217613 ,
. �17-�/3
�Council Flle No. 217613-By Milton
�. Rosen= �
Resolved, By the Council of the City
�of Saint Paul, and pursuant to the
Petition of Port Authority of�the City
'�of Saint Paul and Minneapolis-Saint �`2.-That said Port Authority of the
iPaul Metropolltan Airports Commis- City of Saint Paul shall execute, deliver
'sion, therefor, that subject to the pro- and flle with the City Clerk its written �
visions, terms, conditions and reserva- Covenant binding said Port Authority
��tions of�this Resolution hereinafter set unto said City to replat the entire
area of said Riverview Industrial Park,
forth, the following described sections within �the period of three years next�
of public streets and public alleys with- �after the effective date o4 this Reso-�
in and constituting integral parts oP It�tion by a statutory plat recordable,�
�thab certain industrial development dis- as such, in the Office of the Register' !
trict created by said Port Authority of.Deeds qr Registrar of TiUes in and
of the City of Saint Paul, within the for Ramsey CounCy, Minnesota, where-�
corporate ;limits of said City and des- under and whereby there shall be
�i�nated; Riverview Industrial Park 3edicated to public street and public
hereby�are forever vacated and dis� 'alley purposes an aggregate area of;
oi►tinued: land equivalent to that of the afore-�
�STREE�, FROM Tp said public streets and alleys provided
eatuoky, iVE�Iy line o4 Minnetonka, to be vacated hereunder; and further
SW ly line of Nagasaki Road; �binding said Port Authority unto said
exas,-IVE�iy line of Minnetonka, SW'ly City ior the payment by said Port
e ofl Nagasaki Road; Authority to said City of the sum of
,St. 7rawrence, SW'ly line of Minne- � ��.��•�, as and for the consideration
• tonks,SW'ly line of Nagasaki Road; � money hereby provided to be paid
iConsta�s, SW'ly Iine of Minnetonka, by said Port Authority to said City on
S. ]ine of Gov't. Lot 5, Sec. 5, T. 28,� account of the vacations hereunder in `
R• �� the event of said Port Authority's fail-I
�Florida, NE'ly line of Fenton, E. line �'e to make said replatting and said i
of Gov't. Lot 8, Sec. 5, T. 28, R,22; dedication thereunder within said
vUtah, NE'ly line of Fenton, NE'ly line� period of thr�e years.
of Minnetonka and NE7y line of 3. That said written Covenant here- �
Langevin's 2nd Addition; by provided to be executed, dellvered �
Perry, NE'ly line of Fenton, NE'ly line and flled, by said Port Authority here-
of Langevin's 2nd Addition; under shall.be subject to the approval
Morrison, East line of Fenton, NE'ly of the same by the Corporatign Coun-
line oE Hitchcock's Addition; � sel of said City and shall contain addi-
Eaton, East;,line of Fenton, W. line of tlonal provisions binding said Port
Amy,cEast line of Fe on,�W. Iine of tallation nd maintentance�r by e s d
Chic., R. I. & PaciHc R. R.; Port Authoxity, at its own cost and ex-
Nicholas,_East line .of Lot 2, Block 9, pense of barricades which may be
Hitchcock's Addition, extended N'ly, ordered to be installed and maint�ined
W. line of"Chic.,R.I. &Pacific R.R.; by it under Resolution of said Council
�Meadow, North ltne of Champlain, S. adopted, within the period of six
' line of IVicholas; " months next after the e8ective date of
Wyandotte, SW'ly line of Nagasaki, this Resolution.
Road, SE'ly line of St. Lawrence St.; 4, The�furnishing of the bond ,pro-
,Wyandotte, South line of Gov't. Lot 5,I vided ior 3n said Chapter, to be filed
Sec. 5, T,,��2g, R. 22, SE7y line of by said petitioner, is hereby� waived.�
Florida St:; I
�Chester, SW'ly line of Nagasaki Road,f 5• That said Petitioner, Port Au-
� SE'ly line o'f Texas St.; thority shall in addition to all other
Chester, NW�ly line of St. I,awrence,� obligat�ons provided to be assumed by
SE'ly line�of Florida; said Petitioner hereunder be obligated
Minnetonka, SE'ly line of.Texas Street,� to reimburse said City on account of
i S'ly lii5e of,Langevin's,Addition; , 3ts lncurred cost in the conduct of this
�Champlain, East ]ine of Fenton, NE'ly vacation proceeding.
� line of Hitchcocl�s Addition; .� 6. That the provisions ot paragraph
�BayHeld, SE'ly line of St. Lawrence, No. 2 hereinabove for said replatting
t n of Nagasaki RO d and Bayfl d� licdstreets eand talleys econsituting the
� St, to the,point of inteisection of equivalent in area of that of the afore-
� BayAeld St. and the NW corner of� said publlc streets and alleys herein-
i_ Lot 8, Block 2, Walton's Sunnydale,� above provided W be vacated and dis-
an Addition; � continued are inserted herein as �
ITaft, S'ly line of St. Lawrence, NE'ly visions for' compensation on account
� line of Nagasaki Road; of the subject vacations hereunder and
Taft, S'ly line of Nagasaki Road, N. the addiUonal provisiqns of said par-
e line of Block 2,Langevin's 2nd Addi- agraph No. 2 for the payment by said
tion. i Port Authority to said City of the sum
ALLEYS�WITFiIN BLOCKS: of $25,pp0.00 is an aiternative provlsion
' �Blocks 3,4,-8,24,Dunwell and Spencer's for such compensation and shall be-
Addition to�Brooklynd (except any� come operarive only in the event that
part of said'public alley in said Block said Port Authority sha11 fall to sub-
24 heretofore vacated); stan.tially 'comply with the Rrst alter-
�Block 25, Dunwell and Spencer's Addi-� native provision for compensation by ,
tion to Brooklynd, between Lots 1� e��t�6�e aYoresaid replatting oi the
through 4 and 9,through 12, SW'ly of s�ject industrial parg area and the
Nagasaki Road; aforesaid dedication thereunder. �
Blocks 1, 2, 4,'S, 8, Langevin's Second' Resolved Furtger� That this resolu- ;
Addition; tion shall entire�y supersede this
Block 2, between Lots 1, 2, 15 and 16,� Councll's prior Resolution C. F. No.
all of Block 3 Langevin's Addition; � 215043, approved October 10, 1963, and !
A.11ey adjacent�to the S. line oP Wai-� C. F. No. 216067, approved January 3,
ton's Sunnydale, an Addition; ! 1964, concerning{he same subject. �
,subject ezpressly to the following con- Adopted by the Council April 21, !
,ditions and reservations, and provlsions 1884.
�and terms: Approved April 21, 1964.
1. All the conditions, reservations (API'11 25, 1984)
and provisions contafned in Chapter
�228 of the St. Paul L'egislative Code,
enacted December 18, 1957, as amended,
regulating the procedure and prescrib-
1ng the conditions Por the vacatiorf of
public grounds,streets,alleys and high-
ways in the City of Saint Paul; the
reservation of any public utiliUes ease-
ir�ents under and pursuant to said ,
Chapter 228, as amended, hereunder,
.shall not prejudice any right oE said
i Port Authority�of the City of Saint
'Paul to petition said Council for a re-
�lease or waiver of the same, i