213519i 1 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK C� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -� - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL I'OLUTION- GENERAL FORM I'- RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Maintenance r 213519 Agreement between the State,df,Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Highways,I-and the City of Saint Paul, which agreement has been designated Maintenance Agreement No. 1013, a copy of which has been marked exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson In Favor e erson Rosen Against l0M 8-82 F - �- Council Flle No. • 213519 —By Milton Rosen— k'. • That rthe proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute in behalf of the City of Saint Paul,, Maintenance Aggrreement between the State o£'MVi nesota'-'acting through its Commissioner of "- highways, and the City of Saint Paul; which agree- ment has ,been designated, Maintenance Agreement -• To. 1013,x`x; copy of which has been marked exhiMt "A ", attached hereto and E incorporated rhereir r by reference. I 5 Adopted by�ihe Council June 21,.19 3. Approved June 21, 1983. +! (June 29, 1983),. JUN 211963 Adopted by the Council SUN 21 1961 Approved 1 ^ 1D DUPLICATE TO PRINTER "135.9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Maintenance Agreement between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Highways, and the City of Saint Paul, which agreement has been designated Maintenance Agreement No. 1013, a copy of which has been marked exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Rosen \ 10M 6-62 \ I IT- In Favor Against JUN 21 Wria Adopted by the Council 19— T Approved 19— Mayor Maintenance Agreement between the State of Minnssota and The City of St. Paul Trunk Bigbways in St. Pahl EXHIBIT "A" Yeintenanse Agreement 110, 1013 .A 8 Egg A d R E E K E 11 T THIS AGREEM W9 made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, acting by and through its Cow9aissiomer of Nighways, hereinafter referred to as the "State", end the City of St. Paul, hereinafter referred to I E as the "Municipality", WITNES' , Rt i WHEREAS parsnaat to Menesota Session Lams, 1959, Chapter 500 - Q.1F. No. A. Article II, Section 3% the parties desire to enter into an, agreement relating to the maintenance of trunk highways within the corporate limits of the Municipality upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. hOW9 TMMMRE, THE PiIRTILS TO AM", AS FOLLOWSs The Municipality will daring the fiscal year of 1964, July 1, 1963 thru June 30, 19649 maintain those portions of the trunk highways within the corporate limits of the lhunieipality particularly described as follows, to -Mite s i. Trunk Highway No. 5 The following 5.16 wiles of trunk highway designated` in the Minnesota State Hi&way Department records as Control Section No. 6201 beginning at Wheeler Avenue and West Seventh Street; thence nortieast on Nest 4ewenth Street to Ramsey Street; thence on Ramsey Street to Sh nan Street; thence on Sherman Street to Rrehamge Street; theme on Frohange Street to Kellogg Boulevard] thence on Kellogg Boulevard to St. Peter Street; and the following 0.54 silos which' is divided highway designated in the Minnesota State` Ri#way Department records as Control Section Wo. 6218 beginning at Wabasha Street and Kellogg Boulevard; thence on Kellogg Boulevard to Broadway Street d there terminating ......................6.24 Niles �•l / ' -I_ r r • t, r Trunk Highway Ho. 10 The following 5.53 .Hiles of trunk highway ` designated in the Minnesota State Highway ' Department records as Control Section Igo. f 6207 beginning at the Korth Munloiriality Limits and Lexington Avenue; thence south on s Lexington Avenue to Como Boulevard; thence southeast on Como Boulevard to Como Avenue; thence east on Como Avenue to Rice Street= ! beginning again at University Avenue and f Paris Avenge; thence east on University Avenue to Jackson Street; thence southeast on Jackson Street to Tenth Street; thence north- east on Tenth Street to Broadway; thence month - east on Broadway to Kellogg Boulevard; thence northeast on Kellogg Boulevard to Mounds Boulevards thence southeast on Mounds Boulevard to the southwerit line of Maria Avenue.. 00005-53 Mille J Truk Highway No. 12 The following 5.31 miles of trunk highway (of which 5.20 miles is divided highway) designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6208 beginning at University Avenue and Park Avenue; thence west on University Avenue to the West Waxicipality Limits ......................10.51 riles Trunk Highway No. 49 The following 2.48 wiles of trunk highway designated in the ',Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6213 beginning at the forth Municipality Limits and Ries Street; thence south on Rice Street to University Avenge; and the following 0.60 mile of trunk higbvy► designated in the Minnesota State Nigrway r partment records as Control Section No. 6233 beginsive at Ninth Street and Auditorium Street; thence = Auditorium Street to hest aeventh Street; theme W1 Vest Seventh Street to Ramsey Street; and the following 1.52 miles of trunk highway designated in; the Minnesota State Highway Department records as « Control Section No. 6223 beginning at Wiest Seventh w Street and Smith Avenue; thence on Smith Avenue to the ;Iouth Municipality Linits..........4.4.60 Miles . Trunk Highw q Rio. 51 The following 6.10 miles of trunk highway (of which 0.17 mile is divided highway) designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section Noe 6215 beginning at North Municipality Limits and Snelling Avenues thence south on Snelling Avenue to Montreal Avenue; thence east on Montreal Avenue to west .seventh Street...6.27 Hitr k] 3 V Trunk Highway So* 52 The following ?.75 miles of trunk highway designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6217 beginning at the South Kinicipality Limits and Robert Street; thence north and northwest on Robert Street to University Avenue.......2.75 Niles Trunk Highway No. 56 The following 1.37 miles of tmnk highwy desi.gnat d in the Minnesota State Highway repartment records an Control Section No. 6219 beginning at the South Municipality Limits and Concord Street; thence wrt h- vest on Concord Street to Dobert Street; and the following 2.75 miles of Trunk Highway (of which 0.12 mile is divided, highway) designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6231 beginningat Concord and Qobert Street; thence northwest on Concord Street to Nabasha 1trept; thence northwest on Wabasha Street to rellogg 6 bonl.evard; thence most on rellocrg Aoulevard to ` 'Outer 1�ztrent; thence northwest on St. Peter j Street to West 'Tenth Street; thence southwest on I, I-Test Tenth Street to Rice 17tr "t; thence northwest! and north on Rice Street to Rniversity Avenue; alad beginning again at Kell"? Boulevard and Nabasha Street; thence contirming RdrOw:!sterly on Vabagha Stxset to Tenth Street; thence contirraing south- @ vest*rly on Tenth Street, to St. Peter Street. - -4 -?fit lliles Trunk Highway No. 61 J The following 2.95 miles of trunk hirshvay (of vbic), 0.37 mile i's divided hiptnmy) designated in the � Minnesota State Highway 1"rtwent records as Control, Section No. 6221 beginnir, at Mounds Boulevard and Kellogg Boulevard; thence northwest on Mounds ' nlevard to East Seventh StrPnt; thence northeast `on Last Seventh Street to Arcade Street; thence north on Arcade Street to North T; intciral ity Li ndts.....3. 32'1 Miles Trunk Highway No. 712 The following 3.02 riles of trunk highway designated in the Minnesota State Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6229 beginning at the Frost ;. Runi duality Limits of Fast Minnehaha Avenue; then" west on F.nst winnehaha Avenue to Fast Seventh Street; thence southwest on East Seventh Street to Arcade Street; and the following 9.01 miles of trw* highway designated in the linnesota State Highway nepartment records as "'ontrol Rection un. 6 ?2$ beginning at Mounds Boulevard and F,aet Seventh fitreet; thence southwest on Fast, Seventh Street to Sibley Street; ,then* west on Sibley Street to righth Street; thence south. vest on Fighth Street to Ninth Street; thence west on `berth Street to Summit Avenue; thence southwest on Sunsuit Avenue to Marshall Avenue; thence west on Warshall Avenue to the Nest Municirality Limits; also beginning at Snvnit Avenue and Marshall Avenue; thence southwest on '7nmmit Avemse to Payton 4veaue; thence west on ?�_ayten Avenue to Victoria Street; thence north on Victoria Street to Marshall Avernxe; also beginning at the junction of Kellogg Boulevard, 9ummi.t Avenue and napton Avenue; thence southeasterly on Kellogg Boulevard to _. 41 1. r West Fifth Street; thence seuthei+.sterly on West Fifth IRtreet to West seventh Street; } thence northeasterly on Vest Qeventh street and Fast Seventh Street to Sibley Street...12.06 wiles Trunk Highway No. 280 The fo] lowing 0.75 mile's of trunk highway designated. in the 'Xinneaots Mate Highway Department records as Control Section No. 6242 beginning at the Kasota Avenue approach and a' Trunk Highway Ho. 280; thence south on r Trunk Hi.ghwAY Mo. 280 to nriversity.Avenue.. .0.T5 (Iranct ratal.............Kb. ?T 1S The maintenance to be performed by the Municipality nn the aforesaid `. trunk highwWo shall consist of fhe follovi.ngs (a) Maintain the aforesaid portions of trank hiRhvw Fe so as to keep the i 4 same smooth and in good repair for the lnasage of traffic and free from all a obstructions and impediments to traffic. This said maintenance shall include + all necessary preventative maintenance to preserve the roadbed in its present S existing condition, including but not limited to proper and timely crack sealing of the surface, restoration of utility openings, and all necessary patching of S" the roadbed. , (b) Keep the aforesaid portions of trunk highwWs reasonably free and ' clear froze ice, snow, and debris all months of the year and undertake proper sanding i or eindering when necessary. _ (o) Perform all necessary moving of vegetation w{ thin the right of uV, i' limits that W be required on the aforesaid portions of trunk highway's to keep e: them in a presentable condition. ' (d) Maintain traffic control devices and signala, and place and previde such roadway markings and lane stdpi.ngs as may be necessary on the aforesaid portions of trunk highways, except that the I'tate will place, install and maintain at all timss r suitable guide signs, warning signs and route markers for the guidance of traffic an such trunk highways. Y i (e) ftrnish all labor, materials, supplies, tools, and other items necessary for the performance of all and any of the worst provided for in this ag►reemesrt. 3 III' The aforesaid tmak highways shall be jointly inspected periodically and at least quarterly, by the District F- nginesr, or the Area Maintenance i*ineer, or their anthorised rspreseA6t$Y9 and by the Mamioipality's Maintenance Engineer b to review the adequacy of the maintessnoe Mork which has been performed. { .r; IV It, however, shall not be the obligation of the I-knicipality under this agreement to do any Work which shall consist of extraordinary maintenance, betterments, construction, or reconstruction. In the emsnt that the State should desire the Municipality to do any such Mork the parties will enter into a separate agreement therefor. 9 A11 materials used by the Municipality in the performance of the work hereunder shall conform to the regnireeents of the Mmmsota Derartatent of Highways r Specifications fbr Highway Construction dated wqy 19 1959, and all amendmente and supplaaents thereto. The State will pas to the Municipality the am of Om Thaueand Eight Hundred Dollars ( 1,800.00) per agile for the fiscal year of 104 for the pertbrmann of the work and labor and the furnishing of materials as hereinbefore not forth on the trink highways hereinbe fore _ particularly set forth. Fractional miles and F fractional months, if any, will be used in coatputing the amounts payable under this' F agreement. i t Payments under thU agres;eent shall be made on a quarterly basis and as soon after the respective dates of October 1, January 1,9 April 1 and duly 1 as may be possible, upon the submission by the Municipality to the Ita.te of a F detailed oust analysis listing all labor, material and equipment used during the' quarter and a certificate in triplicate, approved by the Area Maintenance ftgiaear of the State, certifying that all work has been done during the period for which payment is to be made, in fall conformity with this agre~nt. , w, TII The Municipality any partially block said highways within its corporate limits at snob times as it beemes necessary for the performances of the services umader this agreement, and in cases of emergsney where it is required, such higtmway�s t. may be wholly blocked and the passage of traffic thereon prevented by the Wanicipalildr. Pi At no time, however, shall the Municipality continue to obstruct the free passage F1 i of traffic on said hig>nrays for a longer period of time than to reasonably regained y for makipt-Am necessary repairs thereon. The Municipality may also close to ` a travel saerb streets at auch time as it is necessary for the repair or installation of water or gas mains, electric or telephone cables, or smmrs, but except in �- extraordinary saergencies, the *ndeipality shall first give the Commissioner i of Highways ten (10) da se written notice and obtain a permit before eaanmenoing or allowing the commeneem ut of such installation or repairs. Aoaever, the Municipality shall not cause any portion of said higtnmys which is to be maintained hereunder;'to be closed to traffic for any reasons other than those -above set forth and in no a�►erat r. for a time longer than shall be necessary. In the event of the total bloecing ear closing of any such trunk highways, the Municipality shall provide a imitable dstiow i daring such time. VIII k. Upon a change in the routing of said highways, or any ribetitution of a new route for any above described, or upon any variation whateoevexr from the present location of said highvnys by the State, the %funicipality shall meaintain the new k highways in accordance with this agreement during such period of substitution and -6- _ i dull be paid therefore the amant to which it is entitled in accordance with the terns of this agreement, to be determined by figuring the mileage of the new route and paying for maintenance therefore the aim of One Thousand Right Hundred r1ollare � ($1,800.00) per wile for such mileage, including fractions thereof, for the fiscal year of 1964 and prorated according to months of use. Should any portion ± of the above described highwaye be relocated by the State, and the present location , revert to the Municipality, the Municipality will maintain that portion at its r. sole expense. . M Ix . e Upon the failure of the Municipality to perform any of the work named heroin under the tens of this agreement, then the Comissioner of'Highways pay do and perfor• such work or cause it to be done and rwrformed, and may retain from any moneys then due to the Municipality under this agreement, or thereafter becoming due, any such amount as is required for the completion of such work, provided, however, that this paragraph shall not be construed to relinquish any rights of action which may accrue in behalf of the State as against the Municipality for any breach of agreement* x. It is further understood that all persons working on eueh highways are employees of the Municipality or of third persons and in no way employed by the State, provided, however, that thin clause shall not apply to persons employed 3 directly by the Highway Department. All Contracts and agreements made by the t!tnicipality with third parties for the performance of any Mork to be done under this agreement shall be subjeet to the terms of this agreement and comply with all State laws and requirements relating to construction and maintenance contracts, including the payment of labor rates which are part of the Labor Provisions normally included in the proposals for such contracts, a copy of which is attached to this agreement, and a clause to that effect shall be inserted in all such contracts. -7- X1 The parties do agree, ay-thing to the contrary herein notwithstanding, that the Commissioner of KLghvays or the fitats of Minnesota, either Is his Individual or official capacity, shall oat be personally respoasible or liable in mW manner to the 14unieipality for aw claim, demand, action, or *&uses of action of =W kind or ahareat*r arisiag out of or by roes" of the examition of this agreement or the segligent p*rforwanae sad ampletion of the work cad improvements provided for herein or arisiag out of any *ostract let by the Mnniaipality for the perform«&** of any of the work prerided for barrels. The City agrses to save harmless the gtate, its employees, &ad its Commissioner of Highways from syr and all liability &rising out of ww damages resalting from or claimed to rssnit from the negligence of %be Mivaieipality or its employees, contractors or sutcontractars, in performance of this agreement and the vork provided for herein. x1I This agreement shall not be construed as a relinquisbs*nt b7 the Commissioner of Higbmis of any pov*rs or control he' my have over the hersinbeftre 4escribed streets or highways. IN WMi SS WHORDY the State and the ltunicipelityr have caused these presents to be executed by Heir respective officers. -8. i i. is i� i. x 1 i° r i' i j• I� i. R' +IA: 1� f' F i< a� Conntersigneds CIty Comptroller Attest: My- r i Approved as to Torts and Examtion bp: Corporation Counsel Approveds BY e n Weer Depa.rtitent of Highways RecoMended for Appygtal: Deputy District w vngineer BJ' n Hance Vijlneer Approvod as to Form and fteaation bps pea a Ase atant Attorney denenj 9, ._ CTTT OF IST.. PAUL p. !i w. 9 apor � i, i ss oner of 0 Works (SEAL) Date i' S'K'ATE OF VTNKF. TA 4� Date a By se loner of raps Nit's j i, s, a is r t Area 1 -2 -3 -4 Effective October 15, 1962 r SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVISION A L A -1 SPECIFICATIONS WHICH APPLY 4 The State of Minnesota, Department of Highways "Specifications for Highway Construction ", dated May 1, 1959, and submitted for approval by the Division Engineer of the Bureau of Public Roads on March 26, i 1959, and all provisions of the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways "Requirements for Non - Interstate Trunk Highway Projects" i dated August 1, 1962 and approved by the Federal Highway Administrator,','. of the Bureau of Public Roads on July 24, 1962, shall apply on this contract except as modified or altered in the following Special Provisions. A -2 LABOR PROV IS TUNS A -2.1 The minimum hourly rates of wages required to be paid the various ` laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on the construction work embraced by the contract shall be in accordance with the following schedule. t r r t 3. i 1- i 7: o- A -1 d a S All Area 1 and 2 January 1, 1962 A -2 (Continued) HIGHWAY LABORERS CIASSIFICATIONS Following are the minimum rates of pay for Highway Laborer classifications as listed: CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE i RATE i U Bituminous Batcherman (Stationary-Plant) $3.20 I Bituminous Raker, Floater and Utility Man 3.55 U Bituminous Tamper 3.40 t U Blacksmith helper 3.20 U Bottomman (Sewer, Water or Gas Trench 3.15 U Bottomman (Sewer, Water or Gas Trench (More than 8 feet F below starting level of manual work) 3.35 I Brick or Block Paving Setter 3.525 U Bricklayer Tender 3.20 I' Caisson Work 3.35 I Cofferdam Work 3.35 I Chain Saw Man 3.20 I Chipping Hammer Operator 3.20 I Conduit Layers (Without Wiring) x.20 U Cement Coverman (Batch Trucks) 3.20 U Cement Handler (Bulk or Bag) 3.20 I Cement Gun Operator (1 -j Inch and Over) 3.45 U Concrete Batcherman (Proportioning Plant) 3.20 U Ccncrete Longitudinal Float Man (Manual•Bullfloat on P;Iving) 3.20 ` I Concrete Mixer Operator (1 Bag Capacity) 3.20 U Concrete Shoveler, Tamper and Puddler (Paving) 3.20 I Concrete Vibrator Operator 3.20 ` U Curb Setter (Stone or Precast Concrete) 3.20 I Drill Runner (Heavy, including Churn Drill) 3.20 U Dumper (Wagon, Truck, Etc.) 3.20 U Dump Man 3.20 U Dump Man (Paver) (Dumping Batch Trucks at Mixer) 3.20 U Flagman 3.10 U Formsetter (Municipal Type Curb and Sidewalk) 3.20 U Formsetter (Pavement) 3.20 i U Hydrant and Valve Setter 3.20 I Jackhammer Man and Paving Buster 3.25 ! I Joint Filler (Concrete Pavement) 3.20 I Kettleman (Bituminous or Lead) 3.20 ; U Laborer, Wrecking and Demolition 3.10 U Mort&r Mixer 3.23 U Open Ditch Work 3.35 U Other Work More than 8 feet Below Starting Level of Manual Work 3.35 U Pipe Derrickman (Trirgd, Manual) 3.25 , U Pipe Handler (Water, Gas or Cast Iron) 3.25 + a A -2 i E • i . • 1 Area-1 and 2 July 13� 1962 A -2 (Continued) HIGHWAY LABORERS CLASSIFICATIONS (Continued); CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE I Pipe Layer (Sewer, Water or Gas) $3.40 S Powderman 3.775 U Powder Monkey 3.10 I Pump Operator (3 Inches and Under, Semi - Skilled) 3.20 U Reinforced Steel Setter (Pavement) 3-10 U Reinforced Steel Laborer 3.10 I Sand Cushion and Bed Maker 3.40 U Service Connection Maker (Water or Gas) 3.20 U Stabilizing Batcherman (Stationary Plant) 3.20 U Squeegee Man (Bituminous, Brick or Block Pavement) 3.20 U Stone Mason Tender 3.20 U Tunnel Laborer (Atmospheric Pressure) 3.35 U Tunnel Man (Air Pressure) 3.775 U Tunnel Work 3.35 I Tunnel Miner 3.775 U Underground Laborers 3.35 U Underpinning Work 3.35 U Unskilled Laborers 3.10 U Watchman 2.80 U Winch Handler (Manual) 3.10 All Highway Laborers not listed in the above schedule shall be classified in accordance with definitions given in P -5.2 and S -5 of the "Requirements for Non - Interstate Trunk Highway Projects ", or 111954 Secondary Road Plan Projects" each respectively dated August 1, 1962, and the minimum rates of pay shall be as follows's SKILLED LABOR $3.775 INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR 83.20 1 UNSKILLED LABOR $3.10 R I a A -3 = r Area 1 and 2 January If 1962 A =2 (Continued) EQUIPMENT OPERATOR CLASSIFICATIONS Following are the minimum rates of pay for Equipment Operator classifications as listed: CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE I Air Compressor Operator $3.37 S Asphalt, Bituminous Stabilizer Plant Operator 3.75 S Backfiller Operator 3.75 I Batch Plant Operator (Concrete) 3.20 S Bituminous Spreader and Finishing Operator (Power) 3.75 I Bituminous Spreader and Bituminous Finishing Machine Operator (Helper) Power) 3.10 r_ S Boom Truck Operator (Power Operated) 3.75 I Brakeman or Switchman 3.20 S Cableway Operator 3.97 } S Concrete Mixer Operator, on Job Site over 14S 3.75' S Concrete Mixer Operator, on Job Site 14S and under 3.48 ' S Concrete Mixer, Stationary Plant Operator, over 34E 3.97 I Concrete Distributor and Spreader Operator, Finishing Machine, t, Longitudinal Float Operator, Joint Machine Operator and !` Spray Operator 3.37 ' I Concrete Saw Operator (Multiple Blade) (Power Operated) 3.37 S Crushing Plant Operator (Gravel and Stone) or Gravel Washing, Crushing and Screening Plant Operator 3.75 I S Curb Machine Operator 3.37 Derrick Operator (Guy and Stiffleg) (Power) (Skids or Stationa.ry)3.97 S Dope Machine Operator (Pipeline) 3.75 4' I Dredge Deck Hand 3.10 , S Dredge Operator or Engineer, Dredge Operator (Power) and Engineer 3.97 ' S Drill Rig Operator, Heavy Duty Rotary or Churn Drill 3.75 S Euclid Loader Operator 3.97 S Engineer in charge of plant requiring first class license 3.75 I Fireman or Tank Car Heater Operator 3.20 I S Fine Grade Operator 3.37 Fork Lift or Lumber Stacker Operator (For Construction Job Site) 3.75 S Fork Lift or Straddle Carrier Operator 3.75 I Form Trench Digger Operator (Power) 3.37 I Front End Loader Operator (Under 30 H.P., rubber tired) 3.48 S Front End Loader Operator All Types, 30 H.P. and over 3.75 S Grader or Motor Patrol Operator (Finishing Earthwork and 's Bi tuminou a) 3.48 I Grader Operator (Motor Patrol) M' I Gravel Screening Plant Operator (Portable, not Crushin-, or Washing) 3.10 I Greaser (Truck and Tractor) 3.10 9 S Hoist Engineer (Power) 3.75 I Launchman (Tankerman•or Pilot License) 3.75 I Leverman 3.10 S Loader Operator (Barber - Greene or similar type) 3.48 S Locomotive Operator (All Types) 3.75 S Locomotive Crane Operator 3.97 S Master Mechanic 3.97 A -4 a t Area 1 and 2 ' A- 2•(Continued) EQUIMM OPERATOR CLASSIFICATIONS July 13, 1962 c Continued r CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE S Mechanic or Welder $3.75 I Mechanical Space Heater Operator (Temporary Heat) 3.10 S Mixer Operator, Concrete Paving (Road) 3.97 - S Mucking Machine (Including mucking operations)(Conway or similar type) 3.97 I Oilers (Power Shovel, Crane, Dragline) 3.104 S Paving Breaker or Tamping Machine Operator (Power Driven) 0r� (Mighty -Mite or similar type) 3.7 S Pick -up Sweeper Operator (Not including Tennant or similar types) 3.751' S Pipeline Wrapping, Cleaning or Bending Machine Operator 3.75 S Power Shovel Operator (and /or other equipment with shovel type controls, 3)6 Cu. Yds. and over) 4.23 t S Power Shovel Operator (and /or other equipment with shovel type k, controls, up to 336 Cu. Yds.) 3.97 � S Power .Plant Engineer (100 K.W.H. and aver) 3.75 S Pugmill Operator 3.75 I Pump Operator 3.37 ' S Pumperete Operator 3.85 S Refrigeration Plant Engineer 3.97 ' I Roller Operator (Self - Propelled roller for compaotion, including stabilized base) 3.32 I Roller Operator (Self - Propelled, rubber tired, for compaction , including stabilized base) 3.20 s: S Roller Operator, up to and including 6 tons for bituminous finishing and/or wearing courses 3.48 S Roller Operator, over 6 tons for bituminous finishing and /or wearing courses 3.75 S Rubber Tired Farm Tractor Operator, Back Hoe Attachment 3.75 S Sheep Foot Roller (Self- Propelled)(3 Drum & over) 3.75 I Shouldering Machine Operator (Power)(Apsco or similar type including self - propelled sand and chip s reader) 3.37 S Slip Form Operator (Power Driven�(Paving) 3.75 S Stump Chipper Operator 3.37 S Tandem Scraper 3.97 M S Tie Tamper and Ballast Machine Operator 3.75 S Tractor Operator - Boom Type 3.97 I Tractor Operator, D2, TD6, or similar h.p. with power take -off 3.48 S Tractor Operator, over D2, TD6, or similar h.p. with power take -off 3.75 I Tractor Operator, 50 h.p. or less without power take -off 3.13 S Tractor Operator, over 50 h.p. without power take -off 3.75 S Trenching Machine Operator (Sewer, Water, Gas) 3.75 S Truck Crane Operator 3.97 I Truck Crane Oiler 3.20 S Tugboat Operator (100 h.p. & over) 3.97 S Tournapull Operator (or similar type) 3.75 All Equipment Operators not listed in the above schedule shall be classified in "Requirements for Non - accordance with definitions ven in P -5.2 and S -5 of the ", 111954 Interstate Trunk Highway Prajeats or Secondary Road. Plan Projects" each respectively dated August 19 1962, and the minimum rates of pay shall be as follows: SKILLED LABOR $3.48 INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR $3.10 A -5 Area 1 and 2 July 139 1962 A- 2'(Continued) TRUCK DRIVER CLASSIFICATIONS Following are the minimum rates of pay for Truck Driver classifications as listed: CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE I Bituminous Distributor Driver $3.15 U Bituminous Distributor Spray Operator (Rear end Oiler) 3.10 I Bituminous Distributor Driver (one man operation) 3.35 I Boom and "A" Frame Driver 3.25 I Dumpman 3.10 I Dumpeter Operator (no H.P. Limit) 3.35 I Greaser and truck serviceman 3.10 I Mechanical Broom Driver 3. �5 I Pilot Car Driver 3.10 I Ready -Mix Driver (Mixer capacity up to and incl. 4 Cu. Yds.) 3.10 I Ready -Mix Driver (Mixer capacity over 4 Cu. Yda. up to and including 6 Cu. Yds.) 3• �5 I Ready -Mix Driver (Mixer capacity over 6 Cu. Yds.) 3.35 I Self- propelled Packer operator 3.25 U Tank Truck Helper (Gas, Oil, Road Oil and Water) 3.00 U Teamster or Stableman 3.00 I Tractor Operator (Wheel type used for any purpose) 3.10 I Truck Driver (up to and including 6 Cu. Yds. box water level) 3.10 I Truck Driver (over 6 Cu. Yde. up to and including 6 Cu. Yds. box water level) 3.25 I Truck Driver (over 8 Cu. Yds. up to and including 12 Cu. Yde. box water level) 3.35 I Truck Driver (over 12 Cu. Yds. up to and including 16 Cu. Yds. box water level) 3.45 I Truck Driver over 16 Cu. Yds. -box water level) 3.55 I Truck Driver hauling machinery for contractors' own use incl. - operation of hand or power operated winches) 3.25 I Truck Mechanic (in cases where an operating engineer mechanic is not employed) 3• �5 I Truck Welder 3• �5 All drivers not covered by the above classifications (including equipment with hand or power operated winches) shall be paid at least the following rates, depending on the number of axles on the unit. Single axle or 2 axle unit 3.10 Tandem axle or 3 axle unit 3.25 Four axle unit 3.35 Five axle unit 3.45 For each additional axle, 10¢ additional per hour M y All Truck Drivers not listed in the above schedule shall be classified in accord- ance with definitions given in P -5.2 and S -5 of the "Requirements for Non- Inter- state Trunk Highway Projects ", or 111954 Secondary Road Plan Projects" each respect- ively dated August 1, 1962, and the minimum rates of pay shall be as follows: INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR $3.10 UNSKILLED LABOR • $3.00 I.1 a° i d Area 1 and 2 , July 13, 1962 A-2 (Continued) SPECIAL CRAFTS CLASSIFICATIONS Following are the minimum rates of pay for Special Craft classifications as listed: CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE S Bricklayer $4.025 T S Carpenter 3.78 S Cement Mason 3.80 S Electrician �, 3.959 S Ironworker (Ornamental) 3.77 S Ironworker (Reinforcing) 3.77 + S Ironworker (Structural) 3.77 S Painter ` 3.30 S Piledriver Man 3.78 S Stone Mason 4.025 All Special Crafts not listed in the above schedule shall be classified in accordance with definitions given in P -5.2 and S-5 of the "Requirements for Non - Interstate Trunk Highway Projects ", or "1954 Secondary Road Plan Projects* each respectively dated August 1, 1962, and the minimum rates of pay shall be as follows: SKILLED LABOR $3.30 J A -7 r P� i