06-988Council File # �, — 9�8 Green Sheet#3033389 RESOLUTION SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Piesented RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Project Mana�er - Pazks & Recreation be established at the rate set forth in Grade 008, of Bargaining Unit 06, the Professional Employees Associarion Salary Schedule, and be it � FII3ALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in farce on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Adopted by Date rA,���: Adoprion Certified by Counc B ' Approved by Date Mayor: By �� 1 /il//a.� d� il Secretary Requested by O�ce of Human Resources By: li� FormApproved Fin cialServi s � By: �( Form Appr`�ved by 'ty ome BY� :� Form Ap ov b Mayor for Submission to Council By: '' G:\SfiaredlSYSTEMS.DEVELOPME�T.SEC7l01V�Org. Design\Consultant- GilbertsonUlic�as Class Work�6U 06 ProfessionalN�Iarkeung andPublic ftelations Manager\Councd AesoWtioadoc DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIG: I DATE INITIATED I GREEN SFIEET Human Resources I 10/ CONTACTPERSON &PHONE: Alicia Gilbertson, 265-6477 lYI[JST BE ON COUiVCIL AGEiYDA BY (DATE) INi7'IAIlDATE I DEPARI� Dllt 'WO � � ASSIGNED 3C[CYATCORNEY ..3z' - � �l'i7bIBER FOR ROUTING 2E1NnNCW[.SmVDm ORDER � bMAYOR(ORASSLJ TOTAL # OF SIGNA'CURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ����� ivo.: 3033389 5 CITY COGNCIL 6 CIIY CLERK �� 17i'1TTALDATE aCT[oN �QvesTEV: Approval of the new classification of Pro}ect Manager - Pazks & Rec�earion in Grade 008 of Professional Employees Associarion, Bazgaining Unit 06 Salary Schedule. RECOMMENDAT[ONS: Appmve (A) m Reject (R) PLADMNG CObIMISSION CIB COMMITCEE CIVIL SERVICE COMM[SSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLO WING QUESTIOiYS: 1. Has this persoN6rm ever wotked wder a contract for Ihis departrnent? Yu Na 2. Has th¢ persoiJfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does Utis persodfirm possess a skill mt nomully possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No 4. Is this peaoNfirm a hnrgerod vendoY� Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on separate Sheet and attaCh to green 5heet INI'IIATIYGPROELEM,ISSUE, OPPORT[JNI1'P (Who, WhaC, When, Where, Why): In May 2006, Human Resources was asked by Parks and Recreation to conduct a job study for a vacant posirion. A detercnination was made by HR that the creation of a Project Manager - Parks & Recreation classification was appropriate. Professional Employees Associarion, PEA, Bargaining Unit 06, was norified and was in approval of the new class for Project Manager - Parks & Recreation. anvnNTaGES iF qrrxov�n: The Parks and Recreation organizational structure will be properly shuctured to manage the work being done. An individual will be able to perform the duties and responsibilities of the Project Manager - Parks & Recrearion and will be appxopriately compensated. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVF.D: NOIIO. niswnvnnTncES iF Nor arrxovEn: Project Manager dufies and responsibilities would need to be absorbed by current employees. zoTAL aMOUKT oF T�sncTioN: $38,260lyear FUNDING SOURCE: 001-03133 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� This will be absorbed in Park and Recreation's 2Q07 budget. G:�Shazed\Systems Development Manager - Parks and Rec.doc COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes ACTIVITY NUMBER: Ctass Caunc'sI �e��a��h �enter and �' � for Project �v� � � 2006 ��3 2 � 2o�s �1°�� �,`��t0�i���' , ' ,� �, � �� ��� � , �, ,i II I , I ROITTING ORDER „ . BdowatecorrectrontingsfordtesixmosEfcequenttypesbfdocnments:�� � . . � � � � � � . , CONTRAGTS (assumes aufhorized budget exisfs) , COt7NCII. RESOLUTION (amend bndgets/accept gren4s) '' , � 1. ' OutsFde Agency I. DePazmient�Duector � � � � � � ��� � � � � � � Z.D'eparhue�Director, � �2.OffceofFinancialServicesIhre"cfor,�, � � �� � ' � � 4. �Mayor�/Ass st�E (foc' � �w� $25, ' � � 3. itg'Attoiney� �� `� � � � � �. � tY e3' � , c�nfracts' �QO} 4. Ma�ror/ 5:' E�uman'Rights {for conhacts oyet $50,000) � 5.' City Caffioil � � � � � �� �� 6. Office afFinanciai Services - Accoffiting , 6. O$'ice ofFinancisl Services - Accounting t1DIvIINSSTRATNE ORDIILS (BndgetRevision) COLiATCII; RE50LUTION (all otLecs aurl OrBinances) , 1. ActivityManager,ocDepazhnent�Accountant � � 1. Depar�entB'sector� , � � � � 2. DepacfinentD"secitor 2.' CitgAtfomeg' 3.OfftceofFiriettcislServicesD'uector,'' 3:Ivfayor/AccidAnt � 4. CityCledc� � � � � , , 4_ Citp,Coaticit,.� � � � � � � , � � 5: 06xceofF�cialServices� �Acco�inting • � � � �� � ADMIIQI$TRATIVE ORDERS (all athers) , ERECUITVE ORDER I. Dega�mient;Daeetor , 1 ,'IJepa¢tmentDirector , � � 2. 'Citg'Attoiney � � � � � 2.' ��Cty�l�ttomey���, � � � 3 Offifxof�mancisi5ecvicesDicecWr 3. Mayor�Assisfant �, � � � 4. Citp�Cfe�k �� � � � � � 4'���� � ` � � � � TOTAI.NUMBEROFrSIGNATUREFA�ES � � � �, � � � -, � „ � � � � � � � , � � `, Fndicate the # of psges on which"signat�ses are're4�'� �' P$PEnbP or flag eacL of �ese PBS� � � AGTION REQUESTEB' ,�� �� � � �� � r � i��' �' � � � � � �, � � � � Desc�ibe svh9Y,theproject/request seeks ta sccomplish ia either cbr�ological orde� � order ofimportance, wiuchever is , ' . most . for the issae. Do � complete sentences. gin each iteffi in o�s list ' ' aPProPT�te notwnte Be' y svithaverb. ' RECOIvSMEE�IDATIONS r ; Complete if the issue in questia�nhas beeu P=esented before an3` �Y>,PIIbJic or private: PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: . This mfomiationviiH be used Yo determine the city's Labitity'for workers compensatiq�n claims, taxes and pioper cidil se�ceLat°'Brules. � � � �� � PA LSS . , „ � � �' y '' ,,,��� �i,';'i� r�' �� �, , � ' „ � � created a n , � LfilII�10 61a78t1011 Of CO�ltlOD3 � EC� I I I I , � � i i,i r , i , ., i i i i�� v � ' i i ADVANT�E1C�E$ff' �PRQ i' R , omr ` � ' ' ., i . � � , , �' s� � 1 � . . � � �;e,4aued6X���,. �� �. - InflicatewfietfieeUvs i s�mP y, an anmiat trudget procedure iaw/cfiarter ot ,wfietfiec there are spectfic ways iu' wh�ch the City of Sa�ntPsul end rts citizens will benefitfi+omflus projectlachon: ;' ,. ' . DLSADV2SNTAGES 7F;APPROslED . . D rodncetfit'is assed WhstueBativeeffecLsormalorchmSestoexistinSarPastPzocessesmighttlusPm.JecUraquestP P (e.g., traffic delays; nase; taZC incresses or'asses�entg)?, To,wham4 Whea7 For how long?' ,.. � � � � � �� � � � � , � i � DLSADVANSAGESTFNOTAPPROVED . •, ' ' " � � �� � �� What'�villbetbe"negative,conse(luencesiftfiepzofn�sedactionunotappmved� TnaHilrtptodeliHaservice4��Confinue, ' „ hi�hhaffic,noSse,accidenttafe?I.ossofievemie? „ „ ' . " ��CLAL IIvtPAGT , � � � � � � , � � ' � � �� , � � � � � � Althotigh yon untst tat�or the i�ormafion you pcovide,fiere to'#he �ssueyou aze addressmg, in, genecat You must aoswe= ' � �� hvo q�slions: Howmuch is it' SoinB to� cosi? �Wlio is,going to pay4 �� � , ; " ", �� � � � � � � � � � � , . ,„ „ . , � � , �,� � � i� ,� ` � . r � � � �:ir �� , � ka� .. , The City of Saint Paul Class Specification �(o f' Proposed Title of Class: PROJECT MANAGER PARKS AND RECREATION CODE: 328B BU: 06 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Dutv Statement: Performs entry-level professional work assisting in canying out the day-to-day operations of assigned projects of the Division of Pazks and Recreation. Performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close technical supervision of an assigned Supervisor or Manager and/or the supervision of the Director of Parks and Recreation. Supervision Exercised: May exercise, within section, supervision over laboring, technical, and/or clerical staff. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an ability to assist in coordinating the efforts of Parks and Recreation with those of other divisions, departments, and agencies. Demonstrates knowledge of City government and the Parks and Recreation system. Demonstrates basic skills in operating a computer keyboazd, mouse, and peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, and duplicating machines. Demonstrates an ability to use a broad range ofjob-related sofiware such as e- mail, word processing, spreadsheet, and database management applications. Demonstrates an ability to prioritize wark and be attentive to detail. Demonstrates an ability to gather, analyze, and organize information, conduct comparative analyses, make recommendations supported by identiSed facts, present clear recommendations to management, and manage multiple priorities. Demonstrates an ability to follow oxal and written instructions. Demonstrates an ability to communicate clearly and effectively with individuals and groups when writing, speaking, and listening. Demonstrates an ability to write reports that can be easily undexstood by the xeader. Demonstrates an ability to dea] tactfully and effectively with public and private representatives. Demonstrates an ability to be an effective team member by accepting assignments willingly, completing assignments within agreed upon time lines, and willingly assisting coworkers. Demonstrates an ability to establiSh and monitor project schedules and budgets, assist in the management of assigned projects, and assist in maintaining project status records and recording the amount of time spent on individual projects. Demonstrates an ability to assist in administering contracts with outside vendors/consultants. Demonstrates an ability to assist in identifying the service needs of a daverse group of internal and external customers and effectively respond to those needs. Demonstrates a commihnent to continuously improving customer service. Demonstrates an ability to manage resources such as personnel, time, and money. REQUIREMENTS A bachelor's degree in Public Administration, Business Management, Planning, Information Systems, Management, or a closely-related field. Requires possession of a Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state driver's license, with no suspensions or revocations for driving-related offenses or revocations within the two year period prior to the date of appointment. Suspensions for parking-related offenses are excluded. PROJECT MANAGER PARKS ANA RECREATION Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: PROJECT MANAGER PARKS AND RECREATTON CODE: 328B BU: 06 Effective: D / _ p� b / Some positions within this classification may require specialized skills, certifications, and/or experience, which will be specified by the department of Parks and Recreation such as: '� business specialty areas, e.g., recreation, horticulture, zoological, project or business management, development, planning, construction management � OR building trades, e.g., plumbing, HVAC, carpenhy, or electrical, including low-voltage " OR Certified Pazks and Recreation Professional designation. PROJECT MANAGER PARKS AND RECREATION Page 2