210606i . . , �a , r In the Matter of t 210606 COUNCIL FILE NO 1 By hincil File No. 210806 — j(n the matter of reconstructing the iewalk on east side of St. Peter St. �om 9th to Exchange Sts., tggether )ith all areaways, coal - holes, ,trap - INTERMEDIARY ORDER s:ors, tunnels and other undergrounr i,fdes of every description, a r,Z �tvided that all permits herfte�e 11ited by said City of 4t, 1c.stallation. and /or rr, R. Jj d 19,tt�e ,wap9 coal -b �, ..,. . *. E • . •'re coc� n F s t.r.. uctin M `h e', rf e.sr3rd. ewa� .l . k., . .". on •e0tj s•, de of St. Peter, St:;,}fcom- :-,..9.•.t et. o. � 1 E. +G x+� •- Sr.t..s.. ti . s jIt ogeth with aeways cal - . les• � tra poor tunneJ ~ther iF under- ds and 114- • , y r s,c. ground faci lities of every description, and provided that all pe , tsOheret +�e•;,; - fore . grari ed by said City_ ofSt.. Paul for the installation 11 / _ ma n- - z . ' of such 'areaways, coal - holes',` tra_ 'd'oors, tunnels and other „under ; *. y- ground facil hies of 'every description iaill be and the same are hereby revoked unless said' areaways, coal- holes; - trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a date which;-Is one year after the date of final approval of this order; and that, further, the Department of Public Works, through its Chief Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed to fill in andremove such areaways, coal - holes; trap- doors , tunnels and other'undergr6und facilities of every description, the permittees of which areaways, coal- holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under- ground facilities of every description fail to reconstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date. reconstruct: the;side�aalk on;�ast, °side.of St. Peter. St fr6m',,9tftogxchange ts'. to” ether with all areawa `• - ho a oors tnels 'and othew,under,-�< ground facilities of , every• descrip�t'4ioand �provided�,that'tall permiktM)�he�reto , fore granted by said CI. S -- Of `St: aPaul:' f ' the- nstal-lation4and/o'r--I intenance , .n •t; 4 y -of such areaways,_coal+ holes, trapdoors, tunn andiother? underground facil- ities of every description will be and the same arer�"heteby revoked unless said ''areaways, coal,-holes) trapdoors, tunnels and other underground facilities of j every description are reconstructed by said permittee on or before a date - which is one4year after'the date of final approval of this order; and that, .walk. further, the Department,of Public Works, through its Chief Engineer, is hereby authorized and directed 'to fill in and remove such areaways, coal-holes,.trap- doors, tunnels and other underground facilities of every descriptiono - the f permittees of which areaways, coal - holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other under- ground facilities of every description fail to reconstruct the same to the of satisfaction°of the City Engineer on or before the above mentioned date. of JAN 2 1963 File s6655 - COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council JAN 2 Yeas Nays In Favor �A$'alllBt Approved Mayor