217713 � ��'7'��3 �
Counoil File No........_............._ I
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Theundersignedhereby proposeethemakingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of$aint Paul�vis.: �
�g�,Qp�g����,_���._��,�}��glk__on_,both,_$ides,_of Prior_Ave. from Lincoln Ave. to Goodrich �
................•-•---•------------------�........---------•-----•---.._.. �
Ave. and by.doin�_all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete �
......................_. _.... ._.. ......_..... ..._. ........-------------------•-------•--......_..___.........---------•-•- i
..............._.................._-----•----.....................-•-----•--...........---•-•-----..._.__............................................�4----..............- ---_._....--- �
Dated thie........22nd..--.day of................................April ............................ ...---• '�
-------•---•-------•.............. --•-----•---•--•..... .... ..-- --••-• -•---- 1
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Councilman. !
WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,i
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Prior Ave. from Lincoln Ave. to Goodrich I
_.---------•...................•--•---•---.....---------.......--•-----••---•-•----••-•--------........----------•-----------......-•-••--•------•---•-•---...--••--•----•---•----------•--_.._.. ,
�_ Ave. and bq doing_all_other work which is necessary and incidental to complete �
............... _.. ---...-----..........._...--•---•--.._.........---•-------------------._...----•-......•-•-.._....-------•--------• �
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__.aa„i.d_.��QV���.nt..----------•------•------ •--•-•-••-•..............................t3�''�i tyc� No. 217713—By Miiton
.......----...-•----•--•-----------•-•-••- r�.�-•;�,7.°•----�� . I
� � - �vritten prop osal Por the h
----------------------------•-------•---•--•...-----°-••--•-......--------------------•--•---...--•--•--•••---•---------•--•----•------...------------•---••----•--••-----t';ollowing improvement,
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having been presented to the'Counoil of the City of Saint Paul......................._............_._............!�.........�?. trom ��o� a�e. '
therefore t?@ lt , ,-:�.�L a��}�bcessa ing all
� . i. ' ` `1n�� �°: 'd improve-
RFSOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereb ordered and dfrectec�•• �� `�`°"' GO tne ,
! . v 't'[r kL� F �.d
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1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the ma�ng of eaid improvement. " �"� �w
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimsted cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. i
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of s�id improvement.
4. To atate whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. '
5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to tl���p�ia�i�iyer of I�nance.
A1 I� h��
Adoptedby the Council..---.....-•.................................•----••-••----•----------•-----
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Y�es Nsys ��R `�� �s�
Councilman D a 1 g 1 i s h ' r 1�
..�l0.1-1-a�d-- Approved-----•------... . '
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Mortinson "
Peterson ('� � � ,
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Rosen -•----------_--- ----------- ---- -----------•------------ ,
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M$. P$�sin�xz� Vavou 1 i s �Mayor. M^ ,� �'
a000 7-as '- ,;:. I
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