217573 �� - - ������� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �-- CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _, _, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE Psilton Rosen DATF April 17, 1964 WHEREAS, The following SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS having met all of the provisions of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul and having made the proper application for a SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS LICENSE, it is hereby ' RESOLVED, That the said SIDEWALR CONTRACTORS upon providing a bond and the payment of the Fifty Dollars ($50.00) license fee, are hereby granted a license authorizing them to engage in the business of SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR in the City of St. Paul for the year 1964. _ Bruss Brothers co„n�;l �e No: 217573—By nautan ' Rosen— Whereas, The following SIDEWALK A1 Ericksen corrrx�,cTOxs na�g met $u of the � provisions of Chapter 220 of the Legis- ' lative Cod�of the City of St. Paul and having made the proper application for Laurence V. Prqtz a SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR�s Li- CENSE, it is hereby Resoived, That the said SIDEWALK CONTFtACTORS upon providing. a t Benjamin H. Townley bond and the paymeat of the Fifty I Dollars ($50.00) license fee, are hereby • - granted a llcense authorizing th�m to engage in the business of SIDEWALK i CONTRACTOR in the City of St. Paul , for tbe year 1964. � Bruss Brothers A1 Ericksen Laurence V. Prytz . Beniamin H. Towniey Adopted by the Council April 17, j 1984. Approved Aprll 17, 1964. � (April 25, 1964) + ; � APR 17 1964 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19! Yeas Nays Dalglish aPR �`� '(�� Holland A roved lg_ �g� In Favor � Mortinson � Peterson • Mayor� A gainst � Rosen ; Mr. President, Vavoulis � iors s-sz , ' o������Te To �R�NTeR " , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNGL ����c��s 3 _ , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER �.1tO� �S�d t� DATF �L`�� I�� 19�F _ mlr�M_ w� 1�,1�7 1 n Vnrlrr R � Wl�A:� `�b� f011OViRg �� t�0i4T��� h�tViDg i!r al'l. 0! th! prar�ri��ant� a� ��er �20 �t ths Lagislati�U Co�s o� the �ity of 8t. i�i�l as�d bariuu� �► e1�s p�x �►l�cictf.as f�r � ��W� CO�� L�s it is h�rebg► ��i 'lh�� �bs s*� ��W� t�DMTl�CZ�S npo�a �rovi�i.a� s 1yos�d � t�s �a�at of ths 1�i�ty poliar� (;�0.00) 1.�c� £�s� �n l�s��r �r�t� �t li� antt�qr3:�Eag t�t Co �mg�g� i�t t� banins�� af tIDiWAL� CO�T�Ci�Q� in �be Ci�r vg �t. .�'snl for tbs �iar 1�64. ��us �rc�th��� . . . . A1 �x�cks�a � �urencs r. �►r�t�c �n�as.tn �. 'xo�rni.p -r- " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish _,_� . Holland Approved " 19— �gg r In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ionz a-sz