214457G. Original to-City Clerk ORDIN T ffaSSIONER FRAW, L. LOSS Council File No. 214457— Ordinance No. 12548 —By Frank L. Loss — ,An Ordinance amending Chapter 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code Pertaining to Building Construction. This is an emergency Ordinance ren- dered necessary for the preservation of the public'peace, health and safety. .The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: PRESENED Ct P BY - • a SECTION 1 Section 18.04 Definitions. of v�Olt. Terns _)a the Saint Paul 3 ",--,by aroe-jr. ,.r 4A C_ -10ii1 - E,F Ppr'r5ii AN OROINANCS MENDING CRAFTER 18 OF 'eta` SENT¢ ' �ii; .LEGISLATI CODE PERTAINING TO BUILDING CONSTPE- TION. VE THIS IS AN EMERGSNCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECES- SARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, MLTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. DOES. ORDAIN* tECTION l 2144-5' That Section 18. 04 Definitions of Plumbing Terms of the Saint Paul Log$slative Code is hereby amended by deleting the definition of Sto= Water Sewer which reads as follows o flStow Mister Sewer; 8to= water or rain water sewer is that part of the horizontal piping and its branches which con - veys the surface drainsgo from areas, courts, yardso or - -roof leaders to the buil�di -ng _drain or sewert or other storm water Sevier." and insert the following in lieu thereof s t'Storm, watort Sto= water refers to all sinter waste other tho& sanitary sewerago and lncludee, but Is not limited to, rain watora surface water, ground waster$ condensatia eater, cooling water, uncontaminated process water or other similar unoontami.nated waste water." "3uilding Store Drains The building atom drain is that part of the horizontal piping and its branches which conveys rain viatero surface water, ground water, condensate water cool- ing waiters uncontaminated process- -water or other eimilar uncontaminated waste water-to the Suilding Stan Sewer at a point two feet outaido the building wall. o "Euildi.ng Storm Sewers The building storm sewer is that part Z of the horizontal pipping of a building drainago system ex- Z tending frexn the building storm,drain to the connection to _. tho public storm sewer, combined sewer at the property line or other point of disposal." SECTION 2 That Section 18.05 Plumbing General requirements of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding td 5ubsoction 9 Use of Public Sewers Required as Followss Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 8-62 22 Passed by the Council - Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against 04inai t. -Cit, Ciarlc ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY CU"l AISSIO E f"MM L.. LOSS Yeas Attest: PAGE 2 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. "Where a- public storm sewer is accessiblb in' the 'street,, alloy easement 'or thoroughfare td a building or preraiGLM abuttin thereon, * the storm and clear water waste -from the bulyding store sewer shall be discharged into the public storm sewer.' SECTION 3 That Section 18.05 Plumbing General Requirements of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby - further amended by adOing subsectlori 15 as follows: 15: Separation of Storm DrAinage from Sanitary Sewerage a. In all buildings and premixes, . except one and two family dwellings, hereafter ereot ®d, the storm water drainage from such -buildingg or premises sho-11 be -run in an entirely separate system of pi inq from the sanitary sewerage and shall . be carried in �t�e building storm drain and the building storm sewer to the public storm sewer in tha street., alley# easement or thoroughfare where a- public storm sevier exists and shall be run 'out separately to the property line and there combined with the building sanitary sewer whera a combined sower only exists in the street, alley, easement or thoroughfare. b. When .a public storm sewer shall hereafter become acces- sible in the street, alley, easement or thorougghfar© abutting a building ctt, premises, except one and two family dwellings, the storm and clear waterdragnage system from such building or premises shall be connected to the public storm sewer within one vear- after notification .from the-Bureau of Public Buildings that such public storm sewer is accessible. The date that a newly installed public storm sewer becomes ac- cessible shall be determined by the Department of Public Works. c. All buildings and premises except one and two family dwellings which were constructed prior to the effective date of this ordinance whero public storm sewer,is accessible or shall become accessible hereafter shall, when notified by the .Bureau of Public Buildings, make such revisions to their drainage systems as are.required to provide complete separa- tion of the storm drainage system from the sanitary sewerage system within one year after such notification and connect the building storm sewer to the public storm sewer in the stroe-t, alley, easement or thoroughfare abutting such build - ing or premises. Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) City Clerk 1D1 6-62 X22 Passed by the Council kApproved: Mayor Tn Favor Against 17 odiinai t-. city Clem ORDINANCE • COUNCIL FILE NO.� PRESENTED BY COMISSIONER FRANK L• LOSS ORDINANCE NO. � PAGE 3 SWUM 4 That 3oction 18.09 Plumbing Fixtures of the Saint Paul. Legis- lative Codo.is hereby AMendod by deleting subsection 9 Which reads as follows$ 119. Bath Tub Trap Bach bath tub shall be provided With drum trap* Traps on bath tubs shall be placed In such.malzner that the clonnout will be easily accossibl•e. btum traps shall bo not less tho four (4) inches in distmeter by eight (8) Inches doop -" SECTION 5 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered riecessary for the pteservatibn of public peace, health and eaf aty. SECTION 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passagd and publidation. • 1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinsoan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest i�l/1�11�/Q F SEP 111 Passed by the eil 6 ... Tn Favor M-10re (6 , "City Clerk / // Mayor 1M 8-62 X22 ( /// ki Dwvu..t. t. rdnt., O DINANCE 214457 �'� `�� %1 % l ��_ , COUNCIL FILE CO ISSIONER L. LOSS �S PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO BUILDING CONSTRUC- TION. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECES- SARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That Section 18.04 Definitions of Plumbing Terms of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting the definition of Storm Water Sewer which reads as follows: "Storm Water Sewer: Storm water or rain water sewer is that part of the horizontal piping and its branches which con- veys the surface drainage from areas, courts, yards, or roof leaders to the building drain or sewer, or other storm water sewer." and insert the following in lieu thereof: "Storm Water: Storm water refers to all sewer waste other than sanitary sewerage and includes, but is not limited to, rain water, surface water, ground water, condensate water, cooling water, uncontaminated process water or other similar uncontaminated waste water." "Building Storm Drain: The building storm drain is that part of the horizontal piping and its branches which conveys rain water, surface water, ground water, condensate water, cool- ing water, uncontaminated process water or other similar uncontaminated waste water to the Building Storm Sewer at a point two feet outside the building wall. "Building Storm Sewer: The building storm sewer is that part of the horizontal piping of .a building drainage system ex- UY tending from the building storm drain to the connection to the public storm sewer, combined sewer at the property line ci or other point of disposal.." O �" SECTION 2 CL That Section 18.05 Plumbing General requirements of the Saint lot Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding to subsection 9 tse of Public Sewers Required as follows: O �- Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM 6-62 zz Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In. Favor Aroalnst DuyUcate to Printer PRESENTED BY COMMISSIi PAGE 2 O 21.4.1-5 COUNCIL FILE NO. R FRAN ORDINANCE NO. "Where a public storm sewer is accessible in the street, alley, easement or thoroughfare to a building or premises abutting thereon, the storm and clear water waste from the building storm sewer shall be discharged into the public storm sewer." SECTION 3 That Section 18.05 Plumbing General Requirements of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby further amended by adding subsection 15 as follows: 15. Separation of Storm Drainage from Sanitary Sewerage a,. In all buildings and premises, except one and two family dwellings, hereafter erected., the storm water drainage from such building or premises shall be run in an entirely separate system of piping from the sanitary sewerage and shall be carried in the building storm drain and the building storm sewer to the public storm sewer in the street, alley, easement or thoroughfare where a public storm sewer exists and shall be run out separately to the property line and there combined with-the building sanitary sewer where a combined sewer only exists in the street, alley, easement or thoroughfare. b. When a public storm sewer shall hereafter become acces- sible in the street, alley,, easement or thoroughfare abutting a building or premises, except one and two family dwellings, the storm and clear water drainage system from such building or premises shall be connected to the public storm sewer within one year after notification from the Bureau of Public Buildings that such public storm sewer is accessible. The date that a newly installed public storm sewer becomes ac- cessible shall be determined by the Department of Public Works. c. All buildings and premises except one and two family dwellings which were constructed prior to the effective date of this ordinance where public storm sewer is accessible or shall become accessible hereafter shall, when notified by the Bureau of Public Buildings, make such revisions to their drainage systems as are required to provide complete separa- tion of the storm drainage system from the sanitary sewerage system within one year after such notification and connect the building storm sewer to the public storm sewer in the street,. alley, easement or thoroughfare abutting such build- ing or premises. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM 8-82 22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against Du;u.t. to Printer ORDINANCE.' COUNCIL FILE NO. ki PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER FRAI L. OSS ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 SECTION 4 That Section 18.09 Plumbing Fixtures of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code is hereby amended by deleting subsection 9 which reads as follows: "9. Bath Tub Trap Each bath tub shall be provided with drum trap. Traps on bath tubs shall be placed in such manner that the cleanout will be easily accessible. Drum traps shall be not less than four (4) inches in diameter by eight (8) inches deep." SECTION 5 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of public peace, health and safety. SECTION 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. 11 l9 i Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland. Loss Tn Favor Mortinson , Against Peterson Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1D1 6-62 22 1s 2n J Laid over to 9' 3rd and app —Adopt Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish Holland Loss Holland ( •1 Loss Mortinson �f Mortinson ileierevn. Peterson Rosen Rosfg_ Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis T 214457