06-993COUNCIL FILE #: D6 — q9�J GREEN SHEET #: 3033231 Resolution City of Saint Panl, Minnesota Presented Ey: Referced to: Committee Date: /6 1 VJHEREAS, the City CouncIl, by its resolution CF-06-741, authorized changes in the scope of the Highland Pool Bath 2 House and Site Reno�arion project; and 4 WHEREAS, as a result of the scope change there is an available balance of CIB fmancing in the Highland Bath House project 5 of � 116,000, which in itself is insufficient to properly improve the bath housz; and 7 WHEREAS, Parks and Recreafion intends to submit a Capital Improvement Bond (CIB) funding request for the 8 reconstrucrion / replacement of the Highland Pool Bath House building as part of its 2008-2009 program request; and 10 WHEREAS, the 1998, 2000, 2001, 2�02, and 2003 Capital Improvement Budgets as aznended include projects for the 11 conshuction of a new North Dale recreation center and the related site unprovements; and 12 1 i VJFiEREAS, all aspects of the North Dale project are neaz complerion; and 14 15 VJFiEREAS, upon close-out the North Dale project is estimated to have an available balance of CIB fmancing m the amount 16 of $14,000; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the 2004 Capital Improvement Budget included a project for play uea and site improvements at Aldine Pazk; and 19 20 WHEREAS, said Aldine site improvements are near complerion; and 21 22 WHEREAS, upon close-out the Aldine project is expected to have an available balance of CIB fvnding in the amount of $5,000; and 23 24 WHEREAS, the 2004 Capital Improvement Budget mcluded a project for play area and site improvements at the Prosperity 25 Recxearion Center site; and 26 27 WHEREAS, said Prosperity site improvements were recently completed as budgeted, leaving an unspent balance of CIB 28 fmancmg of $17,000; and 29 30 WHEREAS, there is an nnmediate need fox additional funding to pioperly complete Phase III of the Hi�land Paik and 31 Picnic Azea ienovafion project; and 32 33 WHEREAS, infused funding will allow lighring, play azea, and site fumishing components of the pxoject to continue 34 lazgely as designed; and 35 36 WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation requests that the aforementioned Highland Pool Bath House, North Dale, Aldine, and Prosperity 37 pLOject balances be re-allocated to the Highland Park Picnic Area project to allow its continuance; and 38 G'IFMIQT1�rkalResoNGOns,AOs,GreenSheets�ReSOlufionslH�ghlandPicnicAddResoWtion.xls Page:lof3 COUNCIL FILE #: /,� — 9%../ GREEN SFIEET #: 3033231 Resolution City of Saint Panl, Minnesota ;9 A THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 40 Vlayor, and the advice of the Long Range CapiTal Improvement Budget Committee, that $152,000 is available for 41 appropriation in the 2004 Capital Improvement Budget, and that said the 2003, 2004, and 2006 Capital Improvement bud�ets, as 42 hexetofoxe adopted and amended by Council, are heieby further amended as follows: 43 4A CiIRRENT AMENDED 45 FII�ANCING PLAN: BUDGET CIIANGES BiJDGET 46 C04 - Pazks Capital Projects 47 3 5076 - Highland Picnic Area Renovarion 48 7323 - 2003 C.I.B. 0 14,000 14,000 49 7324 - 2004 C.I.B. 1,574,000 22,000 1,596,000 SO 7326 - 2006 C.I.B. 0 116,000 116,000 51 1,57A,000 152,000 1,726,000 52 SPENDING PLAN: 53 C04 - Pazks Capital Pxojects 54 35076 - Highland Picnic Area Renovation 55 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 2��,000 Q 200,Q00 56 0894 - General Improvements 1,374,000 152,000 1,526,000 57 1,574,000 152,000 1,726,000 58 FINANCING PLAN: 59 C06 - Parks Capital Projects 60 3P061 - Highland Pool Improvements 61 7326 - 2006 C.I.B. 1,142,000 (116,000) 1,026,000 62 1,142,000 (116,000) 1,026,000 63 SPENDING PLAN: 64 C06 - Parks Capital Projects 65 3P061 - Highland Pool Improvements 66 0894 - General Improvements 1,142,000 (116,000) 1,026,000 67 1,142,000 (116,000) 1,026,000 68 FINANCING PLAN: 69 CO3 - Pazks Capital Pzojects 70 35064 - North Dale Improvements 71 7323 - 2003 C.I.B. 788,400 (14,000) 774,400 72 988,400 (14,000) 774,400 73 SPENDING PLAN: 74 CO3 - Pazks Capital Projects 75 35064 - North Dale Improvements 76 0894 - General Impxovements 788,400 (14,000) 774,400 77 788,400 (14,000) 774,400 78 FINANCING PLAN: 79 C04 - Parks Capital Projects 80 3vI050 - Aldine Play ArealSite Work 81 7324 - 2004 C.I.B. 175,000 (5,000) 170,000 82 175,000 (5,000) 170,000 83 SPENDING PLAN: 84 CQ4 - Paxks Capital Pxojects 8S 3M050 - Aldine Play Area/Site Work 86 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 21,000 0 21,000 87 0894 - General Impxovements 154,Q00 (5,000) 149,QQ0 88 175,000 (5,000) 170,000 G.IFMIQ71�rka�Resolutions, Page:2of3 COUNCIL FILE #: QIp "�J�� GREEN SHEET#: 3033231 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 89 FINANCING PLAN: 90 CQ4 - Pazks Capital Projecu 91 38020 - Prosperity Play Area/Site Work 92 7324 - 2004 C.I.B. 93 94 SPENDNG PLAN: 95 C04 - Parks Capital Piojects 96 3B020 - Piosperity Play ALealSite Work 97 0882 - Land Improvements 98 0883 - Azchitect Fees - Land 99 �os,000 �i�,000) zs6,000 303,000 (17,000) 286,000 z6o,000 �ia,000� 2a6,000 43,000 (3,000) 40,000 303,000 (17,000) 286,000 Kequested by: Division of Parks and Recrearion By: � l �� .�� Approval Recoirunended by Financial Services Dieectoz: By: � Form Approved by City Attorney fox Submission to Council ?'he St. Paul Long • Range CaPital Impcorem�at g �Oinmittee xeceived this rec{uest on date) Q� �� �� -'—and zecommenUs .��, � S� �: G.IFMlQi1 WirkalResolu6ons, AOs, Green SheetslReso/o6onslHigh/and Picrnc Add Resolution.xls Page� 3 of 3 Adopted by Coimcil: Date: _������ Adoprion Certified by Council Sectetary � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Vlo �6-' ie..�.�.,,e.,.i..�,.ei,.......�:�. mse i..marod� ��-����"`����"'�`"���' �'�� �--�- ��� ' Green Sheet NO: 3Q33231 ,. pR — Pazks and Recreation i 295EP-06 � i ' GontaM Person & Phone: � Jason Wi�ica 266&417 �� Must Be on Council Agenda by Doc.Type: RESOWTIONW/$TR.4NSACl i � E-0ocumentRequired: Y �, DocumentConNact: .lasonWi�lca ConWCt Phone: � � Assign Number For Routing � Ord¢r i i I Total # of Signature Pages �(Ciip All Locations for Signature) u6paiIInem aem �o rer�on nuuauvaje 0 iP rks nd Recre 8on � I 1 Ta ks a d Rec Go � Deoarhnent Director i�� 2 � a ' 1 Servic Otiice FSnancial Servi 3 �C'tv Att rnev � 4 �Ravor'sOffic � M vor/ASSistant 5 cil � Ciri Counc�7 6 'N G7 k C'N Clerk I '�, Approval of attached resolution re-appropriaring CIB funds from compteted Parks and Recreation projects to the Highland Picnic ATea , renovatian pro}ect. itlffifons: Apprrne (A) or N Planning Commission CIB Commiitee Giwl Senice Commission (R): 1. Has this persoNfirm eeer worked under a contract for this tleparlmeM? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn e�er been a city employee� Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sKill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet {nitiating Probfem, fssues, Opportunity (Whq What, When, Where, Why): AdvantageslfApprovetl: Project will proceed as designed ������'�� �;;`` 4:i 'L'1iU� Disadvantaqes IfApproved: none. �� � `� �� � ����`� Disadvantaves If Not Approved: Lighring, play area, and site fumishing components of project will be decimated. T(ansaction: Fundinp Source: Financial InFOrmation: (Explain) 152000 CIB CosURevenueBudgeted: Y �J�T 4 � Z�p6 ActiviiyNumber. �/ynOUS . . _____ �On�itRese�ch ��� ` w CN � C � September 29, 2006 19:56 AM Page 1 JC7 2� 2�06 PAT HARRI$