217678Original to City Cleric ORDINANCE .,�,� PRESENTED _ -.� - - I. COUNCIL FILE NO. 0 RDINANCE NO. /'2 7 1 .mincil File No. 217878— Ordinance No. ,1Ik.ti8 —By James J. Dalgl — Bern1T J 1 cvilland— Milton Rosen— P " .lA•: ifs • ..ti?'C; �s;di,ia ".'triance imposing ;se:.. y?-I AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A YEARLY TAX UPON ;, x °1 private person, ­ ANY PRIVATE PERSON FIRM OR C ORPORAT ION ` ` �rr'i lttrer Wean of Yearly twc OTHER THAN AN AUTHORIZED PUBLIC UTILITY,�c''` e9II��m�t;9fr utnor a WHICH SHALL MAINTAIN AND OPERATE IN ANY In MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY BUILDING IN THE CITY pS sv3si OF SAINT PAUL, AS LANDLORD OR OTHERWISE, A BUSINESS OR BUSINESS ACTIVITY WHICH SHALL INVOLVE THE RESALE, BY ANY SUCH PRIVATE PERSON,:FIRM OR CORPORATION, OF ELECTRIC ENERGY PURCHASED FROM ANY AUTHORIZED PUBLIC UTILITY4t,BY ANY SUCH PRIVATE PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION, TO ANY TENANT, QR TENANTS, OCCUPANT OR OCCUPANTS OF ANY SUCH MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY BUILDING; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF PAYMENT OF SUCH TAX; AND PROVIDING FOR PENALITIES FOR ANY VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. THIS IS'AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND'SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY.OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That there is hereby levied, assessed, and imj posed a tax on every private person, firm, or corporation, other, than an authorized public utility, which shall maintain and operate, in any multiple occupancy building in the City of Saint Paul, as landlord or otherwise;. a business or business activity which -shall involve the resale, whether remetered or not, by any such private person, firm, or corporation, of electric energy purchased from any authorized public utility or the generation and sale, whether re- metered or not, by any such private person, firm, or corporation,, of electric energy to any tenant or tenants, occupant or occupants, of any such multiple occupancy building, which tax shall be an annual tax and which shall, in amount, be computed one,such basis and shall constitute the equivalent of 5% of the gross-revenues ' derived from such resale or the generation and sale of electric energy in any such multiple occupancy building within the limits of the City of Saint Paul. ' w Section 2. That said tax shall be paid to the Commissioner of Finance on or before the 5th day' of January of each year.. Section. That if any person, firm or corporation required to pay a tax by the terms of this ordinance shall fail to pay the same on or before the 5th day of January in any year, there shall be added to said annual tax so in default, aspenagt.y of tet per cent (10 %) . . t Section 4. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Original to city Cler ;�' PRESENTED BY 1 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. n ' ORDINANCE NO. I Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen hays ragged pw T'= w..=. Dalglish i ✓/] Holland ,t Loss / ` !�`'_., v Tn Favori Meredith Peterson t Rosen r� Mr.President (Vavoulis) 1 Approved: Attest: City C&e& Mayor ' "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By, \\ /I S PMENneD j NC `fl�q�� ,� Ad00 1 Ac1o,�G:i� �� 'OLi3X OL13X ONJa . Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY COUNCIL • .) ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A YEARLY TAX UPON ANY PRIVATE PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION, OTHER THAN AN AUTHORIZED PUBLIC UTILITY, WHICH SHALL MAINTAIN AND OPERATE, IN ANY MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY BUILDING IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AS LANDLORD OR OTHERWISE, A BUSINESS OR BUSINESS ACTIVITY WHICH SHALL INVOLVE THE RESALE, BY ANY SUCH PRIVATE PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION, OF ELECTRIC ENEAGY,PUACHASED FROM ANY AUTHORIZED PUBLIC UTILITY.,,BY ANY SUCH PRIVATE PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION, TO ANY TENANT, OR TENANTS, OCCUPANV OR OCCUPANTS OF ANY SUCH MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY BUILDING; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF PAYMENT OF SUCH TAX; AND PROVIDING FOR PENALITIES FOR ANY VIOLA^1ION OF THIS ORDINANCE. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That there is hereby levied, assessed, and im- posed a tax on every private person, firm, or corporation, other than an authorized public utility, which shall maintain and operate, in any multiple occupancy building in the City of Saint Paul, as landlord or otherwise.. a business or business activity which shall involve the resale, whether remetered or not, by any such private; person,-firm, or corporation, of electric energy purchased from an authorized public utility or the generation and sale, whether re- metered or not, by any such private person, firm, or corporation, of electric energy to any tenant or tenants, occupant or occupants, of any such multiple occupancy building, which tax shall be an annual tax and which shall, in amount, be computed on such basis and shall constitute the equivalent of 5% of the gross revenues derived from such resale or the generation and sale of electric energy in any such multiple occupancy building within the limits of the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. That said tax shall be paid to the Commissioner, of Finance on or before the 5th day of January of each year. Section 3e That if any person, firm or corporation required to pay a tax by.the terms of this ordinance shall fail to pay the same on or before the 5th day of January in any year, there shall be added to said annual tax so in default, a penalty of ten per cent (10%). Section '4. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. I Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest; City Clerk IM M2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Ag . t 1.. !c �+ Ad00 Ad00 r �Ad00 ' !tlrl Ti � - OL13X ' 02i3X i Otl7X Original to City Clark ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 900 — i PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. L9 4 Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. ,- $f a. 1l i 0 JUN 161964 1 Yeas Councilmen Nays" Passed by the Council i Dalglish Holland Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Aaainat ✓` Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis)' Approved: l 1 iN 1 9 19FA , —� _ Attest: City Clerk ( Mayor lDf "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By .,....,f..v,ea - r...�,...nr.-- r.w�,.rlma^+»+a: sr,'7',,,• urge v^^. a^.... rr- �,... x, v+ r- a- �. j.- �... �..w. py,.----- ..rw...R,....,t.......- _,.w... Orieitial to City Clerk PRESENTED BY W RDINANCE Y J 2176, FILE O. 1 INANCE NO. 1, AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A YEARLY TAX UPON ANY PRIVATE PERSON,IRM OR CORPORATION, OTHER THAN AN AUTHOR ZED PUBLIC UTILITY, WHICH SHALL MAINTAIN ND OPERATE, IN ANY MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY BU LDING IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, AS LAN LORD OR OTHERWISE, A BUSINESS OR BUSINES ACTIVITY WHICH SHALL INVOLVE THE RESALE, B ANY SUCH PRIVATE PERSON,' FIRM OR CORPO TION, OF ELECTRIC ENERGY PURCHASED FROM AUTHORIZED PUBLIC UTILITY, BY ANY SUCH PR VATE PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION, TO ANY TEN T, OR TENANTS, OCCUPANT OR OOCUPANTS 0 ANY SUCH MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY BUILDING; PROV DING FOR THE MANNER OF PAYMENT OF SUCH TAX; ND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR ANY VIOLATI N OF THIS ORDINANCE. THIS, IS AN EMERGENCY ORDI4ATNCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVNTION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES'ORDAIN: Section 1. That there is hereby \levied, assessed and imposed a tax on every private person, firm or corporation, otheri than an authorized public utility, which shall maintain and operate, in any multiple occup cy building in the C3�ty of Saint Paul, as landlord or otherwis b11 ness or business activity hich shall involve the resal\,pb-y y such private person, firm or cor� poration of electric enchased from any authorized public utility, by any such p rson, firm or corporation, to any tenant or tenants, oc uoccupants of any such multiple occupancy building, hihall be an annudl tax and which shall, in amount, e con such basis and`.shall constitute the equivalent o Five per cent (5 %) of the gro�ss revenues derived from su h resale of electric energy business or business activity within the limits of the City of Saint 1?aul. # Section.I2. That said tax shall be paid to the Commissioner of Finance on or before the 5th day of January of`:each year. Section 3. That if any person, firm or corporation required to pay a tax by the terms of this ordinance shall fail to pay the same on or before the 5th day of January in any year, there shall be added to said annual tax so in default, a penalty of ten per cent(1.0 %). Section 4. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public..peace,,health and safety. Section 5,. This ordinance force upon its passage, approval an Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M "2 X22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By shall take effect and be in d publication. 4 Passed by the Council F Tn Favor k Against QoadrapHests to D.Darta.al PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 1,7578 COUNCIL FILE NO A� OROIR OF IM POSING A" An PRI , PERSON r1RM 01TH811 TRAY AR AUTORIZEP WHICH SHAL 14AINTA�IN AND HKULTIPLE C TVANCY BUILD OF SAINT PA L$ AS LANDLO, A BUSINESS RtiSIVES3 A, INVOLVE T� SALE BY A PErasow, FIaS OR COAPOR EgIZRGY PURCHA LLID PlomI UTILITY BY A $VCR Y CORPORHION, An TE OCCUPANT OR CC WANTS � OCCUPASCY" BUI KG; PBS OF PATVXNT OF S H TAX PENALTIES FOR VIOL, THIS I3 Aft Elm 'NC'' 0 NECESSARY FOR T PRE: PEACE,, HEALTH A , 304 ORDINANCE NO. EOLY TAX UPON O 1 CORPORATION, PUI.LIC VTILITYI OPERATE, IN ANY Res 19 THIS CITY D OA OTHERWX SE TI.VITY WHICH SMALL y such PRIVATZ ON OF ELECTRIC HT51MED FMLIC ATE PARSON VIM OR T$ OR:TEVAITS Any SUCH HTiLTIPIS DINO M THR MA ..•R A1I0 PROVIDING FOR 'ION OJP CIS ORDINANCE* �IMNCR REHDEREU YATIOH OP` THS PUBLIC THE COUNCIL OF THE CI Y Oy SAINT PAUL`L }DOS ORDAIN& i seatlon 1. That there is hereby 1evieds assessed and iaposed a tax on *very private p rion firm or corporation other than air authorized public utillt ;" Mah shall. nalutain operates in any multiple oaoupanay buildin ! in. the City of`:,Sai.nat Paul as iamdlord or otherwise, a busLn s or business activity v1 dh shall, involve tha resale, by ch. private person.$ fim or aor-► porition of ellctri z energy porch!" ,d fro* any authorised public utility, by any such private per` 'on firat or coryofttion$ to any tenant or tenaats$ occupant or oldcu ants of any suo multiples occupancy building vhich tan sh.ikilr a an annual tax and whiah shall $ in amount to Computed of i sues btss and shall constitute the equivalent 01 give per aent'(5%) f the gross ro*onues derived frog such regale of el.e#tri a no rgy business of busingus activity within the I,I.ni.ts of the - Cl.t of Saint Paul. Section. 2. That said tax s all be paid toy the Coo" L osiontr of Pi.nance on or before the 5+;4 dame of Januaz7 of each year* Seatiou 3. That If ' perso $ fi m or aorperatl ern re fired to pay a tax by the terms of this ordin as shall fall to pay the same on or before the 5th dale: of Janua in rnr year, hors shall be added to said annual tax to ih default, a penalty of tip per oent(10%) . Section 4. This Is' an o"rgen necessary for tho preservoti6n of the pu Seatton This 4rdinance $he► force upon its paseage$ approval and pub Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed Dalglish r Holland !! Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1A1 "2 -OW22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By ordinance "4 Q peace,, heal talc# effect ation. the Mayor and safety. be in Against April 22 '4 Hon. Bernard T. Holland---. Chairman, Public Utilities Ca®nittee Building - Dear Sir 5 The City Council referred to the PA)li itie_ s Cc6mittee the attached copy cif an ordifianc it No. 217678, imposing _,. a yearly tax on any person which is involved in the -re -sale of electric ever ur'chased am an uthorized public utility: The ordinance received F t Reading sApril 22nd, and was laid over one week to April 29th- f coed Very truly yams,, City Clerk 'I 010 IJt,J u, li •' X213 F' ' -1 I 0213X,; 1` Tj IX 1 E k 4 Section 1, That there is hereby'levied, assessed, j h and imposed 'a tax on every private person, firm, or corpora- " } ; tion, other than-an authorized public utility, which shall maintain and operate, in any multiple occupancy building in the City of Saint Paul, as landlord or otherwise, a business or business activity which shall involve the resale, whether remetered or not, by any such private person, firm, or.cor- poration, of electric energy purchased from any•authorized public utility or the generation and sale whether remetered or not, by any such private person, firm, or corporation,of electric energy to any tenant or tenants, occupant or occu- pants, of any such multiple occupancy building,:which tax shall be an annual tax and which shall, in amount, be computed on such basis and shall constitute the equivalent of 5/ of the gross revenues derived from such resale or the generation and sale of-electric energy in any such multiple occupancy building within the limits of the City of Saint Paul. I� i 1 • r i 1 I �St . _t It '!/ i 2d w R Laid over to 3rd and app. Adopted v i Yeas _ Nays Yeas Nays �alglish `Dalglish Holland Holland Loss Loss �Iortinson Peterson Peterson -Rosen fl Rosen 2 Ld Mr. President Wavoulls• President Vavoulis � "� PUBLISHED