214324• t 4 4� 16 !' •1_ c� t ' 2132 COUNCIL FILE NO. P6 LSHED ;z� 3 File No.' . S 7187 i In the Matter of construoting ne6 otdewatk on the tweet $ido of Cleveland Ave, flrom, Itasc,a Ave. -south to tho North ;litre of Lat 1� Wk. 1i -Lane No3rto.n .Addit on and by doing alt ether work rich ig ndcad6aty and incidental to .cotploto said improvement., under Preliminary Order 211633 approved 1=4. '27.1063 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that tai Council File No. 214324 - preem�ent�r- kip -made In the matter of constructing new sidewalk on the west side of Cleveland Ave: from Itasca Ave. south to the to c etruet the xiew _gtdewallc ofl 'the W 131 6 o.f CtdVexan3 Ave:. north line of Lot 1, Blk. 1. Lane Norton Addition and by doing all other work which- is necessary and incidental to lot 1 y A complete said improvement under Pre - south to the. )rth pixie of, I,ot 16 ilk. t, Lan ortoxx Addition. �liminary Order 213633, approved June 27, 1963. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due t)thes work Whie�lr � � QB�ax �i 8Z!{� iricictonta�, to cmp' . . e ;Ba�.� iffip notice, and the Council having hear' persons, objections and recomTy;O vms relativ" thereto, and s con;_ -n, !ice same; '.fl 'I if t.) iIF 't -tvo ' 0ee* t-71 1• 1, idg of "P All orders iTC 0,, above n-,3 +ter b^. and the same ara h•,reb't canc elledj hii'',101 0 and ruscmded acid a:l p. tic,audiiip in said nct(trr be disco»tinuodi and the Council hereby orders said im rovement to be made. RESOLVE FURTIiER, That the mmissioner of Public Works be and is her y instructed and directed to pi pa plans and specificatio for said improvement, and submit same t the Council for approval; that upon id approval, the prop city officials are hereby authorized and ected to pro- ceed with the making o aid improvement in ecordance therewith. Ye 6 -63 COUNCILMEN AUG 2 0 1M Adopted by t Council A-Dpro e AUG 2 0 1953 Tn Favor ' Mayor Against z W.S. Cleveland — Itasca south s: S'7/ r) Dist. No, 2 2� ?9 r 2 6 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE July 8th. 19 63 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paulo The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Council File No, 213633 approved June 27th. 19 63 relative to constructing new sidewalk on the west side of Cleveland Ave, from Itasca Ave. south to the north line of Lot 1. Blk 1, Lane Norton Addition and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports; 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 3.25 per lin. ft. for a standard and $3,80 per lin,_ft, for a standard sidewalk 6 f 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ),thommissione-r eof. 3. In aq of Public Works CO 4. I ro �hjt d foi upon petition X Commissioner of Public Works e. City of St. Paul Aug. 177 1963 - Department of Finance" •._ 1189 So. Cleveland 113 Court House x St. P-aull6, Minnesota St." Paul, Minnesota. Att:. James L. Dalglish _ Dear Sir,: Subject; Preliminary Order 213633- T� -,.- Proposing construction -of= 4 sidet-ralk -ohs v st" side` "of - Cleveland -Av enue, including my - property.'ofi 1189 South- Cleveland? Avenue. • I- wash to advise you• of .my opinion by this letter, that I do not approve of its conjtruction: ; I- would be* at the '.City Court House to disapprove personally, but I am recovering from a recent operation and I trill not,be able to attend. I sincere- ly hope that 'at the hearings on Tubsday7 August 20, my disaproval . trill be voiced. Sincerel - t Mrs. rAnn. Dolan 222 -6151 J J OSCAR'S Loan and Discount House 471 Wabasha Street, St. Paul 2, Minn. 4- - - /(� - /��# 4;71 (f /- fAr ez Or llele�� iii �� d , t V�\Cll �--? 1 ���.� 0 �_ . � ___C�� FROM: r MARK HERTZ 1175 SO. CLEVELAND AVE. ST. PAUL 16, MINN. Dear Mr. Dalglish: TO: City of St. Paul Department of Finance 113 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Att: James L. Dalglish DATE August 11, 1963 This is in reference to your Preliminary Order 213633 which proposes to construct a sidewalk on the west side of Cleveland Avenue including my property at 1175 So. Cleveland. I wish to advise that althoudjh I originally signed the petition ordering the walk, I now state that I do not want the walk and do not approve of its construction. I respectfully request that at the hearing to he held'on August 20, 1963 my disapproval will�be voiced. Thank you, Very sincerely yours, Mark Hertz M A N U F A C T U R E R' S R E P R E S E N T A T I V E W H O L E S A L E F U R N I T U R E A.