210702ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK LICENSE COMNICTTEE COU PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Council File No. 210702 —By Severin A. Mortinson — Robert F. Peterson — v Milton Rosen— Resolved, 1 OF by Resolved, That licenses applied for atached persons this nresolution be and OFFICE OF T the same are hereby granted, an d the L RESOLUTI City Clerk is instructed a issue such ` licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. y Adopted b the Council January 8, 1963. Approved January 8, 1963. 1 0 "02 NO. 2 1963 RESOLVED= That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated,", be and the same are hereby granted. Harvey W. McDonough 1143 Albermarle N N a a " a A lma Crapsen 570 Farrington a a a a Morton J." Max J. & Helen S. levy 1953 University Irene Engevik 1200 Galtier ff a n Martha S chxalbaah 321 University H. V . Smith Co.$ Inc. 1910 University Jane R.Ebert 1657 E. Minnehaha n a N " a n C. R. & Betty Larson 455 St. -Peter N n n a St. Paul Statuary Co. 620 Sims Overt *n Sales Co. % Rayette Co. 185 Lafond Ralph Dealing 148 E. 4th S COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalghsh Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-62 Tn Favor Against Grocery. App. 12143 Renewal Fr. Mt s, N N a Off Sale Malt Cigarette Grocery " 12154 " Off Sale Malt n N n Cigarette n a a Fumigator " 12155 " Grocery " 12156 " Off Sale Malt Cigarette Orig. Cont, " 12166 " Fur igator " 12171 " Grocery n 12177 " Butcher tt a n Off Sale Malt " Cigarette Hotel 60R. " 12192 V. M. Loc s n n n Cigarette V. X. loc. n 12195 n v. M. Ica. n 12203 " Hotel 63R. " 12208 " Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • v 0 • J�� ®� 13 - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. P/� LICENSE Co��LIT`i� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER January 8, DATE 1963 PAGE N0. 2 (Renewals) Roy J. Peterson 432 Case Grocery App=. 12211 Renewal n n Butcher N n ■ " a Cigarette Joseph J. Kaveney 1590 University Beauty shop " 12212 " Philomena K. Trudo 128 W. 7th Hotel 36 R. a 12216 " W. F. & J. A. YMer 578.82 Rios Butcher " 12227 Stephen Sarafolean 986 N.Dale Barber " 12230 " Norm's Auto Parts. Inc.505.7 University Gen Auto Rep Gar " 12232 " " a . V . M, Loco, a _ a a Lewis Davidson 475 Rice Ldy D.C.P1ant " 12265 n Robert 0. Kroiss % Roger K. Tourvillle 347 Concord V. M. 1000, A 12276 " Robert 0. Kroiss % Filoyd E. Hoppe - 1105 Rice V. M. Loa, n 12277 " Erickson Petroleum Corp. 629 Rice Gas Sta 10 P " 12290 a n " Fuel Dlr* n n a Hardware p n n " Orig. Cont. n n a Florist - Nursery n " Grocery a a d a n _ Cigarette Loren A. Heuer % Flloyd E. Hoppe - 1105 Rice V. M. Loa.. " 12�92 " Loren A. Heuer % Michael V. Raba 1174 Rioe V. M. Loci " 12294 " 3 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-02 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 210702 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE 00� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 89 1963 COMMISSIONER DATE PAW NO. 3 ( Renewals) _ Robert S. Baldinger 1759 Selby Bakery App. 12308 Renewal Edward J. Sohlink 375 University Beauty Shop " 12320 " w Barber a n w Gold Medal Bev: Co.` % Eugene W. Anttila & John ?enzen 165740a V. M, Loa • " 12325 " Minn. Mining & Mfg. Co.900 Bush, Bldg. #42 Restaurant " 12378 " Harold W. Pittelkow 511 University Grocery " 12382 w n Off Sale Malt a n n w " Cigarette n a a Floyd E. Hoppe 1105 Rice Gas eta 5P. n 12385 " " • Gen..guto Rep Gar n a V. M. I *e• n a n Cigarette City Dairy, Inc. 2112 N. E. Broadway, MpIs Foodstuff M.M.Oper♦. Appq 12437 " Rudolph I. Andren 466 N. Robert Restaurant n 12161 " " n Cigarette Lloyd Reding 55 W. Indiana Ldy C.D.Plant " 12452 " Floyd Lo Smith 954 Rice Ldy D.C.Plant " 12153 e n Joseph G• Frost 852 Rice Ctgarettg Orig. Cont. " 12481 " a a (Xgarette COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalghsh Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-82 Tn Favor . A gainst Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK a „ ' 210702 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMiI OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 81, 1963 COMMISSIONER DATE PAGE NO. 4 (Renewals) Hazel Park Playgrounds Case & VanDyke V. Me Loc. App, 12514 Renswal Ste Paul 76Up Bottling Co. % Hayden Heights Booster Club East Hoyt Ave. & Hazel Ste V. Me Lee* 3.2517 N Overton Sales Coe, Inc,822 N. Prior Foodstuff *V.X#Oper., . App, 12520 " Overton Sales CD. Y. Me C . A. East Side Branch . 1075 !Arcade V. Me Loco n 12525 N Overton Sales Coe I. Be Mo.Corp. 690 Ni Robert V. Me Loc. " 12528 " N. Me & Be Co Rose % Bettye- Frances Corp. 2245 Hudson Rd. V. M. i0c. " 12576 " Capitol Drug Co., Inc. 1181 Rice Restaurant " 12589 " " " Cigarette n N N Senior Booster Club Front & Ma.cubin V. Me 1460 " 12601 " Hickey=s Diner, Inc, Court House, Basement Restaurant " 12613 " N n V. Me LOC. Cigarette Alano Society c[St. Paul! Ing. - - 150 We 4th Ve M.. 4c. " 12616 " Cigarette Maendler Brash Mfg. C o• 138 Be 9th Ve M. Loco " 12623 " The Three Bears, Inc, 1061 University Restaurant " 12626 " n n Cigarette V " n !' Joseph L. Russo 695 Payne Barber a 12628 " S COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen -- �Against Mr. President, Vavoulis - font "2 ORIGINAL TO .ITY CLERK " 21 ■ 02 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. TE LICE= COMT OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I G COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE January 8, 3.963 PACE NO. Renewals Sacred Heart 1Ken's Club831 E. 5th On Sale Malt App. 12646 Renewal 'Fast OmNour Cleaners, Inc. 1167 Rice LdyQ.C.Piokup " 12648 " Kent 0. Hoff 1658 E. 7th Grocery " 12649 Butcher " a n Off Sale Malt Cigarette Ieef Bros.,Inc:- 506 Benny Rd. LdywD0C.Plant " 12651 " p t1 Vo M. Leo,* Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. 415 Grove Foodsttuff- V.1f.Oper. . App, 12660 " Sanitary Farm Dairies, Ino. % 1st Nat'l Bank Employees Club 6th Floor, lst_Nat'l Bank Bldge . V. M. Lec. Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. % 3 M. Company , 878 Rus se 11 V. M. loco " 12669 " Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. %.3 M. Company 1080 N. Hazel V. K* Loc. " 12671 " Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc' 3 M, Company _ 1 840 Forest, Bldg. #47- V. H. Loo. " 12674 " Robert 0, Kroiss 832 N. Prior FoodsutffpV.Y_.Oper. _ App. 12676 " Robert 0. Kroiss % St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins' 385 N. Washington V. 12677 " Robert 0. Kroiss % Fire Station No• 21 S COUNCILMEN 676 Bedford V.M. Loo. " 12678 " Adopted by the Council 1 Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis font "2 J ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK m 10702 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE CoMMME OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER January 8, DATE ,Q 1963 PAGE N0. 6 (Renewals) Robert 0. Kroiss % Arlington Playgrounds 665 E. Rose V. M. loc: App. 12679 Renewal Robert 0. Kroiss % Lockwood Playgrounds Mendota & Cook Sts, V. M. Loc. " 12682 " Robert 0. Kroiss % N. W.'Bell Telephone Co. 70 W. 4th V. M. loco. " 12685 " Robert U; Kroiss % Bethesda Nurses Home. _ 570 Capitol Blvd. V, M. Luce " 3.2,686 a Robert 0. Kroiss % Municipal Garage, Dept. of Public Works 877 N. Dale V. M. loa. " , 12692 " Robert 0. Kroiss % Maendler Brush Mfg. Co. 138 Be 9th V. M. Loc. " 12698 " Robert 0. Kroiss % Minn. Farm Bureau Service Warehouse #3,; 50 Chester V. M. Lea, a 12M a Robert 0. Kroiss % Northern Malleable Iron Co. 867 Forest V. M. Loc. " 12710 Robert Q. Kroiss % Northern States Power C'+o. 360 Wabasha V. M. Loco " , 12711 a Robert 0. Kroiss Erickson 031 Co. 173 S. Robert V. M. i4c. " 12712 a Robert 0. Kroiss % Leef Bros. Inc. 506 Kenny Rd. V. M. lode " 12714 ' Robert 0. Kroiss % Lowry Hotel 339 Wabasha V. M. Loc., " 12715 ° Robert 0. Kroiss % Dux Launderers & Qeaners _ 3 COUNCILMEN 826 Paytae Adopted? y� q.,Cdouncil 12716 Yeas Nays Dalghsh Rolland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M &42 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �� 070 1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE LICENSE C0 NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY January 8, 1963 COMMISSIONER DATE PAGE N0. 7 (Renewals) Robert 0: Kroiss % minn. Farm Bureau 101 East Fairfield V. M. Loco App. 12718 Renewal. Robert 0. Kroiss % Northern States Peer Co. 825. Rice V. No 1000 " 3.2724 " Robert 0. Kroiss % Front Ave. Playgrounds Front & ckubin V. M. Lac. " 12728 M Robert 0. Kroiss % American National Bank 336 Bremer Aireade Robert Oo Kroiss % N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 1415 Case Robert 0, Kroiss % N. W.Bell Telephone Co. 1255 Sylvan Robert 0. Kroiss Harry Nord 616 w. Maryland Frank J. ^milli %'Y, M. Co. 900 Bush Leo Niedorf 469 !Anita � a n a lake & Fines Motor Hotel, Inc. 1801 Hudson Rd. James A. Wields 708 S. Rober•6 a " N a S COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 8-82 ►r V. M. Loon " 12729 n V. M. Loc, " 12730 N V. M. Loc. " 12731 " V. M. Lod. " 32735 " Barber N 12745 H Grocery n 12746 " Off Saps- Malt Cigarette N a n Hotel 56R; " 12756 " Cigarette a a n Grocery. " 12763 n Fr. Ysts. Off Sale Malt Cigarette a JAN _ e n $ 1963 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 8 1963 pproved 19— Mayor