210892N In the Matter- of ., COUNCIL FILE NO ......................... .•il File No. 210892 - yhe matter of reconstructing side- ;. on the. east side of Robert St. FINAL ORDER I t° °amid& ound facilit es of 'j, Tnkf(.ve' Tmg3C.:pvfded that X538 -Y_T, 1), raCCaatr�ict ojdewaU on .tom ,east• side or Robert St from 4th to 5th Sts.; , together with all areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under- ground facilities of every description,•an.d provided that all permits hereto- fore granted by said City of St. Paul for the installation and/or °maintenance of such areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facil- ities of every description will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a date which is one year after the date of final approval of this order; and that, further, the Department of Public Works, through its Chief Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to fill in and remove such areaways, coal - holes, trap- doors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description, the permittees of which areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under- ground facilities.of every description fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date. provement to be made by the said City is _ - -- - f ecoc tr ct tha e d k :, oR Robert Sto from 4th to 5th Sts6 'together with all areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under- ° ground facilities of every description, and provided that all permits hereto - fore granted•by said City of St. Paul for the installation and /or maintenance of such areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and -other underground facil- ities of every description will be and the same are,hereby revoked unless said areaways, coal - Boles, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a date : which is one year after the date of final approval of this order; and that, further, the.Department of Public Works, through its Chief Engineer, is hereby v authorized and-directed -to fill in and remove such areaways,•coal- holes, trap- doors,, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description, the permittees of which - areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under- ground facilities of every description fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date. tzs AM2,1 1M Approved - - - - -- - -- ----- - - - - -- ----------------- File56620 ---------- ------- -- - -- ------------------------------------------ 4 • � Mayor. Councilman ; Dalglish Councilman Holland Councilman Loss Councilman Mortinson Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Mayor Navoulis 8-02 3M c0jDD22 -i - E. S. Robert - 4th, to 5th. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: Dist. 'No. `4 d' 210516-- � V Nov. 6t h. �9 61 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 203827 approved Sept. 8th. 19 61 relative to -reconstructiri the sidewalk on'ihe east side of Robert St. from lath. St. g to 5th St.,_ together, w th- a1.1 -- areaway'"s; •coal- holes,- trapdoors; tunnel -s -and other underground - -- facilities of every -description, and provided that all,permits heretofore.granted by k r �-sa -id -City _of -=-St ► -Paul for- -- the installation- and /or�ma ntenance -of- gsuchy_,areaways, - coa.. =r holes., 'trapdoors; tunnels.and''other underground facilities of every description -will- be -and the- same -are -- hereby revoked =unless -said- areaways, =coal - holes:, trapdoor-_s,, tun - �' nels and other underground facilities of every description are reconstructed by said -permittee- on- or-before --a =date- wh- ich -,is -one year- -after the - date =- off -inal approva -1 =of this order; and that, further, the Department of Public liorks, through itsChief Eng- ineer, is-- her -eby- author -ized --and d- ir.ected--- to -fi11 in- -and remove• ..such- areaways..I -coal p-,110 r",%- Trapdoof s.,,rtu�t -M - s_andLonher undetlgrougnd�fQcri facilities every�description, the permittees of which areaways; coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description fgil to r econstruct� the - same*to the satisfaction of, e e p� `the "Cityl'Engineer`on`lor beforthe agovmention` �" or ivcoxo' 1 "- 1711CK. —cxiza wuriciexcay;, iii -11, cOnc-- remfd,- root- `c-ut-ti-n , -rive -- crossings,ete.)at extra cost. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asl�e or. upon petition i Iii co 8 �� �+ov E(� ., 1961 � 1V aP �, r Commissioner of Public Works