217746 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK . � �����,�� �J � /�� �
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� • " CITY OF ST: PAUL couNCi� NO.
� --.
C'ouncll File No. 217798 — By Milton
\ �� � E "B.t 2)T He#�566Lafayett Bridge
PRESENTED BY a�f �=� ov_�r Ftreets, Mississippi :tver
Z COh�MI5510NE DATF :n;,-:,�-�"1�;,:�a is � St. Paul—�:�(,, 1
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Re: State Pro�ect 624�+-g800C (T.H. 56=112). T.H. �56, Lafayette Bridge �
�9800 over �
Streets, Mississippi River �and Railroads in St. PaLtl - Piers 1 thru 7 and 11
thru 13 (Contract 3). Minnesota Pro�ect U 0�+-1(31).
WHEREAS, The Co�.ssioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and
specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 112 renumbered as
Trunk Hi�hway Number 56 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Pau1 - T.H. 56
(Lafayette Road) over Streets, Mississippi River and Railroads; and
yIT�F:RF:A�� �,id pla.n.s are on �ile in the office of the Depaxtment o� Highways, S�int
Paul, Mirmesota, being marked, labeled, a.nd identified as S.P. 62�+-98�OC (T.H. 56=112);
and ,
WHEREAS, Said special provisions are on file in the office of the Depaxtment of High- �
�ways, Saint Paul, Nlinnesota, being ma.rked, labeled, a.nd identified as S.P. 62�+�+-9800C
(T.H. 56=112), Minnesota Pro�ect U 0�+-1(31), which, together with the Minnesota Depax-tment .
of Highways S�ecifications for Highway Construction, dated Ma.y l, 1959, on file in the
office of the Co�i.ssioner of Highways, const3tute the specifications for said improvement
o� Trunk Iiighwa.y Number 112 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 56; a.n.d
, �
° W�'�F�G, Copies o� said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled, a,nd identi- �
fied are also on file in the office of the Department o� Public Works; and
-- • -��--�� '
WA�RT''•A�� The term "said plans and special provisions" as hereinafter used in the bod,y _
of this resolution_shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the
pla.ns a.nd special provisions in the foregoing recitals particulaxly identified and described;
NCJW, THEN, RE IT RESOLVED, That said plans and special provisions for the improvement ,
of Tru.nk HiglYWay Number 112 renumbered as Trunk H3.ghway Number 56 within the limits o£ the
City of Saint Pau1 be and hereby axe approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the elevations a.nd grad.es as shown in said plans and
special provisions be and they axe hereby approved, and consent is hereby given to any and
a11 changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk H3.ghway Nutnber 112 re- �
numbered as Trunk H3ghway Number 56 in accordance with said plans and special provisions.
� = ApR 2�. 196� i
COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— i
Yeas Nays }
Dalglish APR �4 � �
Holland � Approved 19— �
�ss - Tn Favor � �'
Mortinson � �
Peterson Q���nQ Mayor
� , A gainst
iont s-sz .
r =_` CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' '
�� �at� �rc��+�c� 6�•�80� �T.�. �6-1�j. T.H. ��6� ��t� �c�.d�e �� a�r
&�r�+r��, l�ssi�e3�rpi �v� e�d. �i,lroeds �,n �. P� � �r� 1 �x 7 �,nd: �.�. �
t�+. 13 C�o�rtrac� .3). �►� Fro�.�t �II c�-1(3�.3•
�EA��, ',� �<�.��c� oi' �y� �ir ��+ed. F].��i� spec�� ��.s�s and
��;�1.c��os�a tar � _f,�p�rc�n� a�' � � o�' �xvnk � � �S2 ���acad r�
�c � �r 56 rr�t�.n. �t �ar�x�a� �d�. ot �t c3�g ,�r �: �a. -� �.g, �
t���e �1 c� B�r�r��, �i��s�pi �,r�r � �d,�# a�t
�, �a � � � � � � o�.� �t ta� �ti �r ��►� �
�I:, l�r�i�r�s� 'b�in� �.rk�� �e�„ e�ad. ic�t�t#akd � �f.P. 6�-� �'.�. �7�)�
W�� �a�d �ia�. ��i+�wt � � ti� �,u fi� n;C�.e�e o� � �nt o� �
�ISs �,n� �uL'6,, �[f.n�e��t b�#.n8 �1�'b� a.�,blt�.sc]., t�A: �l�it�e�d eur �.�,� 6�#��
�T.H. 56=13.�)� lti��fb'�s �to�lk� g' f�t��.(�)a v►h�e�i �o��� �I�.t�, thi� l�nn�sbf.�t �sp�~h:�a�
�f H3:�s �psc!#�`i��Ct�ns fb3r f�� �t�ut'k�'�id't�, da�c1 ]�t�,,T �.y ��, � � �► �
o�o� i��' �i Cor��c�'r 1�t H��a�y�; a�airt3t� #,h� s�e�t�.!'#.4�'��S ibr �id. �rcr��e�rr�►t
q�► Ti'ttn� Hi� �r 112 r�tAu�+ex'rc`!. i�i �'i•un� 83�i�r � �63 awd
��, �opi��r d� i�id �].an� � tsp�o�,l prc�r�sic�en�l e�r �i0 3�r�.� �.abe�� e�nd ��iit�.-
�3�e]. � e�o +p�► ti�.� �,n th�! ���e o� t,� �l��, t�� Piab�.ic� Wc��cs; �. i,
i�$�, '�er ta.�e "I�i,A. pY.euas �c! +��i:�.1. �i�l.�s" a� b�►Yr��er t�l �.�n t�ie Uod�
Qt t�b3� �`4t�]:ut.�� �1��. b� +�Ir�d a�nQ �t�. bo �a�s �w�ier �Cy �1, �ox'�t,� �
�].�u�r �►nd. �+eai.�l �SSro�t.r�I► � '� t��ainB r�'t�s Da�icn�.s��► �d�it'�sd. �iad c�sa�'b� ,
�Y �� E�S �T �j �ts �#�.d �t��ul► at� 1g�s�i,�1. ���3t��ts lbo� � �pr��
�� �u�k ��nra�► fi�t7� 9,� r�n$�t�. ewF ��nk �i� �� � �r],t�,n #� 33�Lt�► o� �e
C�'� ot Bs.tu� Peu�. b(� s�id 3�e�eb�F� �w ag�ro�..
B� � � �� �,$ #� ����.ctiu� and �ad��t +� i1�o� #,n� �d pL�s �an�.
�s�c��1, ��.c�ue 't� eu� t� e� �by �rc�vicly �d �'� i� h+�r�b�r gi�n tca �► I�a�
a3:�. c�ie4 �ri �tc�ee ��►s�baned 'b� �er. (��tru�� +�f �l.d �rua� �i.�ca� �� �:2 �
�t�sd �► �rut�r �� ��r �6 .�:n tt,cc�c]�c�t ��h �.d, y�.�ns � s�sC3,at�; p�."ov'�il�.c•�i. �I
APR 2 41�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish �PR 2 9 ��
Holland � Approved 19—
�s� In Favor
Mortinson , ,
Peterson o Mayor
A gainst
Rosen � ,
,� .._�.._� ��_ ,...,:..
1�11. r � '�,
10TS 8-82