217626 � �7-� ��
Councll File No. 217828 — By Milton !
Rosen— 1
Resolved, That vpon the petition of ' 1 All—tlie con ondlt�e5ervations .
Port Authority of the City of Saint 'and provisions contained in Chapter� ,
Paul the sections of public streets and � 228 of the St. Paul E.egislative Code,�
alleys hereinafter described, be and ' enacted Dec. S8, 1957, as amended,
the same are vacated and discontinued + regulating the procedure and grescrib- �
as public streets and alleys viz: � ing the conditions ior the vacation of
STREET FROM� TO + ' public grounds,streets,alleys and high-�
Belvidere St. from the SW'ly line of„ ways in the City of Saint Paul.
Lot 14, Blk. 56; the West St. Paul- 2. That petitioner, Port Authoritg;
Real Estate & Improvement Syndi- � of the City of Saint Paul,shall execute, ,
cate Addition No. 4, extended NW'ly� deliver, and file with the City Clerk '
to N.W. Levee Line. - its written covenant binding it unto
, the City of Saint Paul to replat the
I Winona St. from a line between h entire azea embraced by Southport, an
� N.W, cor. oP Lot 8, Blk. 51; and the� + industrial development district, created
S.W. cor. oP Lot 24, Blk. 58; ,the West� by said Port Authority and which
St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement ' addi�ional to other areas of land, em-
S�yne icate Addition No.4 to W.Levee� �• braces all of the aforesaid sections of
public streets and alleys hereby pro- �
Wyoming ,St. from a line betcveen the' I vided to be vacated and to thereunder
� N.W. cor. of I,ot 4, Blk. 49; the West' and thereby effectively dedicate £or- ;
St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement � ever to public street and alley pur-
Syndicate Addition No. 3 and the poses, tracts or Qarcels of 1 a n d
S.W. cor. of Lot 19, Blk, 51; the West � included in said plat, constituting an
St. Paul Real Estate & �Improvement aggregate area the equivalent to that
,Syndicate Addition No, 4 to S.W. I of the said sections of publlc streets
! Levee Line. , and public alleys hereby provided to f
Greve St. from a line between the be vacated and further binding said i
� N.W. cor. of L•ot 16, Blk. 45 and the Port Authority unto said City to effect �
S.W. cor. of I.ot 12,Bllc. 49; the West such replatting and such dedication of
St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement public streets and alleys thereunder, i
Syndicate Addition No. 3 to S.W.� ° by a statutory plat entitled to record
Levee Line. ,i ; in the office of the Register of Deeds
Argonne St.from the N. Line of Greve' or in the office o4 the Registrar of
St. to the S. Line of Belvidere St. ' Titles in and for Ramsey County,
Lamprey Avenue from the N. Line of Minnesota, within the period of three
Annapolis St. to the S. Line of' years next after the etYective date of '
Moriarty's Addition. � this resolution, or, in the alternative
Jeanne Ave. �rom the N. line o4� r and in t h e event of said Port '
Belvidere St. to the N. Line of , E�uthority's failure to so replat and, �
Moriazty's Addition. so dedicate within said period of time,
ALLEYS WITEiiN BLOCKS that it shall become and be obligated
Blks. 1 and 2, Moriarty's Addition. therefor and shall pay to the City of �
Blks. 46, 47, 48; The West St. Paul Saint Paul the full sum of �25,000 as "
Real Estate & frriprovement Syndi- � and for the compensatlon for the vaca- '
cate Addition No. 3. tion hereunder oP the aforesaid publlc �
Blks. 52, 53, 54, 55; The West St. Paul streets and alleys, in lieu of said re-�
Real Estate & Improvement Syndi- platting and said dedication.
cate Addition No. 4. 3, That said written covenant of said
Lots 1 thru 3 and 14,Blk.49; The West Port Authority shall further obligate
St. Paul Real Estate & Impro�ement ; said Port Authority unto said City �
� Syndicate Addition No. 3. ; to establish and maintain barricades
Lots 1 thru 15 and 23 thru 38, Bllc. 45; at the ends oP the subject vacated'
The West St. Paul Real Estate & I. publlc streets and alleys as shall be'
� Improvement S y n d i c a t e Addition specifled by the Council of the said�
No. 3. City, within the period of one year
Lots 1 thru 8 and 19 thru 24, Blk, 51; next after the efYecrive date of this I .
The West St. Paul Real Fstate & resolution, and said written covenant
Improvement Syndicate Addition shall be subject to approval by the
No. 4. � Corporation Counsel of_ said City.
Lots 1 •thru 13 and 24 thru 34, Blk. 58; 4. The furnishing of the bond pro- �
� The West St.Paul Real Estate & Im- vided 8or in said Chapter, to be flled
provement Syndicate Addition No. 4. by said petitioner, is hereby waived.
subject expressly to the following � 5. Said petitioner shall pay to the� �
_conditions and reservations: City of Saint Paul the cost of publica-
��� � Uon of this resolution. i
Resolved Etuther, That this resolu-
tion skfall entirely supersede this
Council's prlor resolutions, C. F. No.
215027, approved October 9, 1983, and
C. F. 218085, approved January 3, 1984
concerning the same subject.
Adopted by the.Councii April 21,1964.
� Approved April 21, 1984.
(April 25, 19847