2107741 Original to-City Cleric f 5~ • �• n PRESENTED BY II ME �'� Yeas 4 OR �ni uncil File No. 210774 — Ordinance No. 2394 —By SeSerin A. ' Mortinson- �.obert F. Peterson — Milton .Rosein- ordinance amending the St. Paul N 2tive Code, Chapter 340, by ,persons soliciting subsc,•i •�ers and magazi� . a f ' Chapter'_ NO. 4 An ordinance amending the 3NOW Legislative Code, Chapter 340, by making persons soliciting subscriptions to news- papers and magazines subject to the provi- sions of Chapter 340. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary to the public peace „health and safety. WHEREAS it has become - apparent to the Council of the City of St. Paul and the License Inspector of the City of Sty Paul that an increasing number of itinerant magazine and newspaper subscription salesmen have been visiting the City of'St. Paul and Collecting money for such subscriptions, and whereas it appears that not all'such- salesmen perform the contracts and other undertakings entered into with the citizens of the City of St. Paul so that'some citizens have there been defrauded, tricked and cheated, now, therefore, it has become necessary to license such salesmen so as to adequately protect the in-, terests of the citizens of the City of St. Paul and therefore, THE COUNCIL OF -THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES- ORDAIN:, W Section 1.' Chapter 340..01 from the St. Paul Legis- lative Code is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof,. -there is hereby inserted in the St. Paul Legislative Code a new section;;, which new section shall be known as 340.01 and shall read as J follows: 340..01. Definition. A solicitor, for the purpose of thin chapter, shall be defined to °be any person who goes from house to house, or from place to place, in the city of St. Paul, selling or taking orders for, or offering to sell or take orders for, goods, wares or merchandise or any article for future ,delivery, or for services to be performed in 'the future,, or for making, manufacturing or repairing of any article or thing whatsoever for future delivery; provided, however, that a '%,,, this chapter shall apply only to solicitors .who demand', accept or receive payment or de- posit of�money in advance of final' delivery. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance renderedl.necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Councilmen Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson v Rateraon,_. Rosen - Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest City Clerk 1M 0-02 X22 SAN 3 0 1953 Nays Passed by the Counneil Tn Favor ,SAN 3 0 1963• Mayor 2n�1���� Laid over to 3rd and app---i 7--' Adopted— Yeas Nays ``Dalglish Holland Loss �VIortinson 0 \Peterson \ Rosen Mr. President Vavouli s Yeas Nays \'�3alglish Holland \`-- Loss 1� �IQortinson v \� reef" son— \ Rosen Nil. President Vavoulis e PUBLISHED —� —Ll? 21 -0774