06-992COUNCIL FILE #: �� — 9 / 0�--
GREEN SHEET#: 3033230
Presented By:
Referred to:
of 5aint Paul, Minnesota
: . �� .� ���F.Sii
1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Parks and Recrearion in conjuncrion with the Deparhnent of Planning and Economic
2 Development (PED) is undertaking the development of a pul�lic acea currently ceferred to as Chestnut Plaza; and
4 WHEREAS, the City Council by it resolution CF-�6-0569 authoxized acceptance of an $4QO,Q00 Me4opolitan Council Livable
5 Communiries gant for the Chestnut Plaza pioject and established a construction budget; and
7 4VHEP.EAS, 5he Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) ( PED bas committed to funding in the amount of $760,000
8 towazds tkris pzoject and its related connection to the Head House site; and
10 WHEREAS, Centex, as the developei of the Upper Landing housing development has committed to conhiburing $950,000
I1 towaids the development of this public space in accoidance with the site's development agxeement; and
13 WHEREAS, of Centex's $750,000 cantribntion, $139,000 was committed by the City in the design phase, leavmg $611,000
14 available for the construcrion phase; and
16 WHEREAS, Rottlund Homes is a sub-developer of Centex and has agreed to contribute $10,000 to provide a direct connecrion
17 between their development and the Plaza; and
19 WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation wishes to amend the estabhshed construcrion budget to reflect the commihnents made by
20 Centex, PED/HRA, and Rottlund Homes; and
22 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Clty of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the
23 Mayor, and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Coinnuttee, that $1,381,000 is available for
24 appropriahon in the Capital Improvement Budget, and that the 2006 budget, as heretofoze adopted and amended by
25 Council, is hereby further amended as follows:
28 C06 - Parks Capital Projects
29 35044 - Chesmut Plaza
30 3602 - Mehopolitan Council
31 6905 - Outside Contriburions
32 7302 - Transfei from Enteiprise (I3RA)
35 C06 - Pazks Capital Pxojects
36 35044 - Chestnut Plaza
37 0894 - General Conshucrion
400,000 0 400,000
0 621,000 621,000
0 76q000 760,000
400,000 1,381,000 1,751,000
400,000 1,381,000 1,781,000
400,000 1,381,000 1,781,000
G1FM1Q74wrkalResoNtions, AOS, Green SheetslResolufionslChesfnut Plaza Budget Resolution.zls Page: 1 of 2
couivciL r�LE #: D6 - 9 9�
GREEN SHEET#: 3033230
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Requested by:
Division of Pazks and Recrearion
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Approval Rec ended by Financial Services D'uectoT:
Form Approved by City Attomey�
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Approved yor for Submission to Council
BY- A,( L/�'U�
;'he St. Paui Lano - RanqA '�8¢ftar Zn'Pzovemen�
Budget C receiV� fhis Yequest on
-dateJ u� �`��"°" and recommend=
�igaed: �"�"p�y�.�,-�t,�2�
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G:IFMIQi1W��kalResolutions, AOs, G�een SheefSlResolutionslChestnut Plaza Budget Resolutioaxls Page: 2 of2
Adopted by Council: Date: _���� %�O�/�
Adoption Cezrified by Council Secretary
� Green Sheet Green 5heet Green 5heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
D6 -qq,Z
PR — razksanaxecrearion
Con�ct Person & Phaie:
Jason Wirka
26G 6417
Must Be on CouncilAqen
i E-pocumentRequired: Y
� DocumentContact: Jason Wirka
Green Sheet NO: 3033230
1� d Rec eati I D uarhn n[ Directo �._�
�5n ci ! Services bfiice Ftinancial Servi '
:C'N Att rn v �� '
14a ' OfCi e � MawdASSistant I
�Couneii G�tv Couucil
'N CS k I Gtitr Cle k
�, ToWI # oF Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations tor Signature)
Approval of attached resolution amending the Chesfiut Plaaa project budget.
Recommendffiions: Appro�e (A) or R
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Ciul Senice Commission
� 29SEP-06
� a
Assign I 1
� Number 2
' Por 3
�I Roufing '
Order 4
' S
! 6
rersonai service
1. Has this pefson(firtn eaer woAced under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this pers6Nfirtn e�r been a city employee?
Yes No
3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curcent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sFieef and attach to green sheet
(niGaGng Pro6lem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Funding from Centex, PED/FIRA, and Rottlund Homes has been committed to the project.
Advantage5 If Approved:
Project will proceed.
Disadvantapes If ApDroved:
Disadvantaqes If Not Approved:
Project delays.
Fundinq Source:
Financial infortnation:
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1381000 CosURevenue sudgeted: N
Transfer/Contributions ActNrtvNumber: 3SO44
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OCT 2 5 ?A�6
September 29, 2006 99;45AM
Page 1