217625 ; -� � . ,,,eee���r ��� Council Flle No. 217625—By Frank L. ��� �. ORIGINAL TQ�CITY CLERK �S� ti�� � CITY OF ST. Resolved, That the proper City offl- NO. OFFICE OF THE vers are hereby authorized.to accept a �- ti •'u. warranty deed from Holiday Realty, • - • � Inc., conveying to the City of Saint . �C UNC L RESOLUTION 1'aul the following described property: , • Those parts of Go��r,��r�ent Lot 4, PRESENTED BY Section��,, .Tow• �L,�'^'�" �V�irth_ COMMISSIONE Lt,``�g��n }� ��e,c��9�'SF�' �� � i 4•�:.,'a-�1�ti�Bl--3hJ. .�. + - •ti� , _, :< �. ��LIS � �5--� � RESOL�IED, ghat tY�e proper O�.ty offieers are t hereby authorized to aacept a Warran�y deed from Hollday � Realty, Ina. , Qanve�ring to the City of Saint Paul the ; following deseribed property: , • � �� Those parta of Governmen� I,�t 4, Section t 21, ,'TownsY�ip 28 North, Range 23 West of the i Fourth Prineipal Meridian, and Lot 1, Snelling � Out �'Lots, bounded by the following described � lines: Beginning at the point of intersection ' of �he southerly line of Reserve Boulevard and � the �:east line of $aid Sec�ion 21; t�e�ae south i alo�i the east line of Seation 21, a distance � _ of ���.61 fEet �o a po�.nt; thence south 90°Ot � ' wes� a dia�ance of 110.83 feet to a poin�; � � ' .the�i�e soutM. 68°00� west a distance of 330 � feet to a point; thence south 56°30� west a � - distance of 736.22 feet to a point; tY�ence , � soutl� 71°59� wes� a distanae • . feet i more- or less to a point on t e east 1.ine of ' t Davern Ave�ue which is �1.3 fee� south of the _ , _ point 'of intersec�ion of the east line of ; ° �, - Davern Avenue -and the sontherly line of Reserve � � �• •. Boul'evard; thenQe north along the east line of j _ � � . � �; Davern Aver�ue _�41.3 feet �o a.n in�ersection with � � the southerly line of Rese�ve Bot�.].evard; thenae •��`� > ° northerly and easterly alor�g the southerly lir�e � � o of �teserve Boulevard, in its course as recorded ; � a in Doarzment 1�31385, Page 303, Book 1555 of � � Deed's to �he point of beginr�ing; j � �; � � � � Also�, a permanent easement for the cons��uc�Gion � and ma.�ntenanae of a publ�c s�orm sewer on, under � ; . � ti. � , COUNCILMEN : - Adopted by the Council ! 19— Yeas Nays � E Dalglish � �';;y Holland � Approved � 1�9_ . + Loss . - Tn Favor � Mortinson - _ Peterson '� Mayor Rosen A gainst � Mr. President, Vavoulis ' iont a-az ' , � 4 , � , � F __ .� ,., T � � � ,- y w � e F"ca����� . - 1 , � and aaross and through �he followi�g desaribed � propertyi A st�ip of land 20 feet in width lying r�ortherly of the M3ssissippi R3ver; { soutYi'erly of the south line of Mississippi River Boulevard as des�ribed above and lying ad�acent to and 10 feet on either side of a f l�ne 3�5 feet westerly. from and paralleT �o he east� Section line of Se��ion 21, Township �8 North; Range 23 Weat, reserving to the grantor the perpetual right of egress ar�d ingress over � tY�e a�ea of easement heretofore described; . . _ , I con�sideration from tY�e City to Holiday Realty, �ne. to consiat� of the followings � 1) 'i'he City of �aint Paul will not levy an assessment� againat �he rema3.ning contiguous property owned � by Holiday Ftealty, Ine. for the construc�ion of Mississippi River Boulevard between West � Seventh Street and said east line of �eetion 21; � 2) The �ity of �aint Paul will agree to install a � non�ommercial type of direational sign indiQating thereon either boating or marina facilit�.es, sa3.d sign �o be approved by tY�e �'raffia Er�gineer of the �ity of �aint Paul; � 3) The Ci�y of Saint Paul will provide co�tinuoas � . aceess to the balance of the Ho13.day Realty, Inef , proper�Gy, save and except the right of the �ity i �o temporarily preclude access for construction f purposes for not more than four (�) hours. �he � City is required �o give Holiday Realty, Inc. at least one day�s notice before interfering with � � ,aacess; _ , :;��_ _ _ - ....�.. .. �+) The City will reimburse the owr�er in the amount of Fo�ar Thousand Dollars ($�+,000.00), whiah re- � presenta the total eost of� a five foo� high chain link fe�ce, excluding gatea, wY�ich the owner is to cor��truct on its property ad�acent to the southerly line of t�e property being conveyed to the Qity. I t f . � , ,,, - i , � . r ✓ ORIGINAL TWCITY CLERK � � �. , CITY OF ST.' PAUL COUNCIL ����� � , ° �� • , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � �• i COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONEa DATE f i 1 - 3 k t �� � the monetary portion of the aonsideration, ir� �he a.mount of � �'our Thousand Dollars ($�#,000.00) to be made from Fund � 0920-701, the eo�veyance described above being conditioned upon F�oliday Realty, Ine. furnishing a Regiatered Property Certificate and Oprner�s �ertif3.ca�e of Tit1e, evidema3ng margetable title in said Holida�r Rea1�y, Inc. , . t � { � . i . � I , i i ,' i , t S � , j ._ � . � � F i � i i � APR 2 � 1964�' . � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish � ;�,I�R 21196� Holland ' Appr �19— Losa I. �In Favor Mortinson � Peterson p Mayor . A gainst � r 8osen � Mr. President, Vavoulis - t iont a.az � � * � } . - ' i t �