07-1033Council File # U � �d J �
Green Sheet # 3045355
Presented By
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with
2 the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) for the period of the 2007-2008
3 VISTA program year, pursuant to which it will act as a Sponsor organization; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Public Schools will be a Participating Site, with a VISTA
member placed at Como Puk Elementary School, and the school will contribute funding for the
position; and
WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the process and obtain funds from the school the City
needs to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Saint Paul Public Schools; now,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul supports the VISTA program
involvement and authorizes the appropriate city officials to enter into the attached Memorandum
of Understanding.
Requested by Deparpnen[of:
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Form Approvedb CityAttomey �
By: � �% .n.�_
Form Approved Mayor for Subm�ssion to Counc�l
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Adopted by Council: Da[e ///�� /v�/��7
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
MO —Mayor'sOfEce
Conpct Person 8 Phone:
Jessi Ayers Bean
E-Document Required: N
Document Contact:
Contact Phone:
Total # of Signalure Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3045355
0 a or's O%ce
1 or'sOf6ce De entl)irector ��
2 ' Akome
3 yor's Office __ _ Mayor/ASSistant �
4 ouncil
5 ' Clerk � Ci Clerk
The City Council supports the VISTA program involvement and authorizes the appzopriate city officials to enter into a
Memorandumo£ Understanding with the Corporation for National and Community Service for the period of the 2007-2008 VISTA
progrun yeaz, pursuant to which it will act as a Sponsor organization.
itlanons: Approve (A) or Ke}ect (K): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
AdvanWges If Approved:
DisadvanWges If Approved:
DisadvanWges If NotApproved:
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
Activity Number:
r _..'_._ ,_
, � �����}� ���
! ` -' 11 ,
CosURevenue Budgeted:
October 18, 2007 329 PM Page 1
07�/D� 3
CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hal[ Telephone 65l-266-8510
Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Facsimile. 651-266-8513
Saint Paul, MN 55102
October 9, 2007
Lyla Griffin
Contract Coordinator
Saint Paul Public Schools
360 Colbome Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Deaz Lyla,
Enclosed please fmd a fully executed original Memorandum of Understanding between the City
of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Public Schools for a VISTA project at Como Park Elementary
School far the 2007-08 program year for your files.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at 651-266-8581 or
j essica.avers.bean(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us.
Jessica Ayers-Bean
Educarion Associate
Ca Kate Flynn, Como Park Elementary, 780 Wheelock Pkwy W, Saint Paul, MN 55117
Saint Paul
Puichasing 6��/���
360 Colbome Sxreet
Independent School DistricY 625 Sainc Paul, MN 55102-3299
Telep6one: (6�1) 767-5291 • FaK (651) 293-">9G5 • wwwspps.o a
August 30, 2007
Ms. Jessica Ayers-Bean
Education Associate
Office of Mayor Christopher B. Coleman
390 City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Dear Ms. Ayers-Bean:
Enclosed aze three (3) -signed originals of our Memorandum of Understanding between the City
of Saint Paul and Saint Paul Public Schools as the Participating Site with a VISTA member
placed at Como Park Elementary School for the 2007-08 program year.
After you have obtained the remaining signature, please send me one executed original contract
for our Saint Paul Public Scbools central repository of contracts. I will issue the purchase order
and send you a copy for your files.
If you have any quesrions, please call me at 651-767-8288 or e-mail me at lvla.eriffin(c�i s�ps.or�.
Thank you for your support.
Lyl Griffin
Contract Coordinator
C: Kate Flynn
C; 2.-�-�l5 at- v
D� /a3�
Memorandum of Understanding for 2007-2008 City of Saint Paul VISTA
THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is made and entered into this _ day of
200 by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal
corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and Saint Paul Public Schools and shall
be in effect until the final cost-share payment has been made, unless terminated at an earlier
date by either party.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with
the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) for the period of the 2007-2008
VISTA program year, pursuant to which it will act as a Sponsor organization; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Public Schools will be a Participating Site, with a VISTA member
placed at Como Park Elementary Schooi; and
WHEREAS, the assigned V1STA member commits to a year ofi community service
designed to strengthen and supplement efforts to eliminate poverty and poverty-related human,
social, and environmental problems in accordance with the proposed work plan submitted with
the Site's application.
Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual agreements and consideration contained herein,
the parties agree as follows:
1. VISTA Member. Parties agree that for the 2007-OS VISTA program year, one (1) VISTA
member will be placed at the Como Park Elementary School. In addition to the terms and
conditions set forth herein, the obligations of both parties are subject to the terms and conditions
of a Memorandum of Agreement between the Corporation for National and Community Service
(CNCS) and the City of Saint Paul (Sponsor) executed for the period of the City of Saint Paul
2007-2008 VISTA program year, which is incorporated herein by reference, and made part of
hereof, and federal laws and regulations and CNCS policy applicable to the project, or which
may become applicable to it subsequent to the execution of this Memorandum.
2. Obligations of the Sponsor Organization.
A. The Sponsor organization will provide support and technical assistance to sites
regarding the RFP process and assist in development of the final work plan, as
well as assisting in member recruitme�t, interviewing, selection and approval of
the VISTA Member; and progress monitoring;
B. With CNCS, the Sponsor will provide pre-service orientation training for the
VISTA member prior to the beginning of his/her term of service with the Site. All
VISTA members are required to attend this pre-service orientation prior to
starting their year of service;
C. Sponsor wiil provide early service training and other in-service training for the
VISTA member in cooperation with Site. The Sponsor will publish dates for
training sessions as early as possible in the program year. All VISTA members
are required to attend these trainings;
D. Provide support and supervision to VISTA members and to the VISTA
supervisors of the Site in administrative matters concerning project assignment,
transportation, etc. Sponsor's staff wili be available to respond to support
requests for any program-related issues;
E. Provide supervision and tracking of the progress at each site;
F. Provide reimbursements, payroll and professional development for the VISTA
G. Provide background checks on the VISTA members;
H. Provide support and tracking of inember benefits and sick/vacation time;
i. Provide site visits at the Participating site to provide support and insure
compliance, as outlined by CNCS and program policy and procedures;
J. Provide fiscal management of the federal grant awarded by CNCS; and
K. Complete all reporting as mandated by the Sponsor's federaf grant.
Obligations of the Participating Site.
A. Participating Site will provide an acceptable position description and work plan
for the use of the Sponsor, CNCS and potential VISTA members prior to the
permanent assignment of a VISTA member;
B. The Participating Site will have the designated VISTA Supervisor attend a
supervisor training prior to the arrival of the VISTA member;
C. The Participating Site will provide a designated individual to give day-to-day
supervision of and guidance for the VISTA member activities;
D. With support and approval from CNCS and the Sponsor, the Site will have
primary responsibility for recruiting, interviewing, and selecting its own VISTA
member, �
E. Participating Site wifV provide on-site orientation within two weeks of the VISTA
member's arrival and provide the Sponsor with signed copies of the on-site
orientation materials;
F. Participating Site will provide adequate and comfortable working space,
equipment and supplies comparabie to that of other Site staff, to permit the
VISTA member to perform his/her assigned duties;
G. Participating Site will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the health and
safety of the V1STA member is protected during the performance of his/her
assigned duties. The Site shall not assign or require the VISTA member to
perform duties that woufd reasonably be expected to jeopardize his/her safety or
cause him/her to sustain injuries;
H. Participating Site shall submit quarterly progress reports to the Sponsor providing
progress monitoring of outcomes as detailed in the VISTA project work plan and
shall participate in evaluating the work of the VISTA member;
Participating Site wiil notify the Sponsor immediately regarding unscheduled
VISTA member absences or terminations andlor changes of status and
conditions (e.g. hospitalization or severe illness of VISTA member, Supervisor
changes at the Site, etc.);
Provide background checks for community volunteers, if needed;
K. Participating Site shall participate in evaluating the work of the VISTA member
and will complete and submit a member performance evaluation to the Sponsor
two (2) times per year.
4. Costs. The Participating Site will provide cost-share funding tor one (1) fu1{-time year-long
AmeriCorps`VISTA member's living allowance (currently $10,908.00). Other VISTA-related
expenses wiil be provided by the Sponsor and the Corporation for National and Community
A. The Partner Site's cost-share of up to one (1) VISTA member is subject to annual
review and renewa� after 12 months, in the event parties wish to extend this Agreement. Both
parties understand that cost-sharing is not guaranteed beyond the length of this current
Agreement, and that cost-sharing beyond two years is subject to approval from the Sponsor and
Corporation for National and Community Service.
B. Payments shall be made on a quarterly basis, following the Corporation for National
and Community Service's reporting and funding calendar. Within 30 days of the end of the
quarter, the City of Saint Paul's Office of Financial Services will prepare and send the Part�er
Site a bill for the actual living allowance expenditures for the quarter. The Partner Site will
provide payment within 30 days of receipt of the bili. Timely arrival of cost-share payments is
required. Delinquent payments may result in dissolution of this agreement and/or termination of
the VISTA position at Como Park Elemerrtary.
Note: Because the Sponsor bills the Partner Site for the actual VISTA living allowance
expenditures for the quarter, a VISTA member beginning service in the middle of a quarter
would result in 5 payments during the service year.
0 7-/4� 3
C. Because the Partner Site is responsible for paying the VISTA member's actual living
allowance expenditures, in the event of an early termination by a VISTA member, the Partner
Site will only be responsible for the cost of the VISTA member's living aliowance through the
member's termination date.
D. Upon receiving notffication from the Corporation for National and Community Service
of an area-based cost-of-living increase to VISTA living allowances in the course of their service
at the Partner Site, the Sponsor agrees to promptly notify the Partner Site of the increase and
the Partner Site agrees to pay for such an increase, in accordance with the Corporation for
National and Community Service's regulations and procedures.
E. Participating sites are prohibited from requesting or receiving any compensation for
the services of VISTA members, and from providing supplemental allowances to VISTA
members, or permitting others to do so.
5. Nondiscrimination. No person with responsibilities in the operation of the City of Saint Paul
VISTA Program, either of the Sponsor or of the Site, shall discriminate with respect to any
aspect of the project, because of race, creed, belief, color, national origin, sex, age, or political
6. Prohibited Activities.
A. VISTA members may not, as part of their assignment, give religious instruction,
conduct worship services, or engage in proselytization or any other religious
B. Members may not, during their period of service, actively participate in political
activities or lobbying. This prohibition included partisan and non-partisan
activities, including voter registration and direct or indirect attempts to influence
passage or defeat of legislation or proposals by initiative petition.
C. VISTA members may not perform duties which would displace employed
workers, which would otherwise be performed by staff inembers, or which would
impair existing contracts for service.
D. ViSTA members may not be assigned to perform any labor or anti-fabor
organizing activities.
7. Agreement Modification. This Agreement may only be amended in writing executed by
authorized representatives of the Sponsor and the participating site.
8. Notices. Any notice required under this Agreement may be sent to the City to the
attention of: Jessica Ayers-Bean and to the School District to the attention of: the
Superintendent of Saint Paul Public Schools, with a copy to the Principal of Como Park
Elementary School.
9. Contact information:
Sponsor Organization: City of Saint Paul, Office of the Mayor
Address: 390 City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 55102
o� /a��
Program Coordinator: Jessica Ayers-Bean, Education Associate
Telephone Number: 651266.8581
Certifying Official: Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor
Participating Site: Saint Paul Public Schools
Address: 360 Colborne, Saint Paul, MN 55102
PlacemenUService Site: Como Park Elementary Schooi
VISTA Supervisor: Kate Flynn, Interim Principal
Telephone Number: 651-293-5820
Certifying Officiai: Dr. Meria Carstarphen, Superintendent
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, the day and year
first above written.
For Y .
For the Schooi District:
S rinte (# eria Carstarphen, Ed.D.
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Ti O FO�iM
Approved as to form:
c �LJ Cn Gi.�?' X� U C�--� �-,..,�
City AttorneU