213549'� Council File No. 213549 —By Sever in A. -y - RIGINAL TO CITY CLERK .� - Mortinson— , X1354 • " CITY OF ST. Resolved, By the Council of the City ✓� r of Saint Paul, that rental and' use of NO. l Midway Stadium f th d t OFFICE OF THE Co or e a es August 16 17, and 18, 1963, by the Minnesota • Junior Chamber of Commerce Championship Rodeo is hereb� thorized subject to the followingV COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRESENTED BY and conditions: COMMISSIONER 1 Move and 15, 1963, and move u date shall be August 19, 1963, and these dates shall include moving equipment, / materiais and supplies D) and out of Ae olved, 6y Ae Council o� Ae Ci y og lb- Stadium and restorfna 11 , r n �tri�, a,C and uze o Ai..L/� J Stadium J / t+ substantially the i-.JIIdk al� Stadium S�oA �l e y 3- were in prior - r- al; 0 0 �ate� �u u�z 16 7� ��' �r�Sota T,1xr r6� b(� Sze lYl� nneA o � 1 � O yw7.:oA aam6eA o� Commence aanp ionA1up Aodeota"CAI,I ze6ry autAolzi5ed ,4ui ec -to Sze �o,llow,ina te.Aw and cond,it i.onj : 1. Move in dateA 6AaU 6e Attywt 13, 1q, and 15, 1963, and move out date .6ka U 6e Au$uwt 19, 1963, and dze.6e date.6 6Ao_U . ncr ude moving e&u.ipmeni, mateA.ia,LL and ,4uppli.ew in and out o� Ae Stadium and AedtoAina Sze yAoun& to .du6161ant iaV_y Sze Game condU -ion ow they weAe in p ti.on -to Ae Aodeo. 2. lYl i.nnejota �un.ioA aam6eA o� Commence aamo i.oaAip Rodeo AaZG Ju&nijA .to Sze C-4 o� Saint Pau.1 pu6lic lia&ilti and pAop" damage ,buurcance. with iAe GiV named ow co-- ,c:n�uned ,;hene,i.n in an amount o� no- .Le4,4 lkan Two f%und1ze d and �,i� TAo u� and Do,1.La�rz �$2 50, 000) �oA 6 o � ,i4uA.ie j .to OA dead o� one peon and d u6 jec t to size Game lima a goA eaclz p eAd on .in a to-iaZ amount 4 not le d j Aan ..,ive RunAed 7Aou�arzd 1�o.L�ah� $500, 000 on account 4 gray one accident, and pnopeAV cdamage u* nuance in an amount og not ," Aan Yi�4 aouuand DoV_a)w ($50, 000) �oA a U damageA -to 0A de d,tAuc t i.on o� pnopeA in aru� one accident, and �urc izeA u6�ect o a tota. o� nod .&,m Aan One RunAed %Aowand Dol" ($700,000) �o,'L 0_U damage-6 to o.� deAtzuction o� pnop" du&.ina Ae policy peh i.od, w/z.iclz pe&iod ,dAa,U 6e Aofu4.t 13 1JzAou_yA Auau,4.t 19, 1963, inclw ive-. SucA po,Gic o� .in,juAance dAaU 6e in a ohm appAoved 6y Sze CoApoAati.on Counze,1. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 Tn Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor '16RIGINAL TO CITY CLERK L'� /7' ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL p 11YS�y/ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI 3 . AU paA y %ece.ip iz .Aa U 6elony to Ae C-� o� Saint Paul. q. AU concemiow outd.ide og pnoyAaw and noveltiez 4ka.0 6e hancUed 6y Midway Stadium conc",d,ionaiAe IRA dee undeA JIze to wz4 o� flze .-e"e 6etween Ae CUf o� Saint Paul and �da.id ."ee. 5. GA-t og aU 6u.ildi 9 conjtAucti-on and Aemova. Ae_zeo� nece..tj ary �oA Ae pAe-dentat i.on o� Ae Aodeo .dAa U 6e paid �OA 6y /A nne -data �unioA Chan&A o� Commence Champ.i.oni p /rodeo. 6. The , 6ade6a U diamond and p/ar�in� gield ate to 6e ned -totted to tkeiA oAu�aL condition .du.r ta6le �oA pl" 6aje6a -U tke Leon at the experue og M i.nne d o -ta �unioA aam6en o� Commence Champ.i.on'A, v Rodeo, and an advance dep o�d,z t o� },i.ve flunAed Do,l._ww ($500) wh,icA dep o d t .dAa U 6e either a caA depod- t oA a cent,i.gied c/zeck parya6le -to Ae C,cty o� Saint Paa. AaU 6e made 6y .c hid "lh i.nne d o -ta �uniotr- Cham6 etc o� Commence Chan p,i.on -- ,jh.ip RodceN�,to (fdwandA. - 7akni, I manager. o� Ae Saint Paul Mi-dway Stadium, not lateA Shan Augi",t 13 ',, 1 y63 . .9� toed ,toAation og she 6aje6aU diamond and p/" �,ield ,iA in an amount o� ," Aan 3ive flunclti-ed DoV_a1zA $500) the amount AepAe dentat-i.ve og 4u-ch digyetience 6ehveen Ae ac�ua,C co'd't og Aed -toAati.on and $500 4AaV 6e Ae -tmned to Jhe ,fie r�ee, Minnedo -.a YunioA aam6en og Commence Champ.i.on�dh,ip Rodeo. 7 . Ti.chetd, fiche- .de,UeAj, ;ticket tahejw, udhe A, and a U attendant COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 Tn Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL ? 3549 FILE NO• ,deAv ice nece-4,dwu� and a,L,C adve .ink and pu6.Cic i dAa,l.L 6e pAOV.ided and � pa.id goA 6y Minne-zata �uni.oA aan&A og Commence aamp.ionA p Rodeo. 8. 77ze Aenta.L gee goA aze og li1.i.dwary Stadium goA da,id pe iod 6y M nnedo -ta �un.i.oA aam6en og Commence aanp,i.orz A p Rodeo .dka U 6e One, 7 zou.Jand Dollalw ($7, 000 ) and AaU 6e paid 6y Mi.nnw-4ota �un.ioA aam6en og Commence aamp.ion,A, o Rodeo to Ae CIV og Saint Paul in Ae goAm og a ceAt i.g c Tech paoaak& Ito .4a,id C-y on oA 6egone Augw-t 76, 7 963 . 9. lj1.ir ne j ota �un.ioA (?am6eA og Commence aamio i.owkip Rodeo dka.0 accept and apee -to 6e bound 6y Ae teAw, con&t ions, and pAOV,i4,iOW og A'iA Aejoluti.on ow weV " Au.LeA met up 6y Ae Depa)z�tment og Li6Aa&ie,6, Aud toA..um, and Civic Auildin 6y ,LeueA gAom itA jCeneAol AanageA to Ae Ca4 accept:na jcud tetum, condi -:on,4, and pAovid,i.ond og t � Ae'dolu- .ti.on az we,U cw AuLe,4 met up 6y Sze DepaA.tment og Li6AaA.ie6, Aud tOA.ium, and Ctv i.c Bui. ding, wkic z letteA .jAa U 6e gi d wi A Sze C,iV Cb-ILk og Ae C-f og Saint Paul not lateA Aan Ae 72A day, og AtWu61, 7 ?63. JUN 25 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalghsh JINN 2 5 Holland pr a 19— Loss n Favor Mortinson ' Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis ions "2 We 'Ron Rergum C/o SeXton 8ti'Statiouery: Co+ - :].276 So. Robert at : ° __ - - _^Ste Paul 18 'Xinnesota te ear - • - - I enclose a copy ofr•q • resolut9.on ' Counc _ No: 2135+9, P by'-th - City Council on jU ie 25 s. use-of kidway Stadium by the Xinnesd'ta­,Jbnior", _ of C e C unship I call +your .attention • t4. 1 !- o_f' the 'te' and, `conditions -of the resolution - _ : • - and particularly _to h 9 which "' tfuires- an 4ceeptaiice -of the _terms- :.,.. --and condi.tiOns to be fired the ,o ° oP the CitytClbrk cat later trian `Very' truly yours,. V City, -Clerk ,S 1• i _ air - _ ` _ .I - .- '• - • 2 _- - - _ -.-Y •, `ti sv - - -R�-' .. -_ - - Tyr • : � - _ - y '� - _ - . .�. Ii• - - '�.� . -- � - " _• -- a •rte - _ ' %21 ,`' T''c •, - _ _ _. v - i'� '�- • ' - •~>- • `; ~ .- f . qty . •Y• .t ^• . _ "1 • v +`; NESO MEMBER UNITED STATES JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ' JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL Y BLDG.,1821 UNIVERSITY AVE. I. rAUL 4, MINNESOTA, 644 =3838 A" OLSON LITERNAL VICE PRESIDENT August 12, -1963 - JOHN T. HAGBERG A— 09 Oomp®T 't S BRERNAL VIOL PRESmENT RON BCRGUM U_ jhIn , Ca m, SL P­` \, DITERNATIOnu DtBLLTOB City.-Clerk DR. SAMULT. MdIVICH=H " "'�'* -„�- -- NATIONAL,DmL�fO City of St. Paul St. Paul; Minnesota � ORO RINGLE DDS - SD•w BPT '- NN ROBINSON Sir v"­ NIe q Ca ab- DANA R SCHMID phe D.• Co. ALIEN A_UOGEBO The Minnesota Junior Chamber of Commerce and Gary Strong C= A. 11-1 L Ca HN SPOERL L� KLOH Pp. N A. IA I.IMC[ Enterprises accept and agree-to all conditions of the . . -. M 'IT INPp Ca 'IT Rm 3 -JOHN A. LALJN -- I�GE contract- as proposed for us.e .of the Midway Municipal Stadium. Rp. 3-BILL NOYES N. W. MD T•I•pi ® C. GI or I Bp. 1-IONN T. PDCS RTE Rudi. •p. U1 Fa R Y-RON ERHART Rq. 5-DR. ROBERT G. LOCLWOOD N dm PN•kdb CP®T Rq. T-PIDL A. I EM R.,PH CndI Ce. MP k ". "ON CARLSON . � , �° onaId Bergum Bq. FAALI D. WFSTLUND 11 AO!PR Internal Vice Pres.i nt .. Rq. ID- RICHARD MILLER _ Minnesota Jaycees PrWmUPl Iu Cm MoPI•�Itlw Rp. 11 -DALE E ER.YDER • , I, X..6mN Bmk • . Rq. IT- DONALD E WOHLAABE, 1/d. SprmV11•Ld Rp. 16- .LNUTE BAL6TROM B.., M. Ohm® FaD- Rp. 11 --DEM STOLL F Ap. IS-JOE TRIICDII.F71 _ Gary Strong "W�� • Promotion Manager Ap. 16-GENE PETERSON W_i41PIn•G• _ - `Minnesota Jaycee Rodeo t- - A `. SlT:LFTABT STAN CO% e C LLd_ I.. TRLASDAFA RB�sw W WEINHAGEN WIMeS•P M Co. BL , Q ` 1 JT�k� / /J,F'�Vit_ /y �-.`1 - ., LEGAL CDDNBFS RUBY MANSON 6L ,rd M<•YPn I—. EItTm11At DIRECTOR // {, 1� /L , DENNIS MADDEN w m.n In•wimrnt F vL �% G • ` - DRmnAL DmECTOB ED LELA" Ww �1hlmPl•m.nl Co. -/[J�f/ . DEL OUDIING Fa1mm1 • r 1 PAST STAR 1R=ENi DONALD L ANDEPSO. .—I..a HNgphwT D•pmtm•PI N•Pdob H•Whb ao11Da mmoe • JORN STEINBAUER - MIm a P �l C.