217566 � . ������ � ORIGINAL TO GT\;CLERK % -=�- ,.��, CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � � ,�t CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �iJBLrsr�D _ _� PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONE � DATF MaT'Ch 2O� Z�� ! RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award. of the Contract Com¢nittee F therefbr and hereby awa,rds contra.ct for f'urnishing all la.bor, ma,terials an.d serv:ices necessary for and reasonably i.ncidental to the wrecking only of' dwelling, garage and out buildings and removal of steps, walls, walks and miscel]_a.neous � concrete and debris located at 190 Ea,st Minnehaha Avenue, Saint Pau1, Minnesota., to A. K�SH CONlPANY in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Informal Bid �6603 of said A. Kamish Compantiy for the contract price of $415.00, such bid being the lowest and said A. Kamish Company being a reasona,ble and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Coun.sel be and hereby is direc�ted to draw up the proper form of contract there�'or, and the proper City f officials h�reby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City � � of Saint Paul. < <��l File No. 2175H8—By Frank L. ved, That the Councll hereby �a,;es the award oi the Contract ITlf01'RI]9.1. B1C�. ��3. �cee therePor and hereby awards , � . - ^ _ _ i� yi for £urnishirx: ;,1 i,,bor, ma- ---� - . .�! ;eivice^ �� and . - '2a;ti.: -}Ir:�, j3l:O�'tdin•.: ,�tevr.a•, -;, , s:oaoasol�,i �o o.ing ^ ,.[0.;iE,'c'�: Yo z�ai ,sdt z�ba ° ^:it`ioz':b :�,.>- ' .r.+- ' . . i ) r t V ! • t APR 1'7 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ' 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish AP R 1'7 1964; Holland provec� � 19— Loss t � n Favor Mortinson r Peterson (� lMayor A gainst Rosen � � Mr. President, Vavoulis ` lODi 8-82 � � �� � DUrLICATE TO ►RINTER ������� � - � _ ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , ._� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� �� 1�JA COMMISSIONER DATF ����' - R�OL'I�D, Tha,t the Coua�cil �ereby dpprcr�s �e �rd' oP `t�e Co�i.tract Cowod.ttee '�b.er��or and hereby �exd.g con�tr�.ct far #`urniah3.bg all J.abor, �,�taria,l,s eu�d eervi�e� ae�eesary for �uad rea�ar�ably inc3dQnt�]. to the �rreck�.ng an],Y cr.� d�11in8, g�,r�g� ead ou� b�L].c�ing� and renaval of �'t�s, w�l].s, wa]ks erl.d ffiecellan,eous cannx�te and debris 3.oca.ted e�t 1�0 �,at Mi.nn�ha Avenu�e, Saint P�►ul., l�ti.nne�of,a, ' to A. �IISH CC��X �.n. �ccordance �3�th City speci�Yaati�e �herefor h�r�to �,tf�ch�d �d the S�orm�,]. Bid �66�� cr.e �aid A. lC�aiah Coa�i�y �'or the c�trr�et price of �+15.00, � bid b��1ag � 1.vw�eat and s�ia A. �m3.eli Co�y '�eing a re�,sar�bl�e and rel.ia�ble bidd�r, �,nc�. tl�e Corpore,��a�, Cou�sel 'be �d �ie�eliy ie direoted �to drax up 't,�e proper �ornt o� co�a.�tract th�re�Qra arid t,hs prap�r City o�.ci�els �ereby axe �,utl�or3zed to ex.ecu� e�id C€x�.��aot s� behalP o� 'F,hs �ity � �nt pe�u�., _ In:�orm�]. Bi.d �6603* �PR 1'� 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish y�'�` ="_° ���E� Holland Approved 19.— �ss �In Favor Mortinson Peteraon � Mayor . A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lODS 6-82