217764 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' � �� (� ��� .: CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. ° , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CI R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF _ , V RESOLVED,'that the delivery and release to Commercial State , Bank of the following described securities theretofore deposited with and assigned to the City of Saint Pau�l as seeurity for the latter's deposits in the said Bank on January 27, 196�: $100,000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 3�, due February 15, 196� and the acceptance ,.of the deposit a.nd the assignment by said City of �. the following described securities, in lieu thereof and for the same � �---r-�-�--.. purpose: C�g�hlle No.�217764—By James J. Resolved, That �the delivery and re- lease to Commercial State Bank of the �100�000 U. S. Treasu.ry Bills following described' securities there- due� December 31, 196�+ tofore deposited with and assigned to the C1ty of Saint Paul as security for the latEer's deposits in rthe said bank on January 27, 1964: hereby is in all things approved, ratified, and confirmed. ��00,000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 3%, , d�te February 15, 1964 and the acceptance of the deposit and ' the assignment by said City of the following described securities, in lieu thereof and for the same purp ose: � �100,000 U. S. Treasury Bills due v �� I December 31, 1964 .hereby is in all things approved, rati- Hed, and confirmed. /���0/ Adopted by the Council April 28, %/ 196}. f�� ApproVed April 28, 1964. � (MaY 2, 1964) p CTOR oF_ I.�IG� , AP R 2 8 196� COUNCII:MEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AP R 2 g 196� Dalglish � • Holland ' Approved 19_ Loss . � In Favor �. Mortinson � �� . Mayor Rosen . '` A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis , � s lODi 8-82 1 • ' ' � , . - � • . , - .. ��a _ •''� .; �,, _ �'•°- _r' . .__,. . .,. + . - �