06-956Suspension 10/11/2006
Coancil File # � � - � S �
Green Sheet # 30 � 3 S 1:�
Presented by
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Depazhvent of Transportation (MnDO'1� is soliciting grojects tn be funded under the Municigal
Cooperative Ageement Program; and
WHEREAS, this solicitation will awazd about $3.4 million of StaLe funding for municipal requested projects , on Trunk
Highways and that meet the basic categories of Preservarion, Management, Improvemenk Expansion oz Site Development; and
WHEREAS, to be eligible for these funds the projects must be submitted to MnDOT on or before October 11, 2006 and [he
submitting agency must be able to deliver a State approved project fot State Fiscal Year 2008 (staeting July 1, 2007); and
WHEREAS, projects approved for the Municipal Cooperative Ageement Program funding will require the sabmitting agency to
provide a local match; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has reviewed the qualifying and ranking criteria and deternuned that the Snelling
Avenue, between St. Clair Avenue and Grand Avenue, Center Median Management project mee[s the cxiteria and has the best
chance to receive funding.
THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the City Council approves the Snelling Avenue Center Median Management project to
be submitted to MnDOT for review and possible funding.
Adoptioh Certified by Council Secretary
BY� � l
Approved " o: Date �d
By: �
Requested by Depaztment of:
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Bmce E. Beese, Director
Form Approved by City Attomey
Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adopted by Council: Date /4-//- �//d�
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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- Depar6irenfi/oifice/wuncil: Dafe Inifiated:
Qw -�li�wo� +,�� Green Sheet NO; 3033513
CoMact Person 8 Phone:
John Maczko
Must Be o
Doc.Type: RESOLU110N
E-0owmentRequired: Y
DacumentCO�iact: JohnM�zko
Contact Phone: 265-6137
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
SentTOPerson InitiaUDate
1 b"c W r De artment "
2 ' A Ko
3 or's ce a or/ sisfant
4 uocil oanN
5 ' C{e C" er
Action Requested:
Approval of the attached CouncIl Resolufion to approve the Snelling Avenue between St. Clair Avenue and Grand Avenue Cenhal
Island Management project fot submittal to the Minnesota Deparhnent of Transportation for review, ra6ng and possible funding.
ItlatIOf15: APPfO�E (A) of k
Planning Commission
CIB CommiKee
CiHI Senice Commission
MustAnswerthe Following Questions:
1. Has this persort/firm e�er wnrked under a coMract Tor this departmeM?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person�firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curteM city employee?
Yes No
Elcplain atl yes answers on separete sheet and altaoh W green sheet
Inkiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � '
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is soliciting projects to be funded under the Municipal Cooperative
Agreement Program. This solicitation will awazd about $3.4 million of 5fate grant funding for requested municipal projects located on
� Trunk Highways that meet the basic categories of Preservation, Management, Improvement, Expansion or Site Development. To be
eligible for these fuuds, the projects must be submitted to NSnDOT on or before October 11,2006. The submitting agency must be able
`�� to deliver a State approved project for State Fiscal Yeaz 2008 (starting July I, 2007), and the submitting agency must provide a local
match. The Department of PuUlic Works has reviewed the qualifying and rauking criteria and detenuined that the Snelling Avenue,
� between St. Clair And Grand, Center island Management project meets the criteria and has ffie best chance to receive funding.
Advantages If Approved:
The City of Saint Paul could receive State grant funding for a lacal project necessary for improved community transpor[ation, access
and safety.
Disadvanpges IfApproved:
None Imown.
Disadvanqges If Not Approved:
The City of Saint Paul could receive grant funding for a local project necessary,for improved community transpor[akon, access and
�Trensaction: �
Funding Souroe:
Financial lnformation:
CostlRevenue Budgeted: �'
Activity Number:
October 11, 2006 11:28 AM Page 1