217574 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' �, �I����� �E _� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� /�, _ : .1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. t _ .- NCIL SsJLUTION—GENERAL FORM I PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE � � DATF t 1 i � , � RESOLVED, That the �ouncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and directs the proper City officers to execute on be�alf of s�.id Qity, a Lease of the Preventorium by the City and County to the State of Min�esota, for a period of five y�ears, �n accordan�e with the terms, con- ditions and provisions of said proposed agreement, a �opy of which is marked Exk�ibit "A", a��ached Y�ereto ar�d in- E corporated herein by reference. Council Flle No. 217574—By James J. Dalglish— Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and directs the proper City of8cers to 4 execute on behalp of said City, a } Lease of the Preventorium by the GYty j , and County to the State of Minnesota, for a period of five years,in accordance with the terms, ponditions and provi- sions of said proposed agreement, a copy of which is marked Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated here- in by reference. Adopted by the Council Aprll 17, 1 1964. , Approved Aprll 17, 1964. , , (April 25, 1964) a' � i C � � �• U � w � , � o O �' ' , � � +�. o°.. ¢ U , � � N 0 � � ' aPR �� �9s� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19= Yeas Nays �Dalglish . �P R 1'� 1��� � Holland� � p roved lg' Loss �n Favor ' Mortinson ` I Peterson Mayor` . R.osen Against + , ti Mr. President, Vavoulis � ioht a-s2 � 1 � ' - �� , � � , � . V LEASE ���".�''�j ' � - . ��� , . . THIS AGREEt�i3T, Made this day of , 196�+, , be�ween The County of Ramsey 2n.d the City of Saint Paul, Parties of the First Part, hexeinafter called Lessors, and STATE OF MIISNESOTA, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter called Lessee, Y7ITNESSETH: That the said I,essors, in consideration of the rents and covenants hereinafter provided to be paid an.d periormed by the said Lessee, does hereby demise, lease and 1et unto the ; • said Lessee, and the said Zessee does hereby hire a�nd take from the said Lessor, the following described premises situated in the � . , � County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: . I,ots One (1� to Seven (7) inclusive, Block Eight (8), "Owasso" according to the plat thereof on file and of record in.the • office of the Re�ister of Deeds of Ramsey County, and the North one-half (N2) of that par� of Government Lot Four (�-} in Section Tnirty-six 36), ToUmship Thirty (30) North, � , Range Tvrenty-�hree (23� tiTes� 1yin� South of the original . ' South line of the plat of "Ot•rasso on file and of record ' in the office of the Register of Deeds oi' Ramsey Coun�y, ' . r�Iinnesota, excepted and reservi.ng therefrom that portion ; conveyed �o the Tti.nneapolis, St a Paul and Sault Ste. t�Iarie � ' by deed recorded in Book 159 Deeds, page 620 in the office . : of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, i+iinneso�a; and also excepting and reserving that portion thereof taken for Rice Street, excepting therefrom tha� part conveyed to Northwestern Bell , � Tel.ephone Compa,n.y, Vrhich is described as follows: The �ortherly One Hundred Fift -five (N155} ieet of that part ' of s�id Government Lot Four (4� lying Easterly of the One Hundred (100) foo� righ.t-of-Uray of the Minneapolis, S�,in� Paul and Saul� Steo I�farie Railway Company and South of the Sou�h line � of the plat of "Owasso" and West of Rice Street, except there- fror� the North Fifteen (N15) feet of part South of and between the extended East and West line of I,ot Five (5), Block Ten . (10�, "Owasso.�' . And Lessors also let and lease to Lessee for the same �erm the personal property now in said pxemises, inventory of t�rhich will hereafter be taken by Lessee, checked by the County of Ramsey and a�tached here�o and made a part hereof. . ' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises for the term , , of five (5) years from and after July 1, 196�- to the 30th day of , June, lg6g, both da�es inclusive, �'or the �urpose of operati.ng s�.me as an annex to the State School and Hospital for the Mentally � Deficient at Faribault, r2innesota, for the care, custody and super�; 1 , vision of inentally retar�.ed children committed to the guardianship t ' -1- � , �,�_-�.-_ . �� ,i .�#CMR�i ....,...r-._...-...�-.-.--.q-.-..-� ---• - COP�� 1xER0 ,...... ....,.�.. . ��'[f�i � � � _ �COPYQ� (.."'�I..(ii.��. R •� S y � �L K J I � ] J � of the Commissioner of Public Welfare of the S�ate of P-Zinnesota. ; � ; ,, 2t is further avreed by and bett7leen the Parties he-reto: } le That subject to the appropriation of the necessary fun.ds� by the Legislature, Lessee will install temperature control valve�s, thermos�ats and relays; ins�all natural gas conversion burner in ! ho� ti�rater heating boiler; install storm ti,rindows on school building and paint the interior of the school and main building. ' 2. That in consideration for making -the above mentioned ' alterations and improvements, Lessee shall pay rental for the use� of said premises the sum of One Dollar (�1.00) a year f'or each of the years of this I,ease. 3. That Zessee shall reimburse Lessors the ainount expended : by Lessors to provide such insurance coverage of said prerni.ses as deemed necessary by the Parties Y?ere�o from and after July l, 1g6�-. �. That the sewage disposal plant presently on said premises � be maintained and operated by ,Tessee in con�ormance vrith applicable . # state and local laws and ordinances, and at Lessee's expense. � 5. That the said Lessee Vrill maintain the buildings and equip- ment on an.d about said premises i.n good cond.ition and. �,rill return � said premises and the buildings thereon in as good condition and � � repair, together s+rith the improvements and alteration hereinbefoxe ' �entioned, and excepting ordinary wear and tear and damage by the � � elements. - i - It is further a�reed by and betvreen the Paxties hereto: � 1. That in case the buildings on said demised premises sha.11, without f�.ult or neglect on the part of said Lessee or oi' said � 1 � Zesseets servants or employees, be destroyed, or be so injured. by _ , the elements or fire or any cause, as to be unter.able and unfit �or occupanc�r, then this tenancy shall at once cease, but if the demi sed � , pxemises can be restored t�rithin sixiy (60) days from the happening of the .injury thereto, and the Zessors within fifteen. (i5�) days ; from the occurrence of such injury elect in Z�rriting to so repair or restore sa.id premises ti�rithin sixty (60) days from the happening of tYie injury thereto, then thzs lease shall not end or ter�ina�e � - . � on account of such injury. 1 ...�. "2' � � XCRQR� --•�--......_�.-...-.�..�....._.�..--.�— XERO� �XE O� � n[`()F�Y� ~("7 COPY .� '_-,-+-'..".. . •C'i ��+- '�COPY�'�."""'�'r'-,.^"'��" ^- + F^+Z � r) P � �-._t.--� J � r i r • J � �y 2. All im.provements or betterments placed by the Lessee on �he . . ti , . �- dem3.sed premises sha11., hos�rever, in any �vent, be r�pl.ac�d or r�- paired by said Lessee at his ovm expense and noi, at the expense . o� said Zessors. ' L 3. The' Lessee vrill hold Lessors harmless and. indemnizy them , from any and all claims, 'damages ox loss resultir_� from �he Lessee's operation of said premises or from the maintenance an.d opera�ion of the buildings on said premises. • ' �. Tha� the said Lessee shal.l have the option to renet�r this lease for an additional term of five (5) years from and after the ` 30th day of June, 1g69, upon such terms and conditions as a.re � t mutually agreed upona � IN TESTII�IONY 'GTHEREOF, The said Parties have hereunto set theiz hands and seals tY?e day and year first above wri�tene � ; � P.pproved as to ioxm and execution � { BY BOA.RD OF COIJI�TTY this day of , 196�+. CO��iISSIOrdERS COUNTY Or R.At�SEY . . � � ' � � . � . � . By� � �2s I,�L�-�- . .- B�r ChairmanJ pf Board of County , Spec. Asst. Attorney General Coi�n.issionerw ; ,� � � � � �/ � � Attest• ; - _ ; P•��a;; :E- �; ���° :. ;,'r;{�-,`1 �,,;s.V.�� APR f� 1964 �� / � � ..'�l':��.�� �....� 'Ji..:fs: .��� � BOAf�d OF "�;f'.,�.Jz ;�f' �:-z c . COUfVTY COMMiS�IONERS Covnty-��A�ic��itior _. _. ��;;;�;��c;�i��t�'-."`".�� . � � Approved as �o foxm: CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL ' .� ,• , � � C� 1', J ,..�� t'l.��.-1�...! �_ ��Y,3�.N.��lf•5.�.\� B' � ' � . �_ Y, Assis�ant County Attorney '� Mayor and Assistant Corporation Counsel Comptroller j { � ' Approved as to execution: and City Clerk , � STATE OF MI�TESOTA � Assistant County Attorrzey DEPARTMENT.OF WELFARE ; . � . , . By , � Assistan� Corporation Counsel Morris Hursh, Coramissioner , APPROVED: . - , .r j ' ' Assis ant Commissioner of Administr�,tio�z ^ i —3— � zr.Rti i _.....--------�--- zeRO ''xErio.�—._...�____^•_--^^.��... __. � � �,. �'7t;Uf�1�' �COPY S �+.- COF'Y� I� �. � ` ' .�-.�-...�-.�� �