217563 , ;�,/� + y _ Je:_�JBLi`�JI'1L�, � � �r(� -� �.k ����� _��SRIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' y a � 1 . • ,� -- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO_ ..�. G_ f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �., .. � .,., ,s:ncil File No. 217563—By James J. �� , S// COUN SOL 10 '�E�N�ERAL FORM ��Blish—Bernard T. Fiolland—Frank ' , 1� Loss — Seyerin A. Mortinson — PRESENTED BY �l ) �� �hert F. Peterson—Milton Rosen— COMMISSIONE * DAT • r �.-.,e J. Vavoulis, Mayor�- � • �eas: The Cit�y of ��iRt Pa1�.'t c�ll.'�;at•_� ' 4;.��•'�-�ii..l.`i� � •,�ioh "+.�,�us .yv-•, . /"�'D } , _ _ W�IEREAS, the City of Saint Pa�l (hereia� ealled the nApp icant")_ after thorough eonsideration of the vario�s i aspects of the prablem and study of available data has hereby• - determined that ,the construetion of a certair3. publia work, ' generally deseribed as �he Saint Paul A�ditorium Exhibition Hall, is desirable and in. the public interest and to that end it is neeessary that action preliminary to the construction of said works be taken immediately; and WHEREAS, under the terms of Publia Law 560, 83rd Congress, as a.mended, the IInited Sta�es of America has authorized the making of advances to public bodies to aid in finaneing the oost of engineering and arehitectural surveys, desigr�s, plans, working drawing� speQifieations or other action pre- liminary to and in preparation for the eonstruction of publi� works; and � , WHEREAS, tY�e applican.t has examined and duly considered such aet and the appliea.nt con�iders it to be in the publiQ ' interes� and to its benefit to file an application tander said aet and to authoriae other action in Qonnection �herewith; ; NOW, THEREFOxE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Counail o� the � City o� Saint Paul, the governing body of said applieant, as � follows: .__ „ r ...� . -�- `1. TYiat� the constrnction of said public work is essential to and is �o the best interests of ; the applicant, and to the end �Ghat such publia , work may be provided as promptly as practiaable � it is desirable t�aat action preliminary to the ' construction the�eof be un.dertaken immediately; ; FOR P�R � 2• That the Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium an.d ��ivic Btzildings be hereby authorized to �rpora io� Counsel fiie in behalf of the applicant sn application , , (in form required by the United �tates an.d in ? COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ' Holland , Approved 19_ Loss ' ' Tn Favor � Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis lODi 8-82 � i ' e `IgRIG NAL TO CITY CLERK � �'���� a� ' , - ; � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� o `r9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ �` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE J � I .. Page 2. ; s co�tbrmity with said act) for an advanee to be ' made by the United States to �he Applicant to aid in. defraying the cost of plan preparation ' for the above deseribed public work� whiah shall � consist generally of preliminary plans for said , E�hibition Hall and necessary schematic plan�; ,, xia:: S� � 3. TY�'at if such advance be made, the applicant shall provide or make necessary arrangemen�Gs � to provide suah funds, in addition to the advance� as may be req�.ired to defray the cost of plan pr�eparation of sueh public work; • , 4. �'he said Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium ' and Civia Bu.ildings i� hereby authorized to � furnish s�ch information and take such aation as may be necessary to en.able the appliean.t to qualify for the advan.ce; ' , 5. That tY�e officer designated in the preceding . paragraph is hereby designated as the authoritied � representati�e of the appliQant foP the purpose of f�a.rnishing to the IInited �tates such ir�forma- ' � tion, .data, and documents pertaining to tY�e ` application �or an advance as may be required; , and otherwise to act as the authorized repre- ., sentative of the applicant in conneetion with t2�is application. . 6. That Qertified copies of this resolution be � included as part of the application for an. ' advance to be s�bmitted to the United States. � � y � APR :l 6 19 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish °� APR 16 1 6� Holland Approved � lg_ Loss � , n Favor �� � ' Mortinson ' Peterson _ U Nlayor Rosen • A gainst f Mr. President, Vavoulis ' iont s-sz ,