217567 1 ► 0121GINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ ITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. �� � ° O IC OF THE CITY CLERK �;. COUN � SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �UBLX�i�iE�, � --/8 C PRES NTED BY � c April 13� 1.� � COMMISSIONE DATF , � r RFSOL�TED, That the Council hereby approves the awaxd of tlie Purchasing Couffittee t1�erePor and hereby award.s contract �or �urnishil� for the Depart�nt of Pub73c ' Works, Buxeau o� Constraction and R�pairs, Varions Locations, Saint Paul, Minneso�ta, approximate]y 1000 Cubic Yards, more or ]�ess according to requirements, Ready Mixed Cement �or period from April l, 196�+ through March 31, 1965, to TRANSIT-NaX CO�TCRETE C�Il'ADT3C in accord.ance wi�th City specifications there�'or hereto at�ached and the ; Fozmal Bid ��9688 of said Trans3t Mix �oacrete Compan�r at a cost oP approximatel,y � $16,700.00 (at unit prices bid), such b3d 'being the la�rest and said Tran.sit Mix I ' , • Concrete Compaay being a reasonable and reliable bidder s�.d the Corpora,tion Co Jsel � be anci: hereby is directed to draw up the pxro�per �orm o� con.tract there�or and the er Ci � prop ty o�ficials hereby are authorized to execute sa3d contract on beha].� of the �� � City of Sa.int Paul. �+incil Flle,No. 217567 — By rtiito;` �nsen— - ' esolved, That the Council hem� � � ��mves the award of the Purchas� ; F02�8..1 �.d �,�,mittee therefor and hereby aw� ' ��"�hct fcti•furnishing for the Dea�? �nE' °f 3 �' h�c WorksJ _Rvr f,unq 7�T°.r�iG�,O.,ct?d Repaivy�P.��bksx to `� _ -_ - _ _ _ _�3a brF:,no�:.�r MSl sr t.�99�-t7.^�. , _ - - --- � • bi' ���ulsb:.° `3 ��' ' - 's' 'I '[f.tFii18 1;f! �..'ff..:.'� AP R �� 1��4 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish • ' �pR �� 1�6� Holland , roved � 19— Loss n Favor Mortinson (� Peterson , Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iont a-ez I t DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER r������� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ��'�� � ' ` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,_: COUNCIC �RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �j�]. �� �„�. COMMISSIONER DATF 1�01`1�D, �.at t�te Coundil hereb3r app�ov�es 'th� �r�, b�' � �'urche.�3n� Com�t.t't,�e th�ref'or aud �areby a�tar@e �vntract for furnYsh�.ng �ar tla� D�ar�n`t of Pub�.a i►Torks, �u•eau q� Coustar��to�a. and Rep�,3.�s, Vax�ow� TACatione, �nt Paul, M3:nneso't.a, agpra�dme.t�ly Z000 C�bie Yexds, �aore ar les� accord'I.r�g to rec�u,ireme�'t$, R�a.�y Mix�d Cem�.t �'qar per3ocl �xr� Apr�l �.� lg� '�hmU�i MaxGh 31, 1965, '�o TRAti'�r-1�C Ct�R� �C�I.'A.�Y �. a,ccorda,�c� �i-h,� City specii'i.ca�3c,�g 'tl�ei'�ei�or lier�to at�a�hed. �a.d 't�,e 1�'o�a,.1 &�.d �968$ af �aid Trarisi��3x �o��re'� Cpat�ar�y at a �a�t of �ppr�ca��s�1,y �?=�,704.Q0 (at tm3:�t �r3��g bid), suCh 'bir�. beii�►g 'the lchres� �,nc1 sa3c1 �rar�.��,�*M�x Cos�are� Ca�ax�t 'bt�ng �, reasonabZe anc� re�.�.�b1�e bici.d,�r ��. �he Ct�r,�or�,tic� �o�e�. be �n.d her�by �s c'�i.�ected to c7�t � �he $raper foz� of ca�.'trac� there�c�r �x�,d 'th� �z'o'.per ��t,�r c��'P3.a�.e.� hereby .are au�or3.$ed to e�ec�t,e ��.d Can'traet c�. t�hal� oP 't� C3.t3r o� 8�nt �'attl.. �'orme.l. Bid �968g: �1P� i'� 1��4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� j,-( ���'} Holland Approved 19— �g� In Favor Mortinson � Peterson Mayor A gainst Aosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions s-sa