217611 � � . ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ' ������� ;� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � _ � L�CyNSE dOMl�`[TTFE ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOL N—GENERAL FORM �� `', PRESENTED BY Ap?�il �� 19CYt � COMMISSIONE F RF50LBED: That 1?censes aprlied fo'r by tre follotain� persons at the addr.esses stated., be and the same are hereby granted. , 9; . � Fleanor F, Jenserz 378 Wabasha Beauty Shon A*�p.8335NewOldL. � F 0. I�. �er_�?i.ng Co. �Job� Unl,imited,l4�9 ITn�cersity Vend.�ach.I�ec. " 8508" " " Jobs IInlim.?ted ;� 1�59 �niversity Cigarette " - 8509" " " 0. K. Vending Co. �St. Paul Goodwill �ndustries . ! p' S09 S�bley Vend.�i�ach.Loc. " 8j�3" " " Conaco Oil Co. �` �� � 331 E. Ke1l.ogg Ven3.Macr.Loc. ° 8533�� ° " � , Edward F. Weber �. 8s8 Raymond Gro cer�T °' 8579" " " " 'f " Frozen Meats " " " 'r " ° '� ° Off Sa1e P'i31t ° ° ° " ° u �� o Cigar+ette n ' n n n o j� , �in?'s, Inc. ' Muni.cipal Airport G�s Sta. 2P " 8583" " " n ` ° Verid.Mach.LoC. n n n i� n � , Valentine A. Rami xez ,; 1125 PaS�ne Beauty Shop " 8618" " " . � , Ra..y K. Ve.l?enga 501 Selby Restaurant " 8619" " " u ° G`l.�arette n n u n n � Cl�fford L. Erickson & Bernard T�. Worshak 927 Rice Butc�er " �675" " " j � ;. . Doris McGregor ,� 192 W. 9th RFstaurar_t " g702n u n . � Donald g. Monson . 370 Minnesota Photographer " 8781" New" �, � Dona.ld Harr�n.gtor_ ° 464 Dayton �20 Mtr.Ueh.1�r. " 8891�" Old" .� f � ' Council File� No. 217611—By Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— � Milton Rosen— i Resolved, That licenses applied for g�pi] � � ��� by the persons named on the list at- Bif�1 �� tached to this resolution be and the same aze hereby granted, and the City COUNCILMEN :� Clerk � ��t=uotea to �SUe suoh �i- censes upon the payment into the City�th0 Council 19 �, treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council Aprll 21, � Yeas Nays " lse�. : D3IgiLSt1 Approved Aprll 21, �9�. �PR � � ���� i ,(April 25, 1964), 1 Holland A oved ig_ LlJ$s 9' / , I t , In Favor � ��� Mortinson ` Peterson ;; v Mayor � A gainst � Rosen ' t T i Mr. President, Vavoulis ! � , ' iont s-ez � ' , , � '` �