D001550l.J CrrY OF Sana`r PAUr. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER xo: Uw 1 J�'J Date: May 1, 1998_ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, 1 WHEREAS, the City will conduct its annual Manager's Conference on 7une 9, 1998 at the Sheraton Midway. 4 Wf�REAS, the conference, titled "Facing the New Millinium," will provide up to 150 City 5 employees with an opportunity to attend lectures and workshops designed to prepare them for 6 future management challenges. 8 WFIEREAS, the Office of Human Resources is responsible for providing the following costs: 9 - Room rental to the Sheraton Midway for the conference and breakout sessions; 10 - Lunch, refreshments, and other misceilaneous supplies for up to 150 individuals. 11 . 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ottDEREn , that the Office of Human Resources be authorized to 12 reimburse various vendors for costs incurred, not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), 13 which will be paid out of the Cseneral Fund, Activity 00164, APPROVED AS TO FORM � Assistant City Attorney Date: i��A1 l�J, f Qqa � c . --, D ment Head \. � �t / L ` a` .. u 7C�1550 DEPARTMENT/OFFiCElCOUNCII.: �man Resources CON7'AGT PERSON & PAONE: Nancy Anderson 266-6510 MIJST BS ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) As Soon As Possible TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I.00ATIONSFOR ncr►oN x�uESrEV: That the Office of Human Resources be authorized to reimburse appropriate vendors for costs incutted in conducting the 1998 Manager's Conference on June 9, 1498. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) ar Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE � STAFF _ DIS7'RICT COUR7' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECIIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MfJSI' ANSWER THE FOLLOK'ING QUESC10N5: 1. Has ihis ersrnJfirm ever worked under a rnnVact for tFws depaftment? Yes � � 2. Has tlil on/firm ever been a ciTy employee? Yes o 3. Does persoNfyr�i .possess a skill not nortnally possessed by arry curreM ciTy employee? No Ezplam all yes rs on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Whq What, When, Where, Why): � e 1998 annual Manager's Conference is titied "Facirig the New Millinium° and will be held 7une 9, 1998 at the eraton Midway. Presentations throughout the day are designed to prepare for atCendees for the management challenges they will face in the near future. Costs for room rental, materials, and refreshments will not exceed $�000. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Personal and professional development as well as providing City managers some critical skills for the future. DISADVANTAGES [F APPROVEU: None. The conference has been budgeted for. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED MAY 2 7 1998 Inability to provide this valuable opportunity for personal and professional development and for equipping City managers with important skills needed for the future. TO'PAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $y000.00 �rDiNC souRCE: General Fund FINANCL4L INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� . DATE INI'TIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 52234 5I1198 � ATE INITTALDATE ASSIGN 1_DEPARIMENI' DIl2. CI1'Y COUNCII, N�TMgER � C1TY ATIORNEY CI7Y CLbRK gpg BUM'E'I' DIIL _3_DII2ECTOR OF FINANCIAL SVCS_ ROUTING MAYOR (OR ASSTJ _4_ CITY CLERK ORDEA CO.ST/REVENUEBUDGETED: Yes Acrivrl'Y rrUMBER: 00164 � �V