214289Original to -City Cleric PRESENTED BY Council File No. 214289— Ordinance No. 12542 —By Milton Rosen — O •� ce ordinance a permit authorizing the Issu- ance ��289 ance of a ermit to the State of .Min - nesota to construct an maintain an Electric Distribution Conduit with Electric Service Facilities for service of its Capitol Building and its Adjacent Buildings, in, under ,and- across Cedar L street parallel thereto and it feet southerly from the center ]irte of Col-.i*nbu$ Ave,-Aue exte *,c'ad =•-iin the obi 4 'to r t3 5t ti f ; +• iipn�rr f es dn° '• • L An ordinance authorizing the. - Issuance of a permit to the State of Minnesota to construct and maintain an Electric Distribution Conduit with Electric Service Facilities for service of its Capitol Building and its Adjacent Buildings,, in, under and across Cedar Street parallel thereto and 50 feet southerly from the center line of Columbus Avenue extended, within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Commissioner of Public Works hereby is authorized to issue a permit to the State of - Minnesota, as permittee, to construct and maintain an Electric Distribution Conduit with electric service facilities, for the service of said permittee's Capitol Building and said permittee's adjacent buildings in, under and across Cedar Street parallel thereto and 50 feet southerly from the center line of Columbus Avenue extended, within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications therefor to be fur- nished by said permittee to the Commissioner of Public Works of said City and approved by said Commissioner; provided, that said installation shall constitute,'as hereby contemplated, a cylindrical concrete conduit approximating.32" in diameter and incorporating,a cylindrical metal housing and accessory electric service wiring facilities approximating 3" in dia- meter and conform to all applicable requirements of municipal ordinances, stpte statutes and rules and regulations of pub- lic authorities having cognizance. That the said permit and its issuance shall be subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions: 1. That said permittee or its contractor, in the premises, shall - furnish and deliver to said City of Saint Paul a surety bond in the penal sum of $10,000.00, made and executed by said permittee or its said con- tractor, as principal, and a corporate surety company duly authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota, as surety, to and in favor of the City of Saint Paul, as obligee, conditioned that said permittee or said contractor, as principal, shall indemnify and hold harmless said City of Saint Paul against all ex- pense and liability on account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of or connected with the construction and installation of said Electric Distri- bution Conduit and said accessories thereto,which ' Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 8-82 22 Passed by the Council Favor Against - 2 - surety bond shall be inform approved by the Corporation Counsel and surety approved by the Commissioner of Finance of said City. 2. That said permittee or its said con- tractor shall construct and install said Electric Distribution Conduit and said accessories to the same under the supervision and subject to the ap- proval of said Commissioner of Public Works and shall fully reimburse said City on account of all costs and expenses necessarily incurred by said City for inspection and engineering services, in the premises. 21428a, �a5f2 3. That said permittee or its said contractor shall furnish and maintain''casual'ty insurance coverage by a duly licensed casualty insurance com- pany in the amount of $300,000 against liability for injury to any person and /or persons in any single accident, and in the amount of $259000 against liability for injury to property in any single accident and in said amounts and for said purposes, respectively, indemnifying said permittee or its said contractor, and the City of Saint Paul, against liability on account of all claims of third persons for injury to person and/tr property arising from or connected with the construction and installa • tion of said Electric Distribution Conduit and said, accessories to the same hereunder, and shall furnif competent evidence of said coverage, from time to/ to ' the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul, / AA 4. That said permittee shall cause the struction and installation hereunder of said Distribution Conduit and said accessories V to be completed not later than the 1st day 1965. / 5. That said permittee shall fu]i and hold harmless said City of Saint J liability on account of all claims, :,- suits and judgments ca account of i ' property arising therefrom or co�v' struction maintenance, operation Electric Distribution Conduit a/ the same hiereunder and shall, the supervision and subject; f Commissioner of Public Workr all pavements, sidewalks,, improvement installations by reason of said permit' ' opeation or removal of Conduit and said acce _3_ 24289 6. That said permittee's contractor, in the Jl�cr premises, shall fully indemnify and hold harmless l said City of Saint Paul against all liability on account of all claims, causes of action, suits and judgments on account of injury to person or property arising therefrom or connected with the construction ,maintenance,_operation or removal of- said Electric Distribution Conduit and said ac- cessories to the same hereunder and shall, at its own cost, under the supervision and subject to the approval of said Commissioner of Public Works, re- construct and restore all pavements, sidewalks, curbings and other street improvement installations removed, injured or disturbed by reason of said con- struction and installation or removal of said Electric Distribution Conduit and said accessories to the same hereunder. 7.' That whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its Resolution, shall determine the discontinuance and removal of said Electric Distri- bution Conduit and said accessories necessary in the public interest and accordingly order the dis- continuance and removal of the same from said lo- cations, or whenever said permittee shall, upon its election, determine to discontinue and remove the same and surrender said permit therefor, the said Electric Distribution Conduit and said accessories shall be discontinued and removed from the subject public street areas and such public street areas shall be reconstructed and restored, by and at the cost and expense of said permittee or its said contractor, in the premises, under the supervision and subject to the approval of said Commissioner of Public Works; pro- vided, nevertheless, that no such resolution shall be considered for adoption except upon a public Ye wring thereon held and conducted by the,Council after ten days' notice of such hearing given by registered mail to said permittee. 8. That said permittee and its said contractor shall within the period of 10 days file written ac- ceptance of this ordinance and all provisions thereof without limitation, which written instrument of ac- ceptance and agreement shall be in form approved by the Corporation Counsel. Original to- City Clerk ORDINANCE 214289 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. - 4 - Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect-and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss 7 Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IAl 6-62 22 AUG 2 7 1963 Passed by the Council /1 Favor y Against 11 -2o-63 INSURANCE AND BOND IN OFFICE OF MR. L. P. SHEAHAN MBUSHED z. Dupll"te tm Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to the State of Minnesota to construct and maintain an Electric Distribution Conduit with Electric Service Facilities for service of its Capitol Building and its Adjacent Buildings,, In,, under and across Cedar Street parallel thereto and 50 feet southerly from the center line of Columbus Avenue extended, within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN s Section 1. That the Commissioner of Public Works hereby is authorized, to issue a permit to the State of Minnesota, as permittee, to construct and maintain an Electric Distribution Conduit with electric service faoilities, for the service of said permittee's Capitol Building and said permittee's adjacent buildings in, under and across Cedar Street parallel thereto and 50 feet southerly from the center line of Columbus Avenue extended, within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications therefor to be fur- nished by said permittee to the Commissioner of Public Works of said City and approved by said Commissioner; provided, that said installation shall constitute, as hereby contemplated, a cylindrical concrete conduit approximating 12" in diameter and incorporating a cylindrical metal housing and accessory electric service wiring facilities approximating 3" in dia- meter and conform to all applicable requirements of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of pub- lic authorities having cognizance. That the said permit and its issuance - stall- be subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions: 1. That said permittee or its contractor, in the premises, shallifurnish and deliver to said City of Saint Paul a surety bond in the penal sum of $10,000.00, made and executed by said permittee or its said con- tractor, as principal, and a corporate surety company duly authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota, as surety, to and in favor of the City of Saint Paul, as obligee, conditioned that said permittee or said contractor, as principal, shall indemnify and hold harmless said City of Saint Paul against all ex- pense and liability on account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of or connected with the construction and installation of said Electric Distri- bution Conduit and said accessories thereto,which Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor ID1 8-82 22 Duplicate to- Printer 1 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, 214289 ORDINANCE NO. /.,2—r4 An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to the State of Minnesota to construct and maintain an Electric Distribution Conduit with Electric Service Facilities for service of its Capitol Building and its Adjacent Buildings,, in, under and across Cedar Street parallel thereto and 50 feet southerly from the center line of Columbus Avenue extended, within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Commissioner of Public Works hereby is authorized to issue a permit to the State of Minnesota, as permittee, to construct and maintain an Electric Distribution Conduit with electric service facilities, for the service of said permittee's Capitol Building and said permittee's adjacent buildings in, under and across Cedar Street parallel thereto and 50 feet southerly from the center line of Columbus Avenue extended, within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications therefor to be fur- nished by said permittee to the Commissioner of Public Works of said City and approved by said Commissioner; provided, that said installation shall constitute, as hereby contemplated, a cylindrical concrete conduit approximating 1:2" in diameter and incorporating a cylindrical metal housing and accessory electric service wiring facilities approximating 3" in dia- meter and conform to all applicable requirements of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of pub- lic authorities having cognizance. That the said permit And its issnauce•- shall- be subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions: 1. That said permittee or its contractor, in the premises, shallif'urnish and deliver to said City of Saint Paul a surety bond in the penal sum of $10,000.00, made and executed by said permittee or its said con- tractor, as principal, and a corporate surety company duly authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota, as surety, to and in favor of the City of Saint Paul, as obligee, conditioned that said permittee or said contractor, as principal, shall indemnify and hold harmless said City of Saint Paul against all ex- pense and liability on account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of or connected with the construction and installation of said Electric Distri- bution Conduit and said accessories thereto,which Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor I 6-62 22 J,. ; r ate- - r • h- t } a ♦ - _. +r .• . a � - _ -, -` •� - .i �4 ���j°(-.jQ . .` -•a,R± aurety' bond' shah be iuf irw approved bar. 'the. Corporat. on Counsel., -cad. surety appr ©ved -by: the Commi ii'orier . of 'Fi.naxice of a "did .City,` "Y -, ` r 2.. That,-said permittee or P i-tsµ said con -. .' traotor $.hall.' construct- and• instalk:ksaid'- Eleatr.ic Distribution Co�iduitf and said • soossdries t© the ; " -.game under: the supervision "afid subject : to the-&p." ' proval of .said °.CpmmiOsioner of Public Works and ' shall f" ully r,r- eimburae se id .0 "ity oi'• account cif all ;aosts_enO expenses necessarily ncurred,y said h City for •inspection and - engineering servioe$,.-'in - the premia�es . - ;' 3,_ that said ' permittee 'or its. .'sai.d' contractor . $hail furnio4 and_-maint lin 'casualty insurance_ ooverage by "a duly licensed casualty insurance.bomo pa y;�n`the amount, of $900,000 against liability in jury to any 'person and /or'persons in- any' - ' single _ accid.ent and, in •the count- of. $25.,000 against ,liability fob l.n jury i±o property in zany - ngle accident and in said affiounts',and for said s, purposes re�#peoti'Vely,. ' indemnifying -said• permittee t or its, said oontractor,' and the City of saint - Paul, } against. liability on account of all' - claims ' of third - persona - for..iri jury- to' tarpon end, - property arising - 5, . from or connected with the aonatr-uotion an4- -meta -lle -- t. tion- of said, Electric 'Distri, bation Conduit and said acaessories ' to m under; and ,shall furnish ' s e competent evidence of said o.overage,, - from ,time to-time i to, the, Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. ,? TIW' °tsai:d permittee shall cause. the, -oon- struoton..nd �i�astall�ttion hereunder of said •:Eleatrio ' - Distribution ConduU and said- accesabries td the same• to be not later than the list day of :September,. - ., • - . - t _ - . - . - That, said permittee shall fully indemnify ; and hold harmless said City of -Saint' ' Paul- .agairi4t all _ liability` on 'account- 'of all claims,,_ - causes o f , action, =sums and'' judgments da', acco' unt of Al jury •t'b ` eroon'.or property, arising'' therofrom or connecited Frith" the oba-w struct.onsirtenanae_. oPeratioo far removal. of' said ' Electric Motribution' Conduit and said a66ess.orieo- to " the- same .hereunder- and shall-9, tit - ta. - own cost, . under 'the, eiupervision aria subject, to the approval• of' said ' 'Comm issioner of-Public Works r. reconstruct and restore all - pavements,' e#:dexalks;. curbirigs' ,and tither, street ` improvement installations remover- ,:injured-,or disturbed. - _ by-reagon of said permittee s aanstrUati ©rig maintenance opontion or removal-of said-Electric Distribution Conduit a- 44'said,accessories to the - same hereunder: 4t' ._2414289 That"Sala permitte4ts, -oontraotor#, �n th6 premises, ahall.fiaiy ind6tmify-and hold - ha rMle s 9 a Gi:t­y of Saint ,Paul against ail - lVibilit7 on i y f all, & laims, causes of p6tibIM- suits, And j udgment e , on 4 6coutit of - injury. to'person or, property,arittng,,.therefrom or tonnected-with the c to'nance, operpt i-on � or removal 'Of onst �Uction, maiq I , sElid --Electric . Distrib tion'-Condult:and said� aoA- des$oriOs_1-.t6.the'aaiue hereuiid6r and shallf, At. Its, costj under-the duperv,islon and"sUbjiBet'to, the _own approval of,,sai, 'd Oomti6sioner of�,Public WoAst-)M�,., construct and'restore,all pavementsi'sidewalksi, curi�iTi S wid ather street improvemeht-in,stallations' -ia4ur6d-, or dl�turbed by re6son of said,con- 'Electric atio -,Said str�uctjon and i Oi6li -n. or, removal of D! tion Coa Ce, th. tribu e same J3 dait And, said ac asoriep to, hereunder. "That- Whenever th oun'Al "Of th(,1 `C ity of SAint Paul th oy; its',Resolutiong .4hall determine, . e scolitin uaiide.andjrd oval bf'tAid'Eloctrii� sa id- 6 e so es-.nece9s6ryjn, butioli. Ooilftit And 00-8 the, pulzlic: �4terest and accordingly, orddjr, the - e- M continua -tam fro' -s' id jiee a44 remoyal .;5f' ationg., or, -whenever 'said pel� mittee �shallp -upon its 6 the nue an M 1; eltottoa,, determl 'e.to, disc'onti d. 're ov 'burre er $aid, permit,-thereforg the', said same a-ad n4 and-sdid, E16ctric Dii3tributilon, Conduit' -dccessor�es ,shalI be discontinued'and reimoveid fromU6 "subject public- street.- areas-, and such public-street,aipAs shall -0 .'be reconsttucted'atd,,re stored#, b '_,.aiid at, the, c and y expense'of- -said permittee or-its. �6aid coAtrac.tOr in !,�the 3,,Ainder the'-6upervlsi�qn and'subject to thd prieti8ef Appr6va Ofi s!aia -,C6mMssione r of Pjjblic.Wqrksj pr6. nev -that no such regolution shall be, vided, ert�heless� f or la'aring' considered, Option except upcin_a pub:Lic� j_ ondUct after ten theredni. held' ed by th6;Counoll._ "t hear ing given b r tere"d, da,18- no eo 0 sUch, �gis a to,s6id ijermittee, -its i d, 8.," That said e and' sa con, -n � I I � - e ae-!, 'ahall, within the p�riod.of 10'da 0 file V Itt 'and, t t ncb'of th1d',.'6td1nance a . I "pr6vi dions there of "cep, a" rumett, of Ac, 0n..'Which writ tdn,.,1n 8t' without. -iimita tt, ceptance� nd - agrefttmt, shal-i be in f otm Approved �by the.' r poratipn �Ppun �17 I A P Duplicate t? Printer ORDINANCE 24289 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. - 4 - Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM 8-82 22 AUG 27 1963 Passed by the Council Tn Favor Against AUG 2 7 1963 Approved: Mayor f 1 - a Sept. 403963 Stat of Minnesota 120 State Capitol St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlement' At tioc s State Architect We enclose, a copy. of. Qrdinance Fur. 125 ,, nt a pendt to the State of - Minnesota to construct and maintain trio tribution Conduit with Electric, service Pagilities for is of the itol Building and its adjacent'buildingsp U, under and ac C t. parallel thereto and = 50 feet southerly from the center line us Ave. extended; also (�� bill in the sum ofM„ to the of publication of this - ordinance. � We call your special atten td hs 1 and 8 of section l,. which require the filing of a - - tbk,., ° specified and - the filing of an acceptance of the term of Both must be filed In this office, Room 386,0 11. a must be filed here within ten days. ' • !17'.3 4 -Very truly yo_rs o City Clerk _r A 2n ' w Laid over to 3rd and app-V b dopte Yeas Nays Yeas ays Dalglish Dalglish Holland �olland `Loss Mortinson - Mortinson Peterson \Peterson Rosen ` Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis s 214289