210608MKISBEDJ_`'S -:- L, 3
".111 File No. 21M08--
B -1
'!the matter �! 6c side -
Cs. e. id, J. St.
5th to ' together with all
YS coal- holes, trapdoors, turine'
her underground 9�0 d fac1Iit1e;;•. 'I.P
:ncri d �Provlde".!�_,,
s .her tofore, Fl�-an .
In the Matter of
on the •east sideog- Jackson St.. from 5th',
together withrill 'areawa S,, -tra�d�drs �n&6ther
y ,tunnels!��,
4& *At
ground facilities of every descri'ti&., - and',. provided ;,that%111permits -hereto-
St. --for-the inst�alla-tM►'a'n'&/o e ce
for6lgrantdd by said City of Paul'
of-such'ar�eaw4ysj coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facil-
ities of•evety description will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said
areaways., coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of
every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a date
which-is one year after the date of final approval of this•order; and that,
'further, the Department of Public Works., through its Chief Engineer., is hereby
authorized and directed.0 fill in and remove such areaways,, coal - holes, trap-
doors 'tund6ls:and other underground facilities of every description, the
permittees'o ' f which areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors2 tunnels and other under-
; ground fad�ilities of every desctipti6n fail to reconstruct the same to the
satisfaction;o'f the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date.,-,,`
'Srec6nBlruct the sidewalk on the east side of Jackson St; ,,.fr om .5th-11il
together with all areaways., coal-holes.,.trapdoors, tunnels and.other unde> -�%r
ground facilities of every description., and provided that all ' permits; heret6-
foii2ranted by said -City of .1St. Paul for, the installation: and/lor',ma ntenance,`
of such -la�reaways., goal-holes, --tra d qqrs-,,, tunnels and other undergroundfacil-
itieso?'every description will be and the same are hereby revoked unless said
areaways, coal-holes„ trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilitie's-of
every description,arc-Freconstructed by said permittee on or before a date
wij which is one year after the date of final approval of this order; and that, ,walk,
(E: furthee- tmeaht of Public Works,, through its Chief the Depar f Engineer, is hereby
authorized"and directed tefill in and remove such areaways., coal-jaoles trap'-
dogrs., tunnels and other underground facilities of every description, the
ple'rmittees of which areaVa.' yq it),
'.-coal-holesy trapdoors, tunnels and other under -w 7,. ""
H� gou4djacilities of,0very description fail to reconstruct the same to the
saj' sati-sk9ction of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date.
1 43
File s6621
AN 2
COUNCILMEN'S Adopted by the Council
pproved- JAN 2
N Favor