213513ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK M PRRSENTED COMMISSI Z. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 21 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM WHEREAS; It has been found necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and specifications heretofore approved for the improvement of ST. PAUL AVENUE from Fdgcumbe Road ,,to West Seventh Street (and DAVERN STREET from St. Paul Avenue to the Chicago, Milzraukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad) as approved February 28, 1963, by Council Resolution C.F. 211447'and awarded to Contract April 3, 1963, by Council Resolution C.F. 212016, now therefore upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works be it, RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above' named improvement, as approved and awarded to Contract by the Council, be and the same are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Plan Change No. 1, which drawings (5 sheets) are attached to and made a part of this Resolution and of the aforementioned plans and specifications, and that further, all interested parties be notified of these changes. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Rosen Mr. Pr , avaulis 10AI 6-62 Council File No. 21351 %1_ By Milton Rosen — Whereas, It has been found-necessary to change, modify and ahiend certain portions of the =plans and bpecificattons heretofore approved for the h'pprove- Edgcumbe Road-to West Seventh Street (and DAVERN STREET from St, Paul Avenue to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paulland Pacific Railroad) as approved `February 28, 1963, 'by Council Reso- lution C. F. 211447 and aw rded to Contract April 3, 1963, by�,Council Roselution C. F. 212016, now therefore upon the recommendation of th% Com- missioner of Public Works be it, r Resolved, That the plans and spec- ifications for the above named im- provement, as approved and awarded to Contract by the Council, be and the same are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Plan Change. No. 1, which drawings (5 sheets) are attached *to and made a part of this Resolution and of the aforementioned plans and specifica- tions, and' that further, all interested parties _be notified of these changes. Adopted by the Council June 21, 1963. Approved June 21, 1963. (June 29, 1963) N In Favor 0 A g, -Ain %I ls� ! . Council 19" JUN 2 11953 1 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 213513 € - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COIAM SSIIONER Mi l tm RiiBE+n DATE WHERW# It bas been fomd nomoary to change,, modify abd mend curtain portions 0 tho plans snd apeWications heretofore approved tor- the 9mprovemdat of ST* PAUL AVE= frm Xdgombo Road to West Seventh Street (and DOW STR>W f ram St. ftul &"mm ► to the Chicago,, Mllm&Wme, St } Paul and 11acifio Rsi'irmd) as appnrovvd Vab: ry 2$, 19630 by Comall Resolution C.F. ZLI"j and awarded to Coatraot April 39 19631. by Council Roelcaution G.Fr 212M6* now thewfore upon the rcec mmindatlon of the Qosnisdioner of Pablia Wmka be it$ MOLVEDII! That the plane and specifications for the above namod 3aprov+ement$ as approved and awarded to Cc*traot by the Counctil# be and - they $me are hereby oheMged* ziodif3.eRd and amended in acioordanoe with Flan Change Rio,. 11, which drawings (5 shits) are attaohad to and made a part of this Resolution and of the aformentimed playas and "oififttimxf and that furtherp all Sntmsted parties be notii'W of those ebang". COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson PPtArRon_ _ Rosen 10A1 8-82 In Favor Against JUK 21'953 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor a).'0-1 )-?oo-�