213493ORIGINAL — CITY CLERK v ' ,I CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE COUNCIL 13493 COUNCIL RESOLUTION N wt NO 293 AUTHORIZATION O Cou -ail Filth' No. 213493 — By MiltonIFUB1_,ISB D �- 2 Z- 63 R.• yen— +I 15.,Iht` matter of 9Wi,rr and surfac-.' n Rosen f,Vrt. ' f`h bituminous.Ait ,anal JAYN ".! June 2 ,0, 63 ESENTED BY HO ,� f'. %i. Wjj!k Ask .­Conway a'OATF 19_ ii n:*Vl•l` �' � tjj� s t r i riy fit: iecidru. 0';, + 1 In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material JAYNE ST. from Wilson Ave. to Conway St. and CONWAY St. from Jayne St. to Ruth St. and do all work incidental thereto, under Preliminary Order 211400, approved Feb-, ruary 26, 1963, and Final Order No. 212957, approved May 28, 1963, and In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material WILSON AVE. from Hazel.S.t. to Ruth St. and HAZEL ST. from Old Hudson Road to Wilson Ave. i and do all work incidental thereto, under Preliminary Order 211398, approved February 26, 1963, and Final Order No. 212959, approved May 28, 1963, and i In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material LUELLA ST. from Old Hudson Road to Wilson Ave. and do all work incidental thereto, under Preliminary Order'211402, approved February 26, 1963,, and Final Order No. 212961, approved May 28,; 1963, and y. In the matter Y of constructing a public storm sewer in an EASEMENT, to be obtained, along the south side of Old Hudson Road, the center line of said easement commencing at a point on the center line of Hazel Street (produced) said point being 1146.28 feet southerly of the east -west center line of Section 35, T. 29, R. 22 as measured along.the center line of Hazel Street; thence southwesterly along a line intersecting the center line of Hazel Street at an angle of 1000 36' for a distance of 205.10 feet to an angle point; thence con- timing southwesterly at a deflection angle to the right of 80 40' for a distance ;of..'428.,48 feet to an angle point; thence continuing southwesterly at a defl,ec- --l" :_tion,'angle to the left of 6.00 00' to th'e center line-g Van Dyke Street' in !,.'HAZEL STRE,9T -from the above described easement to Wilson Avenue; in.WILSON AVENUE from Hazel Street to Jayne Street;, in JAYNE STREET from Wilson Avenue :}t o•,approximately 300 feet north of Wilson Avenue; in LUELLA STREET from`Wi,l''son Avenue to approximately 450 feet south of Wilson Avenue, all of which is to be known as the'HAZEL -EAST THIRD STREET STORM SEWER SYSTEM CONTRACT "A ", under 'P,reliminary Order 211912, approved March 29, 1963, and Final Order No. 212956, approved May 28, 1963• - RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above_ improvements be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the fine grading, the surfacing and construct pre -mixed bituminous gutters on JAYNE ST. from Wilson Ave. to Conway St. and CONWAY ST. from Jayne St. to Ruth St. at a cost of $7,621.00 and also to do the fine grading, the bituminous surfacing and construct pre -mixed bituminous gutters on WILSON AVE. from Hazel St. to Ruth St. and HAZEL ST. from Old Hudson Road to Wilson Ave. at a cost of $14,192.00 and also do the fine grading, the bituminous surfacing and build the pre -mixed bituminous ,.gutters on LUELLA ST. from Old Hudson Road to Wilson Ave. at a cost of $5,159.00 and the Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary material, and be it -FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed" to obtain bids for the improvements, the bids to show separately the amount for the grading work, except the work to be done by City forces, on JAYNE ST. from Wilson Ave. to Conway St. and CONWAY ST. from Jayne St. to Ruth St., the bids further to show separately the amount for the grading work, except the work to be done by City forces.,,'on WILSON AVE.. from Hazel St. to Ruth St. and HAZEL ST. from Old Hudson Road to "W1•1's-on••Ave?., the bids to further show separ- ately the amount for the grading work, except the work to be done by City forces, on LUELLA ST. from Old Hudson; Road to Wilson Ave., and the bids to further show separately the amount to construct the sewer known as the HAZEL -EAST THIRD STREET STORM SEWER SYSTEM CONTRACT ''A ", and be it