217715 � s � �, ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK - " �- CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��-� �� I r., . ., OFFICE OF�THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. , � C UNGIL� SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��Lt��:D �f -��=L � �i;;,��;�:. PRESENTED BY � . ' COMMISSIONE DATF April 20� �.� a R�S,OLVPD, That the Coimcil hereby approves the award of the Purcha,sing Cormm3.ttee • therefor, and hereby awards contra.et for �'�.irnishing aad' de]3vering to the Water � ��- . Department, St. Pau1, Minnesota., approx. 3200 Lin. Ft. of 2�+" Prestressed Concrete . - _____ ; Cylinder Pipe and fittings (Cla,ss 150) with rub'ber and steel �oints and • appurtenances to INTEftNATIONAL PIPE AND CER�CS CO�ORATION in accorc7.ance with . City p].a.ns and speci�ications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid �973�+ . , of said Interna.tional Pipe a.nd Ceramics Corporation for the contra.et price of ' approximate],y $�+0,800.00 (Board of Wa�ter Cot�nissioners reserving the right to 1 � increase any individual�� item of the Ma.terials o� the Contract by an amount not to ' r .' exceed �renty per cent of the quantity indicated for each item), such bid being the .� � lo�rer and said Internationa.]. Pipe and Ceramics Co�poration being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the,;Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up -� � i . the proper form of contract there�'or, and �he proper City o�ficials hereby are authorized 'to execute sai'd contra.et on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. j ' a ., . i _ Formal Bid �73�+. ,' '�-,'"T xouana xo. zi��is--sY Bernard , �r - . �Resolved, That the Council hereby , �a , j,roroves the award of',the Purchasing � • - - - - . -- - �f tnmittee therefor and hereby awards ; , ; ¢tract for furnis�ing and delivering ` ' _p the Water Department, St. Paul, � •:snta; approxirriately 3,200 lineal � :b,su:i i.�" Prestressed Concrete Cyl- , � .r�� -�se and fittings (Class 150j witli , , �,3�d ste-el 9o1*Hs an3 ap;�.i ? ;i- � � `TT` 'I`TA':4t'i�°b,�PT'�y�°�,_' ' � q � 'ST' �.1�"�? ;L ill.d"'�"'11lP ' � tth,�� c�:+��- ',u�K:J � - 3tt�.� Y �1' t�s: � ' .tLlJ'S6Ar i' A �a� � _ 'ti t SU' AP�R 2:3 �V� - no�.• COUNCILMEN - �$opted by the Council 19— ' Yeas ' Nays � _ . naigli$h �.�. A P R �31� ��Iiolland pprove lg_ �gg , n Favor s Mortinson � � Mayor Peterson � # Rosen � A gainst _ , Mr. President, Vavoulis � iors e-sz , ,: _ `'i . � DUrLICATE TO PRINTER ��' /��� � - :: _ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N�, e , . , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��1 �' 1� COMMISSIONER DATE _ R'�SO�D, Tha� � CounCil I�er�eby appz'ove$ �the awar�. o:C thC '�urchas3ng Ca�.tte� �thex�for, atid hereby awards cont�,ct for 1�rnishing arid de73vering to '�he Wa,ter Department, St. Pa,ul, M3nnesota,, �.ppro�. �2E)0 7,in. �'�t, oP 2�-�' �'re$'�reg$�d. Con�x�e�'� Cy].ir�d.er Pipe and. �i't'��.ngs (C7.as� 150) �t�ri�h rubb�r and �'t�+e]. �o3uts �►ud agp,�rte�+o�� �o ��TIa�A�, rI� �D c�cs eortPORA�la� in ac�ord�n�e �i.tn �ity p�s �tnd specif3ca.�ta�s tbsrefox l�reto at'ta,ched �d th� For�,l. �Ld �973�+ oF sa�d T��tex�ae.tianal Pip� �nd Cera�.i.cs Corporat3on �or �th� can�ract price o� appx�oxime.te�,y �4,804.00 (E4ard c�f Water Ca�seioners resarving the r3.ght to �.ncreaae any �.nd..ivi.dual i�tem of #�he Ma�ria,�.� o:P t,he Contract by an �unt not to exceed '�n�ty per cen�t o� �t,he qu�a,ntit3r irtd�.ca'ted. for e� i'te'n��, su�ch bid b�ing '�e lvwer and sa9.d �nterna,tioria7. Pip� an.c1 Ce�Lcg Co;�poration being .�, re�aon.e,bls �nd r�liabl� b3.dcl�r �a.d -the Corporatipzi Co�sel 'be and hex�by �.� di�cted to draw u� � proper �orm of contract there�'or, and the prop�r +�ity oi��iciels h�re'by �re a��thor�.zed to e�ecu�e :sa3.c1 contraet an 'behaL�P o� '�h,e City o� �.n.t Pa�+y.7.. Forma7. Bid �73�. �� ,�¢'�; � ';� �_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish , ,, �� ;, Holland Approved 19_ Loss ' In Favor Mortinson " Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e.ez