217756 J" �' ' .° - •• _ __ `�_ — ,�. .. ,. - .. • ` :` eT'?``ile No. 217756— � ' �' . '• k� • ��p{���� ' �`�•�hatter of reconstructing the 9 _ �.n .the east side of Wheel�• CdTING�L FrI�I,E NO. F�NAL QRD�� • .�l,r•�u:•�;"[�. n�tonG;�2a1'c ��Jiyl.� '��� he so,• jj�iD � _"� ?ia•^,�:• i(��w��_,'Sx�i"`���:78 . ��i-� ri�',;;:x• ,13;=ti 'qi.z�!T': 4- By ' . � „y '$. ^*r , �� _ ' _ File No. S 72�+5 _ � , t .� � - - _ , -In the M�,tter of �'ecaststruc�ing the �idewalk can �th� ea�t s�de of Wh,eeler �St. �rom 3 Bua�nit Av�. saufi� to th� al],�Y apPrp�d.mately Y�F9 f�. �uu� t� the �t��t.h ..si8e Ot' fiummit Ave. gro� WYiee]etr S-�. �ast appro�c3:i�i�ly 73 ft, abutt� prc��er�� �o�n a�. i732 ' Swnmi.t Ave, �nd by 'dning �13, other��work wY�3ch ie nece�eary e,r�d i�ciden�tai, to cctt�plete. ' said imprptt�m�n�. . - under Preliminary Order �6� approved Jent�.I'Y l�+a 19�F Intermediary Order � � approved A public heaxing having been had upon, the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heaxd all persons, objectiona and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - � RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cfty of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement ta be made by the sa.id City is , to reconstrua� �hs �id�rali� c�a �he eest �aide of Wh�e7.e� St. fram $wnmit �y+a. aouth �o the �11�y approxim��Ee],y l�g ft. anc� ou 'k,�te eouth side t��' 8umm.tt Ave, frt� T�1hee�.er . St. east si�prdx�t�ely 73 ��. a�ut�3�g prc>pex�y known a€s 1732 �w�.i.t Atre. aud by� 8oing a1i o�r wor�t w}�ch �.s neceesaryr and>3ncid�ntal �.o cciauplete sa3d improvemeat � � . . . ; . � - --`Y-.{' -� -�- __. � ..._.--_. . �, - : -- . _� . : .- � - � -- �.. � and the Council hereby orders said.improvement to be made. ' . ' RESOIsYED FURT�-I�R,, That the Commissioner_of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upou said approval, the pro�per city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- 'ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN , . ' . �p� �$ ��� � - Adopted by e Council � 1 Yeas Nays � ' Dalglish � � �pR �� �95� � ' " Holland Approve - Loss ' Mot`�insort Tn Favor � ' ` �� � Mayor = Rasen _ _ b - ' . , � . ; ��VOtJ11S � , . Against . • s-ss ana s� x-i • , - ' � - �`�'`�_ ;��.;_ ' . a_ _ ' � D� St. No. 2 s��ys ,� - � ' E. S. Wheeler St. — Summit Ave� south 149 ft, � ;• " S, S. Summit Ave. — �4heeler St, east 73 ft, ° � � 1732 Summi t Ave. �� �� � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS �� � REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ���'Ly.. �'��' Jan. 15th�19 64 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre— liminary order of the Council known as Council File No,: 216189 approved Jan. 14th, 19 64 relative to reconstructing the side— walk on the east side of 1'Jheeler St, from Summit Ave. south to the alley apnroximatelv 149 ft_ and on .the south side of Summit Ave, from l�Theeler St, east approximately 73 ft. abutting property known as 1732 Summit Ave. and by doing all other tuork which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein� hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� 3. 25 per lin, ft. for standard side— walk 5 ft, wide and $3, 80 per lin, ft, for standard sidewalk 6 ft, wide. � ,�,,, "`� 2. A plan, profile or sk f said improvement is hereto attached ��_,� � 1 and made a part h Y; o� � � 3. Initiated by th .,� orr��i\s�'si�a�g�r � Public Works ` � 1�O � �.,,� 4, Improvement i s �cec�P��.u���n i ti on X ,. � t t�� � � �� ��� c� � � � � g . , � � , Commissioner of Public Workls�