96-56t ° '`i r; s � F��� �;'�� i ��� ..�,i��.�i's RESOLUTION „93NT PAUL, M!I Presented By. Referred To: Council Fife # � Greensheet# 31121 GSJ Committee: Date i z 1rVHEREAS, the Capital Allocation Policy F-11 requires an annual review of the status of the City's s capital projects; and a s WHEREAS, a recent review of capital projects has identified over 200 projects that may be closed out; and 6 � WHEREAS, several of the completed projects contain surpluses that must be removed and placed e in contingency before the projects may be closed; now therefore be it s io RESOLVED, by the Council of the Cify of Saint Paul, upon recommendation ofthe Mayor and advice of 7� the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capitai Improvement Budget, as iz heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in the following particular: 13 i4 Current Amended ts Budget Changes Budget is FINANCING PLAN n Harriet Is Design/ Site Dev ia C87-3C010 19 zo HRA Fund 143 319,278.00 1,358.36 320,636.36 zi Miscellaneous Revenue 0.00 3,749.62 3,749.62 22 319,278.00 5,107.98 324,355.98 23 24 SPENDING PLAN 25 Harziet Is Design/ Site Dev 26 C87-3C010 27 2s Design 319,278.00 5,107.98 324,385.98 2s 30 31 32 FINANCING PLAN a� Levee Specific Design Work 3a C87-3C011 35 ss HRA Fund 143 53,398.41 0.00 53,398.41 a� PortAUthority 0.00 22,999.43 22,999.43 3e 53,398A1 22,999.43 76,397.84 39 ao SPENDING PLAN at Levee Specific Design Work a2 C87-3C011 . 43 a4 Design 53,398.41 22,999.43 76,397.84 45 46 47 48 Q9 50 5� 52 53 1 sa u ss � � ss so s� s2 � ea ss ss s7 68 69 70 �t 72 73 74 75 7s 77 �a �s 80 81 az 83 84 85 86 87 se es so s� s2 93 94 ss 96 97 sa 99 100 907 i o2 t03 io4 �� ios �07 �08 l09 iio 7t7 7 12 113 tia 115 �16 117 t18 1 19 720 121 FINANCING PLAN Marina Lower Harbor Improvements C87-3C013 HR.4 Fund'143 CIB 1986 SPENDING PLAN Marina Lower Harbor Improvements C873C013 Design and Construction FINANCING PIAN Harriet Island Adventure Playground C87-3C014 HRA Fund 143 Contributions SPENDING PLAN Harriet Island Adventure Playground C87-3C014 Design FINANCING PLAN Hillcrest Community Center C87--3P001 GIB 1987 Transfer from Special Fund SPENDING PLAN HiAcrest Community Center C87-3P009 Design FINANCING PLAN Rec. Center Site Reuse Project C87-3S003 GB 1987 Transfer from special funds CIB 1988 Miscellaneous Revenu SPENDIRlG PWIJ Rea Center Site Reuse Project C873SD03 Construction 164,092.0� 35,000.00 199,092.00 199,092.Q0 300,000.00 5,000.00 305,000_00 305,000.00 15,OOQ.00 0.00 15,000 OD ��� �� 40,O�D.00 17T,117.00 0.00 0.00 211,1 t7.00 211,117.00 (7,SOQ.00) 0.00 (7,500.00) (7,500.00) (1,358.36) 0.00 (1,358.36) (1,358.36) 0.00 225.00 225.OD 225 00 o.00 798.64 2,D49.68 1,371.99 4,160.31 4,160.31 !�' �f� 15Q592.00 35,000.00 19'1.592.00 791,592.00 298,641.64 5,000.00 303,641_64 303,641.64 15,000.00 225.00 15,225.00 15,225.00 40,000.00 17Y,915.64 2,049.68 1,311.99 215,277,31 215,277.31 2 1��v izz FINANCiNG PLP.N i23 Valley Rec. Ctr. SitelPlay Area r2a C88-3G001 i25 izs Ofher Pyency i27 CIB 1988 �26 12s �3o SPENDING PLAN i3t Valiey Rea Ctr. Site/Play Area 132 C88-3G001 733 �� Cons4vction and Design �� 73G 137 tsa FINANGNG PLAN �39 Como Park Restoration ia0 C88-3J003 7ai ta2 MetropolitanParksAct 743 iaa SPENDfNG PLAN i45 Como Park Restoration 746 C88-3J003 �47 iqs Building lmprovements ias iso �s� ia2 FINANCING PLAN �ss Higfiland Golf Irrigation �sc C88-3P002 l55 is6 Metropolitan Parks Act 757 G61988 158 f59 iso SPENDING PLAN is� Highland Golf Irrigafion �s2 C88-3P002 163 7sa Design and Construction tss 166 167 tsa FINANCING PLAN tss C.S.CapitalMamtenance-88 vo C88�T021 ni i72 CIB 1988 773 Transfer from Special Fund 17a 175 ns SPENDING PLAN �» C.S. Capital PAai�tenance - 88 na C8&3T021 »s Design and Construction iao 181 �82 783 184 185 786 187 I88 189 . � ��� �� ��� i� ��� � 391,000.00 1,542,ODD.00 7,542,OOD.00 62,829.02 308,061 _00 370,890.02 370,890.02 200,000.00 114,485.00 374,455.00 314,485.00 0.00 (1,592.40) (1,592.40) (1,592.40} (127.44) (127.44) 0.00 (3,395.00) (3,395.00) (3,395.00) (5,227.16) 5,227.16 0.00 � �� 80,000.00 309,407.60 389,407.60 389,407_60 1,541,872.56 1,541,872.56 62,829.02 304,666 00 367,495.02 367,495.02 194,772.84 119,712.16 314,485.00 314,485.D0 3 �� s� ieo FINANCtNG PLAN �el Bums Ave Park Acquisi5on ie2 C893A003 is3 i9a Miscella�eous Revenue �� iss SPENDING PLAN �s7 BumsAveParkAcquisition isa C&9-3AQ0.3 tss 2� Acquisition of Cand 2oi 2oz 203 2oa FINANCING PLAN 2os Phalen Pk. Path Improvements 2os C89-3ED01 zo� zo& CIB 1989 2os Sale of Plans 2io zi7 2i2 SPENDWGPLAN zia Phalen Pk. Path Improvements 2�a C893E001 zis 2is Design and Construction 217 218 279 zzo FINANCING PLAN 22i Wheelock Pkwy. Acquisifions 222 C89-3F003 223 22a Metropolitan Parks Act 225 CIB 1892 22s qB 1990 227 CIB 1988 229 229 2sa SPENDING PLAN 2s� Wheelock Picwy. Acquisition 232 C89-3F003 233 23a Design and Construction 235 236 237 zas FINANCING PLAN 2ss Groveland Handicap Accessibility 24o C893N001 24I 2a2 CIB 1993 243 za4 SPENDING PLAN z45 Groveland Handicap Accessibility zas C893N001 za� 2aa Design and Constnrotion 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 � ��� �� � ��� �� 85,296.62 72.00 85,368.62 85,368.62 95,000.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 10,200.00 133,20Q.00 133,200.00 26,500.00 26,500.00 (752.41) (752.41 } (6,650.45) (6,650.45) (6,65D.45) 0.00 (1,455.07) O.OD O.OD (1,455.07) (1,455.07) (372.03) (372.03) 29,247.59 29,247.59 75,646.17 72.00 75.718.17 78,718.17 95,000.00 6,544.93 20,000.00 10,200.00 931,744.93 131,744.93 26,127.97 26,127.97 4 25a FINANCING PLAN zss Sackef Rec. Center Sfte Imp. 2so C90-3B001 2s� 26z CDBG z63 2sa SPENDING PLAN z5s Sacket Rec. Center Site Imp. 266 C90-380�'I 2s7 2sa Design and Construction 269 270 271 272 FINANCING PLAN 273 Rice Rec. Center Enfrance z7a C90-3F005 2�s 27s CDBG 277 z�e SPENDING PLAN 27s Rice Rec. Center Entrance 28o C90-3F005 281 za2 Design and Construction 283 284 285 2ae FINANCING PLAN 2e7 Scheffer Rec. SitelPlay Area 2aH C903G002 2E9 2sa CDBG 291 zsz SPENDING PLAN zsa Scheffer Rec. SitelPlay Area 2s4 C90-3G002 2ss 2ss Design and Construction 297 298 299 soo FINANCING PWN aoi Old Hoofed Stock Barn Renovation. 302 C90-3J006 303 soa Metropol�tan Parks Act 305 Transfer from Special Fund aos 307 sos SPENDING PLAN 3os Old Hoofed Stock Barn Renovation. 370 C9�-3J�Of> 31� 3i2 Design and Construction 313 314 3i5 FINANCING PLAN 3�s Langford Oukdoor Crt. Lighting 3n C90-3L001 318 ais CDBG 320 329 SPENDING PLAN sn Langford Outdoor Crt. Lighting 3z3 C90.3L001 324 sz5 Desigo and Construction 21,886.03 21,886.03 117,500.00 117,500 00 159,531,01 159,531 A1 245,000.00 0.00 aas,000.00 245,000.00 47,000.00 • 11� �1 7�p — ,7,Y! 30.00 21,916.03 30.OQ 29,916.03 (4,390,00} (4,390.00) 113,1 T 0.00 113,110.00 20.00 i59,551.01 20.00 159,551.01 0.00 10,000.00 10,D00.00 1Q000.00 1,292.40 1,292.40 245,000.00 1D,000.00 255,000.00 255,000.00 48,292.40 48,292.40 5 9! -S� 326 327 328 329 330 �� 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 33s 340 347 342 343 aac 345 346 347 349 349 350 351 asz 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 3se 367 368 369 370 37 1 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 366 387 3ae 389 390 391 392 333 FINANCING PLAN East Side Communty Center C90-3S020 Contributions CIB 7990 SPENQlNG PL4N East Side Communfy Center C90-3S020 Design and Construction FINANCING PLAN Battle Creek Reg. Park C91-3A005 Residual Equity Transfer In Metropolitan Parks Act Miscellaneous Revenue Transfer from Special Fund SPENDING PLAN Battle Creek Reg. Park C91�A005 Construction FINANCING PLAN EI Rio Vista Playground Equip C913C008 CDBG SPENDING PLAN EI Rio Vista Playground Equip C913CD08 �esign and Construction FINANCING PLAN Lilydale/Haniet Is Regional Park C91-3C015 Residual Equity Transfer ln Miscelfaneous Revenue SPENDING PLAN Lilydale/Harriet Is Regional Park C91-3C015 COf15}fUCt101'1 ��� ��� �� � ��� �� � ��� �� 510,040.00 D.00 0.00 0.00 D.DO 0 00 � �� .. ��� 1� .. � �� �� 0.00 0.00 0.00 � �1 (20,0�O.OD) 0.00 (20,000.00) (20,000.00) 78,812.97 127.44 707.88 1,522.07 21,170.36 21,170.36 2,482.00 2,482.00 6,84524 9,915.58 16,760.82 16,760.82 '� �� �� � r�� �� ..� ��� �� tVT� 18,812.97 127.44 707.88 1,522�7 z�,a7o.ss 21,170.36 68,482.00 68,482.00 6,84524 9,915.58 16,760.82 16,760.82 � 9G �'y a5a FINANCING PLAN ass Cherokee Park Playground Equip 3ss C91-3C016 a97 39s CI81994 � aoa SPEND(NG PLAN nm Cberokee Park Piay Equip ao2 C91-3C076 403 a0a Design and Construction aos aos m� aoa FINANCING PLAN 409 lockwood Recrea5on Ctr Site 4�0 C913E002 a�7 aiz CDBG 473 nia SPENDING PLAN ai5 Lockwood Recreation Ctr Site ai6 C913E002 nn ais Design and Construction ats 420 421 422 FINANCING PLAN 423 Municipal Athletic Facifity 42a C913L003 425 42s Intrafund Transfer ln 427 42a SPENDING PLAN azs Municipal Athlefic Facility a3o C91-3L003 431 a32 Llesign and Construction 433 434 435 43s FINANCING PLAN 4a� Crosby Farm AcquisiBon 4sa C913P006 ass aao Metropolitan Parks Act 441 aaz SPENDING PLAN aas Crosby Farm Acquisition a4a C91-3P006 aas aae Design and Acquisffion of Land 447 448 449 aso FINANCING PLAN asi Hidden FaIIs/Crosby Farm Reg. Park a52 C91-3P007 453 asa Metropolitan ParksAct ass a5s SPENDING PLAN a57 Hidden Falis/Crosby Farm Reg. Park a5a C91-3P007 ass aso Design 46� 67,100.00 . �� �� 179,214.71 �79,214.71 � �� � �� � �� � �� � �� � �� (3,06978) (3,06978) (50.00) (50 00) 38,000.00 38,000.00 3,799.75 3,79975 2,636.M13 2,636.13 64,03022 64,03022 179.164.71 179,164.71 38,0O�,OD 38,000.00 3,799.75 3,799.75 2,636.13 2,636.13 7 �i� ��� 462 4sa FINANCING PLAN 464 Linwood Community Rec. Cerrter 4�5 C91-3Q002 466 467 CIB 1991 468 asq SPENDING PLAN a�o Linwood Community Rec. Center a7i C91-3Q002 472 aT3 Design and Construcfion a�a 475 476 nn FINANCING PLAN a�a Citywide Tree Planting 47s C91-3T014 nao 4ai Residual Equity Transfer In 4sz Donations qas All Other Financing 484 aes 4as SPENDING PLAN qa� Citywide Tree Planting aea C91-3T014 ass aso 49 I 492 as3 FINANCWG PLAN qe4 C.S. Contingency 4es C91-3T991 49fi a9� Residual Equity Transfer In 498 ass SPENDING PLAN 50o C.S. Cordingency 5oi . C91-3T991 soz 5os Intrafund Transfer Out s0a 505 506 so7 F�NANCING PLAN soe Linwood Community Centar sos C9234003 s�o sii CIB 1992 512 s�s SPENDING PLAN eia Linwood Community Center sis C923Q003 sis si7 Design and Construction sis 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 206,500.00 i�I�'.� 0.00 0.00 260,000.00 260,000.00 260,000.00 (1.93'1.47) (1,931.47) 18,175.00 45,545.00 0.00 63,720.00 63,720.00 0.00 47,201.69 0.00 47,201.69 470,000.00 470,000.00 (3,125.55) (3,125.55) 204,568.53 204,568.53 18,175.00 45,545.00 260,000.00 323,720.00 323,720.00 47,201.69 47,201.69 466,874.45 466,574.45 � 9�-56 sso PINANCING PLAN 53i Hazel Pk. Rec. Ctr Improvements 532 C933B002 533 53a CDBG 535 sss SPENDING PfAN s37 Hazel Pk. Rec. Ctr Improvements ssa C93-36002 539 sao Design and Construction sai saz sas saa FINANCING PLAN sa5 S St. Mthony Pk.: Outdoor Equip 54s C933L004 547 sas CDBG sa5 sso SPENDING PLAN ss� S St. Anthony Pk.: Outdoor Equip 552 C933��04 553 ssa Design and Construction 555 556 55� 55s FINANCING PLAN 559 Mississippi River Blvd. Rec-93 5s0 C933S015 56t 5s2 CIB 1993 ss3 MSA 1993 ss4 ss5 ss6 SPENDING PLAN ss7 Mississippi River Blvd. Rec-93 ssa C93-3S015 569 57o Design and Construction s7i s�z 573 s74 FINANCING PLAN s�s Rice Sfreet Brench Librery 57e C883F002 577 57a CDBG 579 sao SPENDING PLAN sai Rice Street Branch Library sa2 C88-3F002 sa3 ss4 Design and Construcfion 585 586 587 588 589 590 59I 592 593 594 595 596 597 : ��� �� 28,000.00 65,000.00 65,000.00 86,OOO.QQ 52,000.00 138,0OO.OQ 138,000.00 33,400.00 33,400.00 (4.31) (4.3I ) (1,204.49) (1,204.49) �.0� (52,000.00) (52,000.00) (52,000.00) (17,565.20) (17,56520) 27,995.69 27,995.69 63,795.51 63,795.51 86,��0.a0 0.00 86,000.00 :. ��� �� 15,834.80 15,834.80 0 �� r ✓ � s9a FINANCING PLAN sss CenUal Library Roof soo C893R012 601 so2 Hill Reference Library sos Cf6198fi soa CIB 1989 605 606 so7 SPENDING PLAN sos Central Library Roof sas C813R012 s7o si i Design and Construction si2 613 614 sis FINANCING PLAN s7s Northwest Team Police Remodeling s97 C90-4H001 sis s7s HRA Fund 147 szo CIB 1990 621 sz2 SPENDING PLAN s23 NorthwestTeain Police Remodeling s2a C90-4H001 s25 s2s Constructian 627 628 629 sso FINANCING PLAN s3i K-9 Facility Improvement ea2 C94-4T003 633 s34 C18 1994 635 s3s SPENDING PLAN s3� K-9 Facility Improvement ssa C944T003 639 sao Construction s4i 642 643 s4a FINANCING PLAN s45 Fire Contingency s4s C91bT99t sa� eaa Residual Equity Transfer in sns sso SPENDING PLAN ssi Fire Contingency s52 C91-5T991 653 s54 Intrafund Transfer Out sss sss ss� sss sss 660 661 662 663 664 665 179,200.00 33,4W.00 290,000.00 502,600.00 502,600.00 60,000.00 250,000.00 310,000.00 310,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 (23,06626) (23,066.26) (23,066.26) (60,000.00) 0.00 (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (360.12) (360.12) 0.00 13,610.00 0.00 13,610.00 156,13374 33,400.00 290,OD0.00 479,533.74 479,533.74 0.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 39,639.88 39,639.88 13,610.OD 13,610.00 10 ��-sb 6ss FINANqNG PLAN �7 1988 Prepaid Assessmertt �e C88-9T288 sss s7a Assessment Revenue 57t s72 SPENDWG PLAN s�3 1985 Prepaid Assessment s�4 C88-9T288 s�s s7s Intrafund Transfer Out 677 678 679 5ao FINANCWG PLAN 6s� 1989 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds 6a2 C89-9T189 6a3 6ea Bond Proceeds 6s5 sas SPENDING PLAN 6s� 1989 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds 6aa C89-9T189 6as eso Cost of Bond Issuance 5si Intrafund Transfer Out 692 693 69R 695 sss FINANCWG PLAN ss7 1989 Prepaid Assessment ssa C89-9T289 sss 70o qssessment Revenue 7oi 7oz SPENDING PLAN 7os 1989 Prepaid Assessment �oa C89-9T289 70.5 7os Intrafund Transfer Out 707 �oa �os ��o FINANCING PLAN �ti 1991 Prepaid Assessment 7�2 - C91-9T29t 713 7�4 Assessment Revenue 715 7�s SPENDING PLAN 7n 1991 Prepaid Assessment 7�s C91-9T291 ��s 72o Intrafund Transfer Out 72i 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 73i 732 733 0.00 49g,g81.51 0.00 499,981.51 1,843,700.00 23,700.00 1,820,000.00 1,843,700.00 5,700.00 (14,450.76) 20,150.76 5,700.00 D.00 369,919.67 0.00 369,919.67 � �� � �� 272,150.94 272,150.94 499.981.51 499,98L51 1,849,400.00 9,249.24 1,840,150.76 1,849,400.00 369,919.67 369,919.67 272,150.94 272,150.94 11 y��s� 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 �� 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 7s2 753 754 755 75s 757 75e 75s 7so �s� 762 763 764 765 766 7s7 768 769 �70 771 772 773 774 775 �7s �n 77a ns 7ao 789 782 783 784 7a5 786 787 7sa 789 790 791 �s2 793 �sa �ss 796 797 �sa 7ss aoo soi FINANCING PLAN 1992 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds C92-9T192 Intereston Inves4nents Bond Proceeds SPENDING PLAN 1992 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds C92-9T192 Cost of Bond Issuance Intrafund Transfer Out FINANCING PLAN 1993 Prepaid Assessment C93-9T293 Assessment Revenue SPENDING PLAN 1993 Prepaid Assessment C93-9T293 Intrafund Transfer Out FINANCING PLAN 1993 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds C93-9T193 Interest on Investments Bond Proceeds SPENDING PLAN 1993 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds C93-9T193 CostofBondlssuance Intrafund Transfer Out FINANCING PLAN 1994 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds C949T194 Interest on Investments Bofxf Proceeds SPENDING PLAN 1994 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds C949T194 Cost of Bond Issuance Intrafund Transfer Out 0.00 2,242,255.00 2,242,255.00 40,000.00 2,202,255.00 2,242,255.00 68,075.17 23,900.00 91,975.17 (24,158.55) 116,133.72 91,975.17 0.00 483,263.34 0.00 483,263.34 0.00 2,589,825.00 2,889,825.00 40,000.00 2,849,825.00 2,sss,825.00 � �• �� ��� �� �� ��� �� 0.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 38,499.95 (471,375.00) (432,875.05) (24,888.85) (407,98620) (432,875.05) 52,504.17 387,555.00 440,059.17 15,876.38 424,182.79 440,059.17 68,�75.17 2,266,155.00 2.334,230.17 15,841.45 2,318,38872 2,334,230.17 483,263.34 483,263.34 38,499.95 2,418,450.00 2,456,949.95 15,111.15 2,441,838.80 2,456,949.95 52,504.17 1,887,555.00 1,940,059.17 15,876.38 1,924.182.79 1,940,059.17 12 9G-S� soz FINANCING PLAN eo3 1995 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds aoa C95-9T195 sas aos Interest on Investrnerds ao7 Bond Proceeds aoa 809 aio SPENDING PLAN aii 1995 Special Assmt Bond Proceeds ai2 C9S9T195 813 a�a Cost of Bond Issuance sis Intrafund Transfer Out 816 a17 818 819 a2o FINANCING PLAN a2i Midway Athletic Facility s22 802-G0951 823 sza Pre 1991 PIR Contingency 825 a2s SPENDING PLAN e27 Midway Athletic Facility a2a 802-60951 azs s3o Construdion 831 832 833 a3a FINANCING PLAN sss Pre 1991 PIR Contingency 836 802-6�9$4 837 aas Use of Fund Balance 839 aaa SPENDING PLAN aa9 Pre 1991 PIR Contingency aa2 802-60954 eaa sqq Intrafund Transfer Out aqs Transfer to Capital Project Funds sas sa7 Eqa 849 eso FINANCING PLAN ss� B.N. CorridorTrail a52 C93-3D005 853 ssa C18 1984 ass PIR Contingency 856 s57 sss SPENDING PLAN ass B.N. CorridorTrail a60 C93-3D005 86 i as2 Design and Construction aea ssa ass 866 867 8fi8 869 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,390.52 2,965,705.00 2,998.095.52 15,702.45 2,982,393.07 2,998,095.52 0.00 5,985.90 0.00 5,985.90 � �� 0.00 0.00 o.ao 75,000.00 0.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 165,77723 90,77723 75,000.00 � ss,n�.2s (75,000.00) 75,000.00 0.00 � �� 32,390.52 2.965,705.00 2.998,09552 15,702.45 2,982,393.D7 2,998,095.52 5,985.90 5,985.90 165,777.23 90,777.23 75,000.00 165,77723 0.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 13 �6 S� s�o s�i 572 873 874 a75 876 87� a�s 87s aao �� eaz 8&3 884 885 886 sa7 asa ass aso 89I &92 893 ssa ass ass ss7 asa 899 sao soi soz 903 944 905 906 so7 soe sos s�o s�i s+z 913 914 915 916 s�7 s�a 919 s2o s2i s22 923 s2a s25 s2s s27 s2a szs 930 937 932 933 934 935 936 937 FINANCING PLAN Lexington Rec: Lincoln-University C90-2S031 PIA 1990 CIB 1990 SPENDING PLAN Lexington Rec: Lincoln-University C90-2S031 Construction FINANCING PLAN Signal Installations C88-2T820 CIB 1983 MSA 1988 MSA 1986 CIB 1990 PIA 1988 PIA 1989 MNDOT SPENDING PLAN Signal Installations C88-2T820 Construction FINANCING PLAN Signal Installations C89-2T821 PIA 1988 PIA 1989 CIB 1983 MNDOT College of St. Thomas C1B 1990 MSA 1988 MSA 1989 MSA 1986 MSA 1992 SPENDING PLAN Signal Installations C89-2T821 Construdion �P� �� •� �i� �� : �i� �� i: �i� �� 4,125.00 578.08 117,686.42 743.60 a,sso.00 1,134.07 78,967.14 212,194.31 212,194.31 5,940.00 8,486.00 5,400.00 70,894.89 zo,ssa.�a 15,749.52 19,646.02 46,328.63 6,708.56 225.90 200,073.66 200,073.66 (1,032.62) 0.00 ('1,032.62) (1,032.62) (794.00) 0.00 (SS,84321) 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 (59,637 21) (59,63721) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (186.98) o.00 (5,400.00) (19,646.02) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (25,233.00) (25,233.00) '126,967.38 100.000.00 226,967.38 226,967.38 3,331.00 578.08 58,84321 743.60 8,960.00 1,134.07 78,967 14 152,557.10 152,557.10 5,940 00 8,A86.00 5,400.00 70,707 91 20,694.14 10,349.52 0.00 46,328.63 6,708.56 225.90 174,840.66 174,840.66 14 �� v �� sae sss sao 94I 942 �na s4a ea5 sas 947 sqs sas sso 95I 952 953 ssa sss 956 ss� ssa 959 9fi0 ssi ssz sss ssa ss5 ses ss� ssa sss s�o s7i w2 973 974 s75 s7s sn s�a s7s 980 981 sa2 983 saa sas sss sa� 98s sss 990 99� ss2 993 994 995 996 ss7 ssa 999 �000 100I t002 1003 10D4 1005 FINANCING PLAN Signal Installations - 1991 C91-2T823 MNDOT MSA t991 CIB 1990 CIB 1989 CIB 1991 SPENDING PLAN Signal Installations -'1991 C91-2T823 CO�trUCSon �FINANCING PLAN Raymond/Kasota Realignment - C87-2L002 MSA 1987 MSA 1985 PIA 1987 Water Utility SPENDING PLAN Raymond/Kasota Realignment C87-2L002 Construction FINANCING PLAN Warner Rec-Sibley-Childs c87-2so02 MSA 87 CIB 87 Miscellaneous SPENDING PLAN Warner Rec-Sibley-Childs C87-2S002 Construction fINANGWG PLAN Warner L�q:-Sibley-Childs C87-2S003 MSA 1987 SPENDING PLAN Wamer Ltq:-Sibley-Childs C87-2S003 Construction 3,087.16 45,435.38 0.00 '1,869.82 13,731.00 64,123.36 64,123.36 905,079.70 4,515.11 16,947.60 5,003.10 931,545.51 931,545.51 54A,424.91 200,000.00 1,375.09 745,80� 00 745,800.00 41,000.00 41,000.00 42,348.22 (45,435.36) 7.13 0.00 0.00 (3,080.03) (3,080.03) 0.00 4,515.11 0 00 0.00 4,515.11 4,515.11 (35,088.84) 0.00 0.00 (35,088.84) (35,088.84) (37,125.92) (37,125.92) 45.435.38 0.00 7.13 1.869.82 13,731.00 61,043.33 61,0A3.33 905,079.70 9,030.22 16,947.60 5,003.10 936,060.62 936,060.62 509,336.07 200,000.00 1,375.09 710,711.16 710,711.16 3,874.08 3,87A.08 15 ��-s� ioos iao7 iooe ioos ioio ioii m'12 1013 ioia iois io�s i on ioia 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 7o2a �025 io2s �02� 1o2s �o2s ioso 1031 1032 1033 7034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 ioao ioai �oa2 1043 ioaa 1045 1046 ioa� ioaa 1049 1050 7051 1052 1053 7054 �055 �056 1057 1058 1059 ioso iosi iosz 1063 10fi4 ioss 1066 �os� iosa ioss io7o io�i �m2 1�73 FINANCING PLAN Shepard Ltg:-13SRobert Cs7-2SO05 FAU MSA 1987 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Ltg:-13SRobert C87-2S005 Constrvction FINANCING PLAN Traffic Signal Enhancement-87 C87-2T801 CIB 87 q B 1986 SPENDING PLAN Traffic Signal Enhancement-87 C87-2T801 Construcfion FINANCING PLAN Shepard Rec-135-Randolph . C88-21003 MSA 88 PIA 88 CIB 88 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Rec-135-Randolph C88-21003 Construction FINANCING PLAN Shepard Overlay-135-THS C88-21005 MSA 88 MSA 87 MSA 90 PIA 88 SPENDING PLAN Shepard Overlay-13STH5 C88-2100$ Construction •� ��� �� ��� �� ��� �� "174,000.00 ao,000.00 3,992.47 83,992.47 83,992.47 376,330 45 60,000.00 8,063.00 444,393.45 444,393.45 115,153.28 o.00 0.00 2s,000.00 141,15328 141,15328 (140,000.00) (34,000.00) (174.000.00) (174,OD0.00) o.00 (3,992.47) (3,992.47) (3,992.47) (64,478.97) 0.00 0.00 (64,478.97) (64,478.97) 64,478.97 106,2t4.76 29,229.63 0 00 199,923.36 199,923.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 Y P� � ��� �� � �� :� ��i �� 80,000.00 311,851.48 60,000.00 8,063.00 379,914 48 379,914.48 179,63225 106,214.76 29,229.63 26,000.00 341,076.64 341,076.64 16 ��-5� io74 FINANCING PLAN io75 Spruce Tree Square Signals so7s C88-2M003 ion io�s clB 92 �o7s Cf6 90 ioao MnDOT iosi Miscellaneous 1082 ioss ioea �SPENDING PLAN ioes Spruce Tree Square Signals toss C88-2M003 �oa� ioes Construction ioss ioso iosi ioe2 FINANCING PLAN �os3 PIA Longside Subsidy-89 iosa C89-2T512 ioss �oss Miscellaneous ioe7 Assessment ioss PIA 90 noss PIA 93 �ioo PIA 92 1101 �io2 iio3 SPENDING PLAN 1io4 PIA Longside Subsidy-89 i�os C89-2T512 iios iio7 Construction iioa 1I09 1110 ii7i FINANCWG PLAN t�i2 Third(HancockChannelization iii3 C90-2D004 iiia 7115 CIB <Jp iiis iia7 SPENDING PLAN iiis ThirdlHancockChannelization i7is C90-2D004 1120 '1127 ConSlfUCtio❑ ��22 1123 1124 ii2s FINANCING PIAN 7i2s Marshall Rec-Otis-Finn �iz7 C90-2M008 1I28 �i2s PIA 90 iiao MnDOT 1131 1132 '1133 SPENDING PLAN ii3a Marshall Rec-Otis-Finn i�35 C90.2M008 �136 i�3� ConShUCtion ii� I139 1140 I141 19,196.80 3t,267.69 72,652.86 82,054.06 205,171.41 205,171.41 6,856.00 54,257.16 0.00 0.00 0 00 61,113.16 61,113.16 2,287.Q0 2,2$�.�� 1,64528 9,165.99 10,81127 10,81028 (7.749.33) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7,749.33) (7,749.33) 0.00 (17,091.67) 1,645.28 3,99A.60 10,000.00 (1,45179) (1,45179) (2,287.�0) (2,287.00) (1.645.28) (9,165.99) (10,81127) (10,81028) 1'1,447.47 31,267.69 72.652.86 82,054.06 197,422.08 197,422.08 6,856 00 37,165.49 1,645.28 3,994.60 1 QOD0.00 59,661.37 59,661.37 � �� � �� 0.00 0.00 0.00 � �� 17 9��s� iia2 FINANCING PLAN ii43 Street Light Infra Repair-90 iiaa C90.2TA13 I145 iia� CIB 90 tt47 »4a SPENDING PLAN �iae Street Light Infra Repairv90 iiso C90-2T413 iist iis2 Constrvction 1'153 t154 �I55 iiss FINANCING PLAN ��57 Rallroad Crossings-90 �isa C90-2T730 �iss »so MSA90 tisi ��sz SPENDING PLAN aisa Railroad Crossfngs90 t164 C90-2T730 �iss 11ss Construction 1167 t168 1169 �no FINANCING PLAN ii�t Phalen Park Footbridge i�72 C91-2E006 7�73 ii7a Metro Parks �ns CIB 88 t�76 CIB 90 it77 CIB 91 ina ins iiao SPENDING PLAN iisi Phalen Park Footbridge iia2 C91-2E006 1183 iiaa Construction 1185 H86 I187 i9ss FINANCING PLAN ��as Street Light Infirastructure RprS1 i�so C91-2T414 i7si �as2 CIB 91 1193 i9sn SPENDING PLAN i�ss Street Light Infrasiructure Rpr-91 i�ss C91-2T414 i�w i�sa Construction 1199 1200 t201 �202 1203 1204 12a5 1206 1207 1208 1209 . ��� �� 65,000.00 42,� 65.31 42,165.31 100,000.00 1,063.31 86,501.45 136,43524 324,000.00 324,000 00 65,0�0.00 65,000.00 (262.81) (262.81) (36,973.77) (36,973.77) 0.00 (1,063.31) 0.00 (14,411.64) (15,474.95) (15,474.95) (2,605.42) (2,605.42) 64,737.19 64,737.19 5,191.54 5,191.54 100,000.00 0.00 86,50'1.45 122,023.60 308,525.05 308,525.05 62,394.58 62,394.58 18 ���� i2io FINANCING PLAN �2» Citywide �tg E�hancement�91 i2i2 C91-2T423 1213 i214 q6 91 i2i5 CIB 92 �2is Contributions t217 121a i2is SPENDING PIAN �zzo Citywide Ltg Enhancemenis-�J1 i22i C91-2T423 1222 t223 COf15truCt10n 1224 1225 1226 i227 FINANCING PLAN i22a Rice-Acker Pond izzs C91-2E017 1230 i2si Residual Equity Transfer In 1232 1233 SPENDING PLAN i2aa Rice-Acker Pond i235 C91-2E017 1236 iza� Intrafund Transfer Out 1238 1239 7240 �24i FINANCING PLAN izaz Chesfiut & Eagle i243 C91-21006 1244 izas MSA i2as i2a7 SPENDING PLAN �24a Chestnut & Eagle �zns C91-21006 izso izsa Construction 1252 1253 1254 i255 FINANCING PLAN �25s Cretin & 194 i2s� C91-2MO21 �zsa izss MNDOT i2so izst SPENDING PIAN izs2 Cretin & 194 '1263 C91-2MO21 1264 9zss Construction 1266 1267 1268 1269 127a 127I 1272 1273 1274 1275 t276 1277 � ��� a� � �� �� �� �� �� 159,200.00 � �� � �� 17,017.a6 2,342.98 (1,142.75) 18,21729 18,21729 43,874.55 43,87A.55 0.00 1,763.68 0.00 1,763.68 0.00 3,980.01 0.00 3,980.01 147,017.06 2,342.98 28,05725 177.A17.29 �77.417.29 43,874.55 43,574.55 1,763.68 1,763.68 3,980.01 3,980.01 19 9G-�,6 iz�a FlNANCW6 PLAN �ve RR Crossing Gonstrucpon i2so C91-21739 izsi i2s2 MSAPriorto'1987 1283 iza4 SPENDWG PLAN i2as RR Crossing Construction ,z�s cs�-znss ,za� izaa izas Intrafund Transfer Out i2so izsi izs2 �2s3 FINANCING PLAN izsa Lake OverFlow 12s5 C91-2T950 tzss �zs� Residual Equity Transfer In �2sa Transferfrom Special Fund 1299 1300 �soi SPENDING PLAN iso2 Lake OverFlow �303 C91-27950 1304 13os Transfer Out 1306 1307 1308 isos FINANCING PLAN �a�o SewerAvailabilityCredits i3�i C91-2T951 1312 'I3'13 Residual Equity Transfer In 1314 �sis SPENDING PLAN �3�s SewerAvailabilityCredits i3n C91-2T951 1318 1319 COi15ffUCtlofl 1320 1321 1322 i323 FINANCING PLAN i32n Sewer Suspense Fund 132s C91-2T952 1326 �327 Residual Equity Transfer In 1328 �32s SPENDING PLAN i33o Sewer 5uspense Fund ia�� C9t-2T952 1332 i�as Transfers Out 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 � �� � �� 0.00 0.00 0.00 � � �. 9,926.11 9,926.11 1,160,906.81 63,350.00 1,224,256.81 1,224,256.81 0.00 648,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 � �� '� � � 560,553.39 560,553.39 9,926.11 9,926.11 1,160,906.81 63,350.00 1,224,256.81 1,224,256.81 6A8,275.00 648,275.00 560,553.39 560,553.39 20 �6 �,5� isas FINANCING PLAN �3a7 Pu61ic Works Contingency ia4a C91-2T955 1349 iaso lntrafundTransferin issi Residual Equity Transfer In 1352 1353 iasn SPENDING PLAN ia55 Public Works Contingency i35s C91-2T955 1357 �a5s Construction iass '1360 1361 i3s2 FINANCING PLAN 1363 P.I.Apriorto1987 iasa C91-2T96D I365 isss Residual Equity Transfer In 1367 iasa SPENDING PLAN iass P.I.Apriorto1987 i37o C91-2T960 1371 i372 Operating Transfer Out i373 Construction 1374 �375 1376 �s77 FINANCING PLAN is�a County Aid priorto 1987 i37s C91-2T970 1380 isai Residual Equity Transfer In 1382 7383 SPENDING PIAN i3e4 County Aid prior to 1987 iaes C91-2T970 t3as 13s7 Consiruction 1388 �389 1390 i3s� FINANCING PLAN ias2 Warner Overlay-Childs-TH 61 � ias3 C92-2A006 1394 1395 PIA 92 1396 i3s7 SPENQING PLAN iasa Warner Overlay-Childs-TH 61 isss C92-2A006 iaoo '1401 Construction 1402 1A03 9404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 9410 94'11 1412 1413 0.00 0.00 0.00 • �� 1 II 0.00 0 00 0.00 � 1� � �� 10,000.00 10,000.00 43,874.55 280,431.41 324,305.96 324,305.96 10,342.79 6,700.00 3,642.79 10,342.79 153,118.29 153,118 29 (10,000.00) (10,000.00) 43,874.55 280,431.41 324,305.96 324,305,96 1 Q342.79 6,700 00 3,642.79 10,342.79 153,11829 153,11829 � �� � �� 21 ��-s� iaia iats 1416 1417 ,a,s 1419 iqzo ta2i 1422 1423 1424 ia25 142fi 1427 142a 742s I430 1431 1432 1433 ia3a �r�3s 1436 1437 t438 1439 ia4o 1441 i4az 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 7448 14A9 i45o t451 1-052 I453 1454 1455 I45s 1457 1458 1459 14fi0 1469 1462 1463 7464 1465 1466 74� iass �4ss 1470 ia7� �A72 1473 14�4 1475 ia7s �a» ia�e ia�s iaeo iaei FINANCING PLAN Highwood-PF Douglas-McKnight C92-2A008 co�rny .va sz PIA 92 Assessment Co�tnbutions SPENDING PLAN Highwood-Pt Douglas-McKnight C92-2AOO8 Construction FINANCING PLAN Sewer Serv Conn Repairs-92 C92-2T655 Assessment SPENDING PIAN Sewer Serv Conn Repairs52 C92-2T655 Cons4vction FINANqNG PLAN Randolph Turn Lanes C93-2P003 County Aid 93 Assessment SPENDING PLAN Randolph Tum Lanes C93-2P003 Construction FINANCING PLAN Sidewalk Reconstruction-93 C93-2T725 PIA 93 Assessment CIB 93 SPENDING PLAN Sidewafk Reconstruc}ion-93 css-zn2s Construction 472,000.00 200,62�.00 198,380.00 259,355.86 1,130,355.86 1,130,355.86 33,000.00 33,000.00 119,000.00 3,000,00 122,000.00 122,000.00 472,000.00 505,000.00 50,000.00 1,027,000.00 1,027,000.00 (47,313_31) 0.00 (2'1,03422) 0.00 (68,347.53) (68,347.53) 2,612.38 2,612.38 (109,07327) (3,000.00) (112,07327) (112,07327) (10,691.55) (260,133.05) 0.00 (270,824.60) (270,824.60) 424,686.69 200,620.00 m,sas.�a 259,355.86 1,062,008.33 1,062,008.33 35,612.38 35,612.38 9,926.73 0.00 9,926.73 9,926.73 461,308.45 244,866.95 50,000.00 756,175 40 756,175.40 zz / lv-',� iaa2 FINANCING PLAN i4e3 Alley Improvements-94 insa C942C013 iaes i4es PIA 94 i4a7 Assessmenis iaea iass 7aso SPENDING PLAN iasi Alley Improvements-94 �4s2 C942C013 1493 t494 CotYStnlCtlon 1495 7496 1497 iase FINANCING PLAN 7nss Pkwy Little League Ped Crossing Lt isoo C942D009 isoi 7502 CIB 94 1503 i5oa SPENDING PLAN �sos Pkwy Little League Ped Crossing Lt ieos C94-2D009 ism �sos Construction 1509 1510 1511 isiz FINANCING PLAN 7513 Wheelock Pond �sia C94-2F016 15IS i5is PED isn CIB Priorto'85 �sie vsis i52o SPENDING PLAN �szi Wheelock Pond is22 C942F016 1523 i52a Consfiruction 1525 1526 1527 i52a FINANCING PLAN iszs Snelling/Minnehaha Bump Out isao C94-2K007 1531 i532 CIB 94 1533 �s3q SPENDING PLAN isss Snelling/Minnehaha Bump Out �53s C942K007 1537 '1538 Co05trUCtlon 1539 1540 154i 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 .� ��'� �� ��� �� �• ��� �� �•� ��� :� ��� �� :� ��� �� 40,000.00 50,0�0.00 90,000.00 •� ��� �� (10,000.00) (99,OW.aO) (109,000.00) �ios,000.00) (12,937.67) (12937.67) (262.80) (262.80) (262.80) 950.00 (950.00) 950.00 (950.00) 0.00 �.Q� 0.00 � �� 67,062.33 67,062.33 40,000.00 49,737.20 89,737.20 89,737.20 � r� � �� 23 [ � �� isso i�i is52 1553 issa isss isss i� issa �559 1sEo ,se, ,ssz isss issa isss 1566 1567 issa is6s 1570 1571 1572 ISJ3 157q 1575 I576 1577 1578 9579 1580 �sai 1582 1583 1584 �ses tsss 1567 asea 1589 tseo i5si �ss2 �593 1594 isss isss iss7 issa 1599 1600 isoi iso2 1603 �604 1605 1606 I6W �soa 1609 �610 I611 �612 I613 1614 9615 1616 t617 FINANCING PLAN Sidewalk Reconstruction-94 C94-2T726 PIA 94 GIB 94 Assessment SPENDING PLAN Sidewalk Reconstruction-94 csa-znzs Construction FINANCING PLAN Neighborhood Parfiership - 1993 C93-7T013 C18 1993 SPENDING PLAN Neighborhood Partnership - 1993 C93-7T013 Construction FINANCING PLAN CIB Contingency C95-OT100 CIB Priorto 1985 CIB 1986 CIB 88 CIB 89 CIB 90 CIB 91 CIB 92 CIB 93 CIB 94 SPENDING PLAN CIB Contingency C95-OT100 Construction ��� �� � ��� �� ��� ��� �� ��� �� 945,000.00 186,851.00 186,851.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.0� 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 1 �1 O.00 0.00 {81,424.33) (81,424.33) (81,424.33) (19,416.88) (19,416.88) 262.80 3,992.47 9,228.19 6,650.45 7.949.81 1,931.47 9,986.97 19,788.91 17,317.57 77,108.64 7�,��8.64 495,000.00 50,000.00 318,575.67 863,575.67 863,575.67 167,434.12 167,43412 262 80 3,992.47 9,225.19 6,650.45 7,949.81 1,931.47 9,986.97 19,788.91 17,317.57 77,108.64 77.108.64 24 �� s:� +sis 1619 �szo �szi as�2 1623 1624 is25 lszs 1627 i 5za 1629 isso irti ifi32 1633 is3a is35 isss 1637 is3a isss is4o isa� isa2 9643 �saa 1645 i6as �sa7 1648 1649 16W �65� 1652 1653 1654 tsss isss 1657 1658 1659 isso issi 7662 issa 1664 isss 1666 1667 1668 1669 I670 1671 1s72 1673 1674 1675 is7s isn is7a 1679 isao issi 1682 1683 1684 16&5 FINANCING PLAN MSA Corrtingency C9S2T0'18 MSA Prior to 1987 MSA 88 MSA 90 MSA 91 MSA 93 MSA 95 SPENDING PLAN MSA Contingency C95-2T018 Construction FINANCING PLAN PIA Continge�y C95-2T051 PIA 90 PIA 93 PIA 94 SPENDING PLAN PIA Contingency C95-2T051 Construction FINANCING PLAN PIR Contingency C95-0T120 C.S. PIR Contingency Fire PIR Contingency Pre 1991 PIR Contingency SPENDING PLAN PIR Contingency C95-0T120 Construction FINANqNG PLAN County Aid Contingency C95-2T027 County Aid 92 County Aid 93 SPENDING PLAN County Aid Confingency C95-2T027 COf15YNCtiOf1 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 504,314.00 504,314.00 504,314.00 OAD 0.00 o.00 0.00 � i� 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 � �� 0.00 0.00 0.00 � �f 9,926.11 '19,646.02 7,744.14 45,435.38 52,�00.�� 0.00 134,751.65 134,751.65 1,032.62 6,696.95 10,000.00 17,729.57 17,729.57 47,201.69 13,610.00 46,791.33 107,603.02 107,603.02 47,313.31 109,07327 156,386 58 156,386.58 9,926.11 19,646.02 7.744.14 45,435.38 52,0�0.00 504,314.00 639,065.65 639,065.65 1,�32.62 6,696.95 1 Q000.00 17,729.57 17,729.57 47,201 69 13,610.00 46,791.33 107,603.02 107,6D3.02 47,313.31 109,073.27 156,356.58 156,386.58 25 ���5� ,� ,�� 1688 1689 1690 769I 1692 If53 t694 1695 1696 1697 Ifi98 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 t707 1708 1709 1710 1711 17 12 1713 1714 17IS 17I6 1717 ma nis ��zo nz, 1722 1723 1724 1725 nzs nv nza nzs 1�30 1731 ! t� i�' � 2�. j F 9 � � . _ ti. �, �;. � .l"ue Sf. Pau! Long - R.ange Capitad L-nprovem�.;, Badget Compnittee zeceived this zequest on �data) (2 / A � � a12d SEC0T1yL,@ .'.:3 -----�R�Ja�'— -----_._ Si�aad: 26 B „ dg �o�;� 1vo8/95 GREEN SHEET NO. 31121 �hTACfYfltSONSPHONB � DEPAR]MENLDIRECI'OR � CflYCOUNN. � � JosephReid (266-8543) ,u,eeararsa 0 �"T''O� � `�°� JSIBEONC0111dCQ.AGS1.'DABY�h'1� oM9� O SOM£iD]RECIOR SO FBA&MG2.SERVIffSD1R MnYOR(oRnS515'IhVI) a OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) aoaix&Q�'¢n ,pprovat of Council Resolution amending capital pmlect budgets to facilitate close out of projuts and transfer of swplus fimds to contingency �ecora.�cmwnoas: npfeoK cN �� tAl PLnTII'.6�GCOT.ID9s5ioN _cIVI1.sSRVICECOMIdIssION X CB���g — sTwFF _ D)s'IIt1CtCOUAT _ iUPPORIS w'fIICH Cot1NCQ, OBJSLTNEI I�TIATINSGPROffi.B � ESl1E.OPPOR1VN31'1 (Nho. W1ui 0.fia� Vfia4 a1T1� ], g¢s (bjs pe�un/{� evec wodced unda a conttect foriLis depaz ypS NO 2 Has this Pason/fmn evefbem a city employee? yES NO 3. Does this pe�son/Emi possess a skill not nom�slly possessed by YES NO fExolain all ves anrners on seDarate sheet and attach to green �. ital Allocation Policy F-11 requires an annual review of the status of the Cit}�s capital projects. This resolution reflects changes to those projects may be closed out. IFAPPAOVID. completed capital projects may be closed out in the finance/accounting system and project surpluses may be transfeaed to contingency. �n:.� °°F�. .," �S �$l�il JiJQE'-i�:� :e:��-�"*:>t;'?ti �F�a'`ra� �. � sg�� .. . _ ., � �. �� � �<�.:�,�� � � S, �jects will remain active on the finance/accounting system until closed out in the future. Project sucpluses available for reallocation to contingency other projects in need of additional financing will not be accessible. COSI/R%V&N�EB➢DG8I8D(CIACLEONL� O NO PIA CIB MSA. CA. other wcnvmNa�a Various from funds C87 through C95 ,,.:,,,:.�,,� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR BUDGETSECTfON Joseph Reid, BudgetDirector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm CoLem¢q Mayor ���a;��=.. �Ati 95 199� . , ^ fi2� I °i�ya To: FROM: DATE: RE: 240 CiryHall I S West Kellagg Boulevard SaintPaut,?vfirmesota S�IO2 MEMORANDUM 9� -Sb Telephone: (6l2) 2668543 Facsimile: (6I2) 266-8i41 RECEIVED JAN 03 1996 Mayor Norm Coleman � �` �/ Members of the City Council ���� �`[��i o�� R Department and Office Capital Project Managers Bruce Engelbrekt, Budget Analyst � �/ �Q� � �R�.�r- January 3, 1996 Capital Improvement Budget: Project Closeout Resolution Attached is a CIB Committee-approved budget resolution that closes out more than 100 capital improvement projects from 1987 through 1995. An additional 100 projects have been closed through administrative orders prepared by city department staff over the past several weeks. Project financing reflected in the resolution includes fourteen different funding sources as well as other contributions and transfers. The most signif'icant sources are Capital Improvement Bonds, Public Improvement Aid, Municipal State Aid and assessements. Generally, projects are closed out either by increasing their budgets to recognize additional fmancing not originally approved, or by decreasing budgets to reflect financing not collectable ar transfers of surpluses to contingency. For 34 projects, $7,804,000 of increased financing is reflected in one of three ways: 1) as additional project funding received but not originally budgeted; 2) as additional assessment fmancing levied but not originally budgeted; and 3) as a recognition of remaining available cash balances from the former Permanent Improvement Revolving (PIR) Fund. For 19 projects, $806,000 are deleted from the budgets since these funds are not collectable. Most of the fmancing eliminated is assessments that could not be levied for projects at the level originally budgeted. For 62 projects, $940,000 is transfened between them to cover deficits with surpluses, and to transfer surpluses to contingency. Of this amount $782,000 is transferred to contingency. �"3j'• 6�t v. E S �1"\�IV �.J� 1J ? r i� 'y,�; � ` � '��,' i S ",: t f ; � 1 ���d�� - /��I�� City of St. Paul Resolution Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award of Damages AMENDED � In the m^`*°- ^f ' VOTIATG ""`�",_ In tHe ma[[er of condemning aod acquiring pezmanen[ righ[ of vay easenene and Gemporary cons[rut[ion easements in connection with WARD the eonstruction of [he nev Nabasha Street Bzidge �62555 and Lhc 2 new Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge /62580; ,yaid easemen[s are des�ribed as follovs: under Admini, Preliminary 0 Final Order— The Dir for the takinr also having s� RESOL\ RESOL� of the award Chamber, in 1 February, he is directed COUNCILM Yeas�' �/B3.akey i/�ostrou � erin Ijarris i�Megard i�ettman t/i'hune A permanenC righC of vay easement over, under and acrosa [hat par[ �� of Lot 4, Block A, Robertson's Addition to Vest 5[. Paul, Ramsey � Coun[y� Hinnesota. lying southwea[erly of a line ahich is parallel I with and 65.00 feec nor[heastezly of, measured at a zight angle Co, ' tlie folloving described aenter line: , Commencing a[ the incersection of [he eenter lines of Nabasha and � Four[h S[reets as shovn on the recorded pla[ of the City of St. Yaul� Ramsey Councy, Minnesota, said Sn[ezsee[Son more specifically I deecribed ae being the folloving poin[ in [he Ramsey County Coordinate Sys[em as published by the Ramsey County Pu611c Norks I Depar[men[, Land Survey DSvision� final adjuetment December 17, 1991� based upon [he Nor[h American Datum ot 1983 (1986 adjusement) (Y—�oordinaCe � Y56192.901 fee[ and X—coordina[e - 575004.621 fee[); [hente Sou[h 34 degrees 32 ¢lr.uiea 47 eetonds East (all beazfngs hecein being per said Ramsey County Coordlna[e Syetem) I along the center ltne of said Nabasha Screet, 351.44 feet to the I folloving point in said Ramaey County Coozdinate System (Y— eoordinate � 15590J.LJ3 feet and X—Coordinate � 575203.314 feet): i thence Noz[h SS degrees 41 minu[es I1 seeonda Eas[, 0.49 fee[ to � [he point of beginning of [he center line to be deseribed� ehence South 34 degreea 32 minu[es 47 seeonde Eas[ 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees 2� m3nutea 47 seeonds East 547.99 feet; thenee Southeasterly along a 984.25 foot radiue Cangential curve, �onaave to [he southvest� central angle 09 degreee IS minutes 59 seconds, a dis[ance of 159.18 feet; Chenee South 23 degrees 07 minutes 48 setonda Eeae� [angent [o said curve� 596.41 feet; [henee Southeasterly� along a 2952.75 foot radiva tangen[ial curve. coneave to the northeast, �encral angle OS degreea 07 minuees 18 seconde, a distance of 263.95 feet; thenee South 28 degrees 15 minutes 06 seconda East, tangent to said eurve, 227.63 feet to the een[er line of Fillmore Avenue (formerly knovn as Fourth Street on the plat of RoberGSOn's Addition to Hest Sc. Paul� Ramsey County, Hinnesota) and [here Cerminating. (Said poiot of Cezmina[ion, for informa[ion purposes only� lies 0.28 fee[ northeasterly of the centec line of Wabasha Street� as measuzed along the eenter line of said Fillmore Avenue.) Together vith [hose parta of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 176, Robec[son's Addition to West St. Paul, Ramsey County, Hinnesota, lying southwesterly of a line vhi�h ie parallel vith and I5.00 feet northeas[erlq of� measured at a right angle to� the southvesterly line of said Lote 5, 6 and 7; together vl[h that pat[ of said Lot 5 lying northvesterly of a line running from a poln[ on the northvesterly line of said Lot 5� a discance oE 25.00 feet northeast from the northwesC eorner of said Lot 5, measured along said nozthvesterly line, to a poin[ on the southvea[erly line of said Lot 5� a distance of 25.00 feet southeast from sald northvest eorner, measnred along said southvesterly line, and [here terminating. . Also condemning and taking temporary construction easements as shovn on flle in the Depariment of finance and Nanagement Services. Sa1d temporarq easemen[s to expire on December 31, 1997� or at [he comple[ion of the project, vhichevez occurs firs[. E � � i l I � �� ages awarded payable; and °refore be it a confirmation at the Council day of �inance be and Mayor