96-57Public Hearing Date - February 21, 1996 RE 1-8-96 GST F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date Green Sheet Nnmber. 34066 EPAR7M@71' DIItF.(:POR QiY COUNCQ. Coatact Person and Phone Nnmber. ,�, �, A ���� �� - ..e+�u ianr J�o o� or Peter Whitc 266-8850 °� ��r Dm�'�.c"roR .� M�'- s�'G nm- YOR(ORASSIS"lANi) 1 Rcsean:h M,uc � oa �„n� n�� t� January 17, 1996 to schedule a hearing date for 2-21-96 7iAI, � OP S[GNATURL+ PAGES (Q iP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNAIVFLL) C1ION RFRUPS"1'FD: Ratify condemnation and award of damages for properiy rights taken as part of the construction of the abasha Bridge and Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge. Finance File #18794 E RGCOMI�4I?NDATfONS APPROVE (A) OR RFJECl' (R) gRgpp7AL SggVICE CpN1RACIS hn7S1' pNg�ygg �I�iL ppIS,pWp•IG PIANNING COMhIISSION A ST� L Has the pe:son/bffi ever worked uader a contrac[ for this departmeut? YES NO C[VII. SGRVICE COh�A�IISSION � Has this peison/fum ever been a Gty employee? YPS NO � . Dces this pcxsonf£¢m poaess a skilt not aocmally p�ed bp any CIB COMMITIP� _ Cu�nt Gty employee? YES NO Iain all YPS answeis on a sepam[e shee[ and attach. SUPPOR7S WI�CH COIJNCQ.OBJECTIVL? couxcu waxv(s� 2 DISl'RIGT PIANNING CAUNCQ. 3. 9, 17 INI'TTATING PROBI.E[v7, ISSUP OPPORTtJNfl'Y (WLo, WI�a4 Whev, Where, Why?): Easements, for right of way and construction of the above mentioned bridges, are needed to proceed as planned. VANI'AGES IF APPROVED: The project will proceed as planned. _ . s�. ° � _ : - � DISADVANI'AGPS 1FAPP120VED: .. � , Encumbrance to the property owner. DISADVANIAGPS IF NOT APPROVFD: Plans will have to be revised at a major cost to the City. rarni, nnsourrr oF �sncnox: $ 8,600.00 cosr/x�vnvus svn�si�eu �cmc[.E or� �s No resmu.r� souxc� P roject Funds ^���°riy N°r'ffirx: 17NANCIAL IN[�ORMATION: (E}�IAII�