217751 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �'y ����� �, : �-'" 't CITY OF ST. PAUL OIOENCIL NO. �� .�� •� "�"��FICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , APr'j,], ll�.� ]„�. COM M I551 O N E ��'�� DATF '�'��iS�`j".�—�5 —C:� RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the awa.rd of the Con.tract Conmv.ttee therefor and� hereby awards contract for �t:irnishing all labor, materials, eq�.3.pmeat and services necessary �or or reasona,bly incidental to the repair3ng of asphalt and gravel roofing, repl.a.cing of "S. I. S." roo�ing and installing of gutters, downspouts, f]�a.shing, etc. at the Como Park Conservatory Ga,x�age, Saiat Paul, Minnesota, to MC P$ILI�S BRO�� IftC. in accordance W3.�th City p],ans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the In�ormal Bid �551 of said Mc Phillips Brothers, Inc. for the contract price of $710.00, such bid being the lawest and said Mc Phillips Brothers, Inc. being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and �the Corporation Crnmsel be �snd hereby is directed to dra�r up the proper fonn o� contract therefor, a,n.d the praper City o�ficials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on � " �� _ ' � '" ���''beY181P of the City of' Saint Pau1. Council Fi1e T�n. 217751—By FX1nk L. � .. -- _. . � I�oss— �� s�'esolved. "�at �`e Cot:�'d"���reby --` •oves f aw: ��e-" •Y "�tract �St:;; rrt A h �;.,� �s� Informa,l Bid �6551• � � �Ji'� .nittee:uoZ cefrj 1 fi[t ;t i-}�ards ��JJ'iCCBCt #J 'f.��E � L!t ,plt; ?i• �•'il' . p!.j 1z;, ��;:1'3 rner�; a�=ztTartt� �ria 3d'.�1I �., .ori3� rr:e A. 9acn i�(c ��: }:� ^rs� 9_�Ii:t�il�. ?tt-. �t3siaP a;i: �ii! ;�: ad. �cI' �ri=sr? 20 � xf -tf' , 'yc .Gsiu �tit ;` i a• "'. � ±s' n2a ���Y�- J ,c. :'!F( 4j .,�F - �pR 2 419�4 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 41964 Dalglish . �PR 2 Holland App ved 19— ' Loss � � Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson ` v Mayor '��n-- A gainst •Mr. President, � � lOri &82 DUPLICATE TO rRINTER � ' /'��"►� ,�, .� • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �-F- _' ��' � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �P�]. ]„�� ].�} COMMI551 ONER DATF __ RSSOLYED� Tha,t �the Council hereby apprrn�e� the �raxd of -the C�trac'� Coa�l3ttee the�.'e�or and hereby awa.rc�s �an�traat fflr ft�.x�.i.sh3.n.g a,ll. l.e.bor, materials, ��,u.tpm�r�� auci gervices n�ces�ary �or or reaeo�bly �.ncidenf,a]. '� the re�airing o� asphal.t a�nd grav�l roo3�.n8, rnpZ�cing oP "S. I. �." �oafing €and ins't��1ir�, o� gutters, cloFmspouts, fls,�hi.ng, e�c. at '�e Oo� Park Co�s��,'va'�z'y Qat'age, Saiz��t Pavl, Minnesota., �o MC PStI�TPS B�, T�. 9.n accord�,nce �r1.th C�ty p1�� �d sp�cif�ca.�icras �herePflr hexetd at�Each�d ana tYiee ix�ox�. ��.a �55i �� �a�a �c �.�.�„�.p� &i.rothera, Tnc. for the c�ntract priee o� l�710.04, euch bid being the �.o4rest �nd �i.d Mc Phi3.l�.ps B�ti�ers, Inc. being a rea.�onab�.e and x�e].ia,b].e bidder, and f�he �ox�pora�3c� �o�sel be an,d he�e'by is dixec�tec3 ta dxaw t� the pxoper �'orm. ca� cvatra.ct there�or, and �e Pr'oPer Ci�4y 4ffici� h�reby ax� authori��d �o execu'te aaid cantraet vn loehalf �� �the �ity o� Se.in� Faax1: Ix�orcr�,1. Bid �6551. ApR 24 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish qpR 2� ��k,,' Holland Approved 1g_ �s� In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst \ —� � — lODi 8-82