07-1008Council File # U � ��O GreenSheet# �pYrj�']j 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 �� Presented By PAi3L, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Airports Commission (hereinafter, the "MAC"), in July 2007, submitted for approval, a combined plan detailing a vegetation plan [per Council File No. 06- 854, September 18, 2006, Zoning File Nos. 06-114-183 (site plan) and 06-114-162 (variances)] for the Holman Field floodwall proj ect as well as a restoration plan [per Council File No. 07- 569, June 27, 2007, Zoning File No. 07-078-905] far areas disturbed by the MAC's construcrion of a storm drain serving Holman Field, which is commonly known as 644 Ba�eld Street, and legally described as Lampreys Addition To Saint Paul Ex Leases & Ex Natl Guard Air Base; Part E Of Ry Of Fol; Part Of Govt I,ots 7-11 In Sec 4& Govt Lot 4& 12 & E%z Of 13 In Sec 5 T28 R22 & S 1/2 Mol Of Blks 10- 12 & All Of Blks 1-9 F Ambs Add & S 1/2 Mol Blk 5& All Of Blks; and WHEREAS, the proposed vegetation and restoration plans were reviewed by City staff and, based upon the staff review, various revisions to the plans were made by the MAC in order to add more plant material as well as to better comply with the conditions imposed on the respective plans in Council File No.'s 06-854 and 07-569 which are summarized as follows: • MAC must obtain from the City, in consultation with the Riverfront Corp.'s Design Center, final review and approval of a landscape/vegetation plan for the floodwall project. • MAC must post a performance bond in the sum of 2 million dollars to cover the costs of implementing the floodwall landscape plan and other floodwalUlevee enhancements. The actual amount of the bond funds dedicated to landscape/vegetation was not specified. • Over the life of the floodwall, MAC must maintain all the vegetation details set forth in the approved vegetation plan. • All azeas disturbed by excavation and construction of the storm drain must be extensively revegetated using native plant materials. • The wetland opposite the 3M hanger, disturbed during the storm drain excavation and construction, must be restored and improved by removing invasive species and planting new native plant material. • A detailed restoration plan for the vegetation improvements, required because of the storm drain excavation, shall be developed in conjunction with the floodwall landscape/revegetation plan. This storm drain excavation restoration plan must be of sufficient detail to include the species, number and location of proposed vegetation. This plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planing Commission, the DNR and the Design Center. ra 67�/�OS 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 The detailed plan required for storm drain vegetation restoration shall be approved by the City before any permits can be issued for the construction of the floodwall. The budget established for revegetation under the floodwall approval [the undefined portion of the two-million dollar bond required as a condition of approving the floodwall] shall be increased by at least 25% to cover the additional costs of revegetating and restoring additional areas disturbed by the storm drain and to mitigate damage that was done to existing vegetation as a result of the storm drain work. WHEREAS, on August 16, 2007, the Planning Commission's Zoning Committee duly conducted a publac hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard and, based upon the staff report, the records and all the testimony, the Committee, at the close of the public hearing, moved to recommend approval of the said plans, as revised as of August 16, 2007, including that additional information regarding the removal of invasive species, as being consistent with the conditions imposed by the City in its approvals of the Holman Field floodwall and storm drain projects; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, based upon all the evidence and reports and the recommendation of the Zoning Committee, moved to approve the MAC's vegetation and restorations plans, as revised on August 16, 2007, along with the additional material submitted regarding invasive species removal, as being consistent with the various conditions imposed by the City in its approvals of the Holman Field floodwall and storm drain proj ects, for the reasons set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 07-57, dated August 24, 2007, which shall be incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, on or about September 4, 2007, Tom Dimond, pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.701(d) filed an appeal from the Planning Commission's decision and requested a hearing before the City Council for the purpose of reviewing the decision of the Commission; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.702(b) and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was conducted by the City Council on September 19, 2007 and on October 3, 2007, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, having heard the statements made and having considered the application, the report of staff and the record, minutes, recommendation and resolution of the Zoning Committee and the Planning Commission; does hereby RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby affirms the decisions of the Commission to approve the vegetation and restoration plans submitted by MAC for Holman Field as the appellants have not shown error in any of the Commission's findings, or procedures; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appellanYs appeal is hereby denied; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council, pursuant to its authority under Leg. Code § 61.704, hereby adopts by reference thereto as its own, the findings of the Commission in this matter and that the Council, based upon all the testimony presented to the Planning Commission as well as to the Council, hereby amends the conditions imposed by the Commission in its Resolution No. 07-57 regarding the MAC's plans, based upon all the testimony, by adding the following additional condirions: 07�/DOg 9z 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 1. The stairv✓ay to the harbor will be restored in a manner consistent with the development of public access to the harbor and wetland area by January 1, 2010. 2. All areas disturbed by construction of the floodwall and storm-sewer must be re-vegetated. This includes the azea immediately adjacent to the wetland delineation line and extends beyond the current plan which indicates re-vegetation only to the proposed silt fence line. 3. MAC shall provide and maintain a 20 foot wide landscaped strip along the inside of the floodwall in the azea of the old terminal until plans for the development of a pazk in that area are approved. The landscaping can be consistent with the landscaping planned for other sections of the wall that are deployable and can include a path or other means by which a vehicle can be used to deploy the wall. 4. Planning Commission resolution 07-31 requires an 25% increase in the original landscaping budget far the floodwall ($300,000) to cover additional costs for re-vegetating and restoring areas disturbed by the sewer work and to ensure that damage done to existing vegetation is thoroughly mitigated. MAC's re-vegetation of the area immediately adjacent to the entire floodwall and the storm sewer should therefore be $375,000. To ensure that this amount of re-vegetation occurs, the Council requires the following: MAC shall submit to the city site plan review staff all invoices for landscaping and re-vegetation that are associated with the landscaping immediately adjacent to the floodwall and storm sewer. Copies ofthese invoices shall be provided to the Office of the Mayor and the City Council for their review. Invoices (beyond the compensatory excavation, $87,480, and turf grass, $48,300) should cover areas only immediately adjacenC to the floodwall and storm-sewer along Ba�eld Street-not other areas of airport improvement. Should all invoices for the re-vegetation and landscaping not reach $375,000 by January 1, 2009, any remaining amount shall be placed in escrow for future maintenance of the landscaping in the immediate area of the floodwall and sewer project along Ba�eld. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event or to the extent, that any of the additional conditions imposed on the MAC's plans by the City Council in this resolution are more restrictive than the conditions imposed on the MAC's plans by the Planning Commission in Planning Commission Resolution No. 07-31, it is the intent of the Council that the more restrictive conditions shall govern. a �-/�d� 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 AND, BE I`I' FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to the appellant, the Metropolitan Airports Commission, the Planning Commission, the Planning Administrator, the Zoning Administrator, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the Design Center of the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation. Adopti By: Appro� By. Fonn Approved by City Attomey B �� �i" cYi�daa� ! U—� Z.° O� Form Approved b Maym for Submission to Council BY' � T l A.LS�!���-`r-�i� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �7���� CA �sTy nnomey Confact Person 8 Phone: Peter Wamer 266-8710 Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocument Required: Y Document Contact: Julie Kraus ConWct Phone: 266-8776 1frOCT-07 � Assign Number For Otder Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3045271 0 iCYry Attorney 1 1 ' Attome De artment Director 2 ' Attorne 3 a or's 06ce I Ma or/Assistant 4 ounN 5 Clerk Gti Clerk {0'i Memorializing City CounciCs October 3, 2007 morion to affirm the decision of the Planning Commission to approve the vegetarion and restorarion plans submitted by the Mehopolitan Airports Commission for Holman Field wlilch is commonly Imown as 644 Bayfield Sfreet in Saint Paul. �tlaLOns: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this perso�rtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Council is required pursuant to the City Charter to have its actions reduced to writing either in the form of a resolution or ordinance dependent upon the nature of the matter before it. The decision of the Council in this matter required a resolution on order to comply with the Char[er. Approva7 the attached resolution fulfills the Council's dury under the Charter. Advantages If Appraved: None Disadvantages If Approved: Failure to approve the resolurion violates the City's Char[er requirement. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (F�cplain) Activity Number: CostlRevenue Budgeted: October 16, 2007 4:11 PM Page 1 DEPARTMENT OFSAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Bob Kessler, D�rector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor COMMERCEBUILDING Tetephone. 657-266-9090 8 Fonrth Sdeet Easi, Su:te 200 Facsmile: 657-266-9124 SiPau{MmnesomS5l01-1024 Web: unvw.smaul.zov/dsi September 14, 2007 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: HOLMAN FIELD VEGETATION PLAN APPEAL Dear Ms. Erickson: I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for September 19 and October 3, 2007 for the followmg case. FILE: 07-141956 PURPOSE: To consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve a plan submitted by the Metropolitan Airports Commission to revegetate the areas along the Mississippi River disturbed by a recently constnzcted sewer and the proposed floodwall. LOCATION: 644 Bayfield APPEAL FILED BY: Tom Dimond PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Approve (unanimous) ZONING COMMITTEE RECONINILNDATION: Approve (unanimous) STAFT RECONIlVIENDATION: Approve SUPPORT: Nobody spoke in support OPPOSITION: One person spoke in opposition I have confirmed the hearing dates with the office of Councilmember Lantry. My understanding is that this public hearing request wiU appear on the agenda of the City Council at your eazliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. xmzcE oF rvBrac �axn�rc Sincerely, Tom Beach Zoning AA-ADA-EEO Employer The Saint Paut City Council wiIl con- duct a publlc heazing on Wednesday, Sep- tember 19; and October 3, 2007, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Councii Chambers, Third Floor, City Hatl/COurthouse, 15 West %el- logg Boulevard, S#. Paul, NIlV. to corisider fihe appea� of Tom Dimond tb a decision of the P r a�ning Commission approving a plan submitted by the Mgtropoiitan Air- ports Comwission to revegetate the azeas along the Mississippi Ihver dislurUed by a recently constructed sewer and.fhe pro- posed.floodwall at 644� Bayfield Street. p,onfrig N71e 07-141956) � . Dated: September 14, 2007 � MARY ERICKSON, Aseistazif (,"ity Council Secretary _ fSepfember20) . _' = ST. PAUL fEGAL LEDGER.'===—� 29147215 � � � �°' ' " " ' ' - ' � �� 1Y3ai1s� Holman Field Landscape Plan Appeal 07�/008 Deny the appea] and accept the landscape plan subject to the following conditions: - . .. .- - • -. • - - .- •. - • � . .• �� � . . - . 1 1 •P - � . - -. -• - _ _ - - - • ... •�. � - . - -. - - - �� - - ... ��� - .... - - .• - - - - -., . .�.. � � �- ...__ � .i . :• i��� � � - s . a a �.-� - : - :- -- - - � -� 2. All areas disturbed by construction of the floodwall and storm-sewer must be re-vegetated. This includes the area immediately adjacent to the wetland delineation line and extends beyond the current plan which indicates re-vegetation only to the proposed silt fence line. 3. MAC shall provide and maintain a 20 foot wide landscaped sU along the inside of the floodwall in the azea of the old terminal unti] plans for the development of a park in that area are approved. The landscaping can be consistent with the landscaping planned for other sections of the wall that are deployable and can include a path or other means by which a vehicle can be used to deploy the wall. 4. Planning Commission resolution 07-31 requires an 25% increase in the original landscaping budget for the floodwall ($300,000) to cover additional costs for re-vegetating and restoring areas disturbed by the sewer work and to ensure that damage done to existing vegetation is thoroughly mitigated. MAC's re-vegetation of the area immediately adjacent to the entire floodwall and the storm sewer should therefore be $375,000. To ensure that this amount of re- vegetation occurs, the Council requires the following: MAC shall submit to the city site plan review staff all invoices for landscaping and re- vegetation that are associated with the landscaping immediately adjacent to the floodwall and storm sewer. Copies of these invoices shall be provided to the Office of the Mayor and fhe City Council for their review. Invoices (beyond the compensatory excavation, $87,480, and turf grass, $48,300) should cover areas only immediately adjacent to the floodwall and storm-sewer along Bayfield Street—not other areas of airport improvement. Should all invoices for the re-vegetation and landscaping not reach $375,000 by January l, 2009, any remaining amount shall be placed in escrow for future maintenance of the landscaping in the immediate area of the floodwall and sewer project along Bayfield. �� � DEPAATMbNT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS �� Bob Kess7er, Director M/oa rj vi a � � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chrrstopher B. Coleman. Mayor Date: September 10, 2007 To: City Council From: Tom Beach, DSI � RE: Vegetation plan for Holman Field COMMERCEBUILDING Telephone: 651-166-909Q 8 Fourth Street East, Sui[e 200 Facsimi[e: 65/-266-9l24 S[ P¢ul, Minnesata 5570/-1024 Web: wwwstnaul.zov/dsi An appeal has been fded of the decision by the Planning Commission to approve the vegetation pian for Holman Field. When the Planning Commission approved the sewer plan for Holmam Field in May 2007, conditions were added about planfing the river bank to revegetate areas that had been disturbed by construction. One of these conditions required that the Planning Commission review and approve the revegetation plan. MAC submitted a vegetation plan in July for areas along the river that were disturbed last fall when a sewer was constructed and where the floodwall is supposed to go. Staff reviewed the plan and visited the site. They found that the area of the river bank disturbed by the sewer work has been stabilized and that there is still a significant amount of trees and shrubs along the river shore so that most of the floodwall would not be visibie from the river during the summer even if no new planting was done. Nevertheless, staff asked MAC to make some changes to the plan. The Planning Commission considered the revised vegetafion plan that included changes that staff asked for and approved the plan on 8124107 on a unanimous vote. Tom Dimond filed an appeal of that decision on 9/4/07. The appeal says that the Planning Commission erred on a number of issues, including: • MAC is required by an eazlier resolution to restore stone steps to the river and not just rebuild them. • MAC's budget for the planting does not meet the requirements set by the Planning Commission in an earlier resolution approving the sewer wark along the river. • MAC should be required to plant trees on the airport side of the floodwall along Bayfield Street. • A landscape area should be required on the airport side of the floodwall at the north end of the floodwall next to the ternunai parking lot. • An inventory of invasive species to be removed done by MAC is not complete. • Some areas disturbed by installarion of the sewer last fall are not shown on the vegetation plan. A public hearing on the appeal is scheduled for 9/19/07. Attachments Page 1 Page 26 Page 32 Page 47 Page 66 Appeal filed by Tom Dimond and supporting documents Previous resolutions on the landscape plan, sewer work along the river and the floodwall Minutes and other material from the public hearing on the landscape plan Vegetation plan approved by Planning Commission Photographs of existing conditions along the river where the sewer was installed and the floodwall will go AA-ADA-EEO Empioyer SwINT ➢AUL 7� AA A APPLICATfON FOR APPEAL Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Sectzon I400 Crty HaTZAnnex 25 West Fourth Street Saint PauZ, MN 55102-I634 (65Z)26b-6589 Name L� APPLICANT � Cify ��o �Z �� � � Q � �� S SII� DaytimePhonelps� PROPERTY �Zoning File Name U� �� 7 LOCATION Address / Location_ _�( L�/} }'� t�1 �( CL� TYpE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the; � Board of Zoning Appeals �City Councii Under the provision of Chapter 64, Section Paragraph of the Zoning Code, to appeal a decisia� made by the ��L? N/� //�C� Cp �1 M/55� onJ �N� �.� t on �/ `� /� ' C � , 20�. File Number: . � 7- 5 � {date of decision � A IicanY.s_Si natifrel�! �,, ,� i�� Date 7 fi�C� 1 Ci eFit', � PP 9 z �c=.. �r ,—�— : kl! �9.. . Tom Dimond 2119 Skyway-Drive Saint Paul, MN 55114 651-735-66b7 September 4, 2007 � Appea( of Planaing Commissiou and DSI decisions regarding Public Access and Vege#ation at Hoiman Fieid City Council Resolutions are not worth the paper they aze printed on. CiTy staff treats Council Resolntions as suggestions, not actual requirements. � The City Council required MAC "restore" the old harbor stairway as part ofthe public access plan. The City Council Resolution requires the plan be approved before work on the floodwall can begin. City stai�argues that contrazy to what the resolution states, the public access plan is not a condirion of the floodwall approval. Stafftold the Planning Commission that MAC does not have to restore the stairvvay. Staff azgues, you can not take wording in resolutions literally. MAC refuses to restore the old stone harbor stairway even though they agreed to the conditions � in the Council Resolution. MAC aiso said they would not start work on the stairway unti12009 even though they wiil be done installing the watl by next spring. MAC has proven time and time again that you cannot count on their promises. I met with 7eff Hamiel Executive Director for MAC and Nigel Finney. They made a number of assurances. Despite follow up assurances by Jeff Hamiel, MAC has not done what they said_ The City Council should hold MAC accountable. 1. Restorarion of the oid hazbor stairway in 2008 2. Approve the restoratiott plan before floodwall work hegins 3. Boulevazd trees plauted according to City minimum standards of 40 feet spacing 4. All areas distutbed by consriuction included in the revegetation plan 5. 20 feet wide strip of vegetation on the inside of the floodwall (neaz terminal) 6. Parks Department review and approval to insure that all invasives are identified and all areas of removal are included in the revegetation plan. The floodwall was denied by the City Council. When the floodwall was eventualty approved, the neighborhoods were thrown a couple bones. • The floodwall would be located 6 feet from the edge of Bayfield Street. � The vegefation along the riverside of the walI would be retained. • Trees and vegetation would be planted on the boulevard along Bayfield Street. • • Pubkc access to the river wQuld be provided, including MAC restoring the old stone harbor stairway. � � U7�/06g MAC moved the location of th� floodwall, clear cut and excavated the river bank The City Council required MAC to honor the agreements and locate the wa116 feet from Bayfield Street. The Mayor said it was unreasonable to make MAC comply with site plan agreements. Keep in mind, it was the Mayor's office and MAC that crafted that agreement. MAC designed the vegetation ptan. DSI staff said they and others approved the plan. DSI staff approved the plan even though it did not meet Zoning Code minimum plant size requirements. Ellen Biales and I pointed this out and the plan was changed. DSI staff approved the plan even though it does not include all azeas clear cut by MAC. MAC is required to e�ensively revegetate ail azeas unpacted. Areas that were clear cut haue not been included for revegetarion. MAC plans show existing vegetation in azeas that were cleaz cut. DST staff testified to the Planning Commission that he does not believe the photos showing the riverbanlc was cleaz cut. MAC's Executive D'uector promised that these azeas would be inciude but they were not. The vegetation pTans submitted to the public in 2006 called for trees aiong Bayfield Street. City Zoning Code requires that boulevazd trees be no further than 40 feet apart. 7eff Hamiel and Nigel Finney ageed to add cottonwood and maple trees to the boulevard plantings. Tim Griffin with � the Design Center said he has no problem with adding boulevard trees. City pazks staff has no problem with adding boulevard trees and thinks it would be a nice addition. Even though MAC's Executive Director said the boulevard trees would be added, it has not happened. MAC's landscape architect told staffthat cottonwoods and silver maples and the other tree species growing alang the river now are so aggressive they will fill in and take over without new ones being plaated. ASI staff submitted the landscape architect's statement to the Planning Commission as a reason MAC should not be required to plant boulevard trees. The plans do not include vegetation on the inside of the wall in the area of the old ternrinal. 7eff Hamiel agreed to include a 20 feet wide strip of vegetation. The 20 feet strip would inciude a 5 feet wide gravel wa7k along the wall with a 15 feet wide strip of trees, grass and plantings land ward of the walk. DSI staff argues Yhat vegetation can not be placed landwazd of the half height walls. In fact, the vegetation plan shows plantings in front of the half height wall elsewhere on the project. City parks staff recommended MAC include a vegetation strip. The City Council required approval�of the Access Plan including the restoration of the old harbor stairway before work on the floodwall can start. MAC submitted plan"s to demolish the limestone and granite stairway and replace it with concrete, DSI staff told the Planning Commission that MAC could either restore or replace the stairway at their option. Commissioner Bellus said the resolution calls for MAC to restore the sta'uway. Ae said restore is a pretty precise word: it does not mean replace, it means restoring the existing stauway using the same materiats and the same design. Chair Alton spoke up that the Planning Commission was nat going to deal,�ylth the issue. � Betius asked when the Planning Commission would address the issue. � � The MAC invasive species removal pfan did not iriclude garlic mustard. It has now been included. The revegeYation plan though dces noY include these areas. Commissioner Neison raised concems that the plan does not adec}uafely address maintenance of the area free of invasives. The City Council Resolution requires MAC Yo maintain the vegetation for Yhe life of the wall. 'The revegetation plan also does not include the replacement vegeYation for the buckthom being-removed. The Ptanning Commission required the vegetation budget be inereased by a minimum of 25 % when MAC excavated the rive�ank. DSI staff told the Zoning Committee the vegetation budget was increased from $300,000 to $450,000. That is not t[ue. MAC had included $120,600 from another project in the numbers. MAC submitted new numbers to the fiill Ptanning Commission. The itemized breakdown included $52,500 for 21 acres of 3eeding Type A I asked DSI staff where this was located because I could not find it on the vegetation plans. DSI staff checked with MAC and answered it was for the berm at the cul de sac. I pointed out that the plans do not support that claim. I asked DSI and MAC staffto show me where in the plans or specifications is this item_ They could not. MAC staff sazd it is in a specifica#ion that was not included and wouid send me a copy. I haue not received any such document. How can the DSI staff certify that MAC ha s met the 25% minimum if nobody can identify where $52,000 of vegetation that covers 21 acres is iocated? MAC is required to maintain the appearance and condition of ali the details in the vegetation plan f the life of the floodwall. It is important to have al1 the vegetation inciuded in the ptan defiaits. The rest�on plan for the old harbor stairway arust be approved before wnstruction starts on the floodv,�all. MAC tesrified they will haue the floodwall in place by next spring but do not i�end to do work on the stairway until 2009. T6e stairway should be reconstructed in 2008. I£the Great River Park is goiag to be anything more than a paper tiger, we need to get this right. � � ! ° �"� Tom Dimond Zll9 Skyway Drive Saint Paul, �4IIV 55119 651-735-6667 August 24, 2007 1. The Planning Commission required that all azeas disturbed by excavation and construction be e�ctensiveiy revegetated. The vegetation plan submitted by MAC does not revegetate all azeas that were clear cut. MAC agrees on their inclusion but plans have not been corrected to include these areas. MAC is working on this. 2. MAC agreed to include trees along Bayfield Street. The pians do not show the uees but Jeff Hamiel Executive Director for MAC is still working on this. 3. Agreed on. 4. Agreed on. 5. MAC has agreed to provide a 20 feet wide vegetation strip. The plans show some of this � has been included but 7effHamiel is still working on this. 6. Agreed an. 7. Agreed on. Agreed on. Zoning Code requires that adequate watering be provided. In the difficult environment between the steel wall and road it was suggested that a watering system would provide the best chance for the vegetation to do well. MAC wants to try watering without a system but said they wili instaii a system if that does not work. MAC is required by the resolution to permanently maintain the vegetation so they are the ones at risk. 9. The Planning Commission and City Council require MAC to "restore" the old harbor stairway as a condition. The old stairway is limestone and granite. Even though restoring the old hazbor stauway is a condition of the pernvt we find out MAC is not intending to honor their commitment. MAC did not submit plans to the committee. The plans we just received are dated back in May. The plans show MAC is instead planning a 60 feet wide concrete monolith on the riverbank. Jeff Hamie2 is also working to address this. I believe Jeff Hamiel is working in good faith to address these issues. The Zoning Committee layover allowed us to iron out a number ofthese issues. We aze getting ciose to a resolution. I would encourage the Planning Commission to provide a layover in order to finalize these • issues rather than forcing it to the City Council_ Tom Dimond 2119 Skyway Drive Saint Pavl, MN 55119 651-735-6667 August 10, 2007 RE: MAC vegeiation meeting � 1. Extensivelv revegetate ali areas disturbed by excauation and construchon - current maps do not include a11 areas and show vegetation that does not exist and in same azeas there is not eactensive vegetation provided 2. Include trees foIlowing zoning code stre� tree maximum spacing of 40 feet and continuous canopy at maturity (cottonwood, siiver maple) 3. Inciude areas ofgarlic mustard oninvasive species mapping 4. Provide vegetation glan for wetland with sufficient detail to include the species, number and location of proposed vegetation 5. Provide a 20 feet rvide vegetation strip along the wall in the area of the oid terminal 6. Provide vegetation for the top of the riverbank on the river side of wail in the area of the old terminal where the old guard rail and parking are removed. 7. Plants sized ta meet zoning code minimum - initial size requiremeat - screening � plants must also be large enough to provide full screening within 2 growing cycies 8. Watering system - required to provide adequaYe watering 9. Plans for restora]ion of the Historic Stone SYaircase - limestone and granite • � • Tom Dimond v �����a 2119 Skyv✓ay Drive Saint Paui, MN 55119 651-735-6667 July 31, 2007 RE: Holman Field Vegetation Plan The Planning Commission is considering the Vegetation Plan for Holman Field_ There will be no public hearing or public testimony altowed. In order to approve a site plan, the Planning Commission must find that environmentally sensitive areas are preserved and adequate landscaping is provided. Ttie vegetation plan portion of the site plan was submitted a yeaz after other parts of the site plan. The public has never had an opportunity to testify. MAC should never have been allowed to submit a site plan without Yhe required information. MAC should not be aliowed to side step pubiic testimony. The mags submitted by MAC are incorrect. MAC testified they had encroached up to 10 feet into the wetland. Evidence was submitted showing encroachment was even greater Yhan MAC claimed. The maps now show no encroachment into the wetland and no subsequent vegetation � replacement. The Planning Commission ResoTurion states that all areas disturbed by excavation and construction of the sewer must be extensively revegetated. Tom Beach argues that MAC should not be required to inc?ude a71 areas as required by the Planning Commission. He asserts that the incomplete plans should be approved and after the wall is constructed it can ba decided what MAC should do. The Planning Commission resolution states this plan must be of sufeicient detail to include the species, number and location of proposed vegetation. In one tocation, the azea disturbed e�ends 20 feet closer to the river than shown on MAC's map. In that location they propose no vegetation on the riverside of the wall. The plans also show existing vegetation that does not eacist. Another location has an 8 feet discrepancy. The map enors aze common in the area disturbed by sewer �cavation. Lack of clarity in plans has oreated too many problems with this project. The Planning Commission should not approve incorrect and incompiete plans. The Planning Commission resolution states that the wetland opposite the 3M hanger must be restored and improved by removing invasive species and planring new native plant material. A detailed plan for the improvements must be developed. This plan must be of sufficient detail to include the species, number and location of proposed vegetation. MAC has not submitted the required vegetation replacement plan. Cmrlic mustard is present but was not included in the invasive ptant species list. � Plantings do not meet the City minimum size requirements. No watering system is provided for the vegetation between the raised curb and the wall. ��J i The proposed budget for landscaping has actually been reduced. In 2006 MAC budgeted $300,Od0 for vegetation for the peruneter dike. Tke June ZQ071andscape budget for the perimeter dike is $241,855_ Tfie Apri126061andscape budget is for the rejected floodwail plan and prior to the June 15, 2006 HoFman Field Floodwall Design that included landscaping the floodwall. The Pianning Commission needs to icnow the budget for landscaping inciuded in the approved plan but before the sewer disturhance. Only one tree is included in the vegetarion pian. '£here are also 14 wijtows that are generally listed as shrubs aad sometimes as small trees. MAC staff said they are wilting to inctude trees in the pians. Cottonwoods and maples that are narive along the riverbank were suggested. Spacing should be similar to that used by the City along streets. I3o vegetation is included along the waTi from the 3M entrance to the ternnnafion of the wall at the Pionesr Press property. There would be rusting steel wall that has no screening. The area riverward of the wall that is cuirernly the edge of the pazldng lot and guazd rail would have. no restoration work. 'i'here shouid at least be a 20 feet wide strip of grass and vegetafion on the inland side of the wall. Oniy grass seed is proposed for some areas on the riverside of the wall. These azeas should receive plants and trees. The Planning Commission Resolution requires detailed plans for revegetation and restorafion. S The plans must include all areas disturbed by excauation and const;uction. The plans must inciude removal of invasive species from the wetland and glaating new native plant material. The plans must be of sufficient detail to include the species, number and location of proposed vegetation. This has not been done. A public hearing has not been held. Please allow the public to have input. Please do not vote until the plans you required have been submitted. The plans for reconstruction of the Historic Stone Stainvay Yo the river have not been included in the landscape pian. The Commission should review these plans before final approval to ensure they conform to materials and constcuction of the original steps_ � ►�J � Sff+'S4-2P� SF:ec� � z � � �� . � 7 S 9 10 li I2 13 14 15 ib 17 zs 19 20 21 ZZ ?3 1A 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3d 35 36 37 38 39 40 4S 42 43 44 45 4b 47 48 49 50 51 ci7Y OF SHINT PP1.L ssi zes ��a .- , //. 1 The M�litaa Aapo�ts C�missirm (56P,L� is ProPo�aS a flood c�tvoI pro}ect so that �3nlman Fuld (ti�e SaamtPaui Downtown Airpwtj wn amain operationai duiing flaods o# the Mississippi Rivsc' � to tt�e i pa ceat ch2nce flood (100-yea�c flood}. 71u aiipvtt woald still have tn cIose during pe�iods of g�eatu flooding Whilc the overell goals aud many of ihe fcalaica of tt�e pto}ect are �e same � ttn �rrio� 200G app}icatiw�s, some asp�sts af the ptvjccc have el�tgtd. ltio graject still consists � thiee maja� eamponenfs - P�eot sited Pik and d�m� (tempo�m[y) floodwaUs, e�then levea, aad � cxcavation to enable rhe con�vcEiam of thc fiaodwslls aud ltvee. 1�e heighi of the floodwalls mid 3evas rcmaina the same. about 8 W 9 ft. isigha tt� the gmund kvel oi tkse aiipox {apgmximately 69i - 70U ft. MSI,). The l,d�i4 ft of eheat pilo floodwall at the sauthcaatran edge of the ai�pott has not changcd rxam �he earliea appxe�ion. The �ary (dea�ossauhk) flooaw9v sectiom aaoss the nmways and betwem the tevces e2so have not changed eignific�fly. ahhough their ezact locatian at d�e norih end has shifted 'mIand The levec between ivaways 33-31 and 1432 �s, but haa bcea ehorteaed aomewlt�. m 994 ft 2. At the rcqaest of the mayoc, the MAC> the Rivecfront CaiQoxaflon's Iksig+i Centex, GSty stffi and othaa forsned e deaign team tu revlew the pa� floodwatl projeet a� Ioak at opp�pudties to impsnve irs design and �esthetic aspects. The team's t�port on '7ssues a�td f:orulusions" waa compld�d aad suhmived m the mayai an 3une 8 200G. CopiCS Pf the iEport have 6eas di�ibutCd tb the Pla[miag commissia�n and ate incaporuud i�rae by refecence. 3. M�ot chaag+� to tfte ptajeet based ori the mprnt fo tfie Ma}+er sud'n�corpor�ed in the ncw agpfication inciude: a, Uacign chan�es to the appea�ncc of the sheet p�'la wail. Aftcr looYing at various options, thcdesign team � that the piefenEd apt3on was to use Cor-ta� steel with a Continuooa ur[fiitz�dsral steel c�p for the paman�t flaodwall, telieved with noa. am�eturai �recast crntcrete coiumne nr pila8te�s coioied to tcsemble sidnC tolumns simiiaz to die irisWrie C1am�ce Wigint� term3na] bviiding. Every I00 feet, a 3G�h sqaare coinma wiHi H�6ng on bop will be aet on the alang thc sheet pifc walI. T'wo adc5pona124 incd evl�ne � gilase�a will be monntsd � the aixfield side of the sheet piIa waIl �ee tfiu+d of the diatsnx between the 3 fo� pilaetess. b. 3ix opetrings have been added m the sheat pile flaodwafl, repiac:ing 580 f� of the oaigina{ shect pile wall wJth temporscy (demamtab7e) floodwall or a cnmbinafion of half-height cw�cmt� wall and tempois�y flaodwa[L (An s�iirionsi 344 feet of sheet pile wall is being replaced az the end of Bayfield 8treat with m wrthea lavea.) Fouc openings ace pmposai at thc n�th nnd of t� auport near thc old flaat pl�e haztwr/wsfland {see fla�ng 3c betow). Anod�er 60 R of shcec pik would be repiaced with demountab7e flaodwait atong Bayfield Streot just sat�t of rhe 3M hangazs to provide a"window to thc avrs." Piaelly, a ncw 10� ii aecfioa of deniaastabio wall will cept�e a portion of the ahaet pile wall at the end of Bayfield e. PvbHe access to tha otd float pl�e harba area wilI be p[ovidad with an opeuing in the floodwali at the txg;amming of a walking patl�. Anoshu aPenmB at the stainvay to iHe harbor (260 ft. total leagth) w111 also be cmated in anticipation of fuwxz im�ssovemtnis to the harb� area. In add9bon. 260 fG of hatf-height concie;e wall is propased m frame tfse Page2 of 20 � 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 70 21 ia 13 14 15 16 1"7 t8 19 ?A 21 22 23 7A 25 26 27 2S 29 3� 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Sd $1 5t!' G"lf�k) 1b�410 L11T UF' �H1N1 � a7i a� ts�ia r.r�wm ..� < " / •••�••"•••••• f0 �C f18i�10!'. (��`"-2°"!"` O� �}]8Tb0I�W0t�8D� f4Y p11�TC 3Cf.C88 WS}i- �quiis f�ud,eirwadt that is �t p�t af t�s applicet4on; aitbongh as a fiist uep the stauway w d�a hac�or wili 6e rt�oned.) All a� d�eae smprovem�t; can evaatuaRy he utd into tht regional riveu cmridortrail system- While the main u�aII is planacd foi dse weatcm a[� of the si�paat P�4�Y �e d�gn c�m recommends t�at in the fimne a sptr fl'om ihis ateffi Mai! comuet tn rheac pnblia acoess and viawing oppairenniGes along BayfieldStieet. whichis apriv�eroad. d. Ai th� e�l of $ayfidd Stre�, 444 fcd of sheetpik w+all ha9 bcee �Ptaced wit6100 feet of dd�� wall snd 3444i. of ea�dten tevea. This new e7emeat of the 8aodwail is loc�ted fntther inLv�d ti+� d�e �ginal wsll. The floodwaN pivject inciudes developntenc of d�e top �this levec to ad sa an m�ecioak fo� �serrver, the 7a.t,�s+.i■i l�s aGmss ttx riv�, and t6e aicpast itsetE e. 2he va�etaave plsa has atso beeu imparn'ed, a�d P'bvidbs more detsil 1i�ia8 pa�eatia� gperiee af pla� tifat ve11 standuP wdl to floodi�g. x�:ate 9uicklY, end pmvide acf+Eming. Native g�asses t�Pi°vide atiuinnal vuiidtde hsbitat a�e pioposed foi the �c}r axcavadoa arrr. aad t� 8rass saPtv� �rthe levxs. A. Coaaplaion of this ixolect Tal�mra anom6rr of appmvels fiam fe�caI �d st�e ageacies, as wei! es flm Cltya3 Sa&RP�L B�o�t �theae aq�qsOvaib �sse tn tbe c�setorY ��Vatioa, xfiich w�i occur atamg s�vximatety 3,250 linesc fest af river bsnk from the msa near theeod � It�wsY 13-31 �+�e aauthem fwcderof tbe auPaa't AP�ovals that a�e tpm�sieted'mclud� a Pede�i Aviagon Adnrini�on: Pla�ng o€ Ido Sigcri6cant �t (FONSn and ePProYai for the jxojOCYs EnvimnmenU�! Assessmenc (11�06}; appaovat of tiu Assport TayartPlsn (11�06): and a�nowal ofpsnject fandsa& b. c. FedecetF�mngen�.9Mena�aecAg��9�A): Cam�tr.amofMnpRevision forFlood btau[a�xa Rste Map (6/15/2005) U S. Army Ca�pa of &��giacets (�p+� Cwith Mianesafia Pollurion C:ontcol Agpncy}: Sedion 404 Paimit For diedgmg in t�►c riva and placamDnt of c�F iap (112Q06). Ap�orais atill onhtandiag i�lude- d. Department of Nahual Reeouc�c.s iDIVR� Peimit to chm�ge t5e ooucse, curtant, ar cr�s �xion of gub}ic waf,rxs and Masxl StaveytSelocation Pem�it DNR has indiaated that t�scpamiis are m�y w ba sppQOVed �ex tLe C'aty epQmves tl�e site plan aud variance a�Ii�6one Tlxi mosset snmY has 6een scheduled fas Tuly 1U-12. 2006. e. 1Vlim�esvtsYalladan Contro2 AS�cY �I++IQCA} Nationa! Pollumnt D3ad�r� F,timinaEfon Syst�m 3�Oc i7isposai 3ystem Const[uction Pe�it for ttu compe+�aatrnY �vation (apPTod far m iP2fiJ06}_ A axa�d NPDES pa�cnt will be neqiil�d.pricx w co�ucfion of the �ke, �c �btA ectio�►is cample�. L FE'.bfA: I�tLes of 9�tsp Revisi0rt. C�tnbt be i� until compwsatory excavation ia ce�tifiad as compk0ed. DNR wilT be notifiod ofIAMR once it is appmvedby FEMA. aad the FloodwaY-Flood Pringe bwxictarY will be adjus6ed. Page 3 of ?A • � r , LJ L"��J ! � �f �;r 1 l • 3 4 5 6 ci�v eF sairvr �ax. 6si zss as�a P.03 '�� 16 �� ' ilte 88IDe, S1HIllt $ TD 9$ S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 � ai 22 23 24� 25 24 • 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3A 33 36 37 38 39 4D 41 42 43 4.1 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 � � � snd lev�. The hei�t of the floodwalls and levees remams higf�er t6an tha go�d la+�et of the airpat CxPP��y 595 - 7110 R. MSL). Ihe 1,4t9 ft of ah«t p�c floodwa3i � the sartrtheastern edS� of the ai� � not chaetged from the �}� �an. 'E1se ��Y (demountablc} floodwali sedio� ac�osa ��vcation ana tornrnccn ti�c lovses also havo noc chang�a significm �8h at the n4rth tnd has �ittad inland. Thc kvec betwer� �waya 13-31 and 1432 �ns, but has baea at�tnned �vY� to 944 ft. ac ths � atfife Ena.qor, ii� MAe, the Ytiva�C�P'°;'hOn'a Dasign cence�, Caty a team ta review rLe ps� floodwxll �Joct and look st� aad aabas fn[me� �Y� � acsthdic �tg• I1te team's repa�t on °Tssats � �p�t�mitias ui impxove iis desi�u oa Tune 8 ZIXIb. CoP�as o a n,.,,.,t„�mu" vraa coEt�leted �td subMitted ta the msY� _`.,, i'.] E?�7 bssed on t�a ace m the MaYa and iacoipora�ed in the �7'1��c� a. Desi� cLsoBca t° th° ePPeaTan�e of rha shoet pile wa1L After looking az �arious opdaoa, rhe des�gn uam dcurmined tbat tha pcafa�xed aption was to use Coc-een sGeed with a contin�na �chitectius� stad caP fa du P��°°1t tioodwatl, retia�od with non-sCUCdua1 Prxssi cm'e�°re colurans ot pilea�s colared cn re�bie swne cotumns szmila co tfee lristo�ic Ctate�x wigi,iwn uiminat build'inB- Lva�' 100 f�et, a 36-inch S4uana colaum w8h li�fmg on top wi11 be set �c tbe alw�g tha sheet piic wall. Two sddiNanat 9A inch wlmmns � pil�at�a witl be mom�d on the airfield sido � the � pile wall ame dvrd of the distance botweco thc 3 faot pulaste�s- b. [� Six oP�S$ �"e te� azlded w the sheet Fde Roodw��, �P��S 58tI feet of rhe originel st�rx �1e wall wtth tempoiarY E�uo���� fl°OdwaR aa a cambtuetion of half-Height wncxe� R'aII ffid te�ary floodwall. (An acMitiona1344 fxt of sheet pila wall ia beinS �pis� a[ the end of Bayfield Stmet with an � 2etce.j Ponc q�enin$s aR ProPa�d st tl� north eud of t}�e aitport ne� �e old float pfaae he�borJwefland (see finding 3c bclow)_ Anotha 60 fk of ahect �It woNd be roptacad with dem�ntable fioodwall alaag BaY�ld Stmet just soutfi of die 3M hengazs to pivvide a°win�av ta the rivet." �ina11Y. a new 100 Pi. seCaon af de�aaartable waIl will �g18ce a partion of the sl�eet pile wall � the end af Bayfield. Pablie acroess to the ald float pleae harbm' erna win be provided with sn npening in�all st dnn b�g oF a walldn8 Pe�. Anod�- openu+8 at the sraitevay m the htaboi (1b0 $. todal )engtit) wiil alao be creeted in anricipation of futtne �pcoveme�ts to the haifior azta Ia addifl�. 2fiQ ft. of helf-height concnste wall ia p�posed to frame tfie mtrance to t}�e hatbor. (beYeioP�nt of the ha:bodvvetlaod fa� Poblic xce� wiii teqnixe fmtha w�ic dmt is not part o� ihis appticatian: although ss a fiist stcp the stair*ay to the h�bor vrlR be ,u�mred.) All � Hxae �v� c� evea y m' ��� '�'uail syetan. While ibe msin tnii is plarmed for tt� weste�n edge of the airpoR ProPertY• ��� �m iecommends that in the fitWte a sp�u iT°m ttiis main txsil com�ect ta these �b}ic accesa and viewm8 aPP��ties alaaS Bayfield Streti, whicri-is�8 pcivate road Page 12 of 10 � � 3�� � 651 26fi-8574 P.09 SFP 2006 46�37 CITY [F SRIN7 PfRA_ t Climh "ihc'GV�indlnsdUlte, Dan Mc�i�� �++d'fDtit Dlmond. (a11. her�aefiea, as the ta ehe pcm�is�oos of Lcg. Coda � 61.702(s), filed appeals in Zoning Fite Z "�''��� � ��Oaing Ix,le Na 06-I I4162 (vasisnces} fmm ti� determinatian 3 No� iXr-I14I83 (site Pi� 4 m � by dyc (�,o�amisston atdiequ�s�d a 5�aring be t�eld 6efo� die City Cwmcil fut the 5 P�P� °f c�'idrxing thc actiaros t� bY Yhc said Cammiss�on; � 6 WHEBEAS+�g Fvrsuant to Ieg- Co� � 6f 702@) and upaa� notice to the affecced 7 � Cwma1 at August I6th end Ais$ust ?a, 8 pai e P �� }��g was d°ty cmdudsdffi ��� 1x beatd: and y 2p06 wttere stt �nt�pe� IO � d � C �� , �� heazd tYx statcaae�� made> and having considszed the 11 of s�fF, the iecoid, ��,'��� andiesoiatioa of she }z a�licari�, � � 13 ZoninS C�uee aad of the Commis�csn; does ia �ES�r �so�r.v�,,�c � co�� � rn� c�ryot s�t�,�t�vy �� 15 26 decisions of it� Comum"�ion in thie mattec as d�e app�l�a�s have noc showa ea+ar in any act. 17 p��c ar f nding made by the Commisaion: sod. be it 18 � 88.401.V�D, that Appe7lanfs �p�1 sre 1�rebY d�% end, be it 19 � g�Tggg �LYED, thet i�Cwucil. pttrauantto rts �H�ity unct� ing. Code § 21 of die C.ammiasion in t}�esc m�Lets hy ieffeieaex thereto � 61.7Q4, � es its otv& ibe �d tht Couditi�s i�os� bY the L'mmt�ission on ttta zs ex�tt� �e com�cu �sit t�ehy � �d ap�ieat,orts, as naite3 ia footrwl� 1 abave. � that rhe c�dtliwa imposed by the � Commnissi�t oa the xespa�e ePP�' (with uew �tion No 7 e�licabie to the site plan �" appmval}, shall xead as follows: 27 9* V Bscavation ca�besin ffit� ti� MAC 28 L Wo�lc on du C ra Pollvtia� C.�wi 29 obtaina thc mmaininC �ui� aPPmvals fmm t6e Mivaean 30 ASe�Y�sd�e��t°fNatutsiResovzc�� 31 32 33 34 35 36 3) 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4T 48 49 50 51 2. W� an ma ie�c�. r�.,....�a... _�.- -- �� FEMA issu�es a co�pensamry excav�i�t is cacti6ed as wmpkted I.et� af MeP Rooie�°" removia8 the P4°j�c aana from tlie FloodwaY> and U� . chsngea ace faswet+ded to Ure Iv7irmesots DePac�t °f Natncal Resoinr.es, and an IaP'b�S p�i � B�'� hy the M'iflmsotaPollution Conrml AgrncY for the tCYEe/�WBn ��- •r• n � i: auoi�;. �n :r..rs,t¢ eCrOSS tbe ri•v4d UB[1 .L_tli�..4 4�ri�ml�.nfAti(]!i �.�,�_ , �=_ ..� page LS oE 2t1 � L.i � � � � � � • Z 3 � 4 SEP--14-� 16�37 CITY � SAIN'f'PWA:� 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 22 13 14 15 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 � 26 � � 28 29 30 si 32 33 34 35 3b 3'7 � 4. PIna1 desigaa °f ��ng on $se sheetp�le fl0odwa�i and the Sansucepe plan a�e teviswed �d apFmvtdt'Y C�t7 e� p�° atsfF in eonsultation with the Riverfront CorP�a� e Deaign Centa. cmouts setfonh in chcit "3uPPlcmen�ai 5. 1fie MA � w�ell abi n � ��ved� 19, �� a.s, i„rnG sha(1 consvl (�"'apd'ilids5 OE t'��!'°'°"" ,.._�. __a —`-�vCB iZON Hll wBLds ihe# �*r31A O� --- gt � � n•, C sha13 t a p�otmance 6. Sn a � y � y ��°y 61.Q02<e}, the MA P� bond in the amauot of �12.(�Yal �a� doAars to covec tLe costs of $� ���� p7� � o�hea floodwal � fl ��� �� ��astrds and de�� liS�� • aR;n d�e aheet nile incladin8 �°t - �.,._,.,.,,an„c�inn_of P�ge 19 of 20 b51 Gbb w i `• • • " f7la � ���} o � -i6aS � iZ �� _�`R, . � Z. F. # 07-043-737 � Planning Commission Resolution Page 9 of 9 te) l�1 excavation and construction of the new sewer must be NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authorify of the City's Legisiative Code, that the appiication of Metropolitan Airports Commission Attn: Mr Patrick Mosites for a Conditional Use permit for storm sewer work in the floodway and variances of setback from ordinary high water level, develpment on slopes greater than 12% and rehabilitation of siopes greater than 18% at 644 Ba�eld St is hereby approved subjecf to the following additional conditions: 1. All areas disturbed � ng 2. witl it alfer the essential characfer of the surrounding area or un�easonably diminish esfablished property values within fhe surrouncling area. This finding is satisfied. None of the variances wilt affect the supply of lighE and air fo adjacent properfy, since they take piace at ground level or below. Also for this reason, the variances will not affect the character of the surrounding area or diminish established property values in the area. The variance, if graRted, would not permit any use thaf is nof permitted under the provisions of the cade for the property in the district where the affected land is locafed, nor would it alfer or change the zoning districf classification of the property. This finding is satisfied. Variances of development on 12% slopes, rehabilitation slopes greafer than 18 percent, and construction of an underground_ storm sewer will not permit any use not otherwise permitted in the 11 zoning district, or the RC1 zoning districf. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the vafue or income pofenfia! of ihe parce! ofland. This Fnding is satisfied. The request for variances is based on a desire to improve the functioning of the airport and more efficiently and effectively handie groundwater issues at the airport. . � fhe 3M Hangar mu be restored and improved by A defailed pian for the improvements described above must be developed in conjunction with the plan for revegetation and restora#ion that is currently being developed for the floodwall. This plan must be of su�cient detail to inciude the species, number and locafion of proposed vegetation. This plan must be reviewed and approved by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, the Minnesota DNR and the Saint Paul Design Center. The pians must be reviewed and approved before the City issues permits for floodwall construction. The budget that was originally established for revegetati and restoration of 3, MAC sha(I provide montF�ly reports to the City from an independent environmental engineer concerning the status of the floodwali and sewer projects and compliance with the approved site plan and floodwall conditions regarding either or both of these projects. 4. MAC must submit a performance bond.or letter of credit in the amount of $3 million to the City to ensure that as a result of the sewer, the location of the floodwa�l is not moved from where it is shown on the site plan that was approved in 2006. � � Measures required to stabilize the disfurbed slopes and profecf fhe adjacent wetlands, including silt fences, erosion control blankets and temporary planti�gs, must be maintained until the disturbed areas have been stabilized by new permanent vegetation. ❑ 1. Pubtic River Access � Background The River Corridor and Parks chapters of the Saint Pauf Comprehensive Plan, Sa+nt Pau! on the Mississippi Development Framework, MNRRA CamP�ehensive Management Plan, WSCO, Friends of the Mississippi, Friends of Parks and Trails, and broad community consensus, promote the concept of pubiic access to and along the Mississippi River. The goal was clear, although not practi- cable in all applications. Design Considerations The design team explored places and means to provide public access to the river or, minimally, river valley views, as part of the perimeter dike project, notwithstanding Hoiman Fieid is a private operatian with significant safety and security concerns. Several options were explored, and three were proposed. PUBLIC ACCESS TO FLOATPLANE HARBORNVETLAND The old floatplane harbor, northerly of the historic terminal building, provides the best opportunity for public access to, and enjoyment of, the river (Figure 3). Awalking path currently connects the terminal parking area to the old harbor and riverbank. 7he harbor has filled in somewhat since becoming inactive in the early 1990s. Much of the riverbank is sandy; the rest has naturalized with volunteer vegetation. Herons, egrets, cormorants and other species of waterfowl ftequent the site, and the shore provides spectacular views of the white bluffs on the opposite shore. The roughiy two-acre site could be improved and managed as public river access. Interpretive elements could be added, covering the history of the floatplane harbor, Indian Mounds Park, river geology (the bluffs), bird tife and the 6arge industry visible from the site. FAA Grant Assurances preclude using airport funds to develop a pubtic access park; consequently, redevelopment of the floatplane harbor/wet{and is not part of the flood contcol project. However, the MAC wi►i change the floodwall at this location to a combination of 160 feet of demountable wall to provide access to the river footpath and floatp�ane harbor stairway, and 260 feet of half-height concrete wall with a demountable top to,frame the entrance. The concrete wall witl have a decorative finish reflective of the historic terminal building and wi11 be consistent with the vision for future park development. The MRC will a{so restore the old floatplane harbor stainvay as a fi�st ste ta��ovidirig public access. S,q[tiT YAUL Rl�'EKFRO�T CORPORATIOti Samt Paui on-the Mississippi Desi9n Center � 4. Vegetative Ptan Background The airport is former floodpiain forest, wetland and shaliow lake area. Currently, 20 acres at the south end of #he airport adjacent to tfie barge channel (South Port S(ip}, and two acres or so of the north end, com- prising the old floatpiane harbor, are classified as wetland. The river edge along Holman Field includes naturally occurring sandbars and terraces formed by redeposited river sediments, with typ+cat floodplain vegetation consisting of small to modest sized trees along with grasses, forbs and vines. The airport is cunently hard surface or mowed turf. Design � The design team focused on the several different conditions attending Considerations the river edge and proposed perimeter dike project including the river edge itseif, the old floatplane harbor/wetland, the permanent floodwall, the compensatory excavation area, and the earthen ievee. The design team pursued two. goals: Naturalize the areas as much as possible without compromising airport operations - the airpoR necessarily manages the entire property to discourage birds, which can cause a disaster if the� collide with aircraft; and � Screen the floodwall as much as possible with native vegetation. Keeping as much river edge vegetation as possible also helps stabilize the natural riverbank with root structure, which is a consideration of the landscape plan. Planting concepts propose native pfants that reestab- lish quickly after flooding. �aw��u�F �var+u� yrxxy6r't31Y ftiJNYWY _' (s(��$f`....4 . NYQTl1kt'tiAY - = t�PEA201iE ��'^'^�i�.+�#.y�.`�c�`,f�='r i � e3? TIhfE SSES L41fE ltlP R/4P ANQ 501L +�������� Y ; � ��� _ RFPRAP ' �" "' °: s - - � Figure 10. - `� �� Compensatory Ezcavation Slopes Vegetation Recommendatioas SA[NT PAUL RIVERFRONt CORPORATION � g� Saint Paul onthe Mississippi Design Center � I�1 L..J � ��-�aag FLOATPLANE 1-1ARBOF2MIETlAND Entry Area - Plant tough, native trees and cultivars (swamp white oak, hackberry, crabappie, etc.) Nafural Area • Eliminate invasive species on the river bank (buckthorn, feafy spurge, burdock) - Encourage existing floodplain vegetation {sandbar wiilow, silver maple, green ash) • Enhance with native shrubs {redtwig dogwood, biack chokeberry, viburnum) The design team also looked at the wetland southwest of the airport, but rejected the idea of focusing on it for attention at this time because: - It is cut off from public use, and restoration would provide little aesthetic or educational value; • Didn't want to attract additional wildlife adjacent to flight paths; and - The significant expense of restoring a highly degraded wetland is not warranfed due to lack of immediately adjacent high-quality habitat patches. SOLID WALL � Retain as much existing vegetation as possible; • Eliminate invasive species encountered during construction; • Augment fivsr bank with native shrubs and trees {redtwig and gray dogwood, black chokeberry, viburnum, black ash); and • Plant trees, shrubs, and herbaceous materiai on the Ba�eld Street side (hackberry, swamp white oak.) DEMOUNTABLE WALL AREA WITH RAILING - Retain appropriate existing vegetation; • Reduce invasive species; • Replace lost native trees as needed; and • Revegetate distusbed areas with lower stature shrubs (coralberry, black chokeberry) to facilitate views. S u� i P�t:i (u�T.R[ so� r CuaroR�no� Saint Paul on the Mississippi Oesgn Center 26 � � j?�eiiirieter_"IJike RECO_NCIUAfiONOFQU,IUTITlES�!VD.UMT PRICFS ���r�� ( zoa� � 30o,p IcihaSG'`�� bk c��r� � �B 6 Y` �_� � �Pr-06 �. tlti _ 1';.y QLTANTi'LY QTOPALCOST TOTAL�OST TOT9LCOSY � TTEVS OIr312005 [ 01119200h U4f1420Q6. 031L4Y1006; _. Mobil��tiun '[t�rf AsWb!i.+.-`wient Fie[d Officr., Haut Roads $arthen IJike and River Bank Stabdizatim�: Clzran3Gcu6 N,ove Mussc[s Eloodway �c<awtLOn Dikelvnbanlm�cnt Su6-Drav�s Rp Rap Re�wc and InstallMooricgB�llazds Sheet Yi7� Canstmction: P7.22 &PZ27 Sheet Yilc Wa11 PZ35 SheetPi:e Wafl ' Svb-Drev�s�, stn,auatcoaactc (e17 a� s4uc6uat stcet (L61tToe �eJr.cetPaa wxlq TempotaryDike: IFC Wail Site prepazation fur Fomdations Conc[ete Founda[ion Su6-D_ains PZ22 SheetPile Caz4ngs inYavement Axcaz ffC Wall Scoiage pwldivg Rnndwayli'axiway 19nrkAs�oc. with Dike ConstruRion: 6ayfiel3SCteet ' TaciwayE�.hoReco¢shuction � G�ccavati�on , Grc.ilarSvbhase - Gravel Baze Sub-0rains BiNniwusPavcment ' 12cm.wcErixli�.g Ta<iway Echn Elc tricxi ConstrucHon ConAuctcs � LocaGzc[Cabiing Coiueterpdse VaulCWork � Dvcis �nwcFixt�cs Runway/TamwayFdga Lighk Reloaatc ExistingAi�eld Signs x�at�ot� Snppl+mcutal Campnnenes 1 1,295,Lt9.23 1,295,11928 12 SQ000.00 SQOCO W 1 ' 0.00 000 2 3,000.00 3,W0.00 50,�90.00 150,000.00 234,000 1,395,000.00 t,650,000.00 15,000 z50,000.00 ' 250,006.00 . 21,000.00 31500.00 21,000 ],Sfi0,00000 750,000.00 149,500.00 150,000 5,800,000.00- 3,720,050.00 3,166,250.00 2,070,85500 20000.00 30,00000 soo i,i'r{oaa.00 iA�4a3zoo 1 300,000.00 80,060.00 0.00 3,000.00 isqoao.ao 1,650 000.00 250,000.00 31,500.00 750,0�0.00 149,SOOAO 300,OOO.CO 600,000 00 30,000.00 3CQ000.00 2,1�5,280.00 2,08800000 2,038,000.00� 351,000.00 2SS,S00.00 Z58,500.40 4,771,OOOOQ ' 4,771,000.00 4,771,00000 i0,000.00 45,p00.00 45,000.00 405,OU0.00 405,000.00 405,00000 b26,12000 616,IZO.W 6I6,I20.Q0 210,000.00 210,0�0.00 210,000.00 SO,W0.00 SB.00O.OQ 88,OOD.� 29l?00.00 672,000.00 672,000,00 400,500.00 88,5�0.00 E8,500,�0 28,000.00 98,OQO.DO 98 112,000.00 132,OOO,UO . 132,00�.00 216,090.00 158,OOQ.00 198,�OQ 00 65,000.00 68,000.00 68,000.00 10,?SOAO 5,000.00 14,040.90 8,600.00 68,282.50 i$90�.00 102,300 00 8,10000 73,530 00 1,890.00 14,040.00 0.00 I11,000 00 14,400.OU 70,200.W 10,800.�0 n,zzo.00 13,50.00 1,890.00 14,04�.00 0.00 I11,000.00 14,400.�0 70,200.00 10,800.00 n,zoo.00 OverFcadE!cc4icaLSxcvice{1f31/OSest�matecitcgery,nowN/A) 1 Cwactei-Wall Ind�Decora4veTceztmertis 1 8,340,000.00 ToziwayRemr.stcucticn(I/37/OSestimatectegory-cowWA) - I - " 21,735,942 $ 21,927,666 $ 24,90S,7S0 I236,Yh7 ! 096,383 _ 1 245, ,....,d.,.i m ....aa�fin e .,..�t,.v.au,.,e.... .�Uewn:waan�nMAy. YMH�uv.atvn2Ea�5ne1 L vv✓a nY..+�.ac6e.�n vd�mxeutienh.da „s � oi..,. =:.. ti: �s.e. 35,972,'l59 S �3,02¢,049 3 26,t50,439 __ 3=/40,000 _3,900,�W 3,7G0,000 29,6TL,739 S 26,724,049 S 29,850,439 wise.i toC,i= 528.5?.t ` I � � ». M.......n.. a„a.,,.,.�.>....�,:�........ e�u.N� ,..�..�.... u� a e. ,� • HNTB CORPORATION SUNE 2UC7 = .; ITEM t10. . F7EMS ���� 2c�o7 f �� ��� �u ��� ���o, aav �7-loag ST. PAUL DOWNTOWN AtRPORT - HOLMAN FIELD � . UNIT QUANTI"�Y UNITCOST TOTALCOST PERIMETER D1KE - h07-i-054 2577.fi0� AM1AELANCHIERSANGCI4FA(i 251'1.60t AMELANCHIERS70LCNiFER4(12"HT. :CONTAiNER) 2571.601 ARONIAMELANOCARPA(12"HT. 25T1,605 CEANOTHUSAMERlCAP1US(12"HT.-CONTAINER) 2571 501 CEL7IS OCCIDENTALiS (t5" CALIPER-CONTAMER) 2571601 CORNUS08LIQUA(72'IHT. 2571.601 CORNUSftAGEMOSA(SPECIES)( 257t.fi01 CORNl1S RAGEMOSA'MUSZAM' (12" HT. -CONTAINER) 257-0.601 CORNUSSEftICIA'BUO'SYELIOW (4'HT.-CONTRMER) 2571.601 CORYLUSAMERICANA(4'NT--CONTAWER) 2577fi01 DIERVIIIALONICERA(1 257i601 SALIXLUCIOA(72"HT.=CONTAINER)_ 2571.601 SALIXPET101ARIS.(72"HT.-CONTAiNEft) 2571601 VIBURNUMRAFFMESQUTANUM( 2571.601 VIeURNUMTRILOBUM(SPECIES)(12"HT.-CONTAWER) '2571.6Ut VIBURNUMTRILOBUM'HAHS'( 2575.667 ASTERCORD�F4����i4LUG) 25716�1 CALAMAGROSTISCANADENSIS(PlUG) 257�fi07 CAREXPENNSYLVANICA(PLUG) 257t.6o1 CAREXVULP�NOIOEA(PLUGJ 2531.601 ELYMUS ITYSTRIX(PLUG) 2571.601 HELENIUM AUTUMNALE(PLUG) 2571 601 SCHIIACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM (PLOG) 75.507 SEEDING,7YP€ A 75507 SEEDING,TYPEB 575.501 SEEDING,NPEC SUBDRAIN - 707-1-050 2575501 SEE�ING 2006 RSA -107-1-053 2575.501 SEE�ING COMPENSATORY EXGAVATION -107-1-045 2575501 SEEDING 4200.100 Native Grass Seedirg, Lcwer Zone A20o200 Native Grass Seeding, Upper Zone 4200 300 Native Grass Seeding Fence 2007 RSA -107-7-053 2575.501 SEEDING • EA EA EA EA EA FA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA FA EA EA EA EA AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC LF AC st 304 466 70 5 36 72 755 t41 58 454 7 7 29 77 752 25 76 1 925 36 35 49 410 21.0 2.0 025 so.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 250.fl� 60.00 60.�0 60,00 85.00 85.00 60 0� 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 85.00 75.00 15.oD IS 00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 2,500.00 7,00d.00 �,oao.00 60 30 2,000.00 37.00 ' 2 000.00 73 00 2,000 00 1,50 " 8,900.00 430 9,100.00 4500.00 2�� 13.40 1,SOQ 00 G PE(21METER DIKE= . $241,855,( �'SU$Df2AItS �. $120,60U! 2006RSA= $74,OOOJ COMPENSATORYEXCAVATION=� $87,480.i . 2007RSA=,_ $20,100.� TOTAL $544, 035. TOTAL for So4d only $A49�935. �--� _ �� CtOocumeNsan4S'ed5�9s\P:tcsites\la:al5ettinpATemp�fAiyhdeinetF�es10LKE60400%Eslimale VCGETATIONx�s ��a �,,. f; s r ' 1' ,i N ti n 3 , i ' � a � � ; � 4 lk > , � � a 0 m i � t ' � � j k r ! t W ¢ N 0 a m ��� �'. �"(^ �-.. : ,� .. �� - �. �I� �� �� �;� �� � �'�? � �i\`� �� �� � �� '` �� r � :�� I O 6 y� n '; J � p T 0 N � 4 � M W 1 . ���� O � � f .� a U t T � 4 ( � �� , � � � � � � ` 1����� � ti T + g� ��T � , ♦� � i ''�� �. @��fl � I � ��' � j �E���r i�.��_►.� �"•,, : 'e " '- F � ;. � - � „� _, l� ` {.._.°�/ .� � ,^-�� � � 1 a � � � � f O Y v�j`�,/ � � �. W t ,-� � , z � ` ° _. G �. x w O m � �� � 3 0 _� u u ym �. � o � %° z � ¢ s� �, a o� Q W 6 r �"' W i 1- � o V �� '�+ a 8 / > r r � NN =s` J �y Y z �� Z J Q d Y N � 0 � W � � i `�L Q U '�i•• % 5 � a '. ���;na � � � W q I z r, g ` � � e: x i£ i� �� �� t � � HNTB GORPORA'i7DN AUGU5717, 2007 ST_ PAl!! DOWNTOWtd AIRPORT - HOLMAN F!E!D D7���Og ITEM NO. ITEMS �- UNIT QUANTiTY UN(T COST TOTAL C0.ST AEW METER DIKE -'107-1-054 2104.505 REA7����MIh 2105.533 SALVP.GE AGGREGATE 27�5507 COMINONF�CCAUATION 2105.52b SELEC7 TOPSOIL BORR�W (Fl1R�3SH AND 1NSTALL) 2571.601 ACER SIICCARINUM (2.S CALiPER 688J 2571.601 AMELI+NCHIERSANGUINEA{1SHT.-CONTAINER) 2571.601 AME(-AMCtI�ER S70LONIFERA (15" HT. - CONiPJNER) 2571.601 ARONIAMELAtJOCARPA(iSHT--COIdTA Z57}.5p� CEpNOTHUSAMER1CANl1S(SSHT.-CAN 2571.601 CE�TlS OCCIOENTALIS (2.5" CAL�PER B&8) 2571.607 CORNUS OBLiQUA (2' HT. - CONTAINER) zs��.so� coruvusr�ncE�nosn<sr�c�s)(z'xr. 2571.607 CORNUSRACEMOSA'MUSZAM'{1SHT.-CANTAINER) 2571.6�t COCLNUS SERICIA'BUD'S YELLOW (4' HT. -('ANTAINER) 2571.601 CORYWSAMERICANN(4'HT.-CANTNNER) 2577.607 DIERW-L.A LONIGERA (1S HT. - CONTAINER) 2571.601 POPULUS OEL701DES (2.5' CALIPER 886 2571.601 SALiX LUCIDA (2' HT. - CONTAINER) 2577.601 SALIX PETIOIARIS (2' HT. - CONTNNER) 2577.601 VIBURNUMRAFF�NESQUTANUM( 2571.601 VIBURNUM TRIlOBUM (SPECIESj (1 Y HT. - CONTAINER) 2571.601 ViBURtJUM TRILOBUM'HAHS' (4' HT.-CANTA�NER) 2571.601 ASYER CORD1F011US (PLUG) � 71.601 CALAMAGR0.STIS CANADENSIS (PLUG) 71.605 CAREXP£NNSYLVAtdICA{PU1G) 2577.601 CAREX WLPINOIDEA (PLUG) 2571.607 ELYMi1S ITYSTRU( (PI-UG} 2571.607 HELENRAutAUTUMNN-E(PIiJG) 2577.601 SCHIZACHYRRIN� SCOPARIUM (1'lUG3 2575501 SEEDtNG, TYPE A 2575.501 SE�DlNG, TVPE B 2575.501 SEEDING, TYPE C iNYASNE PLANT REMOVAL AND REPLJIAITING Wedand piard removal Upiand platrt rertwval Wetland replantiry Incidentals COMPENSATORY EXCAVATION -107-1-045 2575.501 SEEDING 4200.100 Native Grass Seeditg, Lower Zone 4200200 Native Grass Seeding. Upper Zone 42W.300 Native Grass Seedirg Fence SY CY CY C�' EA � EA EA EA EA EA FA EA EA � EA EA EA EA Fi\ EA EA EA EA EA E.4 EA EA EA AC AC AC 265 45 45 90 5 97 304 640 70 t 44 267 tss 141 78 542 7 3 � 29 213 182 25 tfi 1,925 36 � 49 410 ai.o 7.9 D.05 2.'10 9.OU 8.00 16.00 350.00 60.W 60.W 60.00 60.W 350.00 60.W 60.W w.00 85.W 85.W 60.W 350.00 60.W �.W 60.W 60.00 &S.W 15.00 75.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 2.500.00 7�OOD.AO 7,OW.00 HOUR �� `��� HWR � `�m EACH 1,632 15.00 LS AC 13.00 2,000.00 AC 1.50 8.900.00 AC 4.30 9,100.00 � A500.00 2.06 PERIMETER DtKE = 5287.846.: INVASNE PLANTS = $38.480.i COMPENSATORYEXCAVATION= 587,480.i $413,806.: � �. � s �(� Eshma@ VEGEfA510N UpdateE 08-2W7 cif� of saint paul pianning commission resolution file number o�-s� date Auqust24 2007 WI�REAS, on May 4, 2007, the Planning Commission approved the site plan and variances for the establishment of a floodwall aY Holman Field, located at 644 Bayfield Street and legally described as Lampreys Addition To Saint Paul Ex Leases & Ex Natt Guard Air Base; Fart E Of Ry OfFot; Part Of Govt Lots 7-11 In Sec 4& Govt Lot 4& 12 & E 1/2 Of t3 In Sec 5 T28 R22 & S112 Mol Of Blks 10- 12 & Ail Of $Iks 1-9 F Ambs Add & Sl/2 Mol Blk 5& All Of Blks; and WFIEREAS, the Planning Commission attached the following conditions to these approvals related to revegetation ofthe site: • All areas disturbed by excavation and construction of the new sewer must be e�ctensively revegetated using native plant materials. As a part of this revegetarion, the wetland opposite the 3M Hangar must be restored and improved by removing invasive species and planting new naYive plant material. A detailed plan for the improvements described above must be developed in conjunction with the plan for revegetation and restorarion that is currently being developed £or the floodwall. This plan • must 6e of sufficient detail to inctude the species, number and location of proposed vegeta#ion. This plan must be reviewed and approved by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, the Minnesota DNR and the Saint Paul Desiga Ceuter before the City issues permits for floodwall conshuction. The budget that was originally established for revegetation and restoration of the area. disturbed by the floodwall shall be increased by at leasf 25%to cover the additional costs of revegetating and restoring areas disturbed by the sewer work and to ensure it thoroughly miYigates the damage that has been done to the existing vegetation.; and WF�REAS, the Metropolitan Airports Commission submitted a detailed plan for revegetarion and restoration along the floodwall in July 2007; and revised this plan several times over the neact month to add more piant material and better meet the conditions of the Planning Commission's resoIution; and Wf�REAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commissioq on August 16, 2007, held a public hearing at which ail persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accardance with the requirements of §64300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and moved by Mortp� seconded by _ in favor Unanimous against _ � z� , D�-/DOg VJ�IEREAS, the Saint Paul Piamm�g Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public heazing as snbstantialiy reflected in Yhe minutes, found that the vegetation plan submitted by the Metropolitan Aitports Commission and revised August 16, 2007 along with additional material submitted about the removal of invasive species is consistent with the conditions of the Planning Commission's May 4, 2007, approvats: All azeas disturbed by excauation and constniction of the new sewer wili be eactensively revegetated using native planY materiais. The IisY of native species to be used for this has been reviewed and approved by the Minnesota DNR. The wetland opposite the 3Iv1 Hangar will be restored and improved by removing invasive species and planting new native plant material. This is shown on the site plan dated August 16, 2007 and in the additional material submitted by MAC that is attached to ttus resolution. The plan for vegetating the azea along the floodwall includes the species, number, size and location of proposed vegetation. This plan has been reviewed and approved by the Minnesota DNR and the Saint Paul Design Center. The budget that was originally established for revegetation and restoration of the area disturbed by the floodwall has been increased by at least 25% to cover the additional costs of revegetating and restoring areas disturbed by the sewer work and to ensure that damage tha# has been done to the existing vegetarion will be thoroughly mitlgated; The Metropolitan Airpoats Coinmission has submitted a performance bond in the amount of ` $3.000.000 to the City to ensure that the vegetation and related improvements are installed as shown on the approved plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, that the vegetation plan submitted by MAC for the area at Holman Field affected by Yhe floodwall is hereby approved. n U � � �:, � �-- � x�z: -� ,� �, �:, ���,. _� , ,� .ia� �` � - �„ _ � � _ �f -=� x �- - _ � -�-_ �--,�_N ---°°�-� ����: -��-� � ; ��� � : � � _- ="', .� =�,o, - r� r,,� �i, , r . 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S'�"' _ "'�.°".r ��: - �`^'�� . � ` ' - ' "" 't '� � ua'�� :-' - _ ' � _ � , � � � � � r ., .. f � .. a ,�,-r � _ � [ � ����'� � -;� \,� .� 2 r . . � i "' -;� -« �a.� �..?�-t -n�'r z-ar-::�'- - _ .. _ . ' �-� -, . ��- S�'�'v - ; :, r s � � . -� � �� � �- �'� f _ � � ��" �'�.. ' _ - ' i - �� . - �✓ l 4 : h C+ � � _ 5S ` E4a 6 . .., . 3 . �- ` .. ��" � ��w3_ . �'aT" `_:�.,� - ';�.a, --:. , . . .�Gt�_. f `c. n�.� T . .. wf . ... �.k �5c.yce/ V � � Lc - �Y � ��tt� V • city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number o�-5� date Auqust 24 2007 WHEREAS, on May 4, 2007, the Planning Commission approved the site plan and variances for the establishment of a floodwall at Holman Field, located at 644 Ba�eld Street and legally described as Lampreys Addition To Saint Paul Ex Leases & Ex Natl Guazd Air Base; Part E Of Ry Of Fol; Part Of Govt Lots 7-11 In Sec 4& Govt Lot 4& 12 & E 112 Of 13 In Sec 5 T28 R22 & Sli2 Mol Of Blks 10- 12 & All Of Blks 1-9 F Ambs Add & S1/2 Mol Blk 5& All Of Blks; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission atCached the following conditions to these approvals related to revegetation of the site: All azeas disturbed by excavation and construction of the new sewer must be extensively revegetated using native plant materials. As a part of this revegetation, the wetland opposite the 3M Hangar must be restared and improved by removing invasive species and planting new naYive plant material. b �-loag A detailed plan for the improvements described above must be developed in conjunction with the • plan for revegetation and restoration that is currently being developed for the floodwall. This plan must be of snfficient detail to include the species, number and location of proposed vegetation. This plan must be reviewed and approved by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, the Minnesota DNR and the Saint Paul Design Center before the City issues permits for floodwall construction. The budget that was originally established for revegetation and restoration of the area disturbed by the floodwall shall be increased by at least 25% to cover the additional costs of revegetating and restoring areas disturbed Uy the sewer work and to ensure it thoroughly mitigates the damage that has been done to the existing vegetation.; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Airports Commission submitted a detailed plan for revegetation and restaration along the floodwall in July 2007; and revised this plan several times over the next month to add more plant material and better meet the condirions of the Planning Commission's resolution; and � u WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on August 16, 2007, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiication in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and moved by Morton seconded by in favor Unanimous against �� WHEREAS, the'Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning � Committee at tke public hearing as substantially reflecte@ in tlte minutes, found that the vege�aTion plan submitted by the Metropolitan Airports Commission and reuised August lfi, 2007 a�ong with additional material submitted about the removal of invasive species is consistent with the conditions of the Planiiing Commission's May 4, 2007, appmvals: All areas disturbed by excavation and construction of the new sewer will be extensively revegetated using narive plant materials. The list of narive species to be used for this has been reviewed and approved by the Minnesota DNR. The wetland opposite the 3VI Hangar will be restored and improved by removing invasive species and planring new native plant material. T`his is shown on the site pian dated August 16, 2007 and in the additional material submitted by MAC that is attached to this resolution. The plan for vegetating the area along the floodwali includes the species, number, size and location of proposed vegetation. This plan has been reviewed and approved by the Minnesota DNR and the Saint Paul Design Center. The budget that was originaliy established for revegetation and restoration of the azea disturbed by the floodwall has been increased by at least 25% to cover the additional costs of revegetating and restoring areas disturbed by the sewer work and to ensure that damage that has been done to the existing vegetation will be thoroughly mitigated; The Metropolitan Airports Commission has submitted a performance bond in the amount of $3.000.000 to the City to ensure that the vegetarion and related improvements are installed as shown • on the approved plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, that the vegetation plan submitted by MAC for the area at Holman Field affected by the floodwall is hereby approved. � �� � • city of saint paul date May 4, 2007 planning commission resolution file number 07-31 -��- e�ve,�' s� �c ��h 07�1�Q g WHEREAS, the Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at a public hearing held on March 29, 2007 and under the authority of Section 61.108 of the City's Legislative Code, found that work done on sewer and subdrainage improvements at Holman Field (Zoning Fife # 05- 099048) located at 644 Bay(ield Street Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 042822320001, Iegaily described as LAMPREYS ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL EX LEASES & EX NATL GUARD AIR BASE; PART E OF RY OF FO�; PART OF GOVT LOTS 7-11 IN SEC 4& GOVT LOT 4& 12 & E 1!2 OF 13 IN SEC 5 T28 R22 & S1/2 MOL OF BLKS 10-12 & ALL OF BLKS 1-9 F AMBS ADD & S112 MOL BLK 5& ALL oF BLKS was not done in compliance with the approved site pian and that violations occurred; and WHEREAS, Section 61.108 of the City's Legislative Code states that the Planning Commission "in lieu of revoking the permission, may impose additional conditions, modify existing conditions, or delete conditions which are deemed by the commission to be unnecessary, unreasonable or impossible of compliance....", and WHEf2EAS, on March 9, 20�7 Metropolitan Airpo�ts Commission, again applied for Site Plan Review for storm sewer and subdrainag� improvements in the floodway at Holman Field (Zoning File # 07-043-921) under Section 61.401 and as part of that application submitted a site plan that shows the location of a new storm sewer near or under Bayfield Street and shows the location in more detail than the previous site plan; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on March 29, 2007, held a pubiic hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of ' 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, found that the site plan was consistent with the following findings as required by Section 61.402(c): 1. The city's adopted comprehensive plan and development or projecf pfans for sub-areas of the city. The project is consistent with a number of policies in the Mississippi River Corridor Plan. Obiective 4.2 calls for preserving and restoring native plant and animal habitats. Given restrictions on where a new sewer fine can be located, this project will preserve as much native vegetation as possible, and use native vegetation for new landscaping. • Policies 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 call for preserving native vegetation to the greatest extent possible and using native plant species to replace vegetation that must be removed. Aithough existing volunteer vegetation, including willows, box elders and dogwood were removed, an extensive program of planting and revegetation using native plant materials is aiready required for this area under the conditions of the City's approval of the floodwall. The details ofi4his pianting � moved by Morton seconded by in favor Unanimous against �� Z. F. # 07-043921 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 of 4 plan are being worked on and reviewed by City staff, the Saint Paul Design Center and the DNR. Any additianal areas that were disturbed by the sewer work will be similarly replanfed. ` J • Policv 42.4 states thaf the City wilf continue to enforce the 50 ft. shorei'tne setback for structures, restore the shoreline to a more natural character within 100 ft. of the river, and improve the aesthetic appearance of the floodwa0, so #ar as this is compaYible with current channel design and flood controi management. The City is enforcing the 50 ft. setback policy by requiring the applicant to obtain a variance of this regulation using the procedure set forth in the zoning code, and the shoreline will be restored to a more natural character. Obiective 4.3 and qolicv 4.3.2 call for protecting and preserving wetlands. During installation of the new sewer, dirt from #he construction washed into a small area of wetland. A study done by Barr Engineering found fhat a tofat of 2,900 square feet (0.067 acres) of wetland had been impacted where the wetland met the embankment. "The portion of the wetiand affected by grading for the utility project was the upper-most reach along the wetland boundary and embankment._ "The larger wetland compiex was nof affected...." The impacted area was at most 10' wide and "typically was much less:' The impact occurred in areas where silt fences intended to profect the wetiands were not instailed on the exact boundary of the wetland in these areas and in areas where sediment escaped the silt fence. "Soi! deposition [in the affected wetlands) was patchy rather than being continuous along the length of the wetland.... The observed fill ranged from a few inches to more than a foot thick. Thicker fill occurred where the silt fence retained runofF during heavy rain.... The afFected portion of the wetland was the most ecologically disturbed and represented a narrow strip at the edge of the wetland:' Since the study, sediment has been removed from the wetiand and • fhe impacted areas have been regraded, seeded and covered with erosion control blanket. The project is consistent with the Parks and Recreation Chapter. Pofic 7 recommends use of native species in plantings and use of natural border grasses and plantings along shorelines. 2. Applicabte ordinances of the City of Saint Paul. The work shown on the site pian needs a Conditional Use Permit and variances as described above in the staff report. If these are approved, the site plan compfies with all other applicable ordinances. 3. Preservafion of unique geologic, geographic or historically signifrcant characteristics of the city and environmentally sensitive areas. The sewer was instalied in an environmentaily sensitive area near the shore of the Mississippi river and a wetland. In general, the area that was disturbed was restricted as much as possibie and the new grades that were created by the excavation are approximately the same as the grades that existed before the sewer work. However, existing'vegetation was removed in this area. New landscaping for most of this area was aiready planned as part of remediation for the floodwall project and there have been meetings attended by MAC, City staff and other interested�arties about how this area should be landscaped. A final Iandscaping plan for this area has not been finished �ut there is �agreement that native species should be used that wili screen the floodwali but wiil not attract birds that could interfere with aircraft. However, a part of the area that was disturbed is a small area (approximately 2900 square feet) • along the edge of an existing wetland. This was not planned but sediment entered the edge of the wetland in a few places where the silt fence failed or the si(t fence was not located in the correct location. When MAC was informed of this, they had fhe contracfor remove the sediment and seed the area. � �� Z. F. # 07-043921 � Planning Commission Resolution !,� /D6 /J Page 3 of 4 �� � 6 To compensate for this unintended impact to the wetland, a condition shouid be added that MAC will enhance the quality of the entire wetland by removing invasive species and pianting new native plant materiai. The plans for this should be designed as part of the work that is underway to create a landscape pian for the floodwail. 4. Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for such matters as surface wafe� drainage, sound and sighf buffers, preservation of views, lighf and air, and those aspects of design which may have subsfantial effecfs on neighboring land uses. The areas that were disturbed will be revegetated using native plant materials. 5. The arrangement of buildings, uses and facilities of the proposed devefopment in order to assure abutting property and/or rts occupants will not be unreasonably affected. If the slopes are properly stabilized and revegetated, the project will not affect abutting property. 6. Creation of energy-conserving design fhrough landscaping and location, orientation and elevatron of strucfures. The sewer will not affect energy consumption or conservation. i 7. Safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic both within the site and in relation to access streets, including tra�c circulation features, the locations and design of entrances and exits and parking areas within the site. The sewer will have no impact on vehicular or pedestrian traffic. 8. The satisfactory availability and capacrty of storm and sanitary sewers, including sofutions fo any drainage problems in the area of the development. The sewer in question that was constructed along the river shore last fall is part of a Iarger system intended to improve drainage of saturated soils after a flood. The number of sewer outlets going to the river has been substantially reduced by this project. The plan has been reviewed by Saint Paul Public Works and the Minnesota DNR and no objections were raised. 9. Su�cient landscaping, fences, wal(s and parking necessary to meet the above objectives. Existing volunteer trees and shrubs that have filled in over the last 50 years were removed in an area up to about 25' wide when the sewer was put in. New landscaping is planned for this area as part of remediation for the floodwall project and there have been meetings attended by MAC, City staff and other interested parties about how this area should be landscaped. A final landscaping plan has not been finished but there is agreement that native species should be used that will screen the fioodwall but wili not attract birds that could interfere with aircraft. 10. Site accessrbility in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilitres Act (ADA), including parking spaces, passenger loading zones and accessib(e routes. The site plan is consistent with this finding. � 11. Provision for erosion and sediment confrol as specified in the_��RarFisey Erosion Sediment and Control Handbook." Erosion and sediment measures have been installed. These include silt fence at the bottom of the embankment, erosion control blankets on the slopes and seeding disturbed areas with appropriate native plant species. � Z. F. # 07-043921 Planning Commission Resolution Page 4 of 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, that the site plan submitted 6y for sewer and drainage work the Metropolitan Airports Commission at Holman Field (644 Ba�eld Street) ishereby approved subject to the foilowing conditions: � 1. All areas disturbed by excavation and construction of the new sewer must be extensively revegetaYed using nafive plant materials. As a part of this revegetation, the wetland opposite the 3M Hangar must be restored and improved by removing invasive species and planting new native piant material. A detailed plan for the improvements described above must be developed in conjunction with the plan for revegetation and restoration that is currently being developed for the floodwall. This plan must be of sufficient detail to include the species, number and location of proposed vegetation. This plan must be reviewed and approved by fhe Saint Paul Ptanning Commission, the Minnesota DNR and the Saint Paui Design Center before the City issues permits for floodwall construction. The budget that was originally established for revegetation and restoration of fhe area disfurbed by the f(oodwall shaii be increased by ai least 25 to cover the additional costs of revegetating and restoring areas disturbed by the sewer work and to ensure it thoroughly mitigates the damage that has been done to the existing vegetation. 2. Measures required to stabilize the disturbed slopes and protect the adjacenf wet(ands, • including silt fences, erosion control bfankets and temporary plantings, must be maintained until the disturbed areas have been stabilized by new permanent vegetation. 3, MAC shall provide monthly reports to the City from an independent environmental engineer concerning the status of the floodwall and sewer projects and compliance with the approved site plan and floodwaU conditions regarding either or both of these projects. 4. MAC must submit a performance bond or letter of credit in the amount of $3 million to the City to ensure that as a result of the sewer, the location of the floodwafl is not moved from where it is sfiown on the site plan that was approved in 20D6. � �� Ciimb the W ind Institute, Dan McGuiness and Tom Dimond, (all, I:ereinafter, as the Q��l�bp 'AppeI2ants } pursuant to the ptovisions of Leg. Cade § S 1.742(a), filed appeats in Zoning Fiie r � No. 06-I14I83 (site pIan} and Zoning File S;o. Ofi-Zi4-I62 (variances) from the determinztion made by the Co�mission a*�d reqnested a hearing be keld before the C:Ly Council for the pucpose of eonsidering t�e actions taken by the said Comznissioa; and ` WLIEREAS, acting pursu�ant to Leg. Code § 61.ia2(b} and ugon natice to �he affeceed pa,=ties, a�nblic kearing was dnly canducted'oy the City Councl on Augnst I6�h an3 August 23, 2006 whe;e alt izteLeste� pafiies tivere gi��en an opporlunity to be �eard; and WHEI2EAS, the Council, having heard the statemer.ts made, and having considered the . ap�Iicatiaa, tl�e report of staff, the record, miuuYes, recorameadation and resolntion af the Zoning Committee and of the Commissioz; does ° rt�i�isY Tc�SvLv�, inat ina �onncii of fne t;ity o� �aint �aui t�ereby amrms the decisions o.f the Cominission in this matter a"s the appeil2nts haVe not shown eiror in' any fact, procedure.os finding made by the Comznission; and, be it '. y�'�7Z{'f �g XLFS(}L,'VEI?, thaY. Appellants a�peais aze herebp denied; and, be ie .�--c�" , . � UI.ZTHER 12ESOLVED, that the Counczl, pursuant to its authority'under Leg. Code § 61.704, adopts as its own the findings oP the Commission in these matters by xeference thereto except that the Council shall hezeby amend the conditians imposed by the Curnrnission on the sazd apptic�tions, as noted iri footnote 1 above; so that the conditions imposed bq t#�e Coznmission on ihe zespective applications, (with new condition No. 7 applicable to tfie site plazs approval), shall read as foIlows: 1. Work on the Compansatory Excavafion cannot beg�n until the l�AC obYains the remaining rec�uized approvals from the Minnesota Follution Control Agency and the Minnesota Departmene of Natuial Resouzces_ , 2.'-' . Work on theI.evee 1 Floodwall System cannot ba begin unfil the .. ' compensatory excavation is cettified as eompl_eted to FEMA, �MA. issues a Letter af Map Revision removing the project area &om the Floadway, and these changes aze fozwarded to the Minnesota Department of Natwral Resources, and'an , NPI?ES peXmit is gzanted by Yhe Tvlinciesota Pallution Controt AgenCy for the , tevee/floodwall constructioa: MAC shaIl conduct monitozing across tlze river bed �. ' and river bank excavadon areas in order to determine the extent of sedirnentalion monfhs of anv flood evetit exceedingthe 10-year event. This schedule mav be altezed bY the Corps if unusual river conditions occur due to low water(drou�he conditions. Purther monitorin�reports shalt anatyze the deeree of sedimentation andflood stora�e volume in She area of compensatory excavation and shall recammend � the Citv of St Paul 'I E�e Corps wiIt coordinate with these a�encies and the Federai Emer�encv Nlana ement Agenc�o detezmine when te-excavation is teauited. Gc�, � e-�lo�s °�raw� Eage I8 of 2t1 �� � � �I�e C��� CovK�./s 5�,,�. �2OC � ac ��a rp� 1 _ �� ���� � 3, ,, _ F`inal desiga of the plan to estahlish and improve public access to ihe -. . , fazmer floaf ptane hazboY and to the Mississippi River tcait is reviewed and' '... approved by th e City site p3an stafF and �he City Division of Patks and ' ; Recreataon. At Yhe ciiies request MAC will lend'ats supoart ta the CiLY s afforts to . _� , _E___ ,..._.,.t.,ao �r�P�iPral hnrYiPS nt _ - PSt3bll5R a�iu tui lv +�. �. * �- �-•-- — � a encies. vail2 noe in?tiaYe romote or otherwise act in an?nanner itetrimeIItal to the Ci s effozts and wiII rovzde technical in ut re2ardin ai ort and FAA xestrictions to the Cit�s develo�ment of The final des t°n klan- 4; Fuzal desigus of the lighting on tkte sheet pile flooclwail and the landscape plan aze zeviewed and appzoved by Citg site pia� staff in consultafiion wifh'the - Riverfront Cosporation's Desiga Center. 5_ ,_; iue ivfii:, wiu aoide oy ine commiimenis set zortu in tneiz "�uppiementai Coaditions of Ag��ent" appraved on 7une I9, 2006_ and the r MA � r h o ll �o nY U]Y a xocess tnaE wiu uuvc a ����•• u• �•.��.� �_--- -— — respond to Hoiman Field aircraft nozse and operarions comolaints. (, Tn accardance with Section 61.4Q2(e}, the MAC shall post a performance bond in tlxe amount of $�2_ �wo million dotIars to cover the costs of ,: _- imptemeniing the vegeteiive plan and other floodwalUlevee anhancements, including the pr�ast pilasters and decorative Iighting on the floodwaU-, ri� ra i alon the shoreline aad the constrirction Qf o e�vn s in the sheet iie .. . . .,_, _ �� n _ _ a ..,.ar,. i.�tf I,P,..ht nr ta.mnnraN ensnr� the public access described in find�n� 3(c). 7. = Tha MAC shall thraughout ttie Life of the floodwalUlevee system� . maintain the a oarance ana coRdit�on of all the detatis of all the architectural e3ements of the ftoodwall set foafh in fiudine 3(al as well as all the ve�etaeion details "set forth in the a roved ve etat�on Ian m£u11 com hance wrth tha ' � aOA�oved site and Ve�etahVe plans-� � . � � _ � , page 19 of ZO �! .b • � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, August 16, 2007 - 3:30 p.m. City Councif Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 Wesf Keilogg Boulevard PRESEfVT: EXCUSED: Aiton, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, and Moston Donneliy-Cohen, Faricy, and Rosemark a�-/a�� STAFF: Tom Beach, Patricia James, Carol Peshman and Peter Warner The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Holman Field Vegetation Plan — 07-043-921 — Public Hearing for the purpose of reviewing the revegetation plan associated with the Holman Field floodwall and sub-drain improvements, 644 Bayfield St. Tom Beach presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval of the Vegetation Plan. District.3 did not submit a comment. There were no letters in support and 1 letter in opposition. Upon the questions of the Commissioners, Mr. geach compased the landscape budget from 2�o6 and the current landscape budget. He also stated the City could review receipts. City Inspectors will inspect the landscaping which should be completed in the fall of 2009. Pat Mosites from MAC, applicant, clarified the review of the landscape plan started in February 2007 and gave a history of how they came to this point in the revegetation pian. At the questions of the Commissioners, Mr. Mosites, stated they would have no objections to reports on the landscaping by an independent environmental company. Tom Dimond, 2119 Skyway Dr., (See attached Tom Dimond). Pat Mosites, applicant, explained they decided to use native shrubs on the airport side of the floodwall because the shade trees would not screen the floodwall. This was based on input from the committee that was set up to review the design of the floodwall. Upon the inquiry of the Commissioners, Mr. Mosites explained the landscaping and restoration work proposed in the area of the stairs leading to the old Float Plan area. Mr. Mosites stated MAC submitted a plan for this and if more vegetation needs to be added tliey are willing to do that. He said that the planting called for in the vegetation plan should be done by the summer of 2Q08, depending on flood conditions. The public hearing was closed. After further discussion Commissioner Alton moved approval of the Vegetation Plan. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed failed by a vote of 5-0-0. Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 Drafted by: Submitted by: �` Approved by: '� f ` 4 � �l�xr� }G__/ ^ �' ����n�� /�'/ � - � � ,.� Carol Martineau Tom Beach Glady� NYorton Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair � � HNTB Corpomtion Engineers Archltects Planrers Dafe 8/15/07 PROJECT CqRRESPONDENCE 79001nternational Drive Suite 600 Minneapolis, MN 55425 Fo Tom Beach St. Paul From Diane Hellekson Subject Invasive plant removal & replanting in coajunction with Holman floodwall Copy Pat Mosites, MAC Michael Mahoney, Garth Guyer , Aaron Wazford, HNT$ Invasive Species Removal Teiephone (952) 920-4668 Facsimle (952) 420-0173 www.hntb com � The following plan resulted from discussion with Luke Skinner, Purple Loosestrife Program Coordinator for the Departrnent of Natural Resources. Purpte loosestrife in the wetland near the 3M hangar (see accompanying map) will be removed by hand-pulling, employing a contsactor with knowledge of native species restoration. Permitflng is not required for mechanical removal, but may be i•equired for removing associated reed canary grass in the area. MAC or its consultants will contact the DNR aquatic plant manager before any work begins and obtain any necessary permits. Tn order to manage loosestrife reinfestation, which is unavoidable due to an existing seedbank, MAC will obtain and release leaf-eating beetles (available from the DNR) in spring following removal. The goal is to encourage a viable population of beeties that will help reduce new loosestrife growth in subsequent years. Reseaoval of upland plants in the vicinity of the floodwall will be done during construction and according to inethods recommended in the Technical Memorandum on invasive species by Barr Engineering, dated 7uly 16, 2007. In addition to the species identified in that memo, garlic mustard plants that may be in the vicinity of the floodwall wit[ be eradicated according to DNR- recommended methods. Replanting Following invasive species removal, wheti planting conditions are appropriate (moisture and temperature), a native ripazian-floodplain seed mix will be broadcast on exposed soil and more than 1,200 native plant plugs wi11 be installed where invasives have been removed. (Final quantity will be determined based on amount of ground disturbed during removal.) New plants rvilt be spaced 1.5 to 2 ft. apart. The species list is based on DNR lises of typical floodplain species, on observation of existing vegetation on site and input from Great River Greening. � � � � • Page 2 oi Z 47-/D�$ � Since the replanted area is in the river's active floodplain in soils that remain moist during most years, beetle release is the only management effort planned. Plants will be warrauted by contractor to survive at least one year, assuming reasonable growing conditions. • J Uohstl8252 HF Penm<rer D�ke@-PCOduction\C-Nbrk\I1D &P woek 200"M1E�i fOS -L15TS�£lolrttan Invaave Species Memo doc � � � �:� •- ��>� o i� e � " � � `_-_�-�°-; � - Y.N�,�,, �„�,:���`'`` _ _ ���t ��� � ; _ � _ - �, _. �a��� : . �=<<:' , a . � '� � r 4:.. . Z �" Q _, - �` ' ,- s? , _- � ` � ,�� $,£ _ �� F a"' `i �A �x,i.ST -. ::'". e _ .+.+......'��;< �� mi L � �� � � � � � i Q tl... I X � � � � � � R 'u 4-, � {6 C6 � � m Rf . > � O = � � r � �> ;_� � > - tC � Li. � n. N 'a > O °° 'y O R LL � i C � � � � . Q � '� _ � � - _ � , � :� ;�,.._ rE :' Y� C � x - a �.. . 0 ��Na•a I i t - �� 6 n+ a , Z r 9 2 po �� H l. <� DEPART�.�/iENI OE SAFETY AND WSPECTIONS Bob Kessler, Director / SxF�T [r.�r�. �A� . � CITY OF SANT PAUL Christopber B. Coleman, A4ayor Date: August 8, 2007 _ To: ZoningCommittee From: Tom Beach, DSI� RE: Vegetation plan for Holman Field COAiME2CEBUIL�/A"G Telephone: G51-?6G-9090 8 Fourth Street Eas; Suite 200 Facsimde: 65l-266-9I24 SiPcu{�drnnesota5�101-1024 Web: rv�viv.s[paulgov/ds� The Planning.Commission asked to review the vegetation plan for Holman Field. When the Planning Commission approved the sewer plan for Holam Field in May 2007, a condition was added dealing with planting to revegetate the river bank. Among ot6er things, the condition requires that the Planning Commission review and approve the plan. The condition in the Planning Commission's resolution dealing with vegetation reads as follows: All areas disturbed by excavation and construction of the new sewer must be extev�sively revegetated using native p7unt materials. As a part of this revegetation, the we[land opposite the 3MHangar nzust be restored and improved by removing invasive species and planfing new native plant material. A detailed plan for the irraprovements described ° ahave must be deveZoped in conjunction with the plan for revegetation and restoration that is currently being developed for the floodwall. Thfs plan must be of sx fficient detail to incZude the species, number and locution ofproposed vegetation. This plan must be reviewed and approved by the Saint Paul Planning Cornmission, the Minnesota DNR ar�d the Saint Paul Design Center before the City issues permits for floocfwall construction. The budget that was oYiginally established for revegetatian and restoration of the area disturbed by the floodwall shall be increased by at least 25% to cover the additional costs of revegetating and restoring areas disturbed by the sewer work and to ensure it thoroughly rreitigates the damage that has been done to the existing vegetution. MAC submitted a vegetation plan. MAC submitted a landscape plan in July for area of the floodwall and sewer work along the river. The plan was based on input MAC received froin a committee set up by tlie City and organized by the Saint Paul Design Center. Staff reviewed the ptan. City staff (Tom Beach of DSI and Alice Messer, a landscape architect with Saint Paul Parks) reviewed the plan for the City. As part of this they visited the site and found: • The area of tUe river bank disturbed by the sewer work has been replanted and is stabile • There is still a significant amount of trees and shurbs along the river shore. Most of the floodwall would not be visible from the river during the summer even if no new planting was done. fn reviewing the plan against the Planning Commission's resolution staff also found: • Native plants The plan uses native plant material as required. The plant list has been approved by the N[innesota DNR. �� Invasive species A report on invasive speces was submitted along with the planting plan, covering the area opposite the 3M hanger and the rest of the floodwa(1 area. Invasive species have been identified and marked on the site for removal. �= 1V�w pdar+ts The plan identifies the location, number and speeies of the plants to be used. AA-AAA=EEO fimployer �� • I:xcreased buciget The ovealt budget for planting was increased from $300,000 in April 2006 to • $450,dQ0 for the current plan. (See attached budget sheets.) • Review of the �lan The Minnesota DNR and the Saint Pau[ Design Center have reviewed and appro_v_edlhe vegetation plan as required by the Planning Commission's condition. Addifional issues have been raised about the plan Tom Dimond submitted a letter to the Zoning Committee at the August 2 meeting that raised a number of issues: (See attached letter dated 7/31/07.) The issues and stafYs resonses are listed below. Limits of disturbed ares and wetlands • Tom Dimond said that the areas disturbed by the project are tnore extensive than what is shown on the vegetation plan. • Staff undertood that most of the area Mr. Dimond referred to is neaz the 3M hanger and so staff went to the site and measured the distance down the river bank from Bayfteld to where the existing vegetation begins. Staff found that in most cases the limits of disturbance shown on the plan is within a couple of feet of what staff ineasured: However, staff found an area (300' south of the north end of the 3M hanger) where the difference is about 10' and there is room to plant an additional row of shrubs. Staff has told MAC That addiTional shrubs will be required in this area. Anothe area further south appeared to have been distured to a limited extent: the ground cover was gone in a 10' wide strip but the existing trees and shrubs were stiil there. Additional planfing here did not seem neccessary ta staff. Invasive species ,. • Tom Dimond said MAC did not submit a plan for replanting areas where invasive species are removed. • MAC submitted an inventory of invasive species in the area. MAC's landscape architect is currently talking to the DNR about the best method for removing Loosestrife in the wetland opposite the 3M . hangar. She is also talking to the DNR and Greening the Great River about replanting: what species and at whaf density. She totd staff that she will be submitting a detailed ptan for repiacement planting in the next day or two. Pdant size •- Tom Dimond said the plants do not meet the minimum size requirements. • Shortly before Mr. Dimond raised the issue about the shrubs, staff told MAC that the size of the shrubs needed to be increased from 12" to I S" so they meet the minimum size standard found in the landscaping section of the zoning code. The size of the Willows to be planted shown on tfie pian is smaller than what is normally required. MAC's landscape azchitect is looking into the availability of larger trees. jYPIgQt10Y[ • Tom Dimond asked why no irrigation system is shown for the planting on the airport side of the wall. • Irrigation is not required by the zoning code and the piants species on the airport side of the wail were chosen to survive without watering, The plantings will be watered using a watering truck if needed for the first two years to ensure they are establshed. After that, they should be able to survive without additional watering. If plants were to die because of lack of water, MAC is required to replace them. Landseape budget • When the Planning Commission apporved the sewer work along the river bank, they required that MAC increase the landscape budget from what had previously been atlocated. Totn Dimond says that the landscape budget was reduced between 2006 and 2007. _ • The 2006 figures for landscaping gave an overall budget for t6e eatire airport improvemenTS project. But the fagures did not break the numbers out to show the cost of the floodwall landscaping by itself. So staff compared the overall budget from 2006 with the overall budget from 2007 and found the overall budget increased from $300,000 fo $�50,900. • Trees •�- T}�e vegeation plan calls for planting native�hrubs on the airport side ofthe wall and shrubs and �� ��-/008 � Willows on the river side.. Tom Dimond said that the plan should include more trees on both sides of the wall. � The landscape committee set up by the City recommended that trees not be planted on the airport side of teh wall. The felt that shrubs would do a better job screening the �vall. MAC's landscape architect told staffthat Cottonzvoods and Silver Maples and the other tree species grocving along the river now are so a�gressive that they wi]t fill in and take over without new ones being planted. Vegetation at the north end of the wa11 •- The vegetation plan sho�us�hat planting will stop neaz the terminal parking lot. Plans cal( for his area to be developed as a park by the City at some time in the future. No vegetaion on the river side of the wall will be disturbed by construction of the floodwalt in this area. Tom Dimond says the vegetation should be planted on the airport side of the wall. • Most of the wall in this area will not be sheet pile: it will be a low masonry wall that will be raised by inserting a temporary wall only during flood conditions. Staff did not feel that teh floodwall in this area needed to be screeened/planted at this time. If can be planted as part of the future park if the design for Yhe park calls for it. Planting near the wull • On the south half of tl�e floodwall there is a space between the river side of floodwall and the existing trees and other vegetaion on the river bank. Plans orginally called for this area to be planted with naitve grasss. Tom Dimond said that native shrubs should be planted in tliese areas. • Native grasses were originatly called for in this area because MAC's landscape architect was concened ,- that shrubs in this area would not get enought light to survive. I3owever, the plan has becn revised to show shrubs in these areas. , Staff recommends approval of the plan • Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the attached (andscape p(an submitted by MAC. Staff believes that the proposed Landscaping meets flte conditions set by the Planning Commission, adresses the concerns that have been raised. Attachments Letter from Tom Dimond Landscape budget numbers for 2006 and 2007 Report on invasive species by Barr Engineering Floodwall vegetation pian by HNTB Photgraphs of existing conditions • � Tom Dimond 2219 SkpwayDrive Saint Paul, MN 55119 651-735-6667 7uly 31, 2007 RE: Holman Field Vegetation Plan The Planniug Commission is considering the Vegetarion Plan for Halman Field. Tliare will be no public hearing or public testimony allowed. In order to approve a site plan, the Planning Commission must find that environmentally sensitive areas are preserved and adec�uate landscaping is provided. The vegetation plan portion of#he site plan was submitted a year after other parts of the site plan. The public has never had an opportunity to testify. MAC should never have been allowed to submit a site pian without Yhe required information. MAC should not be aliowed to side step public testimony. s The maps submitted by MAC are incorreck MAC testified they had encroached up Yo 10 feet into the wetland. Evidenee was submitted showing encroachment was even gteater than MAC claimed. The maps now show no encroachmern into the wetIand and no subsequent vegetation replacement. ! The Planzring Commission Reso3ution states that all areas distwbed by excavation and constniction of the sewet must be eactensively revegetated. Tom Beach argues that MAC should not be required Yo include all azeas as required by the Ptanning Commission. He asserts that the incompl�e plans shouid be approved and after the wall is constructed it ean be decided what 1�AC shouid do. The Planning Commission resolution states this plan must be of sufficient detail to include the species, number and location of proposed vegetation_ In one location, the area dist�nbed ea�tends 20 feet closer Yo the river than shown on MAC's map. In that Iocation they propose no vegetation on ihe riverside of the wa11. The plans also show existing vegetation that does not exist. Another location has an 8 feet discrepancy. The map errors are common in the area disturbed by sewer excavation Izck of clarity in plans has created too many prohlems with this project. The Planning Commission shouid not appmve incorrect and incomplete plans. The Planning Commission resolution states that the wetland opposite the 3M hanger must be restored and improved hy removing invasive species and pianting new native plant material. A detailed plan for the improveme�rts mnst be developed. This plan must be of sufficient detail to include the species, number and location o�proposed vegetation. MAC has not submitted the required vegetation repiacement plan. Garlic mustard is presem bnt was not iacluded i� the invasive plant �pecies list. Plantings do not meet the City minimum size requirements. No watering system is provided for � the vegetation betwe�n the raised curb and Yhe wall. �� t�7�1�DS ! The proposed budget for landscaping has actually been reduced. In 2006 MAC budgeted $304,000 far vegetation for the perimeter dike. The 7uae 20071andscape budget for Yhe perimeter dike is $241,855. The April 20061andscape budget is for fihe rejected floodwall plan and prior #o the June 15, 2006 Holman Field Floodwall Design that included landscapmg the floodwall. The Pianning Commission needs to know the budget for landscaping inciuded in the approved plan but before the sewer disturbance. Only one tree is included in the veg�tarion plan. There are also 14 willows that are generally listed as shrubs and sometimes as small trees. MAC staff said they are wiliing to include trees in the plans. Cottonwoods and maples that are native along the riverbank were suggested. Spacing should be sunilar to that used by the City atong streets. I3o vegetation is included along the wall from the 3M entrance to the termination of the wa11 at the Pioneer Press property. There wouId be rusting steel wall that has no screening. The azea riverward of the wall that is currently ttie edge of the parking lot and guard rail wouid have na restoration work. There should at least be a 20 feet wide strip of grass and vegetation on the inland side of the wall. Only grass seed is proposed for some areas on the riverside of the wall. These areas should receive plants and trees. � The Planning Commission Resoiution requires detailed pians for revegetation and restoration. The plans must include all azeas disturbed by excavation and constmction The plans must znclude removal of invasive species from the wetland and planting new native plant material. T`he plans must be of sufficient detail to include the species, number and location of proposed vegetation. This has not been done. A public hearing has not been hetd. Please ailow #he public to have input. Please do not vote until the plans you required ha�e been submitted_ The plans for reconsttuction ofthe Historic 5tone Stairway to the river have not been included in the landscape plan. The Commission should review these plans before final approval to ensure they conform to ma#erials and canstruction of the originai steps. � � enriieferl�€ke � ,�... -._�,:�-..._ kPCONCILIATZONOF glTRNTPfIES�fND. ( yMT PKrCES ��; � zQa� � 3oo,o�s IG��s� �k� � . � dps Ob `l.. J � b,.„•nf _,�.�,. �� � ' Conccetel-Wall - � , Qi7ANTPfy Q TOTALCOST TOTAL�OST TOT_4LCOST ' ' ITE�S OI13L2005 ( 01119/1006 04114C�',OQ6 04/l4/2006 �- Mobilization 'iUrfEsASlistvnent - ' Field Of$cy Aa¢1Roads Eacthen Dike and River &ank Stabili>ation: C1ear and Gmb MoveMvssele FlooEwayExcawtion Dike Em6ankment SubDrains A'-p Rap Remove and [nstalLMooriegBollazds Sheet Pite Constructios PZ22 & PZ27 SheetPile WaR PZ3i Shcct Pile Wall Svb-Drains S�mctu{al Coa¢ete (C17 0[ SinicN[a1 Steel (LI� jTop ofSheetPile Walt] TempoearyDike: IFC Wail Site Piepartion foc Fov¢datio� Coac[eteFowdafion Sub-Dru'ns � PZ225heetPile Castings in Prvement P¢eu ffiC Wall Stoage BtiLding Rnadway/Taxiway WorkAsoc. with b�ke Construction: Ba�eldS�eet - TaamayEcho Reconstruction ECqvaliai Granvlaz Subbaze GmveiBase Su6-Drai�� HituminousPave,ment � Remwe Hristing TaYiway Echo Elecfirica! Construcfion Conductoa • Lacalizet Cabling Counte�oise VavltWork L DucLs Remove FixNCes Runway/Taxiway Edge Ligh[s Relo<ate ExistingEv�eld S�qss Handholes Suppiemevtat Components 1 1295,ll9 23 12 80 000.00 I 0.00 2 3,000.00 50,000 00 234,000 1,395,000.00 IS,OW 250,000.00 - 27,000.00 21,000 ),56Q900A0 150,0�0 80� 5,800,OOODO� 3,16fi 250.00 zo,aao.00 1,172,0�0.00 2,105,280.OQ 351,00�.00 4,7�1,000.00 3Q000.00 405,000.00 626j2D.00 210,000.00 8Q000.00 197,200.00 400,500.00 28,000 00 112,000.00 216,000.00 65,000 00 10,250.00 S,Oao.00 14,040.00 5,600.00 68?82.50 15,900.00 702�00.00 8,100.00 1,295,119.28 80,000 00 0.00 3,000.00 ISO,OOO.CO 1,650,000.00 250,000.00 31,SW.00 75Q000.00 149,500.00 3,72Q060.00 2,070,855.00 30,000_00 1,076,432.00 I 3CO 80,OQ0.00 0.00 3,OC�.00 150,000.00. 1,650,000 00 250,000 00 31,500.00 750,Q00.00 149,500.00 800,000.0a 60Q000 00 sq000.00 300,000.00 2,088,000.00 2,088.00OOQ ass,soo 0o zss,soo 00 4,771,000.00 4,T/1000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 405,000.00 405,000.00 616,120.00 616,120.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 88,000.00 88,000.00 672,000.00 672,000.00 88,500 00 88,500.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 132,006 00 . 132,0041.00 19800600 198,000.00 68000.00 68,0�0.00 13,530.00 1 890.00 14,040.00 0.00 111,000 00 14,400.00 70 200.00 1�,800.00 �7,220.00 tiaytie . 1 � —� - " Ov¢headElechicalSxMw(1/31/OSestima[ecategory,nowN/A) 1 Con¢eYei-WallIitd�DecocativeTxeatmenGS - 1 8,300,00000 TariwayReconstrvction(Il31l05estimatecategory-nowN/A) 7 ••. - - 24,735942 $ 21.927,666 $ 24,905,180 I 236,797 1,096,383 7,245,759 :*k ca.n. �maws a�i�x=rof�s� :, m � w�m,mo� �aan %na ��t eea em S�S.tNssfutwc utin.4xmd w'w�m'onO�dx vn➢�wtwy fiem'r2iahnrte 35,972,739 $ 23,024,049 % 26�150�439 3,700,000 3700,000 3,700,000 29,69Z,739 S 26�724,049 $ 29�850,439 'evisedtota1=S28.5M 13,530.00 1,890.00 14,040.00 0.00 111,000.00 1�400.00 �0,20000 10,800.00 77,200.00 � • vsno.,.�..�.a...w.v�.m.<..wa.,a..�ma��.._.n.,�.�a���,a. € 1 � • HNTB COftPORATiON JUNE 2407 .�� =: ITEM NO. . ITEMS `�Nhe 2 �7 G t� o�s � .�t{5"o, �7} ST. PAUL DOWNTOWN AIi2PORT - HOLMAN FIELD UNIT PERIMETER �IKE -'f 07-'1-054 2577.60t AMELANCHIERSAM1GL'WFA(�2"HT.-CONTAtNERJ 257Y.601 TMELANCHIERSTOLONIFERA(12"HT.-CONTAiNcR) 257'1607 ARONIAMEtANOCARPA(12"HT.-CONTAWER) 2577607 CEANOTHUSAMEF2ICANUS(12"HT.-CONTAMER) 2571.601 CE�TISOCCIDENTALIS(1a"'CALIPER-CON?AINER) 2577 601 CORNUS OBLIQUA (12" HT. -.CONTAINER) 2577.601 CORNUS RACEMOSA (SPECIES) (12" HT. -GONTAWER} 2571.601 CORNUSRACEMOSA'MUSZAM'(1T'HT.-CONTAWER) 257tea7 CORNUSSERICIA'eUD'SYELLOW (4'HT.-CONTAINER) 2571.601 CORYLUSAMERICANA(4'HT.-CONTAWER) 2577601 DIERVIILALONICERA(72"HT.-CONTAWER) 2577.601 SALIXWCIDA(12".HT.-'CONTAMER). 2571.601 SALIX PETIOLARIS {12" HT. - CONTAW ER) 2579 VIBURNUMRAFFINESQUTANUM(12"HT.-CONTAWER) 257'1.901 VIBURNUM TRILOBUM (SPECIES) (12" HT. -CONTAINERj "2571 fi01 VIBURNUM TRIL08UM'HAHS' (4' HT. -CONTAINER) 2577.6at ASTERCORDIFOIiUS(PLUG) 2577 CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS (P�UG) 257180t CAREXPENNSYLVANICA(PLUG) 2571.601 CAREXVVLPINOIOEq(PIUGJ 25➢1601 ELYMUSITYSTftIX(PLUG) 2577.601 HEIENiUM AUTUMNAL�(PLUG) 2571.601 SCHIZACHYRIUM SGOPARIUM (PLUG) 2575 501 SEEDING,NPE A � 5.50� SEEDING,TYPEB 5.501 SEEDING,TYPEC SUBDRAIN - �107-7-050 2575.507 SEE�ING 2006 RSA -107-7-053 2575,501 SEEDING COMPENSATORY EXCAVATION -107-'1-045 2575501 SEEDING 4200.100 NativeG2ssSeeding,LOwerZone 420o200 Native Grass Seeding. Upper Zone 42o0.30o Native Grass Seedin9 Fence 2007 RSA- t07-1-053 2575.507 SEEDING �.. FA EA FA EA EA FA EA FA EA FA En A EA EA EA EA EA FA EA EA FA EA EA FA AC AC AC �u ��� D�-/ODg QUANTITYUNITCOST TOTAI.GOST g} 3G4 466 70 1 36 72 155 741 58 454 7 7 29 77 152 25 16 1,925 36 35 49 410 21.0 2.0 025 sa o0 60.00 60.00 60.00 250.00 so 00 60.G0 60 00 85_00 as.co 60.�0 60.00 60.a0 60.00 fi0.00 SS 00 t 5.00 15.00 15 00 15.00 15.00 15 00 1 S.CO 2,500.00 7,000,00 7,000.00 AC 60 30 2,000.00 AC 37.00 2,000.00 AC AG AC LF AC 13.00 2,000.00 iSO 8,900.00 4.30 9,t0000 4500.00 2.00 13.40 7 500.00 PERIMETERDIKE=. $241,855.00 `:SU$DRAIN= $120,600.00 200BRSA= $74,000.00 COMPENSATORY EXCAVATION = $87,480.00 2007 RSA = $20,100.00 TOTAL $544,035AC TOTAL for Bold only $449,935AC GlOocuments antl S�dfigs\PMostes\lecal Setlings\Temporory Intcrnet Flles\OLKE6EN00% Estimate_VEGETATION ,_ � Z Barr Engineering Company 4700 W est 77th Sireet • Minneapolis, MN 55435-4803 Phone: 952-832-26Q0 • Fax: 952-832-2601 • www.barr.com an eEO emptoyer Minneapolis, MN - Hibbing, MN • Duluth, MN • Ann Arhor, MI • Jefferson City, MO Technical Memorandum To: From; Subject: Date: Project: c: Michael Mahoney, HNTB Daniel De7oode Invasive Species along Bayfield Road, St. Paul Downtown Airport July 16, 2007 23l62/861 Pat Mosites, MAC Tom MacDonald, Barr On July 1Z, 2007, I walked the length of Bayfield Road £rom the 3M hangaz to the end of the road to docucnent the presence of invasive plant species. A list of possible invasive species was taken from Minnesota Invasive Non-nadve Terrestrial Plants: An Identification Guide for Resource Managers (2002, Minnesota Depaztment of Natural Resources, Trails and Waterways Division, St. Paul, MN). In a 2006 wetland delineation of [he azea, Bazr noted the presence of three invasive species: common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), purple looseshiFe (Lythrum salicaria), and reed canazygrass (Phalaris arundinacea). SpeciFic locations of invasive species were not recorded in 2006. During the most recent site visit, Barr recorded GPS locafions of all invasive species (Figure 1). Tn addition to the species mentioned above, two addiflonal species were found: Tatarian honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica) and smootH brome (Bromus inermis). Individuals of common buckthom and Tatarian honeysuckle were tagged with onnge flagging, and the bases of the stems were mazked with orange spray paint. Coaunon buckthom occurs at the top of the embanlanent between Bayfield Road and the Mississippi River. Any individuats that may have 6een present in the azea of the uulity work have been removed. Nine locations of buckthorn were observed between the outfall strucmre and the end of Ba�eld Road. At each of these sites, one or more multi-stemmed individuals aze found. Purple loosesh and reed canarygrass occur in the seasonally flooded wefland neaz the 3M I�angar. In sgots, [hese plants form extensive colonies, and it was impractical to attempt to mark or record locations of all plants. Neither of these species was found growing above the wetland boundary in the area disturbed hy the utility project. P:1Mpis�23 MN�62�23628611WorkFiles\weHands�nvasive species_7uly 200TBazrSt Paul AupoR iuvasive species memo 07137A07.doc � . � �� � 7echnical Memorandum To: Michael Mahoney From: Daniel DeJoode Subject: Invasive Species alor.g BayField Road Date: July i 6, 2C07 p�-/DOg A single multi-stemmed individual of Tatarian honeysuckie was found along Bayfield Road. Like buckthom, it is growing at the top of fhe embankment outside of the azea of the utility project. Smooth brome is found as scattered clumps at the edge of the graded azea atong Bayfield Road. It was likely seeded as a roadside groundcover at one [ime, and only remnants are present since grading and construction of curbs. Photographs from 2006 show that is was common on the airfield along above the river cmbankment. Suggested control measures for each of these species aze given below (adapted from DNR, 2002): Common buckthorn Mechanical Control — Pulling small infestations with a weed wtench Chemical Conuol — Application of glyphosphate to cut stumps or application of triclopyr to cut-stumps � or basal bark azound stem. Cut stems should be removed from site to minimize reseeding from fruits attaehed to stems. Purule loosesttife Mechanical Convol — Pulling and digging small infestations of young plants. Large plants can be removed with a garden fork. Cutting at gcound level befoie blooming will ceduce seed pLOduction. Chemical Control — Application of glyphosate (Rodeo in wefland azeas). Herbicide may be most effective in the fall when plant is prepazing for dormaney or in the spring when actively growing. Biological Control — leaf eating beedes, Galerucella spp., may be and efFective control. Reed canarverass Mechanical Control — Mowing mid-June and October will reduce seed production but probably will not eliminate the plant. Chemical Control — Application of glyphosate (Rodeo in wetland azeas). Fall and spring applications may be most effective. � �� Technica{ Memorandum To: Michael Mahoney From: Dar,iel OeJoode Subject tnvasive Species along Baytield Road Date: July 16, 2Q07 I3o¢evsuckle Mechanicat ControI — Pulling or digging small infestations; prescribed burning. Chemical Conirol — Appfication of glyphosphate to cut stumps or application of hiclopyr to cut-srilmps or basal bark azound stem. Smooth brome Mechanical Control — Pulling or digging small infestarions; ptescribed buming. Chemical Control — Application of glyphosphate during rapid growth following mowing. Application in the spdng or fall without mowing may also be effecfive. u � Y�_J � �� • " � Z c m 0 a m m i � � r � N y � � m � E � 0 0 0 3 � � m N O L � N T E O N a � � ° m a' = c c�n � � � � � � E � � � 0 ° v 0 0 N N N � 0 0 N d? 0 0 w ` � N � 0 0 � N 7 ZJ7 LL � W � a� o rnO a'� W � Q p � N Q �W O C � � � c Z � O C � m 0 � cn� � zpain QQi� U O f � � n u n u �� y .���,�,��,rA,.���m��.�,�, au�a, s � i I --�k+-YYI (�6:�:{ S i Y 44L4L 7�/ 00 S ii Olp Y S s : t � Q _ O F O x a m � � a p 1` FF F�f F +�; � � . `�F' ..�.. .'x Es_ 5 � � � i$.s}� W � Z T � � � � � � X a m � x r� � c � � � .E> __�a� _ F a� (' _o $°°�r y°i �� =a$3_ Ea ° i n � - �Y:g<s $�; _Eg �n a 3 z J .n k o Ema qor�n � , �I v � e$°`3�- OO�° OOO � - �;� �`�$e _ s`_ ' � i n a V ' � x ? Z a Q � � � � = a � e � � $ � O° � � �O .�„v�.n�.�w�..�.,.nn� r��.a����, ,a,.��, �� ,s 3I o�Q � ¢ Q f O ¢ V f Q _ �3 _ a3= - _ � x $� .n<na'=xo �ZI � w n s pap_ - _ - �� CG� �3a<�� 3 3�u K F - --- o? �T:So' _ o� o�s: �a< . 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Coleman, Mayor September 10, 2007 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Flall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: ! would like to confirm that a pubiic hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, October 3, Z007, for fhe fotlowing zoning case. Zoning File Number: 07-123-065 File Name: Applicant: Address: Purpose: Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, 5- 0, August 16, 2007 P(anning Commission Recommendation: Approval (unanimous}, Aug 24, 2007 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Bostrom's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the Council agenda on or before the October 3, 2007, City Council meeting and that you wili publish notice of tfie hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me aY 651-266-6591 if you have any questions. Sincerely, -�--°'�/�„� �(L,R�� HRA - Case Saint Paul liousing and Redevelopment Authority 615 and 621 Case Ave, between Payne & Edgerton Rezoning from RT2 (Townhouse Residential) to B2 (Community Business ) DEPART'MENT OF PLANNING & !'� ECONOMIC pEVELOPMEDTC � � Cecile Bedor, Director `��'��� / /� D�-lDeg �,,. 25WestFinathSneet Telephone:651-266-6700 SaintPau�MN55702 Facsimtle 651-2283220 Luis Pereira City Planner cc: File #: 07-123-065 ApplicanUAppellant: Paut Dubruiei Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson Seint Paui HRA AA-ADA-EEO EMPLOYER NOTICE OF PIIBLIC HEARING Tlie Saint Paul City CouncIl will con- duct a public-hearing on Wednesday�, O� tober 3, at 5:30 p.m: in the City Councll Chambers, Third Fioor City Hall / Court- house, 15 West Kellogg Boulevud, St. Paul, MN, ko consider the application of Satnt Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry to rezo� properry at 615 and 621 Case Avenue @etween Payne Avenue and Edgerton Street) from RT2 (Townhouse Residential) to B2 (Community Business). (ZF 07-123-0651 Dated: September 11, 2007' � MARY ERICKSON, " _ Assistant City Council Secretaxy . (SePtembet 13] i _' =c_= 3T. �PAUL LF.GAL EBDGER =_____— i 22146955 I