07-1020Return copy to: (bn)
Technical Services Division
1000 City Hall Annex
Presented By
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the tas forfeited pazcels on said classification list
shall be sold in accordance with Minnesota Statute Section 282.01, Sub. 1, except those
pazcels as listed in this resolution which shall be withheld from public sale for those
departments of the City of Saint Paul as indicated.
1 WHEREAS, The Board of Comrnissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, though the Tax
2 Forfeited Land Section of the Properry Records and Revenue Department in a letter dated
3 August 1, 2007, classified as non-conservation land, certain t�-forfeited properties lying
4 within the City of Saint Paul, and,
6 WHEREAS, a copy of the classification resolution together with the list of said lands has
7 been submitted for approval of the classification and sale of these lands in accordance with
8 Minnesota Statute, Section 282.01, Sub. 1;
BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to file a certified
copy of this resolufion in the office of the Land Commissioner, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Pronertv Address
Prooertv ID
Council File # ��-/6a
Green Sheet # �Q�S � � g
Potential Use
869 Weshninster St. Possible Residential development,
open space or parking
Edmund Rice's Fourth Addition to the City of St. Paul, vacated street accruing and the
following; The South 3 feet of Lot 8 and all of Lot 7, Block 11.
522 FarringtonSt. Future Housing Development
Warren & Rice's Addition to Saint Paul, except the North 8 feet for alley, tYte North 40 feet
of Lot 5 and Lot 6, Biock 22.
3` St. E& Arcade St. 32-29-22-14-0163 Deveiopment of side yard or
Highland Addition to St. Paul, all of Block 3. Passive Space
706 Charles Ave. Future Housing Development
Chute Brothers Division No. 7 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn., Lot 7.
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR R/W Residential development
Warren & Winslow's Addition to the Town of St. Paul, except beginning 25 feet East of
Southwest corner of Lot 4, thence West 25 feet, thence North 52 feet, thence to the
beginning, Lot 4, Block 4.
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR R/W Residential development
Warren & Winslow's Addition to the Town of St. Paul, Lot 5 Block 4.
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR R/W Residential development
Warren & Winslow's Addition to the Town of St. Paul, Lot 6 Block 4.
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR R/W Residential development
Warren & Winslow's Addition to the Town of St. Paul, the North'h of Rialto St. as vacated
and adjoining and Lot 9 Block 4.
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR R/W Residential development
Warren & Winslow's Addition to the Town of St. Paul, the North %z of Rialto St. as vacated
and adjoining and Lot 10, Block 4.
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR R/W Residential development
Warren & Winslow's Addition to the Town of St. Paul, the North %Z of Rialto St. as vacated
and adjoining and Lot 11, Block 4.
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR R/W Residential development
Warren & WinsYow's Addidon to the Town of St. Paul, the South %z of Rialto St. as vacated
and adjoining and the West %z of Arkwright St. vacated and adjoining and that part Easterly
of the Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way of Lots 11, 12 and Lot 13, Block 5.
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR R/W Residential development
Warren & Winslow's Addition to the Town of St. Paul, except the Northern Pacific Railway
right-of-way the East %z of Arkwright St. and the Northerly %z of a11ey both vacated and
adjoining and part Southwesterly of Arkwright St as opened of Lots 12 thru lot 16, Block 7.
Pronertv Address Pronertv ID Potential Use
3` St. E& Arcade St. 32-29-22-14-0163 Pazkland
Highland Addition to St. Paul, all of Block 3. Potential Community Gazdens
706 Charles Ave. Pazkland
Potential Community Gardens
Chute Brothers Division No. 7 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn., Lot 7.
South of 745 Wheelock Pkwy. W. Pazkland
Potential Community Gazdens
Como Heights Addition to City of St. Paul, except pazkway, Lot 11 and Lot 12, Block l.
Southwest of 1669 Race St. Pazkland
Potential Community Gardens
Birmingham's Fourth Addition to St. Paul, Minn., Lot 12, Block 5
� Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav ��� Requested by Department of:
Bostrom ��� Public Works
Harris —��✓����—�
Montgomery ��
Thune �
Adopted by Council: Date ��/a�/�i�v7
Adopfion Certified by C uncil Secretary
Approv�d a : Date � b
o�"i App�/�d by City, Attorney
�,���i�� �S.
Appro y ay • for S b ' sion to Council
By: `-r.--,d
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
Q7 /D�
Pw -r�tt�c wa�
Con{ad Person & Phone:
Must Be on Council Agen
E-DOeument Required: N
Document Contact:
Contact Phone:
� a
Assign i
Number Z
Routing 3
Order 4
Total # M Signature Pages _(Clip /UI Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3045118
bGc Works De artment Director (,
a er'sOft'ice MavorfAssistant
' Clerk C' Cluk
Approve resolution authorizing the withholding of taac forfeit parcels from public sale for 6 months.
iaavons: a,pprove �n� or tc
Planning Commission
CI8 Committee
Civil Service Commissiai
1. Has this personlfirtn ever worked under a conVact for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
cuRent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheM
Initiating Problem,155ues, Opportunity (Who, WhaR �en, Where, Why):
City Departments have reviewed the 2007 tax forfeit list from Ramsey County and have selectect those parcels to be withheld &om
punlic auction. The pazcel are listed on attached resolution.
Advantages If Approved:
City acquires property at a nominal cost
DisadvanWges If Approved:
„_�, , ., _ - -
`a� .2,�.. . .. .�,x. �:.
s` " U ��.,7
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Properties not selected now could be sold at public auclion
� v[ai nmounc vr � b��
TransaMion: �
FucWing Source:
Financial Information:
CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Adivity Mumber.
October 12, 2007 9:42 AM Page 1 ��
Property B,ecords and �evenne
Susan R. Roth, Bivision Manager
812 Government Center �Vest
5Q West Kellogg Botieva�d
AAtv1SEYC0UNTY St. Paul, hIN 55102-1657
September 7, 2007
City of St. PaW
Department of Pubtic Warks(fechnical5ervices
Attenfion: Sruce Engelbrek#, Real Estate Manager
25 West Fourth St., Room 1000
St Pauf MN 55102
Dear Mr. Engeibrekt:
Fae: 65126&-Z210
Enclosed is a list of properties loqted in your municipality which forFeited to the State of
Minnesota on August 1, 2007 for non-payment of real estate taxes. Pursuant to statute, these
properties have been reviewed by Ramsey County to determine their classifica#ion as either
conse�vation ar non-conservation iands.
Minnesota Statutes secYian 282.01, subd.1, requires the county ta natify each city or township
in which such properties are locafed of both the forteitures and classification. This letter and list
serves as that notice of forFeiture and a notice that the lands have been classified by Ramsey
County as non-conservation.
The statute further provides that each city has 60 days from the date of this letter to approve or
disapprove the classificatian and sale of the parcels, to request a conveyance of land{s) to your
city for an authorized public use ar to request that any of the properties be withheld from public
sale for a period not to exceed six months.
Please note that a mursicipality or govemmentat subdfvisfon shaN pay maintenance costs
incurred by fhe county during the six•month period while the property is withheid from
public sale, provided the property is not offered far public sale after fhe six-month
If you request any of the parcels be conveyed ta your municipality for an authwized public use
the above statutory #imeline must be strictly observed. Within 60 days of fhis notice of
classification and availability of newiy forfeited properties, the govemment unit may submit an
application for a public use deed using Farm 962, Application by a Govemmental Subdivision
forConveyance o(Tax-FOrfeited Land. Forms are availabfe upon requesE from this office. The
applica6on for a use deed is �ot complete and fimely if it is not accompanied by a certified
resolution of the governing body stating the public purpose for which the property will be used.
1llmnesota's F4rst Home Rnle Cotmty
pruited op reqcled DTpe�'•«h aminiroum of 10%postcoreumtrconEent
d �-/Oa-D
If the governmerrt body wishes #o withhold the properEy from sale for a six month period it must
su6mit a written request ta this office within 6Q days of tfiis notice. The written request to
withholcf property from sale must be accompanied by a certified resotuEion of the goveming body
stating the reason for the request to withhotd the specific property. Anytime during the six-
month hold period, the municipality may acquire the parcet by use deed free of charge as long
as i# corttinues to be used for the authorized public use. The county has no statutory authoriiy to
ailow a use deed on a parcel after the six-month hold period has expired.
P/ease be advised that if your munrcipalify faiJs to puf the properfy to its stated public use affer
fhree years from the date of fhe deed, titie must be re-conveyed to fhe stafe. This rule of
reversion aiso appties when on(y a parf of the parcel is being used for fhe authorized pubtic use.
Govemmental sUbdivisions may retain title to the part thaf continues fo be used as authorized;
however, the fit(e to the part thaf is not being used as authorized must be re-conveyed
If no application is received within the six-month hold period, the property will become
availab{e tor public sale. Anytime during the six-month hold pesiod or thereafter, if it has not
been sold at public sate, the municipality may acquire fee title to the property by payment of the
appraised value. Failure to respond to the County within the 60 days serves as an approval ofi
the classification and sale Qf the parcels.
If the information containad in this (etter, plus attachment, is not your responsibility, please
forward it to fhe appropriate department within your municipality.
Correspondence regarding this notice may be addressed to:
Ramsey County Deparime�t of Property Records and Revenue
Attn: Tax Forfeited Lartds Section
Ramsey County Government Center West, Suite 812
50 W. Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55702-1657
Anyone wifh questions regarding this matter may contact me at (651) 266-2081.
;� �1- .��'� ��...._�
Kristine A. Kujala, Supervisor
Tax Forfefted Lands
;, . ., ., . _
� Ci ';of'SaintiPau!
0702$ 84' x 50' x 68' Como Heights Addition to the City of St. Paul, except parkway,
23-29-23-43-0117 �ot 1 i a�d Lot 72, Block 9
Soufh of 745 Wheelock Pkwy. W.
07050 64' x 111' Edmund Rice's Fourth Addition to the city of St. Paul, vacated
29-29-22-32-0180 street accruing and the foflowing; The south 3 feet of Lot 8 and all
869 Westrninsier St. of Lot 7, Block 11
07901 40' x 124' Chute Brothers Division No. 7 Addition to the City of St. Paul,
35-29-23-i4-0159 Minn., Lot 7
Between 702 & 710 Charles Ave.
07106 4�' x 1�0' Warren & Rice's Addition to Saint Paul, except the North 8 feet
36-29-23-13-Q122 for alley, the North 40 feet of Lofs 5 and Lot 6, Block 22
North of 520 Fartington 3t.
-" ' w, � :.� . COIVIM ON�12 DISTRIC'i`�° ` ..�, , „
' ' . "�i' w-" v� y `^r � � �' t:4� v ;Q { �.��f1�Pau� . ' - -- ��. �.
07014 � 3,5Q0 sq. ft. West St. Paul, except the West 38 feet of Lot 6 and except the
08-28-22-23-0076 West 38 feet of the South 23 feet of Lot 7, fhe foflowing: The
8etween 53 & 59 King St. E. West 9i3 of Lots fi and 7 and the West 1/3 of the South'/z af Lot
8, Block 107
07418 12' x 82' x 8' x 74' Walion's Re-arrangement, Northeasferly S feet of Lot 2
1 t-28-23-43-0272
Between 635 & 647 Canton St.
07018 62' x 88' x 64' Birmingham's Fourth Addition to Si. Paul, Minn., Lot 12, 81ock 5
Southwest of 1669 Race St.
OT075 10T x 129' x 72' Highiand Addition to St. PaW, all of Block 3
3"' St. E& Arcade St.
07077 31,300 sq ff Warren & Winslow's Addition to the Town af Sf. Paut, except the
32-29-22-22-0071 Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way fhe East'/ of Arkv,rright St
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR and the Northerly'/: of alley both vacated and adoining and part
RtW Southwesterly of Arkwright St as ope�ed of Lots 12 thru Lot 16.
Block 7
W:lForteiWre�20071Ciassification IistlClassfication List for 20tl7 - Sairtt Paul.doc
- 8/30l2007 .
67�78 5,975 sq ft Warren 8 Winslou+�s Addition fo the 7own of St. Pau[, except
32-29-22-22-Q'E05 beginning 25 feet East ofi the Southwest comer of Lot 4, thence
Between 619 La#ayette Rd. & RR West 25 feet, thence North 52 feet, thence to the beginning, Lot
RM] 4, Block 4
07079 50' x t32' Warren & Winslow's Addition ta the Town of St. Paui, Lot 5, Block
32-29-22-22-Oi06 4
Between fi19 Lafayette Rd. & RR
07080 50' x 132' Warren 8 Winslow's Addition to the Town o# St. Paul, Lot 6, Block
32-29-22-22-0107 4
Befirveen 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR
07081 9,663 sq ft Warren & Winslow's Addition to the Town of St. Paul, the North %
32-29-22-22-o110 of Rialto St, as vacated and adjaining and Lot 9, Block 4
$etween 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR
07082 50' x 157' Warren & Winslo�s Addition to fhe Town of St. Paul, the North %z
32-29-22-22-0111 of Rialto St, as vacated and adjoining and Lot 10, Block 4
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR
07083 7,537 sq ft Warren & W inslow's Additios� to the Town ot Si. Qaul, the North Y:
32-28-22-22-0112 of Rialto Sf, as vacated and adjoining and Lot 11, Bfock 4
Between 619 Lafayette Rd. & RR
07084 1&7' x 200' x 241' Warcen & Winslow's Addifion to #he Town of St. Paul, the South
32-29-22-22-0913 %of Rialto St, as vacated and adjoining and the Wesf %z of
Between 619 Lafayafte Rd. & RR Arkwright St vacafed and adjoining and that part Easterly ofi the
RM/ Narthem Pacific Railway right-of-way of Lots 11, 12 and Lot 13,
B1ock 5
"`.. a ,,,.; , _ s � .. ' '='� :, „ ., ' C�1.�1NlSS. �NER:DIS�R«� 6 °� � _ , _ - �; ;y ..
., _ ' . r.x'I ',��9f �Ilf£...�tl� y '' e y �' °� _'a.� ' 7 3'e�.
t. - ��,.,'
�7Q35 72' x 107' x 79' Section 27, Fown 29, Range 22, excepi the North 465 feet, part
27-29-22-14-0039 of fhe East'/ of the Northeast'/< NoRheasterly of Ames Ave and
South o9 �055 Kingsford St. South of Jessamine Ave and West of Kingsford Place (a street),
including part of Lo# B, Kingsford Place {an addition) afl in Section
27, Town 29, Range 22.
W:\ForfelhrreV200TClassification IisflClassification List for 2007 - Saint Paui.doc
CD3 Between'702 and 710 CharIes Ave.
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DISCL.4A�IF.R:'Chis map is vcither a legaily raarded map nar a suivey eaL'u not inte¢ded to be usedas one.'I]us map is a compilatio¢ af records, inioimanon and ;
data located in vazioas city, mmty, sfate and fedeeal officcs and other sources regazding the �ea showo, and is to be usW fornfereacep�poses only.
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DISCC,ADIIER 77vs map is neithet a legally recorded map nor a su�vry and u not intendedfn he used as one. This map is a compilation ofrecords, in1'ormation and i
dam laceted iu vanous ciry, coimTy, squ and federal offises aud otha souaa regarding the aree shown, a¢d'u to be used for refeceneepu�pdses only. .
SOURCFS: Ramse ]ul 30, 20 The Lawrence Grou • W 30 2007 foi Com el and m records da ' Iul 2007 forcommercial and i