07-1078Council Fite # Q��O
Green Sheet # � �� 5 � 5
Presented By
1 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, Ramsey Counry and
2 Public Works, Division of Technical Services, Design Group are authorized to exercise jointly or cooperatively
3 govemmental powers common to each and to Pernut one governmental unit to perform services or function for
4 another govemmental unit; and
5 WHEREAS, Ramsey County wishes to utilize the services of the City Design Group on a variety of
6 projects and the City is willing to enter into an agreement with the County for the purchase of such
7 Services;
8 WHEREAS, Ramsey County and the City agree it will be responsible for its own acts and/or
9 omissions and those of its officials, employees, representatives and agents in carrying out the terms of this
10 Agreement;
11 WHEREAS, the Design Group will be compensaCed for its work; now tberefore be it;
12 RESOLVED, that the proper authorities are hereby authorized to enter into the attached
13 Agreement with Ramsey Counry.
AdophovCert�fied byCounmlSecretazy
Approval by Mayor. te. `
Reques�ed by Department of:
���k�� � �
Form Approved by Cyy A[mmey ��
�Y� �� A� � 1LL`�(—i-st(/L
Adoptedb ouncil e I' / ` U /
Form Appmved by Mayor for Subm�ssion [o Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenUofficelcounci I:
pW Public Works
Conqct Person 8 Phone:
Barb Morin
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date):
E-Document Required: N
Document Cdntact:
ConWM Phone:
Date Initiated:
Green Sheet NO: 3044575
Deoartment SentToPerson InitiallDate
0 Pubtic Works n paul Kur� � 1o c�IbT
1 PublicWorks y�V lOf�rG� BruceBeese ,� �p���
2 City AMOrney Ginger Palmer
3 Ma}�or's O�ce MayodASSistaot
4 Council City Coupcd
5 City Clerk City Clerk
Totrl # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Need signatures in order to allow City Design Group to provide related services for Ramsey County. Individuai orders may not
exceed $25,000.00.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R):
Planning Commission
q8 Committee
Civil Service Commission
Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Probiem, issues, OppoAunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Ramsey County would like to contract with the City Design Group for services within [he Design Group for various projects.
Advantages If Approved:
City Design Group wil] be able to provide design, graphic arts, project mgm[. and a variety of o[her related services for Ramsey
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Disadvan W ges If Approved:
NONE � -
�:- `°`+�>` �
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
City Design Group w�ll not be able to provide design services wi[hout submitting a contrac[ each time for that particular project.
Total Amount of $25,000.00
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
CosURevenue Budgeted:
AMivity Number.
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September 2S, 2007 11:03 AM Page 1
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Joint Powers Agreement
Betweea Ramsey County and The City of Saint Paul
For Design Group Services
THIS AGREEMENT is between Ramsey County, Minnesota, a political subdivision of the
State of Minnesota and the City of 5t. Paul, a governmental unit as defined in Minnesota Statutes
Section 471.59, Subd. l. ("Cit}�'), on behalf of the City of Saint Paul Design Group ("Design
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59, the County and
the City aze authorized to enter into agreements to exercise joiutly or cooperatively governmental
powers common to each and to pernut one governmental unit to perform services or functions for
another governmental unit; and ��,� `:.�%
%%i ;�::
WHEREAS, the County wishes to utihze ����ervic �f the City's-�esign Group on a variery
of ro�ects, and the Cit is willin to enter i� ��"e��yn
p � y' g �o an ag� Ywith the County for the purchase of
% - 'iG
such services; /„i,,,. ,��,.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties
1. Scope of City Servic��'�%�
a. The Design Group
requested basis for
The Design
By enter`�Ejg
services on an as-needed, as-
�y projects, in the following areas: Space
Design Development, Construction Documeats,
action Project Management, Graphic Arts Services
gn Group Services").
identify a representative as the point of contact under this
this Agreement, the County makes no promise that it will purchase
any Design Group Services under this Agreement.
d. AIY'services must be pre-authorized by the County. The County shall submit a request
for services ta the Design Group repiesentative using the W ork Order form included
as Attachment A to this Agreement. The Design Group representative shall return the
completed and signed form to the County. The Design Group may begin providing
Design Group Services only upon receipt of the approved Work Order signed by the
County. The identification of the issue and the plan of a solution are not considexed
billable time.
JPA with City of Saint Paul for Design Group Services 1 of 6
e. The County reserves the right to review the qualifications of the consuJtant proposed
to be assigned to do the work identified in the Work Order. The Design Group will
substitute an acceptable consultant for any proposed consultant to which the County
reasonably objects.
County Roles and Responsibilities
a. The County will provide the participants required to represent the County's interests
in the project.
b. The County shall prepare a written scope of work for each project, using the Wark
Order form in Attachment A.
a The County shall provide access to buildings and staff as necessary for the City to
perform the agreed-upon Design Group Services.
Term /,/Z//�',.
Tbe term of this Agreement is May 1, 20��"throug�ecember.31, 2Q08 ("Initial Term").
This Agreement may be renewed annu�ly��eafter� written anf�i�dment signed by both
! �ii,
parties. ,i:;,/'
a. The County reserves the
either a lump suy���sis or on
interest of the�o ,"���;� i�
b. The houriy rates for
for Design Group Services on
i basis, as deemed in the best
for the Initial Term are attached hereto
and rrf ��� part of fhis A as Attachment B. The hourly rates for any
renewaY!�e���Y��� be mcl ° d in the written amendment signed by the parties.
a The m
not be
�able for a specific project will be idenYified on the Work
Orders may not exceed $25,000. Multiple Work Orders may
a single project.
'<;, ., - �;
d. -��'�� The Citg�'s�al�submit monttily invoices to the Counry. The City shall submit invoices
by Work,Order, but may include billing for multiple Work Orders on an invoice.
e. Payment will be made within 35 days of receipt of a detailed invoice for Design
Group Services provided in accordance with the Work Order. The payments shall be
sent to: City of Saint Paul Design Group c/o Barb Marin, 1000 City Hall Annex, 25
West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102.
£ Interest accrual and disputes regarding payment shall be governed by the provisions
of Minnesota Statutes 5ection 471.425.
JPA with City of Saint Paul for Design Gxoup Seroices 2 of 6
a� /o7g
Each party hereto agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts andlor omissions and
those of its officials, employees, representatives and agents in carrying out the terms of this
A�eement and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible
for the acts and/or omissions of the other party and the results thereof. It is understood and
agreed that each party's liability shall be limited by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes,
Chapter 466 (Tort Liability, Political Subdivisions) or other applicable law. Nothing
contained in this Agreement shall waive or amend, nor shall be construed to waive or amend
any defense or immunity that either party, their respective officials and employees, may have
under said Chapter 466, or any common-law immunity or limifation oY liability, all of which
are hereby reserved by the parties hereto.
Each party sha11 be responsible for obtaining and maintaining either through bommercial
insurance or a program of self-insurance pra��3'���verage; aommercial general liability
� �
coverage, workers compensation, and suc�"ther ms��i�nce as w�iJ protect from claims which
may arise out of Qr result from performau�;, ,the p�y under th��eerms of this Agreement.
!Oii ,
Termination „ / ,,,, �
The County may terminate this Agr��� if the C��,,�io�es any of the terms ar conditions
/i %hii�r
of this Agreement or does not fulfill �i�,a �� and p r manner its obligations under this
Agreement as determzn�,�� the Couri� Iti' ��ve�� Ehat the County exercises its cight Qf
termination under thi��'� rt sha�submfC�^�ten notice to the City, specifying the
�� �i/// �
date of termination, and th��as��� �on receipt of such noYice, the City shall take
all actions necessary to discori�ue furf��i�ommitments of funds to the extent that they
relate to WorY���3�ders signed unc��ithe provisions of this Agreement.
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y ai, ..,
Alterat►on '; �"����,ii, ;. �
Ang alteration, v<
��lid oitly a8er it
on, or waivex of the pxovisions of this Agreement shall be
to writing and duly signed by both parties.
ment; Venue
interpreted and construed according to the laws of the State of
Minnesota. All litigation regarding this Agreement shall be venued in the appropriate state or
federal �istrict court in Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Entire Agreement
This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and shall supersede
all prios oral or written negotiations.
JPA with City of Saint Paul for Design Group Services 3 of 6
IN WI'I"NESS WHEREOF, Ramsey County and the City of St. Paul have executed this Agreement as
of the last date written below.
Tony Bennett, Chair
Board of County Commissioners
Department Director
Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk
Board of County Commissioners
Approval recommended:
Jolly Mangine, Director
Department of Property Management
�i�;; ..
of Financial 3ervices
Approved as to form and msurance: "/�Appr�
�ii � //��%%;,
��iii` _%
Assistant County Attorney �� i° `���'� �j� �
�' %� Date:
Purchase Order or �,,,, °
Aspen Vendor Contra���2�#�x: �
';, !%.�.5i�%,i,,,,. -i �
Funds are available
Accou�t Number: %
,,/ <
Budgeting and Accountirlg
to Form:
Ciry Attorney
JPA wi[h City of Saint Paul fo[ Design Group Services 4 of 6
Attachment A
Design Group Services WORK ORDER #:
Under Joint Powers Agreement
Between Ratnsey County and The City of Saint Paul
For Design Group Services
Part A: To be completed by County Department
Project Name:
Project Schedule:
Funding Codes:
Statement of Need/Services Requested:
Department Authorization/Department
Department Name:
Part B: To be completed by Design Services
Statement of Work: �,....
Fixed Fee:
Assigned Staff: _
Project Schedule:
Design Serzices
Title: '
Telephone Number:
Actual Hours:
Total Cost:
County Department Payment Authorization Date
%%' `
JPA with City of Saint Paul for Design Group Services 5 of 6
ChristopherB. Ca[eman, Mayor
2007-2008 DESIGN
I. Interior Designer, CID
II. Project Manager III
III. Craphic Desfgn"'�f�ij, .,,,
,. �ii i
N. Architecmral Drafter�i
i�, '%o,,
,�� ,
�� � �i�i
� ij ji zi
, /./ , / ,�.
✓ �
, , "'
Bruce Beese, Director
Ciry Ha[l /Counhouse
25 W 4'� Srreet Sulte 1000
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1613
ij� $80.00/hour
,,,� // /
�! $80.00/hour
7PA with City of Saint Pau] for Design Group Services 6 of 6