06-959Council File #�j� Green Sheet # 3032653 CITY Presented RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL., MINNESOTA �� WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is comuutted to maintain a diverse workplace tUat reflects the diversity of 2 � our community; and WIIEREAS, the MulriCultutat Development Center (MCDC� is a nonprofit organizarion in existence since f 99I, established as a resource for business, govemment, and educational insritutions to help foster understanding of diversity issues in the workforce related to cu1Nrn1 differences, communicarion misperceptions, and the lack of � understanding of various cultures; and 9 WHEREAS, the City would like to partner with the MCDC and cominit $2,000.00 of City funds, which is a 1 � Bxonze Level sponsorship, to assist in the printing and distribution of a 2007 MultiQiltural "Sharing Diversit}�' poster; 11 and 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul logo will appear on the bottom of this poster along with other conhibutors reco out participation; and WHEI2EAS, in retum for this public expenditure the City gets name/brand recognition, 500 poster copies distributed locally and intemationally, guaranteed access to www.sharin�diversitv.com, and logo recogni6on at website www.mcdc.ore ; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the eapenditure of $2,000.00 and the use of the Ciry logo for this limited pucpose; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council fmds this expenditure and logo use is for the public putpose as stated above. Requested by Department � Adopted by Council: Date /��_�aIJO� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY ,2,[�,��i� %�Sd2- Approve o � Date �a' L � — � BY= For[n Appro�d by i otuey � By: I ��' Form A e y ayor fo Submission to Council BY � �� � rJ � � Green Sheet Green Sheet G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Shee# Green Sheet � o� -9s9 DepartrnenUOffice/councit; Date Initiated: � H(J — HumanResources 74SEP-06 Green Sheet NO: 3032653 Cor�tact Person 8 Phone: BoNiita Mahe 266-6525 Must Be on Council Agen 2GOCT-05 �► Assign Number For Routing Ofder Department SeM To Person In 0 uma Reson es &DMan e _� ( u � � _ � !L_uj��. 1 nman Resources D anment Direc[or 1 AU/ I/� W � Z manrialServices OfficeFnancialServi U � __ 3 � Attomev C Attornev �/ °�"�' 4 a or' Otiice MavorAssistant 5 ounal Ci Counci 6 � lerk Ci erk ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All �ocations for Signature) Action Requested: Please approve ihe Bronze Levei Sponsorship by the City of Saint Paul for MultiG�lhtral Development Center. Tttis sponsorship level includes: brand reco3nition, 500 poster copies for 2007 tided "Sharing Diversiry" distributed locally and intemationally, guazanteed access to www.sharingdiversiry.com and website recognition to enflance Ciry's image as an employer embracing diversiTy awareness. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejec! (R): Planning Commi55ion CIB Commrttee Civii Service Commission 'I. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a conVad for this department? � Yes No 2. Has this personnmi ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfiem possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain atl yes answers on separate sReet and attach to gr�en shee[ initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Must be for pubiic pvrpose. S�P��,_ � � ��� � ,. , _ .._ ?'fi,"ss tF� _., xr AdvantageslfApproved: Sponsorship wifl benefit Ihe City hy enhancing it's image as an employer emb7acing diversiry awareness. The advantage is to have posters displayed locally and intemationally by other sponsors at no add�tional cost to tk�e Ciry. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: Employees and cit4zens will not have a visional awareness of tbe City's efForts to promote diversiry. Competition in the public sector wi}t have an advantase of logo exposure (PR) locally and intemationally. ocai arteount ot ZOQO T2nsactioo: Funding source: General Funds Financial Informati on: (Explain) Following Questions: CostiRevenue Budgeted: Y ActivityNumber. @� u�'�� �/f�(� =`ti�.,, _ � ' _ �1� t �; . `L���