06-957Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUT{ON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: D 3033258 � Referred To: Committee: Date i z 3 a s s � e 9 ,a ii iz 13 ia is is n ia is 20 � zz 2s za zs zs zz 28 zs ao 31 32 � �n ss 36 3] 38 39 ao ai az as aa as as 4] � as 50 51 W HEREAS, Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code declares as a matter of public policy that the preservation, protection, perpetuation, and use of areas, places, buildings, structures and other objects having a special historical, community or aesthetic interest or value is a public necessity and is required in the interest of the health, prosperity, safety and welfare of the people; and W HEREAS, Chapter 73 also establishes the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) and states thai it "shall work for the continuing education of the citizens of the city with respect to the historic and architectural heritage of the city;" and WHEREAS, a budget exists in the amount of $30,600 within the General Government Accounts, Activity 09063 CIB, STAR, HPC Committee; and W HEREAS, the HPC has co-sponsored an Annual Heritage Preservation Awards Ceremony with the St. Paul Chapter of the American Institute of Architecis (St. Paul AIA) for the past si�cteen years; and WHEREAS, the Director of LIEP and the Office of Financial Services recommended that an amount not to exceed $1,000 be directed to fund the shared costs of ihe event held on May 16, 2006; and W HEREAS, shared costs which included invitations, postage, printing of programs, food and non-alcoholic beverages were $686.59; and WHEREAS, LIEP and the Office of Financial Services are requesting approval for expenditures for food and beverages; and W HEREAS, event sponsors collected $250 in contributions at the door; and WHEREAS, the collection of $250 has been remitted to the City of Saint Paul, Office of LIEP; and WHEREAS, the Director of LIEP and the Office of Financial Services are requesting authorization to accept the donations and to increase the spending budget for the amounS of the donations; and W HEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.01 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does hereby certify that $250 in funds are available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2006 budget and recommends the change to the 2006 budget; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the City Cou�cil of Saint Paul approves the following changes to the 2006 budget: Current Budget FINANCING PLAN: General Government Accounts CIB, STAR, HPC Committee Expenses GL 001-09063-6905 Donations All Other Fund Financing 0 0 � Change 250 0 250 Amended Budget 250 0 250 D� -9s � sz SPENDING PLAN: ss General Government Accounts sa CIB, STAR, HPC Committee Expenses ss GL 001-090630299 Other s� AII Other Fund Spending sz � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� /f"� � 't�5� ` / , Approved by M �0 — Z3 —O(� B y' �� 0 250 250 48,634 0 48,634 48,634 250 48,884 Requested by Office of Financial Services By: a� -�`-�- ���rt_�� Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By: � Form Approved by City Attorney: s tgi��� �. �,t�� Appro�ed for Submission t L/P" � — � il: By: Adopted by Council: Date /����� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet .� �1G --9��' � peparhnenUo�ce/council: Date Initiated: � FS — FinancialServices �-�T.� Green Sheet NO: 3033258 Contac[ Person & Phone: .� DenarLneM SeM To Person InitiaUDate Dede Demko p , '� 26E8Ci45 p5sign 1 i n" eroic e tD'rect r Must 6e on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 � � Por Routing 3 or's0ffice r/ t Order 4 'i 5 i erk Ci er Totai � of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approva] of a resolution to account for expenses of the Sixteenth Annual Heritage Preservation Awazds Ceremony, to authorize use of funds for food and beverages, to approve acceptance of donafions collected and to increase the spending and financing budget by fhe amount of the donation. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Re}ect (R): Personal Service Convacts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): Expenses have been incurred for the annual awazd ceremony of the Historic Preservation Commission. T1us is a public education event to recognize projects, individuals and organizauons that enhance and celebrate Saint Paul's historic chazacter. Council approvai is necessazy to approve acceptance of donarions, to amend the budget and to authorize payment of expendiNres. Advantapeslf Approved: City staff who incuc expenses will be compensated propeily. The City of Saint Paul w$1 continue to xecognize work done on Historic Presetvation issues. DisadvantageslfApproved: None. �������� nrT � 2o0fi Disadvantages if Not Approved: ������ City staff will not be reimbursed for authorized expendimres. �_�������, p �a Total Amount of Transaction: 25� CosNRevertue Budgated: y Fundinq Source: 001 Activity Number: 09063 �0�&1C?l',"�::>':`:"s`:: . ss Financ7ai Information: (Explain) ��� � �