210886DUPLICATE TO CI CLERK ROLL ALL DALGtlsS • HOLLAND LOSS IN FAVOR MORTINSON a ' PETERSON AGAINST ROSEN MR. PRES. VAVOULIS ,A ADOPTED i APPROVE W f ' Ci`rY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL. (. S 'OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NUMBS .; Jan 17 63 AUDITED CLAIMS _19 PAGE L RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWpN ON THE CITY TREASURY 26 IN THE AMOUNT OF 5 S6 957.28 COVERING' C KS NO. 1878 TO 19036 INCLUSIVE AS ERHECKS ON FILE THE OFFIC OF I 1G COMP RO E ICI n 1 (7� J .1AN JI. 8 X1263 COM OLLIR CHECK IN FAVOR OF AMOUNT DATE RETURNED NUMBER' BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD i 1898 Twin City Lines Inc !221 4 18985 John J. Kenna !750 0 1898 'Chancler B. Davis +750 0 1898 St...Paul Book } z49 9 1898 St. 249 6 1898 Benjamin M. Storey t ;350 0 1899 Shell oil Co 3 .000 0 1899 John B. Mauer 34 ;054 6 1899 Wm. M. Killeen 1 !858 9 1899 " " 1329 8 1899 Jay P'. O'Connor ; 6 5 1899 St. Paul Convention & V..J 50 0 1899 " " Drug and Surge S ; 13 9 1899 " " Foundry 8 9 1899 " League of W. Voters 25 3 1899 " " Overall Laundry ► 7 3 1900 St. Paul Stamp Wks 11 7 1900 " Weld. 1101 0 1900 Russell Sage Foundation 4 6 1900 N. H. Sandberg Erection ;188 2 1900 Sanfax Corp 100 0 1.900 Ron' Saxot Ford Cc I 26 3 1900 Scheffer and Rossum 46 4 1900 Schmitt Music Co 14 0 1900 Scholastic Book Sery 63 2 1900 Scholastic Magazines ` 36 5 1901 Science Museum 27 5 1901 " Research Assoc 5 o56 4 1901 Scott Foresman ; 33 7 1901 Chas Scribner's Sons 1235 2 1901 J. L. Shiely Co ;753 5 1901. Sinclair Refining 1 53 9 1.901 Singer Sew. Mach 37 7 1901 Singer Sew. Mach i 27 1 1901 Skelly Oil Co `444 O 1901 U. V. Smith Co !144 8 1902 mith- Corona Marchant 36 0 1902 Smith Exterminating ; 15 0 19022 James J. Dalglish 11 ;456 7 t 19023 Crane and Ordway 1 !193 2 19024 Int. Salt Co 24 176 5 1902 Society for Visual Educ 1 16 2 19026 So. Bend Lathe Inc. 8 7 1902,7 S. W. Pub. Cc ! 45 1 19028 Standard Oil Cc 53 1 19029 ". 16 3 19030 Stanwix House i 3 2 19031 Stark Elea. Supply Go 47 6 19032 Statb q.f Minn. Bd /Elec. 80 0 19033 Ste.chert- Hafner Inc. 24 4 19034 Stephens Dist-!-. ;117 6 19035 Strom and, Simpson ;217 7 19036 Stuart's Beauty Supply Co j116 3 SHEET TOTAL - FORWARD 4 646 521, 0 4 l 1 t Council File No. 210885-210886— ecks ^�`o��� Resolved, That checks be drawn on '�) the City treasury, to the aggregate amount of $99,731,36, covering checks numbered 18949'tq',1903¢ inclusive, as Per checks on file'in 'the office of the L City comptroller. Adopted any the Council January 18, ^q ®� 1963. ��fq-8i NOTICE Approved January 18, 1963. d TO (January 26, 1963) COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER Jan 17 63 _ 19_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF � 9��' 0 189-84- 19036 i /qq VERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO_ _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON7FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. , ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JAN 18 1963 _ 19_ APPROVED I A RI 1 Q 10rl 19— 11 ffY COMPTROLLER BY 4 - ----- -- =) 887 i COUNCIL FILE NO ------------- By------------------ - - - - -- ' FINAL, ORDERLIS� In tie Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material California Ave. from Luella St. to David St. and David St. from Idaho Ave. to California Ave. under Preliminary Order 210076_ ______ approved - F FINAL ORDERS Lie, November 231 1962 Intermediary .Order ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved ---------------------------------- - - - - -- '-= A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to grade and surface with bituminous material California Ave. from Luella St. to David St. and David St. from Idaho Ave. to California Ave. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JAN 2 2 1963 Adopted by the Council----- - - - - -- -------------------------------- --------- vk-- - City Clerk. Approved -------------------------- -J_AN -2 _21963 File 15888G - - -- -- - - - - - -- -------------------- - - - - -- Mayor. a . ' Councilman Dalglis Councilman Holland';-ti ;:.,r.•'r Councilman Loss 4 Councilman Mord. nson Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen :,i• Mayor vavoulis &62 3M cOffiROD22 4 I St. Paul, Minn --------- --------------------------------- 19-------- To The HUtorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Jx We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade and surface with bituminous material California Ave. from Luella St. to ---------- - --------------------------------------- - - - - -- • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- • -- - - - - -- David St. and David St. from Idaho Ave. to California Ave. •------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -----------------------------------------------------------------=------------------ ---axxiAxx. hm------------------------------------------------------------------ ftxPiVgm?&------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------- - - -akX AM. s qu o.� tot IS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 2 011 b r i REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE November 27, 1962 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. approved November 23, 1962 210076 relative to grading and surfacing with bituminous material California Ave. from Luella St. to David St. and David St. from Idaho Ave. to California Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 7,191.36 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X � 4 .. S 7W CFI ��� NOV 2: Commissioner of Public 'Works 96 2 N D� OF OE a �. GEORGE M. BFTEPARD - C' T 1 O 1„ S �Al : N T L'J L o Iii p y p NE�V: AVER STREET AND HIGHWAY t p d 1 i EINGINEERING COORDINATOR 'Ii1110�1� °;� .�' j ,� w ■ 11 �, [NGIN�iR _ u , iptaj of Minnesota e C cOTTEF [ 1 N RINT[NDEN7'�O Y.F' � �•`'°"" �~ ��il- � G SANITATION - DEPART , �,�- OpF'�'IP�MNUI }�B�LQ1� WOe�RKS _ _ _ 1.._ 23 -A 3: All 1,b0Urfu1'7 ''J,[�L ■ i [ - - i A. r.��71.Ul�jj n' ti" 1 `, v... f[• er '�h _ _ I ` �d 1^_ 'r 9 1 L"7 GA [ Air' I LT ON R O S�rjo L9 1„lu 1m! sib zu WT�;AM P. SEHRENS V czo- rrrrr -r. "r+•�lyw• - ----�: - �e r��` _. Deputy�Commisioner.- -- i I ° T 22 - - —r November 27, 1962 Hon. James J. Dalglish Commissioner of Finance City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material California Avenue from Luella Street to David Street and David Street from Idaho Avenue to California Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. 210076, approved November 23, 1962. Total Estimated Cost $7,191.36 Engineering 523.01 Inspection 130.75 Cost per front foot 8.08 Com =) Frontage 890 ft. Yours ly, P"11 l Greg eckett Loc Improvement Engineer Z A ved: � 5 Eu ene V. Avery OD AiE ngi neer 10� Rosen L)EPT. Commi s s i oner of Public Works Iz CF ai -Z� z I 1642 Luella St. St. Paul 19, Minn. January 21, 1963 Council Chairman St. Paul City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is in reference to the Department of Finance letter dated January 4, 1963, regarding the matter of grading and surfacing California Avenue from Luella Street to David Street and David Street from Idaho Avenue to California Avenue, and also in the matter of condemning and taking an ease- ment in the land necessary for slopes, etc. Inasmuch as we find it impossible to attend the hoaring on this improvement, we wish to go on record as being entirely in favor of all necessary steps for completing this street. Yours truly, r� lee - �1 � O . (tiy . _ ,Ii Zt �t�✓�i -rte, AC JR v G� • �lv c30 ��//��a� �� 4 IOU Y.M f i �r I 1111 "1 !1141 TE BEAR AVE I '% G ai- y I� /ace ibu j� 'i V C � Crai P /8ce I f - /AZEL $T I OA RL ENE ST n � I oA vio sr. LUELLA n -5)--- _ TN _. _ . - - — -- - Sr - - \ I� L Z N Z. LA [n (1 N W N { t r CA 1 i