210620. fr
tOrlsinal to-City Clerk °
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An Ordinance granti
City of White Bear Lake t
system of the City of Whi
system of the City of Sai
operate the same as an ou
system of the City of Whi
veyance and disposal pure
and conditions This is
necessary for the presery
and safety. i�
File No. 210620— ordinance No. L FILE NO.
By Milton Rosen— �
rdinance granting permission
hority to the City of• white [ANCE NO.'
ke to connect the public sans -!
,0- system of the City of wha
u 'k; t r. ; sewej;,,sy"si.P>
i'63::i ate• '71iS1IIt+�'l jl'.l'S.-..
n'g permission and authority to the
o connect the public sanitary sewer
to Bear Lake to the public sewer
nt Paul and thereafter maintain and
filet for said public sanitary sewer
to Bear Lake for public sewage con -
oses and providing applicable terms
an emergency ordinance rendered
ation of the public peace, health
Section 1. That it is j'the intention of the City of Saint Paul
and the City of White Bear Lake to extend sewage service to areas
other than those defined herein to ultimately include, if feasible,
all of the township of Whitjfe Bear Lake and such other areas in the vic-
inity of White Bear Lake which can be serviced through this system.
That the description Hof the area that will_ be served through this
connection to the City of Saint Paul is as follows: ",
Beginning at a point twhich is the intersection of the
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Ste. Marie Railroad and Stanley*
Avenue in Section 12, T. 30, R. 22, thence southerly along
the easterly line of the said Section 12, which is also
cc) the Ramsey County Line, to County Road D; thence westerly
:, along the centerline of County Road D to the centerline of
C, ,' the Northern Pacifiltc Railroad; thence northerly along the
Northern Pacific Railroad centerline to the intersection
= =� of the Northern Pacific Railroad crossings which is approxi-
: mately 2015 feet north of the southeast corner of Section
22, T. 30,'R. 22; j,�thence southwesterly along the centerline
of the Northern Pacific Railroad to the intersection of
Labore Road; thence northerly along the centerline of
Labore Road and C;bnterville Road to the centerline of the
Minneapolis, St. jPaul & Ste. Marie Railroad in Section 16,
T. 30, R. 22; thence northeasterly along the centerline
of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Ste. Marie Railroad to the
point of beginning.
Sec. 2. That the City of White Bear Lake shall complete a suitable
sewage meter chamber rand furnish and install tnrein and thereafter
maintain a suitable sewage meter eg4pped with efficient remote
registering and recording mechanism for the constant instantaneous
and accurate measur
sewage as the same
Lake public sewer`" s
system hereunder at
Avenue and McAfee i
cations therefor to
Yeas Councilmen
Mr. President (V
lbl 6-62 22 It
_ �f
1 11 ng, registering and recording of the volume of
shall be discharged from said City of White Bear
ystem into said City of Saint Paul public sewer
'the site tot be provided for at the Larpenteur
ntersection in accordance with plans and specifi-
be prepared and furnished in behalf of said City
Passed by the Council
f In Favor
A > _st
Page 2.
( ,3g�
of Saint Paul and under the supervision and subject to the approval of
the Chief Engineer, and Commissioner of the Department of Public Works
of the City of Saint Paul. That the volume of sewage as the same
shall be discharged from said City of White Bear Lake public sewer
system into the City of Saint Paul public sewer system hereunder
shall be constantly and accurately measured, registered and recorded
by an installed, maintained and operated sewer meter of the type
hereinabove described or equivalent, at the aforesaid site; that
weekly readings oCsuch registered and recorded sewage volume dis-
charged shall be made by the City of Saint Paul for the accurate
determination of such sewage volume discharged.
Should at any, time in the future the sewered area as described
in Section 1 of this ordinance be enlarged to include other areas to
be permitted to be'sewered through the Qty of Whits Bear Lake connec-
tion herein allowed, and should it ever become necessary to enlarge
the 27 inch sanitary sewer in McAfee Street between Larpenteur Avenue
and Arlington Avenue in the City of Saint Paul because the volume
of sanitary sewage being discharged into this line exceeds the avail-
able capacity, ,the,,City of White Bear Lake shall construct at their
own cost and expense an enlargement or additional sanitary sewer to
connect to the existing 48 inch sewer in the Arlington and McAfee
intersection. If such relief sanitary sewer construction ever be-
comes necessary, the City of Saint Paul will allow a credit based on
an equivalent cost determination of constructing a 12 inch sanitary
force main from the north City Limits of the City of Saint Paul to
the existing 48 inch _ sewer in the Arlington and McAfee intersection
based upon unit price bids for the construction of a 12 inch sanitary
force main as contained in the actual bids obtained by the City of
White Bear Lake for the cost of constructing a 12 inch sanitary
force main from the City of White Bear Lake to Larpenteur Avenue,
as a refund payment by the City of White Bear Lake to the City of
Saint Paul, based upon the equivalent cost of constructing a 12 inch
sanitary force main from the north City Limits of Saint Paul to the
Belt Line at Jessamine and Johnson Parkway. The equivalent construc-
tion cost shall be determined by applying unit price bids for the 12
inch sanitary force main as determined by competitive bids for construc-
tion of the force main connection from the City of White Bear Lake to
the Larpenteur and�McAfee intersection, such equivalent cost determina-
tion to be made from unit price bids and to consider restoration of
City streets, utilities and other associated costs, to be determined
from a certified copy of the actual construction contract or con-
tracts which shall,, be filed with the City Clerk of the City of
Saint Paul.
It shall be herein agreed that the lump sum charge as described
above shall be applied by the City of Saint Paul to finance construc-
tion of a separate storm sewer in an area of about 60 acres in the
City of Saint Paul,having combined sewers that is east of Lake Phalen,
said project being hereafter identified as the "English- Arlington
Storm Water Relief.Zewer System." Said project is to be undertaken
by the City of Saint Paul'and to be completed within one year after
passage of this ordinance.
That upon connection of the entire City of White Bear Lake sewer- -
system to that of the City of Saint Paul, the total sewer maintenance
_ -110520
Page 3.
or "Annual" charge payable by the City of White Bear Lake as computed
by applying the petinent charges as set forth in Section 3 of this
ordinance shall be',-reduced by an annual credit equivalent to the
actual amount paid „for debt service by the City of White Bear Lake
on its presently existing treatment plant, such annual credit not
to be allowed unless the entire White Bear Lake Sewer System is
connected to that of the City of Saint Paul' and the presently
existing treatment plant at Goose Lake withdrawn from use. aid
annual debt service considered for said annual credit shall be the
amount of principal and interest as certified to the County Auditor
at the time of issuance of presently outstanding bonds for sewage
treatment plant revisions and shall not include any outstanding debt
service for any other part of the sewer system.
Before any connection to the Saint Paul sewer system is made,
the City of White Bear Lake, through the Chief Engineer, shall pro-
vide to the City of Saint Paul Public Works Department a current set
of maps showing the existing sanitary sewer system of main sewers -
and laterals and all existing building connections in the White Bear
Lake sewer system.
Sec. 3. That ':'the City of White Bear Lake, as part of its obli-
gation hereunder, shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of
$8.00 per year for`each single family dwelling, two family dwelling,
governmental building, church, or schoolhouse sewer connection existing
at the time of the connection of said public sewer systems hereinunder
or thereafter made,' to the said public sewer system of the City of.
White Bear Lake; for each other residential, commercial, industrial,
or other sewer connection classification not listed, existing at the
time of the connection of said public sewer systems hereunder or
thereafter made to 4the public sewer system of the City of White Bear
Lake, theCity of White Bear Lake shall pay toihe City of Saint Paul
an annual charge to be determined by the Council of the City of Saint
Paul, by resolution, on the basis of relevant factors including,
among others, in respect of commercial or industrial property or
other sewer connection classification not listed, in each instance,
the character and daily volume of industrial sewage waste involved
and, therefore, for`this purpose, the City of White Bear Lake shall
be obligated to furnish upon request of the City of Saint Paul, all
such data to be collected in each instance at the sole expense of
the City of White Bear Lake, provided that sco'ch annual charge for each
such connection shall be the substantial equivalent of the amount
charged through taxation to properties of similar value located within
the limits of the City of Saint Paul, but in no event less than
$8.00 per year, and,; t -he same shall be subject to adjustment from time
to time by the Counc:i.1 of the City of Saint Paul.
That the City of White Bear Lake, as part of its obl gations
hereunder, shall pay to the City of Saint Paul, in addition to the
aforesaid annual charges, annual sewer rental charges in accordance
with the current schedule for sewer rental charges of similar service
applicable to property within the City of Saint Paul, and computed,
assessed and levied at the rates and upon the bases of the following
schedule of annual sewer rental charges according to the size of
Page 4.
/,; � 3 r �
the water service meter installed and operated or determined as r
required to be installed and operated for each separate property that
shall be connected with said public sewer system of the City of White`
Bear Lake, to- wit:;:
Water Service- Annual Sewer
Meter Size Rental Charge
5/8" $ 10.00
3/4" 12.68
1 " 20.68
1 -1/4" 30.00
1 -1/2" 45.60
2 " 106.80
3 u 228.00
4 " 550.80
6 " ; 1,069.20
8 n 1,832.40
10 " 2,596.80
12 " . ,. 3,578.40
That said scheduled rates of annual sewer rental charges shall
be subject to adjustment from time to:, time by' the Council of the City'
of Saint Paul. 'That in each case where property shall be connected
with the City of White Bear Lake public sewer system and shall not
;be equipped with water service meter, the applicable annual sewer
rental charge shaif be computed on.an equitable basis so that the same
shall be comparable -to the'annuil, sewer rental charge applicable to
other propertyvhere compatabl"e',;sewer service, circumstances and con-
ditions exist.
That where property shall be connected with the City of White Bear
Lake public sewer system and shall be served by private water supply
and shall not'be equipped with water service meter, the applicable
annual .sewer rental charge hereunder shall represent the equivalent
of that hereinabove scheduled and made applicable to property connec-
ted with the City of White Bear Lake public sewer system and equipped
with water service meter of the size of that which would be reason-
ably required to meter the discharge from the appurtenant private
water supply pump as determined, on the bases of relevant factors of
reasonable capacity of such required water service meter and reasonable
capacity of such private water supply pump of pressure of 40 pounds
per square inch, according to the following governing and prescribed
schedule therefor, ;to-wit:
Private Pump Capacity Required Water Applicable Schedules
Gallons Per Minute Service Meter Size Annual Sewer Rental
0 -10 5/811E`I $ 10.00
11 -30 3/4" 12.68
31-50 1 " 22.68
51 -75 1 -i /4" 30.00
76 -100 1 -1/2" 45.60
101 -160 " 2 It 106.80
161 -300 3 " 228.00
301 -500 4 " 550.80
500 -1000 n 6 " 1,069.20
1001 -1600 8 " 1,832.40
1601 -2300 10 " 2,596.80
2301 -3100 12 " 3,578.40
J" N ,
Page 5.
f "I
Owners of property equipped with both water meter and private
water supply :shall be charged an annual sewer charge on both water
meter and indivkdual well in accordance with the above schedule of
annual sewer charges except when such private water supply is-,used
for irrigation purposes only.
That such schedule shall be deemed conclusively reflective of
the erpployment of the aforesaid relevant factors in controlling for
all purposes of the prescription hereunder.
That in no such instance shall the determined and employed
applicable annual sewer rental charge represent less than that herein -
above scheduled and made applicable to property which shall be con-
nected with the,City,of White Bear Lake public sewer system and equipped
with a 5/8 inch s',ize;Nwat`eraservc�.,meter.
That the City of White Bear Lake, as part of its obligation' here-
under, shall, at its own cost and expense, after the connection of
said public sewer,systems hereunder, collect and compile all requisite
data therefor and "deliver its written certification, from time -toA ime,
unto the City of Saint Paul, as to the reasonable capacity of each
such private water supply pump at pressure of 40 pounds per square
inch. That the first such certification„ shall be made a,nd delivered j
by' the City of White Bear Lake to the City of Saint Paul within 60
days next after such connection of said public sewer systems, and sub -
sequent "certificat,ions for similar purpose shall be made and delivered
by the City of ,.White Bear Lake to the City of Saint Paul as shall be
required, to,t:he; end that the latter shall be advised currently in the
premises. Thattr�in,, respect of property which shall be connected with
the City of White Bear Lake public sewer system for the discharge and
disposal of industrial sewage waste, additional to aforesaid applicable
annual sewer rental charge, and additional to all other applicable
charges hereunder,,the City of Saint Paul hereby reserves the right to
impose such supplemental sewage volume rate charge for payment by the
City' of White Bear `Lake as-the-Council of the City of Saint Paul shall
determine as reasorable a•nd warranted and shall prescribe for` payment
by the City of -.W' it!e .Beard Lake of such'supplemental charge to the
City of Saint
Sec. 4, That the City of White Bear Lake shall not permit any
connections to be made to its public sewer system in respect to any, -,
,property_ lying beyond that hereinbef ore described,
and that no connection other than that hereinabove expressly permitted
and ,authorized shall be made between the City of White Bear Lake public
sewer system and the City of Saint Paul - public sewer system, without
further express authorization therefor by'the Council of the City of
Saint Paul.
. r:That said City of White Bear Lake public sewer-'system as the same
shall —be connected with, said City of Saint Paul. public' sewer system,
hereunder, shall carryiorily sanitary sewage flow limited to domestic
and industrial wastes ,fro�',-h'6�u`s,es and,' other structures exclusive of r
roof, storm, ground: watery drainage, 4,nd drainage from air condition-
ing and refrigeration units.' ".�
That the City of White Bear Lake shall, by its governing body,
Page 6.
enact and otherwise enforce proper ordinances as may be suggested
by the Council of the City of Saint Paul and conformable to law, for
the regulation and construction, use and maintenance of public sewers
and house sewer connections thereto within the City of White Bear Lake
limits, and whenever any house sewer connection to the City of White
Bear Lake public sewer system is proposed for industrial purposes or
other purposes, which will be calculated to cause a discharge of an
unusual amount or character of sewage into the'City of White Bear Lake
public sewer system, no permit therefor shall be granted unless and
until the granting of the same shall be approved by resolution-of the
Council of the City of Saint Paul. No permit shallbe issued authoriz=
ing house sewer connections except to a licensed sewer installer.
Sec. 5. ThatLthe City of White Bear Lake shall be obliged to
save theCity of Saint Paul harmless from any damage, cost or expense,
and fully indemnify said City of Saint Paul against any and all
liability sustained by-reason of the connecting or the maintenance of
the connections hereunder between said public sewer systems or by
reason of any damage, cost,'expense or loss that may be sustained by
the City of White Bear Lake, its inhabitants, or any other person
or persons connected with the use of the City of White Bear Lake public
sewer system, or by reason of the diversion into r the City of -Wh-i't_e Bear
Lake public sewer system,,of roof, storm or ground; water drainage,; .or
drainage from air conditioning and refrigeration units."",`
Sec. 6. That•sa,id'City of Saint Paul shall have the right -at
all reasonable `times a`ii' Y_ by the 'exercise of all reasonable procedures
and facilities to inspect, explore, 'and survey all or- anV part-of the
City of White BearPLake public sewer system as the same shall-exist
at the time of the connection of said ptiblic sewer systems hereunder,
and as the same shall be thereafter extended or otherwise altered,.._
together with all house drain and other connections thereto then'.."
existing or thereafter constructed for the purpose., among other -
things, of determining whether or not the same conform to requirements
established by competent public authority and applicable to comparable
sewers and sewer connections within the corporate limitt of the City
of Saint Paul,. and'that in each case where it is so found that any
such City of WhiteiBear Lake sewers or sewer connections lack such
conbrmity, the City_of White Bear Lake shall take appropriate action
to effect the:.elimination of all such nonconformities and assure full
compliance w.i:th all'.requirements established by competent public
authority and applicable to-1comparable sewers and sewer connections
within the corporate limits; of the City of Saint Paul.
7. That the City of White Bear Lake, as condition precedent
to its right to extend or enlarge its public sewer system as the same -
shall exist at the A ime of the connection of said public sewer system
hereunder, shall submit complete plans and specifications therefor
to the Council of the City of Saint Paul and obtain the approval
thereof and of such .plans and specifications therefor by the Council
of the City of Saint Paul. That in each such instance the determina-
tion of the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall be evidenced by
its Resolution.
S'ec. 8. That .,the City of White Bear Lake shall be obligated
to-save the City of Saint Paul harmless from all damages, costs, expense,
Page 7.
2 -1_0620
/_-Z3X -�
and liability on account of any failure of the City of White Bear
Lake public sewer system properly to serve for the purposes herein -
before designated any property located within the limits of the City
of White Bear Lake, and /or by reason of any injury or damage occasioned
by alleged inadequacy of the City of White Bear Lake sewer system or
connection therewith, and the City of White Bear Lake shall be obli-
gated to fully indemnify the City of Saint Paul against liability on
account of any action, claim or demand for the recovery of damages,
costs, or expense by any party against the City of Saint Paul in
every such case.!.
S'ec. 9. That the City of White Bear Lake shall be of ligated
to compile and maintain, as part of its public records, at all times
available to the City of Saint Pahl, a complete, accurate and current
system of records showing the location and size of its said public
sewer system as the same shall exist at the time of the connection of
said plrmlic sewer systems hereunder and as the same shall thereafter
be extended or otherwise altered and showing the location, size and
nature of each house sewer or other sewer service connection and water
service meter or; private water supply system connected therewith
existing at the time of the connection of said public sewer systems
hereunder and thereafter constructed and maintained; and that the
City of White Bear Lake shall be obligated, among other things, to
draft, compile and maintain as part of its public records, at all
times available'to•'the City ,of Saint Paul, a map showing the location,
size and nature -bf. _construction of its said public sewer .system and_y.
all house sewer and all other sewer service connections therewith;
together with a G,omplete and accurate listing of all such house sewer
or other sewer service connections and water service meters or private
water suply system pertinent thereto, stating the location, size, -
nature of construction and character of the same, both accurately and
completely reflective of such facts, at all times hereunder; and that
the City of Whitel.,Bear Lake shall within 60 days after the connection'-
of said public sewer systems hereunder furnish a certified counterpart'-
of said mpp and a,certif ied counterpart of said listing to the City
of Saint Paul's Commissionere6f Public Works. That the City of
White Bear Lake quarterly thereafter as of January 1, April 1, July
1, and October 1 of each year, and within fifteen (15 ) days after
each respective date, shall compile and draft supplemental maps and
listings showing the then current situation and containing comparable
data pertaining to its said public sewer system and all house sewer
and other sewer service connections and water service meters or private
water supply system therewith, and the date of each theretofore un-
reported extension, addition, or alteration in respect to said public
sewer system and such service connections, therewith, and thereupon
deliver the same to said Commissioner of Public Works.
Sec. 10. That combined billings of said annual charges, annual
sewer rental charges, and extra sewage disposal service charges, as
the same shall be applicable, shall be made quarterly by the City of
Saint Paul through its Commissioner of Public Works, to the City of
White Bear Lake, based upon the aforesaid information required here-
under, to be furnished by the City of White Bear Lake to the City
of Saint Paul, pertaining to the City of White Bear Lake public
sewer system and such connections therewith, and such verification
thereof or additional data germane thereto as the City of Saint Paul
/,� 3 t7
Page 8.
shall elect to make and may obtain upon investigation. That such com-
bined quarterly billings shall be made for the preceding quarterly
period in each case as of January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1
of each year as applicable hereto, and shall become payable and be
paid by the City of White Bear Lake to the Commissioner of Finance
of the City of Saint Paul, hereby charged with the collection of the
same for and in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, respectively,
within thirty ( 30) days next after the billing date. That time of
payment shall be deemed of the essence in respect of all billings by
the City of Saint Paul to the City of White Bear Lake hereunder;
that every such billing shall'become and be payable within thirty
(30) days next after the billing date; that each such billing which
shall not be paid by the City of White Bear Lake within said thirty -
day period shall become and remain the subject of delinquency on the-
part of the City of; White Bear Lake until fully paid with interest"` k..
attaching thereto as hereinafter provided; and that every billing
which shall become and remain the subject of delinquency in reference
to payment by the City of White Bear'-take shall bear interest at-the
rate of 6',6' per annum to the extent and for the period of subject
delinquency and which interest shall become and be payable, in each
such case, in addition to the principal of the subject billing by
the City of White Bear Lake to the City of Saint Paul hereunder.
Sec. 11. That4this ordinance, every permission and authority
-hereby granted, and every agreement between the City of Saint Paul and
the City of White' Bear Lake germane thereto or resultant therefrom
shall be subject to all provisions of this ordinance and all applic-
able rules, regulations, and requirements prescribed and promulgated
by the State Boar&j of Health of the State of Minnesota, or by any
other State or Federal governmental agency having cognizance,. and shall
be deemed further_ 'subject to'1,all applicable ordinances and laws of
municipal, state;land 'governmental authorities, except for any..in-
consistent rule, art gulat -ion', "or ordinance of the City of White Bear
Lake.,- .� .-
That said City of Saint Paul hereby - reserves the absolute right -
to repeal this ordinance and to revoke and terminate every contractual-
relationship hereby established or provided to be established between
the City .of Saint .�Plaul and the City of White Bear Lake, and every
permission and authority hereby granted by the City of Saint Paul to
the City of White Bear Lake, because of any default, neglect, non-
conformance or noncompliance by the City of White Bear Lake in respect
to any provision,, term, condition, or requirement hereof deemed
sufficient grounds for such action by the Council of the City of Saint
Paul. That any such repeal, revocation, or termination pursuant to
such reserved power by said City of Saint Paul shall be in the form
of-an ordinance duly enacted by its City Council and by the service
of a certified _copy of such ordinance upon the City of White Bear
Lake by or in behalf "of the City of Saint Paul in the manner-which
shall be provided for such action under such repealing, revoking,,
or terminating ordinance.,.--'.
That the City of Whit
and employment of suitable
standards as to the amount
.�. ., ✓Yd ,max.•..
4 '-
Bear Lake shall, by the adoption of
methods, effect minimum acceptable
of infiltration of surface and ground
Page 9.
waters in respect,';to its aforesaid public sewer system. That the
City of White Bear Lake shall adopt and employceffective measures
to the end that no rain water leader from any house or other struc-
ture, no storm water or surface drainage inlet, no foundation drain
or air conditioning or refrigeration unit water outlet shall be con-
nected in any manner with or discharge water into its said public
sewer system and that the City of White Bear Lake shall at no time
permit any house sewer or other type of sewer service connection
from any point outside of its City limits to any part of itsrsaid
public sewer system at any time while any permission or authority
hereby granted or,provided to be granted shall'be operative.
Sec. 12. That the City of White Bear Lake shall pass an ordinance
formally accepting and agreeing to abide by all of the provisions,
terms, and conditions of this ordinance In form to be approved by
the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul and shall file a
duly certified copy of such ordinance with the City Clerk and the City
Comptroller of said City of Saint Paul within sixty (60) days from
and after the effective date of this ordinance, and if at the end of
such sixty -day period the City of White Bear Lake shall not have
formally accepted-,,and agreed to abide by the provisions, terms and
conditions of this ordinance in the form and manner aforesaid, then
all permission and authority hereby granted or provided to be granted
by the City,:of Saint Paul.yto the City of White Bear Lake to construct,
connect, maintain;' or operate said connection between said public
sewer systems or.for any „purpose whatsoever shall absolutely terminate:
7' Sec. 13. That in addition to all other reservations hereinabove
in favor of said City of Saint Paul and without qualifying, limiting
or impairing the same or any thereof, said City of Saint Paul hereby
reserves the right,, exercisable not oftener than once in each calendar
year, through its "'City Council to institute and conduct, either- upon
its own initiative or upon petition of the,City of White Bear Lake,
such investigations as the City Council of ithe City of Saint Paul
shall deem necessary and expedient in the premises, and thereupon
determine the reasonableness of the aforesaid rates of charges or
that of any of the same and revise, alter or change such rates of
charges, or any of 'the •same, as shall be required so that the same
shall conform to those which the Council of the City of Saint Paul
shall determine and prescribe as reasonable and applicable.
.ti e • ;
That each suw�, eh,p detetr� nation, revision, alteration or change
affecting such rates of eh`arges or any thereof shall be effected by
res'ol'ution of the !Saint Paul City Council adopted by affirmative
vote of a majority of its members at a regular public meeting and
approval and publication thereof, in each case, according to the pro-
visions of the City Charter of said City of Saint Paul applicable
generally to the adoption, approval and publication of resolutions
of the Saint Paul City Council.
Sec. 14. That in the event of any, default by the City of White
Bear Lake hereunder, by reason whereof, according to pertinent pro-
visions of Section 11 hereof, the City of Saint -Paul would have an
absolute right to, repeal this ordinance and terminate all contractual
relationships, permissions and authorizations effected hereunder,
despite any contrary provision of this ordinance. Said absolute
right shall not become exercisable by the City of Saint Paul until
the City of Saint''Paul shall have given written notice of such default
to the City of White Bear Lake and the lapse of 60 days after the
giving of said notice without the City of White Bear Lake having
made good such default.
Original to ,City Cleric
Page 10.
F '
Sec. 15. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pLceservation
of the public peace,' health and safety.
Sec. 16. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force upon its passage, approval and publication.
Sec. 17. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein
and given an appropriate chapter and /or section number at the
time of the next revision of the said Legislative Code.
Yeas Councilmen ,,Nays
Dalglish ;
Holland f1
Loss V "
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
Attes J
City Clerk '
1M 6-62 X22
Yeas Councilmen ,,Nays
Dalglish ;
Holland f1
Loss V "
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
Attes J
City Clerk '
1M 6-62 X22
j4% It
Passed by the Council
Tn Favor
JAig1 - --
j4% It
Passed by the Council
Tn Favor
JAig1 - --
f twenty -four months from and atter
ate of delivery of leased vehicles tc
•ssee and acceptance by lessee, tc
'.ON SAXON FORD, INC. in accord•
nce with City specifications therefor
ereto attached and the Formal Bic
ro. 9066 of said Ron Saxon Ford, Inc
t $66.90 per car per -month, makin,
contract price of $26,900.80, such bit
eing the lowest and said Ron Saxor
'ord, Inc. being a reasonable ant
eliable bidder and the Corporation
.ounsel be and hereby is authorize(
o draw up the proper form of contra(
herefor and the proper City official
tre hereby directed to execute sale
:ontract on behalf of the City of S1
Formal Bid No. 9066.
Adopted by the Council January 2:
Approved January 22, 1963.
(January 26, 1963)
council F -re No• 210J00 F}+ 710to
Resolved, By the Council bf the Cit
of Saint PE :ul. that s:tltl ou Oil. aitt
due considerratlon of �e 5pog t ttr : r
for, by Jack Gollec„et 2L Awl att(
due notice rnd public' ilgaDipg Rhcreo,
having jurisdiction in Alto preml ^,,
hereby finds and determines that ti
vacation and discontinuance of it
hereinafter described section of Ea
Eighth Street, A public street with
the corporatj! limits of said City wou
for a public purpose And In the Aurthe
ance of the public peace, health, sate
and general elfare and that 'the aaa
should be �ffected, subject to tl
hereinafter mentioned provision
terms, conditions and mervatloi
therefore, be it
Further Re,olved, By said Cctmc
that upon and puruant to satd Petite
of Jack Geller, at al. the followi
described section of public street sit
ate within the corporate limits of pw
City of Saint Paul, to -Wit:
That portion or part of V;!Ptt
Street lying least°r)y of the caste-13
line of Wabasha Street and 1y,ni
northerly of Lot 2, Pteifer's Place
Plat No. 2, and Lots 1 and i
Pfeifer's Place, PIAt No. 2 and lyinl
southerly of 4 a line that Is fOrtJ
three (43) feet sct:U: o erly t ar,;
parallel to a, line being a revert
curve of 456 feet radH, mbre o.
less, beginninti on the westerly llni
of Cedar Street extended arras
Eighth Street at a poi. -it 43 fee
northerly of the anuthWcsterl¢ car
ner of Eighth and Cedar Street
and ending on the wi--terly line o
Wabasha Street extended acrd;
Ninth Street at a point 43 fee roc
ner of Ninth at' d WaD shatStre Streets:
be and said here)nabove described tt
tion of said East Eighth Street her
is vacated and t-discontinued, subj
to the following prrovtsiosrs, terms,
ditions and resetvations: Ord
tnereIor snau exuucu ,ac =.. = =• ___ —_
said sum of $35,000 nor the then and hereby approves assignment of Martinson - Robert F. Teter v
market value of the land, exclusive 51,125,000 in the following securities by r Milton Rosen -
of any structure or other improve- the American National Bank of St. Paul Resolved, That application for t h e
ment imposed thereon,_ embraced by in consideration of its designation as transfer 6f Re3taurant, Cigarette and
said section of East Eighth Street a depository of public funds of Ramsey Cigarette Vending Machine Operator
vacated hereunder, and shall be County; Licenses No. 4564, all expiring January
limited and restricted to the lesser $725,000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 3?a %v 31, 11963 issued to Frank P. Conney and
of said sums; and that, in the instance due August 15, 1968 O. E. Ragogna at 413 Robert Street, be
of any such condemnation and taking, $400,000 U. S, Treasury Notes 3A % and the same are hereby transferred
by any such public authority, neither " due November 15, 1965 to Ragogna, Inc. at the same address.
the pertinent Award of Damages said securities to be pledged in ex- Adopted by the Council January 22,
nor Assessment of Damages nor cdm- change for $800,000 in United S t a •t e s 1963.
pensation to become payable therefor Treasury Bonds, 33M due May 15, Approved January 22, 1963.
shall include any item of damages 1966 to insure deposits of the' Welfare (January 26, 1963)
on account of any structure or Board Revolving Fund.
improvement imposed upon said sec- Adopted by the Council January 22,
imp of East Eighth Street vacated 1963. Council File No. 210910 -By Severin A.
tion hereunder or upon the following Approved January 22, 1963. Mortinson - Robert F. Peterson i
described tracts or parcels of land (Janua'ry 26, 1963) Milton Rosen -- '
situate in the City of Saint Paul, ',•;htreas, David R. anal Au;rcy A.
Ramsey County, Minnesota, to �— j i- Ilelmgren dba R: -.a Ci: i� havd made
Lots One (1) and Two Q),_excep7 1 ran •r }; =e ;,,•• : -_:0' 1 Application fsl4ts# 4r.
the to oper-
the Westerly -Fi -_ (':.'iq ) iee� of , Irl tn�l +�`,•rr t° it,. CCtInt tbalAec 'r tl) automobile as a taxicab
-553 Lot 'I�vo (2), all i t Ftrr. =r's t �dewal c t .t the west sine nt (. '_ -^ ` t. upun the streets of the City of Salfit
Place. PL:t No. 1, accordin' to the ttrom 6th to 7th Sts + ^ "rti._r %nth a1l1;1TaI!onaI Yau1, described as follows:
plat, VlrrC`f on file an-i a record ! ar•cawaya, Coal- '.::-s, trapdoors, tun- 1ax!ezb No. G: 1lfake, CtLCVreic`,
,n i-ht office of lire Register of li ur•,a a vt ,;.ter underground facilities Sr-i:a 8l-, 03I1W274975; Iusurart e,
F2ecds 1a and far said Ramsay 1` rNer9 t:cscription, and ?*titled that Ind,'' mity Co, Pullcyv 16ti•
County, Minnesota. 'sll penpits heretofore granted by $;A 2:58359, exp)rl-g 12:01 A.t. ST
Lot One (1), Pfel +c ^e F4;;e, fiat Cityy, oTf,, St. Paul for tYt• lystallstioniJa ?y 24, ? %;3
f No. 2 and tl f- F : le +lY Fife (tN' ;}' andp p• :at ^.terrace Of t'�ch areaWayr- I WYC: c �. 5aia �p}„irar.ts rate fled
5) feet f 1,;.t Two (2). Pfeifer s coi•l.hq a trapdoors, tunnels and t.' her • a r: -♦ rr the s'�.rr x S.:li+ at xi:ti
Plate. Plat No. 1, acr:rding to the undei�;owltf to ^Ll.ties of t." -ry r,^- Eht C,:Y c' = :''..t i'auI :rd t. :I )Xrlity
prat thereof on rile A t9 o re r.
i�tir ? +, R trill tie avid tht ;arn•r roc n - 1 *,r a;; `* :ve "_ ;'t 1`' ter F ^r_ tic t
!ri the office of t1 :c I C�Wrr o: h�.rt`_•y? revoked u t ?ors said are k ^••'s, i C ^�tI as to iu1:L a rd eticcy "� t. '
Doe's In and for said It eases. caul- hdXt :1. trapdoors, tunnels iwd other thrrc:orr., be it
Couitty, R mrif --Gta. undZ tktound fac.litlea -f ever}• dr, -= t;p- St^ • ;V.ed, That 1`.t ^r r to operate tsi3
fel That each reference )ierel ^&roue tort an! reconstructed by ju, "I pmn'-lice automobile as a tax- a upon t h e
cont;.Incd cor:cerning an futurM r^1i- on or.t fpr•e a date which 13 ore year streets rf She City of Sara: Patti be j
der -r.a:+on and taking of trop gte$, �;le date of final approval of this and the saute are br re.y gr •ntcA. tal
of $.:st F,ig :tth Street vaca`.ed r*rs• ord6; and that, further, the Depart-
David R. and A'.idreS A. it1t►*`sr, t1
under. by the City of Saint i'aul. moot t 1 >u'�l;c Wotk9 thrtn ::h its dba 114dlnr Cih•
it,,!! Port Authority of the City of Chief >Frtg^ncer,� is hereby authoOks Ar�opt'11' b }• the Cot =ncil Jaauarg 32,
Saint Paul, the Housing, and I {ode -. aRrl +t• ^338 ^7Jvk sun .iL'SS -
vclopmenC AutotitY Pt. t) tOt�r �jI3ANC�••p'- AlrPtbr:d Janp,;rp !S 193.
Ra:t soya &I. 1h�is *`repo; 3dinn4suC�ta or t ai evN {j dt r1p't9d4ttvp perou''t e-, O j'. fJart•larl• :,lr: 12tH)
the Un(ted State: t; ,I4m+<rica. cbu'Jitd whiChn;tt =e3tv,r ,Y r+t� flN',u 1 rG ,�jF yp
with pravWo .s in the El Scvctin
restriC luns an1E til:oh�Rj�rpN�% .�a r�'•t` RQ T�'R. =
�5w6rt1 4f• )dfr -Jze{ .' 4 ;.. - n n tt��T y PP�n' j' n , rf ' Or
Of $ $�� v 1 C A �r n. r GI�1 , ;-t: . r.ct a pr 03U Kea ,.,.. x
f ifar :a�ca s ^, al.r c n�T p
�'♦,� A _ ; ..• 'c,.._, , g,��1�1AN, ,, a h (lien; ilrPlleatlan G•A43.'9 , ,r t
bccor::e sad l e pay s., cuu- ,� y t ��•tTt
DTfig ��d S.i.. -_Olt. rate +one (1) auto
de .
denor Uttr Car an 't. �N �_ : ". i''• • " Et✓ }}
U•_� .,.Tyr, tom- i4 r ,a a• refit p' a ten, the streets of ! .e
of restricUtats F id lV , l m CAUL,'
the characte�r of a ;+ ��"^+ =�-tT r�� b#jj5 N'`s."i ,i,,,b b:.�tii had Dity of Sriz� �?aul, dc•sgibe� 3 r 1
ac,-ount of 31,1^.`, r-,1:T is+ti5:+l,;1p., teyuat ,t t:. abovd !�tprOrt , ent u-_ 'b due.
bevonle payabr_e by u.e ,cord11t,nor, r-ottra, or-1. 't:Ld Coun, +l hauk:p, heard- 1°akicab 140.121;'14a �e, For , - 1i
Lharl Pcrtr n• only )e. pr}ccci : ^i'Y 1a- all t.ns, ' objet!•,•-:. No. ,ASPG61' 76, 1,11 , ranee. N., ^,rat
atitufeti for any such MOde.nreiih rl t1L y !.s rr!ativv tL' * :>S; Aral 3 n6 Indemnity Co:, Policy tr ACES
and taking by sin',+ *u:ll gd'_:ic �u•,'u1 �c, :!'.ter ;d th0 3 :'_,; .th ^. :<lore, ex,irlrig 3 �(i'1tS. T u) t t;S
thority, w�thtri 'd a riod of five ,(..jt re ', ' Whrrp'+ ^8871,611 W-R; f:,
years next ztrceediilhelf 11 • r� $ %,: It t ' F, ^4�I�C?d1 .!)Y tht! #�c: h .'n e1 S r, 8, OY'•!+a . t.a tc i�o34cY with Y x
date of the vacation of `•,Tad - m +. i 1 S S 1 MinneSOta ",q'" '[: try at Safrrt maul ah� d t
>r c Ci 5 of: tte,� t arz -: den :, �.,tx �te.e sa ere�'xe t �4 :, r: r rY fire c ^ %,
of �: e. , _ lrg� 19.63. ,, dsse
ZQ t` v here canC_fli!d, rats + :1',t3 :o-d rt•'f.,.r.Cl )' r
rte tY� , .'N± ,; ; Y ^.t(., :in• f,„:..r gnuary ,
cCtd/ Arty; uch aotrdrr3ji*l ^r sc � 0 t :OYlr� I
and ta�slrtg by tiny poi': is sal t „fir^ ^,t v t• ^'d�..Fi `d•,m ntleSOtarl:.. �lveo .'rhatL'censetooper.l`t -sidI .
a•if, srrzll t18 Coo^ ,'rued , —rs'rW j. gain s.. :sue ru.,�ary 32', autrmobi a as a tlxiCab. trim Lhe ii
tttit.csec o3i�41]n ltu:xd for, itkiy VAB �ved Jandary . 3�Cr3. andt�itLCO' { :r3 hie. is bCretiy�-V - -ted to
eby AIR-, "''�'` ' iO1,d hlk rss of the Fitrk 86'0 Robert Barbcau, dba Rad +n
land or arty suiut-Rtial 1• -St of the (January 26. 1963) Adopted by the Council ,i_-
rqn- ,and whlc* * o ' ed: of 30 :3. ,
T e : N ,tw 2387 a�ntit ,� ft I- l� Elie`: City :.of
an I 11 `L•unstituted•, by ^v ,. cif Cuun1:1! File. HP- 210'•)8?__ ...r "- ' Qy y J 'y Stem
in .. 7ii ' i f,. 'al n TAR and "gut
�t.Jquor", 4koplicatlort H -00048 applied
' it by ?hnny's Bar, Inc. at 886 Payne
��ltienue, bt and th,; same is hereby
1. That all co ditiona, it 7 ..=,•aa i88 v ranted, ,that the bond filed by the
and provisions co) tl trcd in Ordirtimce P tl,r - ithonty wit n sa. ,�r , ? N erm er S,r "•censers !s hereby °pproved, that the
y :t plydody ar-E fhiili l,r r antf gt-� loan. the, p , st y BeW + , 1 _ �l i`y Clerk is directed to issue said
No. 3394, as am Tided, entitled- 1,n and c•t.tr Ord' liege, g• .,C _.' iibiiC' .se,�?ea Lr..: ;r`t f'ilr` *t pf _ vetin A- „t:ctlse.
ordinance regulatin the procedure and /I�trh. ln , t,,._ .o eCt the etem
rr for tha e4`h. 1 or .nri'_•�** �,,,,fi�rr tO;:COnn__ t, nt ; t Q^ fjPIlri:�y = -.- _ r l.Lcrson Adopted by the Council January 23,
prescribing the cohsitiocx for the vaca- ex. "Fad r cJjO 'c �• ' -
y ; A� es�rhTl?itieiB,ear t,�a e� tt *- g ot,fi p t li f• for,' Tin• ^gx'ate }their 13<;_ = ; :5.
tion of public grirunds, streets aUe s t���r eyBE,+r�vI1�R t� *(^ 87�d'�QP _d t J1pPitCt'ed January
23, 1963.
and highways in the City o{ Saint • pmyatlnn r, t,- � Qf tlrtf,asit, Z ,r_, f e1+,.jQ� ilta7�±•` nEaL_G, •'i 4ri ^O£Cth�ilt' WIT (ranuarq 20, 1963)
Paul ", approved 'March 18, 1313, ja .{;Y1e,��` °.1h:nr • r itr-^N t �y� r�
byAhk O1. -,.,, ) jj�;.and' :!F±e urryL', c1 troll i,tlr�e�;r8�rgtelnt... ,..:J ,apPL.
addition to all other provlsICns, terms. rC darn ,+e t ''! milt P, s �^' , • + BAY• . r u•J. s.r 1'i& L T'' ,. at "i5
conditions and res rvatlons hereunder ccti, 4 4GaEiitary.- } r d' 1is'anie left
re •ccl the ;C'Y of;, Sycnn +i f 4 aid: ublc(�r1,1,,.rtivG u,r= . Fr,'^ Ce= (;' ! nb11 File No. 210941 -By Severin A.
„ ^at,le to the Fame shall apply In sued Ccnue: ++eft tr., 1 r% L Or `8 P• Ve , 1. - t
gn�Ullt�e�' ,s1as,-It rn ".7ti- t eWage''COil, ry ., "nrtinson - Robert F. Peterson -
n erir thtsa;j'neta8:<
It i :e+�Yii`Ie, fOY'epllpC t•- t,t re x118;C011diti0i19..uarY dt f: on Roscn-
abc, 'a d,- r uu dr t to a_. W.,+m• �S ,tire'
br .rcr`•t� ;,,pf �SNhitef l0cl. ; a .,, c 1�Ye A ,.,, r,t r y re (solved That license for "On Sale
+ U t„ Li . 1",'• Qi yL+e "r' Xpplication G- 14756, applied
Pf >a . -...y' r`ovidillg.`aPP a ecess.>l'r .ot, :�w3)•,
`ids leafsefin',r�. render n �_ t, +r by SY Roland and Ruth H. Nelson
al P 1 Ce. - tG+ tr i. tt+ ` t 819 Selby Avenue, Le and the same
titre fir. :P. ur cur tr ct tl ^- e'l'f �ilC otO — Zr IV cn•1 nd gafety. l a horsey groAted, that the bond filed
rain( Th gn :elY>l ' t J Innlyd' H• =. �� C+: filth' -Al t;t,anc.. i4le No. 21013-By Setlrttt A
is is'= a he r I" t''enzees is hereby approved,
the cftccc_,�>....le ci s3id t •, uhiC peaC , ! anti - -err' Robert > ,PI1tC!tn` - ty )�,
said ; Ct '5n Qf -the' AyQ - Suitt ceeLlO,'..ty Clerk is directed to issue
-[ti( ' raved Ja; uary 23, 1963. Milton RdSrtr- :- C) S d license• -
tttld4.�48e r z' trio e= .t 10 (Jan..AIY aG, lI>ri3,), ;�,heeotal•(tP� t+ t ' r3; f `',Adopted by' the Council January 23,
feet of r'id }..oilielfer's Yl^te, Ik e$1 Ir$ke,,'t.a,ur,a named on tY.e I i s<'.�_hx.itr6a
Plat No. ,i. at ariy eievsticm in ck�ccs: r �hite°B to. this rettilutlort ibre and t. -� s•. -%, �f ;S { Lr UTl January 23, 1963.
r of the pprat• "rtt rt: v� + %+ff frr�tr•!helY i of Lere �Y ragtrrl, Pdd t,:` •f , 4'' a� god C (Samar 26. 1963)
ttil'caaliv' , .. , u Jwt, File Wo,, 2: �4 - Ay Frank I. b ) te„rr- , r Y
Section , n. i�anr Iii t 1r fC i ns,
Stipgt tip lot abuts: e''- 1 Gz � f % iC'ttr'
anti that iz 1 Jack Cr.ter, h:: st:c- $d`ttvkd, Th,-, • j�]e5 Vl :e, =.-
%ee$.'t 1 40 `iy ' the rc ulrrd flees.
ctr off Or t<s1El?a..,and r "►' `- ,.rat a.:. titiest
Ly Adopted by thk t` -otxf r .1'at :Eitti ,L , t Martinson No. 2 beet -By Peterson -
rtn`� R _. rice; :t�he'eby AR kv�t vf, Lot d, block s7; tG3lten 3r L� , H(ort[nson -± Robert 1 . Peterson -
Ordi :' I rr;,cd din .s a1A-1 January 21 19 3- L::i:on Rosen -
of '.8$id,.. .tync Leal vl .*iet;ttive laicll s Addition to r5 »i Lt PBtr •. F
Y:4scment, t proved : p to fart Fg to j� a P1 _t i .c - r1 �+ }{y� nt Sint. F G7anuary w6. S ^ : :} fic_:lved, That license' for "On Sale
the Coiyoraltort l"Rt :bsel,ot • "_.,_..: s rr8 tQ}�hefC +!J lr�: -..' of - t. '+d Application G- 14677, applied
ahrll• marl* NO j2t }f'a?t Ci•' ,t:'• Mir »eSaS ». „y rc CO D. L., Int. at 866 University
nanee.t r ceified P'�
IOf °g8iclifJr_i _:;:s P. ! . a : rcts xs 2 0. 3 Slrburnt A, rr::e. r- ....� tQ,.file:a' �. 'r,n Afi,'ent r, be and the same is hereby
dition, ••<._,�� 1 r,sP : Yd' IIL. ovr3• and uth.n + �,ilr.. Taut, 1 n rr i + airee +�e r; •rind. that the bond filed by the
-. ;Yuruyison - 1Ro'}ert P. 1 ?(arson r Q s hereby app: wed, that the
,r;: rant 1b et cC sai3 fit a. tc 1.e)tl+�, tai :here�yu 1 r^
,^ , + y J•, `4it eC,l,l- 3 ..?J attd adjoining II Tlilton Rosen- �7 c
rfe ._ )air ai` 1 : ty!['he; y J ! I1gsolved, Th t t °' * ^, ' 'Olin. c is directed 4o issue said
q (t 1 ;it3' e�tionri; freer an s.uF. ty; that s,, structure !4 in -1111th�p `�� �t,the %° -JS �iVmp�.�e^
Cn:'_mi tzcA - use of coP!1!e vt rea.otrdt. :e ra)?clr, p la" t4rla•` av,u.lon L3 +tad the a; tare Adc ited by the Coa ^.ci� January 23,
. <" Me .t o►' Teir' RE ^' i a0 ' a• ' ' +�1
sail rartion at •d' Itit a%t its tq e .0 a uld 'be; hereby kranLrd, artj the City Clerk i-
pro^it+t and pre +env t ri ,,<tr. -1 rk Of-. ° s 1363.
le.,City 1e d,dhd;tdrtto c,3 trem Said land tndtructed to LS -uch lizrl�icg Upcki Approved January 6,
yvit j "_ nb . the a ent into t1. a City tr_ scury of (J, nanny 26, 1933)
Ordirianc,G, « ,fort is rxc ..5 rr��rc� !t tst7rdCrCQ ) c. Laid a4ttctur¢ be the Ve uired fees.
this r the reteht elt;,aV rn of tt,q axlst- tai twith }a reched mitt �crha'vcd from qed by the >`euntil January 22,
�r ai I rnQ•b }, arrd ' t the �cParate (Pelt ' /ItdQPt 1 G•�, 11 after': 210'J4S -B Severin A.
g 1`Ltlic sidek3)k Cm.< rLMr eRd tr>e of th° aacnerit , cl cupant, 19uE. 90.
t arnt t "g,t r t y'' t' pe� ,rife a,14 �P£ Approved Ja ,1� �, ? r� fi'OTb �tit,- .. - Robert F Peterson -
i Of= :►�ain -. , kL•; "Nf-h qr other,>} An rtt cdatro,'thermt. 1 f0� ti i1 � eCt 1 Miltr�n "csc4 -- I
Of the :C�tYauts. t ,' �doptea by the �'rr'oc,+jj7�'effdj l C,��� .,r,- -•' ' Ilesol.ad, That "Off t:Lle Liquor„
ir) b "!rl Ja ^*t Gc;'�r a`.3 r "!d •' ' eR'sha l tis tae, A PlicatSCn 0- 14:189, applied
Strtr. t Auto F.- r 8.
,4 �' �-' � 1'Japttar3'. ht, 193:!1• CouncSl.Filp Na, 22091ti --•fly $c+'efin A: for�y the ounds Park Liquor Store,
own to fe' eCtiFi�i, MortiilSod -- Robert F. Ft.erson ,T Inc. at l';S Hudrnrt Road, be and the
conUguoz;4 t "' �,c.r.itt laid f -*"" 1ldjlton RC: n-, t`n.,'ae is !:ereby granted, tLat the bond
which cuystittate the ;' ,ire ff on:aKe yV. ' .••.' tilyd. 1•� the lieprsees is hereby aP-
U is co south Ilrie r, +. r ^'rt dill 5 t0 ' -_By >'�n� • ' 1lespived, I At'licen;cs a , 1. C ,for ached
't ti ` ; BCC,Or' ^`N the persons, named. on the 1e4, )t; :ached t: r�963nd the City clerk' shall issue
aBBSa� ,lt cpubJ a'` c}gdi' v olvctt. "Titer trip (,'amml -oncr �f _t0 th {�;rc � eb ila �h�/l tF.e s ^mb are °then linens esµFss beenbapProved by
its i± t { r••,r ari I 1'uYda flf�• -6 -• c such 1L� "�es upor the I.lyuor Conwal Commissioner and
etc ::dc• t►n i will a. co¢t tht de- Pt) v and, it 12 ��
livery, b3 Void CIt of the h eiri -t" S[/-, Curt ± +i8.a o - .n. l afi�.�t Into V;e City ucaaur3[• A,t the Liquor Control Commissioner ad-
3C.it \ 1,1 r— �tli! pa_
ablve mtr,::o ^ -d ' _ c. Elie yrrr,rt.,:at do •Cri =}� 1 Iii, Patt, lying, the ro , ),�3 te�i vises the C,t/ Clerk that he approved
of the lanai Fa eCZ�?3r3 tl =r1 fjC,zrly t•f C ".-CaOo, c Paul, biirsre- ,Allop ,.1 by the Coun '4 Tantiar'Y'13. the Ixsuanca rf t`Z licen - °.
vac *_ted >tztlp.t et Pk :!;. `street so aL,(Wx r+r�d. qj 11I'I $�i` CZ l;1gY3 -of 17Gt f. A -Apt, 4 t1r foe Council January 23,
be •ode C ^S rxelutRi t.y said City, �(,'1y of •1K•t.r 1i 3 c. 16, f•':aelr .S, �t,yjnrti4�? 3 '! e' -�B/S ,^ _.
as ;[cantor. to tht.n, a•s rTantees, as Sti, °Svtsr_^II Of )r1,-;C a�'is g':[i 29- 88 �j: �eW�l� , AFAro,rd January :•Z. 1963.
thci. sever:.', atertsti 00:1 OPP0' r, Stilt eon Iii qwn brrh Rz soy'' • MI& I Thowas (Jan" +ry '- r. 1963)1
8,111 trs be aothorizcd by• proccedl-,,,s 't-r S'ilni P.,:,1 A-rnf&400 t° t rect,c isr .....�-
ia Yc ttstit:t'zd, conductel! 51r1¢,ctirl- +4t t? .reclir'iit' oftltt of '':Q undlFilelCo .2;•;925 "C'�2G- ?' °J27� ,
sjakied tter::ar unCrr a:. t pLCSU 't 14tet �•f iiceds tlf framer; Cots •y, t , �ggr,.'j ~File 1 °'..2:' tiB --By f�everin A.
io L ";ty r f Srlt L Pa.1 Cir'j -nancd R5. ;, ;iriesc: tlso) °.(a -a Iv^ 478 3%a.- 21G^ 3-21, "9-: tiS4. 210 S, n 4 rsori -
ri S1Gr -j.,. r be :�Sa on #,. • .w' •tt F F rite
6378, ax amt idcd. A'4 Ave.:.-^ ante w wL a J rent '•r. dWBYa: Z' •.''$llt� er R ._ id,.. • Milton RP"" 1--
thli, one "•1 .urs -h lit .a1.."Y f ` "' $ r w`~a!t•td; that ' _' t Sale Liquor„
(t) 7 i at "S# R; :alutIan, t're P..r- ,Cyr, N�c, .._
:errs: i 4n4 condi!r °•!s, of, t' 4 , raft -'f d>~'4=; "19 t .: re an i t', , E „_ .Tian, :. t,cd 1v03'IV =1 _. -„ _ ?.. :ve, as Lacrnses vpp fed r. ' by Ufa following
:! Tine ,•td the e.7resai•' writ' 'h•1' -�ei 4.1 t! +'' t]ic,t''r ..esslryior itir r c., --ks on ,,,,c i.,;e offtC: of th^ PCT. ' ^: at thr a•�_trccses stated. be
t_ -0venaRt ci':1id Jazk xt e;r °r, h c ';1x - ttun of Irfe, �n t and adjoining � *y f,orrnt ..,-: r ''= ar i '.' +' to ° sea nereby granted, that
i:^cess3ls assldns, anJ said PrgPertV •a �T • r , a tilt January 27, A+- tr c• . Ct”. ^.ell J_n.: =! 22, the b, rd Alr: L, eac!t ]: 'r Waco is here -
Gt•and Auto K.mp, Inc., Its pi" 'A �` by a rw :� t d t 2e G :r Clerk shall
ors and ass' •r_A '»l,-1 to bins �' 9(is• t • J + ts.:.._ all 1i:ei.:;es wbc ,over the bond
f �r r .t i ., 2 l 4963. APProti�`- nuatj , ,53. 1
rd i : +yr to t- t rz^Et ( (January 28, i; 53) fl-'._ by c,-.-It i licensee has been is-
c='d CS`yp ct $airt V' ':t �,rl 4312 t•r:uarx ;5, 1 v3) ,� _ -� Graved ,y the Liquor L'ar' nt ol Com-
Jack Gelr.r, hie rurcessors and as -i �� corn, .l ^,3 ,:,t 4 " r Control that
�►tte8t•nd s-':l ,Str.a.: l 1t . ( .. "'r >a, Cor'�ctl Ftr• c 3'2-By GCOrBe 1 rnl•tiuna r a lvlr °s i! a Cit r rk that
nc•, su r ^ors �r.S sighs, as Ctu?, T TV, N� .''I0f�;3Y t eo *y' r 4_,r-" ' ., p.. � h• � • ov s ance of the
I tt. 3r ;, trrCL:. !,. all ,p ^ear: that the -iris, t!]Y Y - ` G Lt -r- Z: o (. :'Y c t n. ,Paul 1 a, f . .
shall i.• rt ty the l,r^ "fit ^t ��h i ^as, lt: st'><: g w ter arpre al snel.ltY ; i :rte'- Alexait ;t !e 11, 9SJ Como.
the i art tut! a.11tlt Lhc t _7 a [ 1 tP • Y 11 lrt,ent, lhr.c ] ' t,.igSY�?'1L���c bas e�0.11111.� + 3bsp 1. fi Ser^ • �i �A =S nellin9
i Saint Faul, thr Fit Arid -. '.'9r ,se to r llxs^ .LttaU ;Of Cavil .I�Cftlnse ti}?tLt � a.�•- velcpment A; : '` t / i t) t'i vtwst't L` n t Cs;t itl. "�= l �v ` 4r �.1•,� $udalla,
M r Vav ' ts,=�r- d�ipoln a T1LSlg a �xwz1: -4f+
4{ t, -3 11e in t �'P ;1,ry. :L� }S \' Estate
u[ Ira 'Cl. �_ us it„ esn a. sat h' rot r' -rw ` ]
1 t�rI }t S ?ON. 3 of Ame 1 Liars?' i t la, ¢ ar rl - _„� -- ,_ ,- ••son.
ht + _
� P rtic>�1 stir sad l `! r r', tL_ liz Conc nil. it
Lne1r se'c.al 'ham- �,;v,ssra i ±C'r . »-- •""c"�ttanigy s. Rubin. ¢: J4seph Cordon,
,t' +1 r -r• s • , l ' r` ¢are-oT La f pYO4"s1n. IJ40 Grand.
u - •: :•r of said Dzxcau •nd hie r Sanctial G . Joseph I. d Rc:cD T. Crea,
r,r - �IrC,ni`r l ty 4taff hn.e dttezrrined that cert• in i jo
rrteiYt- ,re'TFie:ebS ai.th +urized and k-ra h!c clasp` -a .1 v::1 be of gr ntdf,u•+Chp�aI,� �+b ilels. 365 Robert.
'- iv•ls. +eita nd`t:i SLiand Are =trrl to pr�vtdC so,:3 r3mn., -e. at ner adB�C :tin Q'1er nth'a a_fipre- B)llae C. Pritzker, 450
le� 1fr!�! st 11. a,.., .,t �. tie
Fnp, Inc., its st +cs essara or p� yY ble to 'Mrs. 'lento arils_" 9ugl j { -�f ie` 1t, <. c.
Ch y�u.ti_ r :Tar. �tlytjgebjitCe illy n - -I �+pCildon, 350 Ltiabasht.
assigns, shall to subject +�i a. • r8 r }pjjtilior Q� • 3 ur lutherf, -: {�.' -th 'C�.t Y win Y, Janssen, 717 -9 Srlby.
b the Corporation ('otR3:CWa:MG j 'r p ` F, �e�� gSSeA�.In-
y I ,, ]v. =_ c -o a rich Nathan H. Chester dr Ilcn Roses 2389
Count ; r_ �� d m'ance, p
City �, , r a;rys s ttrr , a
e. That sajtAlfte $eaxairCl' Erau rtn* c e .opyt ofrs.at1 -.9._ tl�t�X t� 9�3 �a ctnlvPrsity�
(? (Or �, y vi�� b=u 6 �.Z t '::root by S.est.r y !
t seasonably shall L =H u+ crgic'tr11>9� n 1 ,.. a to i.. the j�IP �y t ridgy 1� .r L- - Al s R. Yarnto, 2495 W.
complete the 0, iseecrt.ngM f ^ th ,1st -r - j "Aake -On rt gre ".'Yer�r-..ice, said dr.Splay h0.i a P:a- 7th
98 r ,' "q , ti` el, w.,rsed tal;nce. ductic t cost of ;3' ant :::t•' :tr.� Hnrl -r Anne & Louis Carbone,
the aforesaid u:` a:._ eCp Lt yy
the neCCSSar,O tut h. n yfor the "Adeyted by the Council January 22, photof- raphs, r "yl • _t s `.,t.•' �n -(; tli: ' ^� -
same. 1 �. mater77at- data a lo- _ ;r c. FriP 83 W. 7th.,
9. Thltt earls lefercrce to tRe section . APfaroved J.:nuarrR 23. inL't. 10 t-3 'on rm L ts• Jean A, Didion, 2S1 W.
January ..6. 10Ga) vi
of Fast Eighth Str'ect to be vaCatee. ( , y-
} Y d, t aKrall'Z`sn, r; Try J. &Cletus H. «tttman, 1110
hertr:nder, prtl, abort cVr. *.air, :d, eha1S , 1•+'•
1:e deemed to designate the , :tie area R� a ons,Tit ur trpprc,'.:3te Fci- W. nrperteur. ,t
l lhclr.dcd within the boundary lines Cotrricit File No. 210'r.7-By Severin A. a :zl regulations, Urs cxyen3 :tire iSr �ir�t Arcade Wine Shop, Int.,�d2 S.
of the V1,me, a; de9r.ed in the imcciA .; Mortin-,on - F,ob_lt F Pcttron - a-ti•r a disp!1ys will b2 reimbursed trr rlevel;nd. �l
t.ragra;h or first "Further RCxolrfd M "`^ Rorn -• ►.. ^1 twits n v', a'••n'•m`- t;prcll n;tz1Y TAM.-- ".I. -Bles, 678 University.
• sr'y ` ,.Thomas Beverage Co., Inc., 1941
;;a e" of t; is ltesoutlon ,nd shiRc l:ed, Tha
386 City Hall and Court House
St. Paul 2, Minnesota
Mr. Donald L. Lais
Corporation Counsel
Dear Sir:
H qL j yF
FEB 25 1963
City Clerk
Council Recorder
;' 16) �)- 0
February 25, 1963
Attached are the following:
1. A copy of Ordinance No. 12387 adopted by our City Council on January 18, 1963-
2. A letter of Richard L. Krantz,,,City Clerk of the City of White Bear Lake and an
Affidavit of Publication of Ordinance No. 387 of the City of White Bear Lake,
presumably accepting the terms'and conditions of Ordinance No. 12387 of Saint
We call your attention to Section,112 of our ordinance and request your approval
of the form of the ordinance of White Bear Lake, if satisfactbry to you.
We note that the City Clerk of White Bear Lake did not certify the copy of their
ordinance but rather transmitted!an Affidavit of Publication of their ordinance.
We will, subject to your approva ;l, ask for a certified copy for our files and
a certified copy for the files of the City Comptroller but will appreciate your
approval of form of their ordinance.
Very truly yours,
Ck .
� J
dr ...
it 1
- -- .� •''w Yk k - u - , N -
=Y - :f
• .. tee'' T,- . c x r_ �f �V M'V a a . .
- _ _ aye- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;fi -
S' , •- J, '3` t
J"Uary 28, 1963
-` - -
-`t 'c,
- - - ,- __ vim, - x�,
_ - _ _ -�j -
- _ _ r•'•• *` - - ` l . Y• • ..
- City Clerk ^r _ J ' �° _
' _ • _
City of W2iite a'8ear iaka,
City IiSU' •: _ w,, _
:.. _ ,"
'•r0 ,.:
--Dear, Six; _� __1 'Sr — «•
`- s . - i
• -_,.
•_ _ = L
_ _t .. - •
9Y h enclose 'a copy of`trdinance .o: 12387 ,`
8t. City Council = '
on -J nuary °• 18, 19631 tn pezial.sai
aut ty to- the: City of White" Seeac,
_ -; Iakey", Minnesotall• to connect their, I uib c
sarii wer,aysteiu to_ the .9t: %ul
= - eewer'system�..oni the terms arirl :coz�di
set iri the ordince.
` - I call': your' aitlihijon At.Q4 n4l' b2'.'the con
par ly - .
the word 3r noe but tieuler
Seat ion12 which provides t .City 11 °sdopt'�_13 ord3n6ace accepting
"and ageelng to abide by the-. a rovi e` of-..this ordinance'and shell'
file a certified capy`_of' ordinana
th ,City Clerk the City
_ - _ Comptroller w.tbin slityy ( days
_ .and
.- effective dute of this ' ordinance,
-_- etc. 2bia•: ordinance- vas iebed In
gffic�ia]. �e►per on imivary 26th 1963 `•
- and by! its term becx�me eff ive
t date.. - ; . . ..
_ •
'vet tru],Y
City ^Clerk ,
w _ •
^ v
`, a
,•- ^ -_
••tr _ f • � _a .
- -
-'1_ - -' � -`�Y� ,
_ -•., _ -�jv
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i - - -
* yam_
`3• .r _
- -, -� .r�t •" � :�• _ ,'
t _- t` .
_ -. -,
' -1
Y .
Ordinance Nn., 387
The City of White Bear Lake, Min--
iesota, does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. The City of Saint
Paul, Minnesota, on January 18, 1963,
passed Ordinance No. 12387.• entitled:
"An Ordinance granting, permission
and authority to 'the City of White
Bear Lake to, connect the public
sanitary sewer system of the City
of White Bear Lake to the public,
sewer system of the City of Saint
Paul and thereafter maintain and
operate the same as an outlet for
said public sanitary sewer syster)'i
of the City of White Bear Lake, for
public sewage conveyance and dis-
posal purposes and provicUng ap-
plicable terms and conditions. This
is an emergency ordinance rende?-
ed necessary, fo; the 'ppreseiw0ion
of the public peace, health and Safe-
SECTION R. The City of White.
Bear Lake, Minnesota, pursuant to
Section. 12 of said Ordinance, hereby
agrees. to abide by ail of the proud.
$ions, terms and conditions of said
Ordinance No. 12387 of the City of
Saint Paul.
SECTION 3. The City Clerk is
hereby directed to, file• ;a certified
copy of this Ordinance with the City
Clerk of the City of Bain Pau, and
the City Comptroller of _tke City of
Saint Paul.
SECTION 4.. This yOrdinance shall
be in full force and effect from -and
after its passage and Publication, ac-
cording to law.
Passed by the City Council this 12
day of February, 1963.
r:r,, 011- ` 1
14; 1963
• 4
AARON M. LITMAN, being duly sworn, on oath says; that he now is, and. during
all the time herein stated has been, the publisher and printer of the newspaper known
as The White Beai Press, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated.
That for more than one
e year immediately prior to the publication therein
of the printed't.....s.; *rdi Rance 587 . ...............................
...........................°:............................................. ............................... .................... hereto attached.
said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known
office of publication within the City of White Bear Lake in the County of Ramsey,
State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week in column and sheet form equivalent
in space to 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued
from a known office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled '
workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that the
has had in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns devoted
to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work .of
which has been done in its known office of publication; has contained general news;
comments and miscellany; has not duplicated any other publication; has not been
entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated at. ,
and near its said place of publication to the extent of 240 copies regularly';
delivered, id paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in the
local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in, the
office of the County Auditor of said county the affidavit of a person having first '
hand knowledge of the facts constituting its qualifications as a newspaper for publica-
tion of legal notices; and that its publisher has complied with all demands of said
County 'Auditor for proofs of its qualification, and that a copy of each issue has kr:'en
Mad with ,the State Historical Society, St. Paul, Minn.
That. the printed 4r d1.n.u.u0.9 387
........... ...................... ............................... ............................. .
hereto attached' as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper;,
was published therein In the English language once ,each. week for ......1.1....
JA t i
weeks; that it was first so published on the ..... ............................ day of
„LTg� i r .................. 19 Ga and thereafter on Thursday of each week to and
including the ........................ day of . ........... ..................... 19 _....; and that the following !
is a copy of the lower case alphabet which is aclmowled ed to have Pe the size and
ord aanoe, ��
kind of type used in the publication of said ............................................... ...............................
.......................................................................................................................... ............................... ' ...
abcdefgahl; m.nopgist uvwz a b c d e! g m. n o p q r/ 1q u v w y
Subscribed and sworn to before me this�h day of �����
:. ................ 19 -
........ :.
Notary Public, Ramsey Co ty, Minnesota./ G
My commission expires /.. C..I
r ,
EDWARD G. BAYUK, City Manager RICHARD L. KRANTZ, ;City Clerk EDWARD G. SPRINGER, City Attorney
Phone C.A. 9 -5367
White Bear Lake 10, Miumesota
Chairman of Council
February 21, 1963
Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell, „City Clerk
Bureau of Records .
386 City Hall & Court House
St, Paul 2, Minnesota
Dear Mrs. O'Connell:
I an transmitting "herewith a copy of Ordinance No. 387
of the City of White Bear Lake, adopted the 12th day of
February, 1963, said Ordinance accepting and agreeing to
abide by the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 12387,
adopted by the City of Saint Paul City Council on January
18, 1963, granting permission and authority to the City of
White Bear Lake, Minnesota to connect its public sanitary
sewer system to the Saint Paul sewer system.
RLK :aw
Very truly yours,
Richard L. Kran�
City Clerk
63� FED a 25 Ph 12 OS
"I IT1(� �L K's Of FI•:,.
SAIWNPP ttl! W".”' �
l7 `EDWARD G. BAYUK, City Manager RICHARD L. KRANTZ, City Clerk EDWARD G. SPRINGER, City Attorney
Chairman of Council
Phone GA. 9 -5367
White Bear Lake 10,i,Minnesota
March 18,;1963
Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell, City Clerk
386 City Hall and Court House
Saint Paul 2, Minnesota If
Dear Mrs. O'Connell:
I am transmitting herewith a certified copy of Ordinance
No. 387, passed by the City Council on the 12th day of February,
Very truly yours,
v /
Richard L. Krantz
City Clerk
0 aamiiAna
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