CONDEMNATION AND council File No. 214287— AND
In thp matter of opening, Widen-
, ing and es r,aading the intersections
' ASSESSM of .4k'a 1 ° Jackson St. and Acker
'St. ,, � A �'' Place `i7 ,�, •Ien]Ili +z•. i
L' •jj U !ree :s irtrthe `-0 -//
Q ; t n , , .� .:, 0 Sir PUBLiSFD
} 0 C • =Ole
P„�tt,Pr of �, ,opening., widening and
ex� x3i-1 `ch2 i icersections " of Acker St. aA. Jackson St. 'aHT cker St. 'at Cortland
s P'zuC.�; Jy conderraikng and taking .tar ;street purposes 'the following lands: that part
of Lot ?l, Block 1, Drakels 2nd AddUuion.to the City of St. Paul, lying northwesterly
Oil. the following described line: beginning at a-,point onthe'northeagA line of
and 9.4 feet vicaterly of the northeast corder of said Lot 113 thence southwesterly
I on a u c re to the left having 'a radius of !)0 feet to a point on the south line
of and 18 feet easterly of the soutinrest corner of said Lot ll; and that part
of Lot 12, aleck 1, Dbakeus 2nd Addition to the City of St. Paul, lying north•
i westerl yhof the following.deseribed line:- l)egbming at a point on the north
link? of,,haid 18,, -feet easterl;, of the north.n,at corner of said Lot 12, thence
bcaring southwesterly on a straight line to the southwest corner of said Lot 12.
Also all of Lot-. 1 and those parts of Lo';-.s 2 and 3 lying easterly of a line de-
,� sc* ?bed as follows: commencing at a point can the south line of and 20 feet westerly.
'* of the east l iae or said Lot 2; 't'h —,nce nor i ;hcasterl y on a straight line to a point
01"I the north line a_" end 5 feet vesterly ^o c the cast limof said Lot 2; thence
s2o:^theasterly to a point on the northeaste :ply corner of said Lot 3b all fn Block 2,
- -D a.efs- �nd"Addition to the City of,St.•P=al.. -
Als o con ;demo and take an easement in the land necessa —ty for slopes, cuts and
fills, _ncludirg right Of removal- as s.�;eral support from Lots 11, 12, and 13,
Block 1, DI —akses 2nd Addition •to the City of St. Paul, occasioned by the excava-
t•iOns tI_cToof Or constractidrt o-L slo1x;s required for the grading and paving of
Ja: ksorl Street fron the north right- of-way. 1 i.ne • of the Great Eorthern Railway Com-
pany to lticlter Stree'c, Acker Strecz sro.m Jac: rson Street to Cortland Place and -
Cortllaad Place from, Acker Strect to oa
�fc a'e Street., --
— enZlneu -Dy- tine- slgnaLUr� -o-- QUA -�:n, _ ..
damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, "
be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, 't•
and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the -District Court for confirmation.
•$e -•-it. the- earid- asseosFmen#r -•be- and- it -is-- hereby -determimd -tor + e --payable AUG 9 195'
Adopted by the Council------------------------y-------------,--------
- - -/ ` -------------------------------- File i1589�+ - - - -. --- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- .
City Clerk
Councilman Dalglish Approved__________ _____��_ 9_
Councilman Holland -- ------- - - - - --
Councilman Loss
Councilman -- =
Councilman Peterson - In Favor
Councilman Rosen
Mayor Vavoulis ----- D__Against
2M 10-55 00690