .n )"ION yt ,'To. 213594 — By Milton ter of J.-A -, assessf4 4 lei t 'xx..� 213594 Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for x '-..,constructing atom, mater "reli6f sewers in'.Idaho- AvennQ;,.frotiii Siam]irisr'Avenue',U..` Chelsea Street ;, in Idaho' Averius from, Ferrnrood Street -to De ep ;Street; in Hoyt Avenue from 250 feet Kest,of Asbury Street to Pascal Street; in Hoyt Ave. from Albert Street to Chelsea Street ;i.n Hoyt .Avenue from merrill;Street to Fernwood Street; in Hoyt Avenue from Griggs Street to Dunlap Sheet; in Montana Avenue from unlap Street'to Lexington Avenuel, in Nebraska Avenue from 26'5 feet west of Asbury Street to�Chelsea Street; in Arona Street from 242'feet north of - Nebraska Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; in Simpson Street from 160 feat north of Nebraska Avenue to-Nebraska Avenue; in Pascal Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; in H'amline Avenue from,California Avenue to Iowa Avenue; in Dunlap Street from California Avenue to Montana Avenue - ;, i,9 , helsea Street �fr�o�msh�'0 Idaho:, Av enueiito� -Sti�FCsouiiier�- .,Iihe, ,6ZtC,hbl"SieV Heiih`taj:• ttietd on ,"�'aik C*irttnsn t ..... property krom the southerly.line;of-Chelsea Heights to an existing junction �tr,tur8..thatld.pproxiasatel,$ feet east of the center '-line, of Chelsea Street and approximately 570` feet' south of the center line- of Nebraska - Avenue,,- said sewer to run southerly,' southeasterly and easterly and approximately paralYevuto. t�heri3Weting tat&rjm*&ter ts$eWax' "al�sot,r`fitrii pg ib±$t i%�th'� "�oit $ assessment "pie i °f 1C m yin. l�N;.�,W�� r �ysai � gt? Ls o tu;�L s:r ' E'. E. ' !@ ,, Ede kt +t lereiore property; also cone ruc a sap§.tary sewer in Pascal Street from 35 fee;4 -,1 of Hebraska Avenue to�231.6 fee"QAth. of Hayt Avenue; all of'which is to be known, &,,&h!'.A§P4W. AT:90j9d -ITMMn k4 A13- T94 same i; hereby in all respects ratified„ and the satne is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Chart of the County of Ramsey for ectif2rmatib;t. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ................ ........equal installments. JUN 2 6 1963 y Adopted by the , Council-.----•------------------------------------------------•---- ......------------ 19--- - - - - -• --- &. ..-- • - Clerk. 2 6 1963 Approved....... UN.... --•-•-•-•-•-•---19_------ A....................... ............................... Mayor. Form B. B. IB File #1 h111� o �� I4 a CITY OF ST. PAUL ��3� 213U�o OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses May 28 19_63_. for constructing, torm' water relief sewers in Idaho Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to Chelsea Street; in Idaho Avenue from- Fernwood Street to Dunlap'Street; in Hoyt - Avenue from- 250 feet west of Asbury- Street -to' Pascal Street; in Hoyt Ave, from Albert Street to Chelsea Street;in Hoyt Avenue from Merrill.Street to Fernwood Street; in Hoyt Avenue from Griggs Street to Dunlap Street; in Montana Avenue from Lunlap Street to Lexington Avenue; in Nebraska Avenue from 265 feet west of Asbury Street to Chelsea Street; in Arona Street from 2lt2 feet north of Nebraska Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; in Simpson Street from 160 feet north of i �yltgge0troe- Tebra*!kg -�g gigue ;,_in pas cal FStree't-•fro4Pj'P t�A' venue tebraska Avenue; in Hamlin Avenue from California Avenue to Iowa v n e• ` , n a u � r � 7. y , nu e; in �, �� niSµ ,e4dAr,9 California,3 enue_to Montan.a)rkWnue; Pn- Chelsea - Street -ftg0- Idaho Avenue to the southerly Cline of Chelsea Heights; thence on.,Par -k Departmen t P 2Perjty,,fron the southerlg�line0_of- Chelsea .,Heights ,.to- an�teada ''�' — - ---- structure that is approximately 178 feet east of the center line of Chelsea Street gPd a�Droximatel�YS57Qafeet south of the center line of Nebraska Avenue 1'O t ua IICl p: Latc vai saidn sewer io run soutjjerly� southeasterly and easterly and para7lel,to t•hp. Axistin stors, ,. y lnr , �nl `'.cTlca .,. :.. Fwater c ewerialiso. rur i iigt'b�tr�ieerixrthesso�Y R;j!}� 1 o the ex line of Chelsea Heights and said junction structure on Park Department�)�, pro��??eeTr y�; nealsoaeons�twr}}ct a( sanitary t3mvpr6in Td&ca7.a Str'•det jf W 35'ofadtjffa�tpent, viz: known th avenue to 231,6 feetcsouth of Hoyt Avenue; all of which is to be known as the NBR�4SKAc1�03iST�ORIi SEWER . S�!$x'I ............... $ �9! - - -- - Engineering .- ...._ _ _- ....... .. .............$._2% -x.633.22 -- Inspection fees ..... ............................... $ 7.52 7.2 7 Postal cards ......... ..............................$ 58_._,35 Publications ........ ..............................$ 583.50 Court costs for confirmation ........................$ 58.35 T tal ex i u 7.9. .75 charge to Bond Inds pZ P15' - $U0;000:0n -= - FAl6bi heighta ;000 �WU X00 - Net assessme; a d_q 45 -e�t�. rtefinet (C- 26]2d)d� 059 th Ct 's Share 331 -E -1 dmmissioner Minn. ur a reports' ep r s le as assessed an vie ' e tota mount as a 179,�3r8. 0 tained, to-wit: the sum of $4270956-75 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. X0 44-Z 2M 12 -62 g Comn0sioner of Finance. File #14n4