217749 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK - ��Q ���9 E ^ ^� •-- 3' � �' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. � � " - O F F I C E O F T H E C I T Y C L E R K • � UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ; COMM SSDONE �pril 16, 1964 ' DATF � ' ' �L1����ra-r:�; y—� J'� � RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all �bbr;, ' materials, equipment 2nd services necessary for or reasonably incidental a to the furnishivag and installing of two (2) 9'0" x 9'2" x ],-3/4" over- . head garage wood doors at the Conservatory Garage, Como Conservatory, Saint Faul, rlinnesota to STEEL STRt[CTURES, INCORPORATED in accordance ' ,e . with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Informal Bid �- . ,�6677 of said Steel Structures, Inc. for the contract price of $706.00 such bid being the lowest and said Steel Structure, Inc. being a reason- able and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is _ ---- � _ � _ `_ � directed to draw `up �the proper form of contract therefor, and the pro- per City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on ,� behalf of the �ity of Saint Paul. �;o�ti F'`�`"' 217749—By Frank z. ' 3 -:raer r �esolvr� �he Council hereby arove� � ���"=rd of the Contract ' Informal Bid i�6677. � • ?nmii , •and hereby awards � itrar: t,hing a]! :abn;, ma- 3 ;L:aLc{4 �;� and s�iY1.:iF,�ne���. • J '��?L '3.'!.'??ah]Y.3A! �a1FfQf, 'j r i � •+rl.'r'.'�f�.iai?�`�.��Ji .{SI�l3 { V .� ' . — �.... � �� 3 '7!! O1 I` JO' �. �s: , y 4196� � �,�R 2 COUNCILMEN .� Adopted by the Council k 19— � Yeas Nays � Daig�h � ��R 2 4 � � Holland . � Approved 19._•, ��� - Tn Favor � �� Mortinson Peterson � v Mayor ' A gainst �r.�P esi�' dent,�ulis��(/J�� � � �onz a-a2 � DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER � � _ . � ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL N0. ���-� ��'� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � COMM SS�IONER DATF �ri1 �6, 19v�+ � i �S(�,VSD, That �ha Co�mcil h�c�by �ppzov�s th� a�►+�rd of t1�e Ca�atract Co�itCee tihsrafor �nd bsr�by ��cl� aontract i�c f�rnishi,ng, �11 aleber, � �CSri�1a, �qu#.pasnt �nd ilrvice�s ��r��tq f�c or r�asan�+bl�► tacid�ttatl te th• furni�hi�►g a�nd iastallirt$ p� t� (Z) 9'0" x 9�2" x 1-3/4" ev�r- haad g,�rage wood daoro at thm Cc�r►�ssw�tary Garag�, Ca� Can�erv�tor7►� 9��i.nt P�ul, Mi�tneaotN tp STSBL ST�tUCTt�B, 3�iCaR�ORATED in �cccrrd+�nc• � �rith �$Cy ep�ci�icati� the�tefo� herato �ttach�d and th� �a€orta�l ��d �' #6677 of s�id ,8tea1 Structux�. In�. fo� the c�ntra�� price nf �7Q6.00 � such b�d be�.ng ths 1v�rasC and sffiid S��l �tsuc�ur*, Inc. bsiug N rtaUon* abl� and reliabl* biddir, �nd �he Corporati�n Couns�l be an,d I��sby is ' d9.r�ct�d to d�ahr up bths praper �tr� o� c�ntract �er�fox, �md th� pro• � prr City� o�fici,al� h�raby ars �uthori�d to �cut• a��id con�r�et �n bth�l� o� th� Gity �f SAint Paut. I � Iaf�l Bid �6677. � � , � i AP R 2 41��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays '' Dalglish AP R 2 -�r � ' � !a►�'� Holland Approved 1g_ Loss �' In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst , I 10114 8-82 � i I