06-1083Council File # Q6 ° /(}8,3
Green Sheet # 3034513
3 WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program was established
4 by the Mayor and City Council on September 9, 1994, by Resolution #94-1127, to promote
5 partnerships through neighborhood revitalization; and
7 WHEREAS, the Neighborhood STAR Board was established for the purpose of making
8 recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on matters relating to the Neighborhood STAR
9 program; and
11 WHEREAS, as part of its ongoing responsibility, at its November 8, 2006 meeting, the
12 Neighborhood STAR Board has recommended several amendments to the STAR Guidelines
13 which require legislative approval; and
15 WHEREAS, the proposed changes include: offering loans in addition to grants as part of
16 the Neighborhood STAR Small Program ($5,000 -$25,000); and providing for clarification of
17 current practices; now therefore be it
19 RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and with the advice of the
20 Neighborhood STAR Board, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the changes
21 to the Neighborhood STAR Program Guidelines as delineated on Attachment A, and hereby
22 made part of this resolution.
Requested by Department oi
Planning & Economic Development
By � �
Adoption � ied by ow bil ecr ary
Approved b 1�}a pr: Date � p
BY � .9�-(!�L�
Adopted by Council: Date �—`� � ��
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gree� Sheet �
ueparonenvomcelcounac � uatemmarea: Green Sheet NO: 3034513
PE, — Planning&EconomicDevelopment ' "14-NOV-06 �
, Confact Person & Phone:
Michele Seranson
Must6eon unc7Agendaby(Daie):
22-NOV-06 ��
E-0ocumentRequired: Y
DocumentContact: MicheleSwanson
Contact Phone: 266E574
� i DepartrneM SeniTo Person InitiallDafe
0 lan in & n m<Develo b Aamme
Assign I 1 � lannin¢ & Economic Develon � Director/C. Bedar I�__
Numbe� Z � ttame � Q' Attome
For I 3 Mavor's Offi I Mavo /A sistant
Order I 4 CounN I C1tv CouncO
5 iCitv Clerk � CSN Clerk
I 6 �Plannine & Economic DeveAoo lYHchele Swanson
ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached Council Resolurion will adopt revisions to the Neighborhood STAR Program Guidelines.
Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or RejeC[ (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Citil Service Commission
Personal Service Contracis MustMswerthe Following
1. Has this person/firm ewr worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firtn e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill rrot nortnally possessed by any
current cRy employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheetantl attach to green sheet
InAiating Probiem, issues, Opportunity (Who, Whak When, Where, Why): �
Approval of the attached Council Resolution will allow revisions to the Nieghborhood STAR Program Guidelines to be implemented for
Ativantages IfApproved:
Disadvan W ges If Approved:
Disativantages H Not Approvetl:
Funding Source:
Finan cial Infortnation:
Neighborhood STAR
� � .., ' .t�.
Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
i�t'e.'t ^!V .
�OV 2 fl 2QUfi
November 14, 2006 10:09 AM Page 1
Attachment A: Proposed Updates to Neighborhood STAR Guidelines for 2007
(Amended at January 10, 2007 City Council Meeting)
1. Offer loans in addition to grants as part of the Smail STAR Program ($5,000 to $25,000):
a. Non-profit and public entities may apply for grant and /or loan funds;
b. For-profit businesses are eligible to apply for a loan or a long-grant combination where the
grant funds are equal to or less than the amount of loan dollars being requested;
c. Applicants are required to comply with small area design guide{ines (where applicable.)
2. The Large Loan and Grant Program is avaitable for requests over $25,000 to:
a. Non-profit and public entities requesting loan and/or grant funding;
b. For profit businesses are eligible to apply for a loan or a loan/grant combination where the
grant funds are equal to or less than the amount of loan dollars being requested.
3. Add a section covering proposals from non-profit entities requesting STAR funding for a
sub-loan/sub-grant program:
a. Require detailed sub-loan/sub-grant guidelines submitted with a STAR application;
b. allow up to three (3) years to disburse STAR funds and one (1) year after final disbursement
to begin loan repayments;
c. Non-profit organizations are not eligible to apply to their own sub-loan/sub-grant program;
d. A first in, first out provision whereby a non-profit entity applying for additional dollars for an
established or duplicate program must spend the balance of existing program funds
completely before newly awarded STAR funds are disbursed.
4. Clarification
a. Project costs incurred after submission of a compieted application form can be counted as
matching dollars;
b. Only project expenditures incurred after City Councii approval are eligible for STAR
c. Add to the Year-Round Program description, "when funding is available";
d. Ineligible applicants include the association representing condominium or townhome owners.
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Attachment A: Proposed Updates to Neighborhood STAR Guidelines for2007