217699 � ������� � couacil File No................._...._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. g���D -a 5-�. -' Theundersignedhereby propoaesthemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,via.: reconstruct the_sidewalk on_both sides of Lawson Ave. from Cypress.,St.___to_Earl_St.__ , --•--•.................-- ----••-•------- ...-•-----------...........----•--................................._ and by doing all other work wh3ch is necessary and incidental to complete said im- ......_.............•--•----•--.......-------------------•-------.....-----............----------••---•-----------.....................---•--•---..�-----..........--•---------•--------•------- �rovement. ..................---.._...............--•---•--......_......---•-•-----.......-•---•----•--•------•---......._...._...........------•-------••---...._....---------------.._...... ......__.--------•.........................•---......................_..........................-•------•--•---...................._.---•-------.............---•----._...-•--•---•---_....----- Dated this....21st.........day of..............April ...................................._...-•-•----•----, 19 6 - .....................................----..... ........•------..........._-•---------•----•------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Lawson Ave. from Cypress St. to Earl St. ..............•-----------.....----•-•-•-•------•--------••-•---...--•---------•----••-------------•-•------•------------------•---...--•-------------•--------...-----..__....----------..._.._-- and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said im- provement. ' ...----°---°--------------°-•-.......---......_._......----...__.....-•---°-----------°--------.._........._..._...°------...--------�Council EYle No. 217699—By Milto� Rosen— ----^-----------------°--------.....---------------..._. .......-----°-------------------------------°-----°------------°°---°----- Whereas, A written proposal fbr the making of the following improvement, havin been resented to the Council of the Cit of Saint Paul............................... "'Z•� g p y sidescof L wso nAve i from Cyp ess�St. therefo�e, be it to Earl st. ena by ao�,g $u oti,� work which is necessary and incidental RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public �Vorks be and is hereb or �O complete said improvement, having � Y been presented to the Councll of the ' "'�of Saint PauY therefore, be it , 1. To investigate the necesaity for, or deairability of, the making of said ' �ryi��;l�;�a�,,�,,��+,th� 5�!�r i;.f'�,,�'. --an.z � �I. . l� r�" 1r.;�r�. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and tne total aosi t�ereot:� 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. t b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiesioner of Finance. + �IP R 2 21�� � Adoptedby the Council...--•--•-•-------------_.._........_..---------•--••----•-•--------------- ( YBes NeYS � Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh ��� 2 `� ��5� fHe-N-ar�d— Approved..................... •- ----.....--------------....---...---..._...._._ Loss Mortinson � � Peterson �� Rose n � ------------------ -----------•--- -----------------------._.._.. ---•----_.. M8. PBEBID�NT Vavou 1 i s ' Mayor. 3000 7-b4